Saturday, 23 September 2017

Collective Harmonic Song ~ A New Song, A New Dance

Greetings dear golden ones,

September 23, 2017 ~ Fall Equinox and Ceremony to LOVE

So excited to dance, celebrate, commune, and allow the Divine to flow within our sacred etheric chambers ~ 
Join us this morning as we entangle within the Heavenly essence of the Christed frequency of new beginnings, new harmonic intent, and the collective song of peace and harmony ~ 
Never underestimate the power to create, alter, soften, shift your reality experience ~ You are the master of love, you are the master of light! And so it is, and so you are.
We are truly entering, in this very moment, into the threshold of new and it is a gift, a blessing, a Divine and Heavenly offering that will allow you to be in the soul blueprint and cosmic mission that you have designed for yourself ~ 

These are auspicious times to step up into something new, take chance, take a risk within the heart, and know you are guided, loved, supported, by all that is new presenting itself for you ~ clear the way dear ones, for you are being ushered into ANEW!

There is nothing that we cannot create and manifest anew. We are all ambassadors, stewards, and care-takers, mothers, fathers, and celestial angelic frequencies of profound potential ~ how may you create from the excitement and inspirations that your Divine Higher Mind, Sacred Communion with Source, and All That Is gifting and offering?  You were born to embrace your expansiveness and create within it.  And so it is, and so you are.  

May you breathe in this innate Divine truth of Heavenly 'IS-ness' and walk in peace, walk in joy, for you are so much beauty to behold!

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