Sunday, 10 September 2017

Small Simple Shifts ~ Grand Loving Change ~ Mastery Within

Truly giving mastery to all that we say, think, and create-co-create; 
Refine into your Divine mastery is the allowance, exaltation, and compromise within the ALL that is truly us; all soul paths, all soul healing, and allowing the healing in each unique way that it is intended to add to the whole, the color of the Divine bouquet that we were meant to be ~ this is truly Christed Sovereignty, Sovereign allowance, and encouragement and empowerment to nourish the unique ride and joy that we were each meant to create ~ to be, to love, to express, to explore. How far we have come dear lighted ones,

We oftentimes we create greater separation unknowningly when we define our crystalline children as 'different' ~ Just as we do with one another. We do this as parents and loved ones to our families to show them their specialness, but can also create indifference and add to the separation they feel - so how we say and emit our Oneness within is key to the words we use, how we say and express our own Oneness is key to the link that we are here to empower children to also seek their fulfillment and unity reunification within themselves. 

Just as our awakening our own unique ascension was not found through the path of others, it is found when we go within and seek the answers, the wisdom, the energetic connection with Mother Father God within, and our knowingness of our entanglement within all Creation and our bloodline goes father than we think, and know.  So too is the path of our children to find their link, their purpose, passion, and service cannot be found within what we think, desire for them, but to guide and compassionately direct them to know it is within them. Their link with God, their link with Creation, their link with their Divine soul blueprint, is within them.  As a parent, we automatically desire to answer and help, and support and serve by giving it all, however we are now arising to the dimensional frequency to know that they come here as masters and we can do far greater service to offer a safe and exploratory platform in which they can seek within, create within, and know they have all they need within them.  Not through our answers, but to seek and find it within themselves. How profound it is that we can begin these higher dimensional dialogue and begin anew ~ what light we each carry for change. 

Enjoy and be in peace within and empower your world with loving emanations of encouragement and joy for who we are becoming, and what we each offer to the Divine ~ be present within your peace, your love, your celebration and see how these minor shifts of essence within shape the reality around you and to those that you love as well ~ 

Blessings and light, joy, happiness,

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