Monday, 26 August 2024

Understanding Your Destiny is only written for you - no other - based on all your journeys & consciousness

#5D #DESTINY of Your Soul - #soulsDestiny #spiritualJourney #yourDestiny #soulspurpose #GodsDestinyforYou #5DAscension #selfActualization 

 IF ALL knew within a renewed spiritual centering that Source, Mother Father, God have a unique and divine destiny for you, a destiny for all - GOD has a divine destiny for all that all is needed, blessed, and needed for all of earth and the entire multiverse to be in higher working order - 

There are universal laws for all universal life  It is that simple
The surrender and letting go, healing allows for all to simply go for the ride and be lifted by God  If you choose to remain in wounding, there will be many ego-deaths, and towers until you sit and do the inner work 

You are a soul You are a vast multi-vibrational multidimensional being and such, you have infinite lives that you choose, and you remain at in consciousness - your level of awakening within the all = consciousness and such will be your lifting to new evolutionary levels and realms and ribbons of the all within bandwidths of loving song God, Source, offers the all - why the truth that there is nothing more important right now than your spiritual journey and it has little to do with 'religion' 

Religion - like a store within a mall of all things we 3E for our exploration of what has been, what we have been told, shown, forced, and even chose but is not who we are at the highest level - 

Your consciousness which is entirely within your control, management, and commandmentship of who you are, what you exist within, and what exists within you - only you and your relationship and connection with all life - this is our journey into oneness and harmonization back with Source - 
All are in leadership of who they are as source returning to source - sovereignty 
And will not be found in the 3D old pillars of what we were taught 
* 5D Pillars are - Sacred Trinity in pure heart felt commandmentship of our divine sovereignty of our liberation of 3E's -  The Souls exploration, the Souls Expression, The Souls Experience -- - - 

When you are awake - you become more of a conscious creator and align in your heart rather than mind trauma and patterns of lower vibrational beliefs and mind-viruses 

The NEW COMPASS for our Divine path forward - Inner - outer  / Above & Below 

The Heavens, Your guides, your highest self, spirit, celestials, systems of light 
The Gaia - there is divine wisdoms, information, energy, and our future, all pasts in our lands, life, nature, animals 
The Collective - our entire one heart of all our family of all that our compassionate hearts are of all for the all - and why socio-altruism is the way 

~~~ no religion or politics nor social old way will show you the way to self actualization for it is based on low 3D consciousness - we are meant for more 

is light and it is wise, expansive, held within all dimensions above - the darker, denser is held within who you believe yourself to be and what patterns operate in such beliefs 

You manifest all based on your vibration and it is more evident now than ever that being a consciousness creator is not just a fad or woke meme - we are divine beings and there is a higher intelligence that is not held within Lower 3D ways and beliefs education - we are divine and our soul, our DNA and our consciousness is all that is our eternal life and vastness expansive consciousness 
When you enter into 5D - you enter into the splitting of your consciousness through which you have access to be on any timeline of energy and bodies you chose, life you chose, for the lessons, and themes for you to overcome and live anew - all is your full story and full-bodied richness of being full with spirit - 

We are diverse as every flower and insect, bird, animal,  It is in our diversity that our genius exists  And it is in our hybridizing of bringing all that we are in union and being new for higher realm explorations, expressions, and experiencing - this is our destiny  Not to rapture another and take them into oblivion or take them out of who they were born to be  Or make them what they are not by abusing, taking, and bringing such harm, and sabotage that they simply would choose to be somewhere else - we are here to promote our planet as peaceful, loving, divine, and accepting - the heavens will not support us - the federations of peace will not support us if we cannot sport and honour our diversity within ourselves 

If you choose to practice dark occult - do it on yourself and not interefere - never interfere with the innocence and path of God of any - that is a divine rule of all federations - there are higher order ethics and integrity and it is lessons within us all to learn - for we have been taught, told, shown the incorrect and limited rules of those that benefit in keeping us in suppression -  You wanted many varieties of beliefs and structures and educations  You wanted to live in many areas and styles of song You wanted to have new friends and true tribe when you release the abuses, lies, and karmic cycles -  You allow for the new bandwidth of the song that God is for you - 

When you understand universal laws - that is all that is needed to maintain eternal life with Source  All you require is to heal what was and break free of all limitations and staunch idle ways, beliefs, repressions, suppressions - - any level of control, suppression, forcing, manipulation of any aspect of energy is your own blocking to the bottleneck you create in the 'playing God' of energy that is the natural order of flow for all levels of dimensional song 

There are various aspects of dimension - consciousness is the only key to move in any navigation and it is not low dark of corrupt lies, deception, wounding behaviours that light exists for your healing - only in the self love and caring of your life, what you manifest and knowing you affect every person on all reality by your vibration and your actions - all is affected by you - therefore ........
may you raise your consciousness - - - not all have infinite access to the heavens and you will not receive a light body nor a divine soul mate, nor a divine path, nor infinite offerings of Gods heavenly gardens - you must earn it You earn your next timeline, and your next body, mind, and you are the only one to transmute your karma and poor wounded choices - * when you do magic to interfere with another in any way - for your selfish gain - you will live forever in the darker realms in the debts you have chosen out of your low vibrational wounded beliefs - of your separation of you and Source, love and God - and all choose their path and why we see all being tested - 

* DF have a voice, choice - when we say no - you will not assume place and standing in our life when it has been nothing but loss, damage, lies abuse - it means no - and there will be agreements, the legions, and protections orders to ensure we receive our safety as we make the earth a safe place for all future generations - that is earning your space of light - * set boundaries - not all deserve your energy and light nor space * set clear directions and rules of engagement - all must do their inner work - none will do the work for you, nor take your karma away, nor be your dumping space - you chose in your wounding and thus then, healing your wounding is key - this you live from a vibration of love, light, care, compassion * when none are there for you when things get rough - that will be your tribe when God blesses you - For Source, your own guides, and your own angels will test you - for what realms you sit in vibrationally You will not receive sacred life if you do not respect sacred life - * never lie on another live in truth * never destroy anothers life for your wounding, choosing, or vibration * allow the universal laws are the guiding compass * if you abuse yourself - you will likely use another therefore thus then - please please please LOVE YOURSELF

IT IS THAT SIMPLE LOVE yourself - if you love yourself - you would not do harm to any other and you earn your next shift in loving dimensional vibrations We are eternal beings - you either sit in darkness and selfishness taking or you live your light and preciousness and heal - Our entire social world requires new higher vibrationally aligned beings and what matters most is our spiritual journey and the higher understanding of SOURCE - IT All - We are divine beings We are eternal The light and the blessing is in all moments you choose to heal and let go and level up You cannot expect Gods goodness when all you do is corrupt, steal, lie, manipulate or spell cast a forced outcome - All corruption is being cleansed - all dark bodies, minds, will show itself 

Dimensions The toroidal The dimensions The universes all is all Light is love Love is light 
Corrupt government and corrupt secret societies = its time to surrender and come correct and clear your karma GOD SEES and knows ALL 

***** Book your ascension ******* 90min $233USD ***
readings, sessions, healings, activations and story of a new alignment for 5D living 
Eternal life is divine light and each have their unique destiny and all that is needed is a going within to be your sacredness with Source - God of #5D and all-ness infinite not segmented, nor separate nor small - but all-ness - allow all to be who they are - allow, accept, acknowledge and thus you can be new in all new days presented and you will not ascend nor will you be ranked when you sabotage, block, harm, take, even sacrifice - carry no ones karma - all must do their own inner work and clear their own karma 


Blessings and light

I am a healer, I am a teacher, I am a seer, and multi-dimensional conduit -
I am here for the advancement of new earth and honour of light intelligence -

Abuses to DF #humantesting  THE ONLY COMMUNICATION GOES THROUGH   ONLY DONATIONS and sessions bookings go through only here; I WILL NOT accept pop-ups nor dropping in due to relentless attacks, sacrificing, obsessing on my life when none have been anywhere but tormenting my life 

- I have been self made They are not never were my friends tribe, nor family - I don't even know these people - they are the secret underground of my exes poor choices and all were warned to stop - reports made several times, legally have been advised on my steps and processes - they are 100% pathological liars - petty immature satanic rituals to take, steal, copy, and pretend they what they steal - they have brought chaos to an entire city due to  * no sense of self  * jealousy, envy  * selfishness greed gluttony Decades of secret society abuse - I will sue all and the money will be shown, receipts and all be seen for every deed and regardless of position - all will face what they have done - and I called this 6yrs ago - what a 100% waste of my life due to selfish mental fuck shit games and suppression of my channel, life, and work - #youtubecorruption All have been told - they have done nothing but act, behave to torment and ensure I never recieve -  I am worthy and deserving of receiving - who is anyone to say what I deserve and not deserve - it is utter insanity - 

Groups to attack and block, derail - my life - who the hell are these people to say who and what I will be and receive  God is all over this and done is done all were told  Leave me be Creational reality is and life is your proof -  TRUTH IS TRUTH and I spoke on it  I AM of Gods messenger and none have say what God is of me -  GOD IS and will lift that which is proof -  I AM  Joanna
#ascension  #corruptionisDone New earth is peace, justice, fairness, honour of all life and health for all heal your wounds, so they do not become another's RETURN all magic, return all abuses - done is done - I know Who I am GOD IS GOD WRITES - 3 D wounded misogynists are not the writers of humanity's destiny



And so be it Joanna © I am the 'Rising Sun' #ascension #healinghumanity May 24, 2024 As by the Systems of Light and Heavenly Councils for Orders of light, love, and eternal life Donations and offerings --->

After 6+ long unnecessary years of delays derailing and expenses ~ $50k + in legal fees that I did not have ~ Fighting for my voice rights ~ as of May 24, I am officially legally mentally spiritually everything - ally divorced liberated free and divinely independent Self reliant Self made Courts stamp Done ✅ Never again! The worst most horrible experiences with those that refuse to let you go ~ play with your life and pretend to ‘want the best’ for all ~ a load of crap 💩

I pray for the highest healing of all that went through this with me - - and deep gratitude for the handful that that were there ~~~  Now it’s finally done ✅ Never ever again! If anyone would love to donate in celebration of this incredible challenging barely Survivable experience ~~~ I would be so grateful ~ my New life finally begins Live and learn Officially alive again! I reclaim my power light voice life So be it I am that I am Thank you 🙏 God Amen amen 🙏 amen

The reconnection in love and blessedness of your breath with all matter is your Godliness and your free will What manifested is your own proof of the Source Creator Your own health and otherwise This is the blessing of movement of Source in all life of all life And so be it

None will make money off of my unique and coded work - I am the maker and channel of my work and all will be blocked and so - honour the system of BEING spiritual -

Donations and return of all monies and property stolen and taken, withheld - 
There will not be any possibility of redo, or recycling - Source, God is moving me and there will no longer be access to use and abuse

May 17, 2024 copyright © New Earth Laws of New Health, Growth, Higher Order Alignments for expansion of all life These are of sacred offering for the greater good on behalf of Systems of Light, Councils of Light, Galactic Federations And so be it Speak the voice of the innocent for the innocent All futures Now

And so it is
No more corruption, no further exploitation
All are being judged through their own soul - unity consciousness or continue in ignorance
That is your choice and your earth -

or private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at

#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership

5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery


#hybridchildren  ©

All of my work is copyright to me of me from the Divine for the evolutionary blessings of humanity

Transcending lower vibrational patterns of disease and beliefs of accepting disease and spiritual malnutrition of your systems - it is all within your power - #ExploreAscensionHealing #ExpressAscensionHealing #ExperienceAscensionHealing Blessings humanity for new light and life Joanna #ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #GodMind #higherself

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