Tuesday, 27 August 2024

Elite Soul Harvesting - the New White Collar Criminals #5D New Earth

 How those that do not even know you

Those that judge target harass you and sacrifice you over 40 times and do over 400 rituals to test taunt torment you and withhold and treat you like dirt sue to their wrong sense of self righteousness and elitism * they gathered 50 + to take me out and human test me force me into insanity and suicide for them to take it all * #ERPerez how much has been spent the past 10 yrs as you have been enslaving while you take steal copy and treat me like a slave - Cinderella and you all played arrogant elite corrupt criminals that think they own handle drive direct any others life ~ #calgaryCults & #calgaryAbuse 
Covert Occult Abuse is very real and white collar criminals use it hourly to take, get, have what they are too lazy and refusing to face their inner demons and shadow 
- ALL PAST HAVE BEEN BLOCKED and will always be 
- you do not get to attempt
my life 500 times and think you are a pal 

* I have been celibate for 15yrs
* I have been estranged for 8yrs of my corrupt shady ex and their sex coven of criminals that plotted on my demise as they stole, ruined veiled my life
* I moved over 4yrs ago - I have none in my circle
I entertain none - there is none in my life - especially asses of the past - I have none in my circle

devil ass thieves and what occurs when you try to play god all for the love of money - they will go down - all of them - all - I will sue all

NONE are in my energy - all cleansed and blocked rebuked - they are a crappy shitty ass - and will be rebuked - you do not corrupt ass torment my life - your life is a mess and you are not healed - #ERPEREZ you are not my person -0 you need a psyche ward - and I will sue every one of you - you are a slimy selfish ass greedy ass 0- you are blocked forever -

FUCK OFF all past - NO MEANS NO and I will seek protection orders - you dont get to scam plot plan my death 500 times and think your abuse is love - you are toxic and will never touch my life -

#ERPEREZ - - - you tormented me for decades - you can fuck yourself #CalgaryCults - you will not return to my life - you are a selfish liar and warlocks - you return when God blesses me - you are a thief and liar - I barely survived and you will be blocked cut off until eterminity is over -

#calgary #undergroundMurderPlots for money and talent swaps for the militia that have 0 connection with Source and thus will be their own demise of their own selfish targeting karma -= I will not protect your dirty deeds -

You all know your deeds and intentions

So they target, scheme, plot, plan - and the innocent that are the ones actually doing all the work, prayer and healing work and devotion to spirit and higher moral codes and ethics - we get screwed on every level and the only survival of their secret society abuse is through our devotion of what we learn along the way in doing our inner work - healing and being our own path - never bowing nor surrendering to the devils that will follow you ten fold and they will spy ten fold until you feel sad, or tired or exhausted from their daily attacks and they hover like hungry wolves of hate and no sense of self to do a destiny soul swap on you - 

SO sick and so very real - #calgaryReligiousMisguidance - utter misguidance and wrong use of occult skills, tools and they give all spiritualists a bad name - 
* while they have done nothing short of killing me in person and has been in their plots - they have schemed every scheme and paid every voodooist on the planet - they have used, abused, spent, degraded and derailed their relentless stalking to try and take me out for what IS NOT THEIRS 
* they try to destiny swap and corrupt the divination field and use any and all they can for money - they have no idea what love is and have 0 moral compass and yet these sick ass false elite that think they have decisioning on any - are the lowest vibrational and lowest intelligence and feel entitled to ruin, degrade and kill others for their rules of 'what is allowable and what is not' while they abuse use, traffic and exploit innocent to want to commit suicide due to their sick mental projections, mindscraping, and aching for you to bow to their level of enslavement -  * they veiled all of my work to have me never be seen known, while they steal all of my work -  While I sit homeless 
They take harvest my soul until there is nothing left and still I survive their hate rituals and enslavement while they pretend and try to look act pretend we are pals - when I have not talked with any ever -  * fake clients - paying for your partners long and wide of all ages and kinds - illegal and you walk freely to keep abusing and stalking for the wealthy - 
#secretSociety abuse and I will sue every one of you that have put my name in your mouth and took part in abusing, knowing and doing nothing -  #calgaryinheritancefraud  #calgaryKingsCourtFraud * none of you that you are, hang with, call friends or business - is all corrupt and none of you even know an ounce of me - besides your crass stalking, spying, schemes plots of criminal activity on my life which is illegal - none of you have a legal right - I will prove in court  * none of you speak to me in a decade besides legal - check all my phone records, bank records - while we check yours and see the criminal ins and outs of what is not yours and while you have an ounce to judge me as you impale me daily to force your way back into my life all for money - you breathe money - I breathe source 
I breathe truth and simplicity you breathe lies manipulation and controlling people for your gain - I will sue all of you - all of you -  * as they run underground activity - how who did they get the money to do what was done - live full time career on bullying targeting me - do the financial audit - follow the money - 

and falsify ID and claims on my Name all false while they are the ‘moral compass’ and they think they play god on monies not theirs to dictate what I am as I sit in prayer - they traffic 
* they will never get my mailing address * ALL COMMUNICATION goes to my Lawyer ~ JNelson@speclaw.ca Due to the 500 attempts on my life - you are insane if you think I will meet with you without police present  #calgarypolice  The only reason I made it out of your hell pit of hell - intentional murder plots is God and God only 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzwMDgk2yFQ&t=2493s I will not meet I will not hang for drinks I will not pick up calls nor Email Decades of tormenting abuse as I ration and live off nothing you all played God and I will sue * I will sue banks and legal representation for thinking allowing such is human rights * I will sue 50+ involved in playing stalking spying pocket watching witch warlock corrupt thieves on my life as if I am your rat to abuse and test You all had corrupt intentions You are evil vile criminals and every day you withhold what doesn’t fucking belong to you is what and how much karma I will seek for the cruel unnecessary fucking with my life health stress PTSD ~ when I have done nothing to any but seek divorce and peace and health / You are abusers and the world will know your names and false elite titles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12auwNAs624&t=7157s
None had an ounce See my videos emails legal - all sought rights legal return and they all lied Fraud Theft Criminal offences I will sue every business legal real estate police banking firms ~ #calgarycourts #calgarycrime #calgaryfraud And who will return the 8 yrs + they have already spent - lavish vacations and homes while I sat homeless I will seek emotional distress Isolation from my children Damage and losses of wages while the abused power in my Life in every way #calgarypolice All communications go through my lawyer 
~ I will never speak to any again Human rights abuse Abuse of power Discrimination Theft Doppleganger Exploitation Illegal surveillance Corrupt government secret human testing ~ falsifying personal life data * abuse of privacy laws * abuse of technology laws * defamation of character * emotional mental spiritual abuse trauma to induce corrupt narrative for their gain The list goes on and the world will know every day all were involved in such evil agendas ~ to 1DF healer ~ So sad And I have to heal from daily sick abuse tactics None even know me nor would even have an ounce of right how who I live my Life when they live poly sex coven crime rings / like you are the moral compass

#humantesting #elitecorruption
#elitHarvesting #corruptioninCalgary

#eliteSoulHarvesting - - the new white collar criminals
Rather than do the inner healing and connection with spirit God within - they have been so entrained in money, false title and not healing their inner wounding they turn to taking, raping, harvesting any and all and then have the audacity to claim they are the higher moral ground for leadership - See you all in court - 

I will sue all involved Government Secret group All businesses All https://www.youtube.com/live/6lXQCRpJ... I am that I am #secretsocietyabuse Joanna PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss * all communications go through all monies go through my Lawyer ~~~ JNelson@speclaw.ca I will not give any personal details

Joanna Paypal.me/JoannaLRoss

I am a healer, I am a teacher, I am a seer, and multi-dimensional conduit -
I am here for the advancement of new earth and honour of light intelligence -

Abuses to DF #humantesting  THE ONLY COMMUNICATION GOES THROUGH  JNelson@Speclaw.ca.   ONLY DONATIONS and sessions bookings go through only here; PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss I WILL NOT accept pop-ups nor dropping in due to relentless attacks, sacrificing, obsessing on my life when none have been anywhere but tormenting my life 

- I have been self made They are not never were my friends tribe, nor family - I don't even know these people - they are the secret underground of my exes poor choices and all were warned to stop - reports made several times, legally have been advised on my steps and processes - they are 100% pathological liars - petty immature satanic rituals to take, steal, copy, and pretend they what they steal - they have brought chaos to an entire city due to  * no sense of self  * jealousy, envy  * selfishness greed gluttony Decades of secret society abuse - I will sue all and the money will be shown, receipts and all be seen for every deed and regardless of position - all will face what they have done - and I called this 6yrs ago - what a 100% waste of my life due to selfish mental fuck shit games and suppression of my channel, life, and work - #youtubecorruption https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZYCG... All have been told - they have done nothing but act, behave to torment and ensure I never recieve -  I am worthy and deserving of receiving - who is anyone to say what I deserve and not deserve - it is utter insanity - 

Groups to attack and block, derail - my life - who the hell are these people to say who and what I will be and receive  God is all over this and done is done all were told  Leave me be Creational reality is and life is your proof -  TRUTH IS TRUTH and I spoke on it  I AM of Gods messenger and none have say what God is of me -  GOD IS and will lift that which is proof -  I AM  Joanna
#ascension  #corruptionisDone New earth is peace, justice, fairness, honour of all life and health for all heal your wounds, so they do not become another's RETURN all magic, return all abuses - done is done - I know Who I am GOD IS GOD WRITES - 3 D wounded misogynists are not the writers of humanity's destiny



And so be it Joanna © I am the 'Rising Sun' #ascension #healinghumanity May 24, 2024 As by the Systems of Light and Heavenly Councils for Orders of light, love, and eternal life Donations and offerings ---> Paypal.me/JoannaLRoss

After 6+ long unnecessary years of delays derailing and expenses ~ $50k + in legal fees that I did not have ~ Fighting for my voice rights ~ as of May 24, I am officially legally mentally spiritually everything - ally divorced liberated free and divinely independent Self reliant Self made Courts stamp Done ✅ Never again! The worst most horrible experiences with those that refuse to let you go ~ play with your life and pretend to ‘want the best’ for all ~ a load of crap 💩

I pray for the highest healing of all that went through this with me - - and deep gratitude for the handful that that were there ~~~  Now it’s finally done ✅ Never ever again! If anyone would love to donate in celebration of this incredible challenging barely Survivable experience ~~~ I would be so grateful ~ my New life finally begins PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss Live and learn Officially alive again! I reclaim my power light voice life So be it I am that I am Thank you 🙏 God Amen amen 🙏 amen

The reconnection in love and blessedness of your breath with all matter is your Godliness and your free will What manifested is your own proof of the Source Creator Your own health and otherwise This is the blessing of movement of Source in all life of all life And so be it

None will make money off of my unique and coded work - I am the maker and channel of my work and all will be blocked and so - honour the system of BEING spiritual -

Donations and return of all monies and property stolen and taken, withheld - 
There will not be any possibility of redo, or recycling - Source, God is moving me and there will no longer be access to use and abuse


May 17, 2024 copyright © New Earth Laws of New Health, Growth, Higher Order Alignments for expansion of all life These are of sacred offering for the greater good on behalf of Systems of Light, Councils of Light, Galactic Federations And so be it Speak the voice of the innocent for the innocent All futures Now

And so it is
No more corruption, no further exploitation
All are being judged through their own soul - unity consciousness or continue in ignorance
That is your choice and your earth -

or private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at JoannaCosmicAngel@yahoo.com

#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership

5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery


#hybridchildren  ©

All of my work is copyright to me of me from the Divine for the evolutionary blessings of humanity


Transcending lower vibrational patterns of disease and beliefs of accepting disease and spiritual malnutrition of your systems - it is all within your power - #ExploreAscensionHealing #ExpressAscensionHealing #ExperienceAscensionHealing Blessings humanity for new light and life Joanna #ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #GodMind #higherself