Truths * Standing up for the vulnerable --- WILLS, Inheritances, Money Matters
#5D Truth and Power of Self
I have just completed a 6 yrs of a delayed, derailed obviously manipulated so called 'divorce' proceeding
And of which legal documents of stating all financial and personal and truths that have been called
Of which I was double standard'ed into enslavement while behind the scenes those taking my work, ideas content, and video's and others making money, any mail, monies, falsified signatures on any monies on any level besides the bare minimum of divorce requirements
* there has been no money, not 1 penny given to me known to me, or any signatures I have given that any would, could, based on their poor management of money history and of not sound mind, 100% deceit any of the past live in
* would be any reasonable answer to give any control, authority over any aspect of my life?
* the only way that any offers your rights to be handed over to any; is infirmity and mental incapabilities
* there are doctor tests, and questionnaires, analysis and treatments, study sessions done and then signing with legal representative
* always assure, ensure you and your elders have unbiased neutral care and respect for all rights to be honoured in and during all stages of life and wishes for inheritance properties, health, and future timelines of legacy for your lineages clearing the density and karma
~ my sister works for the health board on the island for those in transition with health, and I have spoke to lawyers about this process while also researching on legal rights
* There has never been any discussions, sit downs, nor have I seen a doctor in close to 3 years - and being quite of sound mind, body, spirit, soul and of a higher operating version of most on earth - I am known as an ultra human, of hybrid DNA and higher consciousness and intelligence than most - and with great vast intelligence over those that spent the last 8 yrs stealing, taking, doppelgänger and tormenting my life with spell work and voodoo in hopes I would not catch on to the schemes and plots of their thieving
* when I called these people on it - I was met with derailing, delaying, mess, lies, manipulations and more spell work to confuse and voodoo to try to erase my memory and the many years of relentless attacks on my life and energy
* these people operated underground rings of corruption and did many similar acts to others - and of which I sent in my notes and concerns to authorities and legal
In all the 15yrs of being celibate, devoted to my path of spirituality and awakening - none have I been given monies, inheritance by any nor told, nor received any paperwork - but spirit showed me that others had my mail, taken my mail, and set up accounts, and were stealing from me daily, weekly, in slow increments while I was systematically gangstalked and isolated out of a community - away from my children, I continued to get stalked, spied on, sent fake clients to get my healing techniques so they could do black magic and voodoo in their version of my work
* their intent was to create a dark version of me - and rule the world
* there were many that were involved in the scheming, plotting and planning to have me utterly erased
* for the money and greed obviously - that is why people do everything isn't it - title, power, money which is all false and in these 6 yrs of divorce - my life was sent into a spiral of nothing to survive while these people created a sex coven masonic group of debauchery so that the men could partner with whomever they wanted, and teach the women to obey and bow, and do as they pleased, while all were living off of what I was told by spirit was my money
* So not only was I reduced to nothing financially and they took my money, life, copied made false ID, perhaps got much from my name in the underground bidding that goes on due to my uniqueness and light healing, wisdoms that I am, bring, they bet, bid, do sacrifices on my life while every time I showed what devils, demons, and what God was lifting to prove to all of the work I offer helping those in such darkness

* it was emotional, mental, spiritual, physical restrictions and abuse due to their sick, misguided, toxic, and unintelligent plans to not understand creational reality laws, and how manifesting in 4D, 5D goes, and what integration in ascension is about and which the entire collective can not have to go through much emotional distress and active break outs if my channel was available to all - but again, the powers that so called 'be' have suppressed my healing that as we accelerate in pure light - those that do not know how to heal, shown how to heal, in a multi-dimensional reality - will go into anger, outbursts, and can be dangerous to those already imbalanced and in delusional states
* truth - I have never given permissions for any to use my ID, nor copy it, nor photoshop any of my images, use my content or videos, or take my business ideas and moneys mail, property in my name - none obviously that I even know these people, none have met me besides my ex; none even know me but through the deceit, lies and narratives he chooses to defame and subjugate me into false stories and narratives
* None were given any ounce of say and permissions on my life in any way
* These people had 0 authority and no reason, no purpose, no anything - on my life - why would I, a speaker, advocate for Divine feminine and women's rights, elder and children's rights and animal's rights and educator of Gaia and our gentle steps on this planet and its affect if we choose not to be in unity and oneness - why would I surrender for any reasons any person of lesser mentality and delusions to my affairs?
There have been simply abuse of power
There has been abuse of systems and rights on every level
There has been abuse of finances to suppress suffocate, control, and dominate me - it is called 'handling'
There has been 50+ people involved in many capacities all being paid to hurt, confuse, derail, delay and so on all for the love of money and false sense of power through what underground groups call 'sacrificing' of which I taught and offered how and why all these people will only be sacrificed in the new ascension energy and the rolling out of the divine plan
* I have not received 1 penny from any that have stolen from me but only given continued mess to confuse and deflect, reject, lie and manipulate so they never have to face their accountability on damage and losses done to 1 DF healer
* I created all of my work over 17yrs ago and I paid for all the illustrator costs, book editing, and filing
* I paid for 2 staff that no longer work for me are are over seas and paid through and by any client appointment monies paid to me for healing and teaching around the world - and what was mine, someone created a systematic cloning program to erase me and have many copies of me to pretend to be me and have my business in the hands of the devils and take everything possible simply because I chose to look for a better life, safe life, and divorce
* there was every attempt to erase me
* they did not try - they worked in lies and false narratives for years to take my life and all that I was as what the dark occult tried to complete as 'destiny swap' which is impossible due to the misguidance and none knowing the damage, loss, and mess, psychosis and delusions they step into by conjuring demons daily, conjuring darkness to others lives - they simply were sheep following sheep from a false leader and liar
I have received nothing from anyone
I have received no repayment of monies stolen, much of which they spent on 'stuff' and partying and doing spell work to hit me - put 'hits' on me - using my money to take me out - how cute
None of the past are my friends and none have been in my inner circle
I have spoke with none of these people - nor do they know me on any level besides my videos
They have no idea of my ancestors and the legions I walk with
The monies will be returned and I will see all in court -
all is forgiven
I want what is legally and rightfully mine to be returned
none know anything about me nor my capabilities
- I survived what few would and why those that did 8 yrs of spell work are now finding how damaging their work was to me - for they are getting a portion of back fire
- God has reduced what they did - 8 yrs pile up of lies and work done to destroy me for their greed - and so
same message - Heal thyself - so your wounds, do not become another's
All is healable and nothing that occurred should have occurred - I did all the right steps and was guided purely by God
I took all the right steps and brought up to my lawyer and community for all to see beyond the lies and illusions of those that have 0 care nor ability to be a spiritual leader nor ascension master -
I was given and prepared for eons - Gods choice and plan is
None know and have rights to any others life and why the
It is the most sacred law across our galaxy and we have to get these laws for the integration into our federations of love and light into 5D unity
I am a teacher of such and how to heal the wounding, and darkness of limiting beliefs religions that stifle and discriminate and hold humanity is de-evolution - so none could do and offer what I do
I am a spiritual conduit, I have a unique interfacing and have ability to read what God places before me and opens to me - it is an interfacing - and I work with God and my healing teams on constant upgrade and enhancements to my multi-dimensionality
- I know ascension and I was stone-walled by those that have no clue - they operated in greed jealousy and envy due to selfishness and wounding of self rejection, no sense of self -
So I paid for their greed and misinformation and misguidance - they simply are stuck in low limiting beliefs and are all healable - which is what I taught and offered - however God gave all over 2yrs to alter course and heal stop the spell work and return what is mine - now the karma is unfolding and will unfold daily until all is made right
The stress on the children and darkness from all the black magic, voodoo, plotting on their mother
* the stress on me and my healing abilities
* the distress and emotional PTSD
* the financial losses and suffering of my business due to defamation and stifling and siphoning pilfering of my work
* I agreed to nothing with any of the past
* I have signed nothing, gave no permissions, and none have any right on my work, content or my life - none do nor ever will - they are thieves
* 0 growth on my platforms and human testing impaling - it has taken a toll - and these people are toxic and are refusing to heal and take account for the damage they continue to cause by trying to feed the lies they Created
All to make me look like someone I am not
The evolution of our species relies on the balancing brought back to our planet and consciousness awakening
None have any idea the damage on my health these games have done, the darkness these people will keep living in for their energy and intentions go to 'in-tending' themselves - it is nothing but a dark ass pit of ugliness and has to be accounted for and healed - impaling and sending others will return -= that is the law =
None of the past will be a part of what ever god offers me - for they all were shown, told and none did anything but continue to take and abuse me - therefore all sit where they chose and they will if they want to heal and choose anew
Like I would go into business with proven thieves and they lie about and then get all out of sorts for not being included in success - why - so you can steal it and take it from me again -
Energy is energy and it shows up in all ways - I read it and tune into what sounds, and vibrations show me and I am trained and how to interpret such collective stories of energy or individual - even land or things - all has an energetic story -
God has shown me you are the 'dream stealer' you have done this on many timelines and lifetimes #calgary past person - you know you do this and you will not account for who you are and all that you do is deflect, deny, lie and cannot stand to not be the so called winner and power over others - you need help and assessment if you think selling out your family, the mother of their children to bring them down and take everything to 'look better'
DF will have her voice and we will be heard, known as equal -
* Wills and inheritance if you are alone, not in surrounding of those that create patience, honour, respect for you - your wishes - then it is good to seek out local notary's or lawyers that can help you with your inner wishes and choices and if you feel the need bring a non-partial unbiased friend or person you know and trust - a person in your community that you trust and has known you and your most heartfelt intentions -
Our species, our brain functioning all is affected and most damaging of the 'domination and control' frequency
The dark, patterns of darkness, corruption thought patterns of limitation, lack, no sense of self - can be seen, sensed, known and the ability to come up with resolve in higher matter will not achieve in controlled small brain functioning
NONE MISS KARMA - your soul recognizes all - thought, word, deed
* Never surrender your power of authority or rights or accounts or finances to any that have ulterior motives and agenda or talk you into anything - persuasion and covert manipulation is done by those that have carried the power, title and authority to maintain dominance and power - although it is all false
- it is illegal for any to take over your life and choose for you on any level without your permissions and knowing, and signature and presence of mind-body, soul
- reclaim your power - none own, none sign, none say for you - your rights are your rights and any selfish person that wants claim to your house or property as they sit and wait for your death is insinuated on many levels - release these people and put them in thier place
- and they will face the darkness and their own integration of the devil and shadow
- all will - ascension will miss none
- all will face thier deeds and choices and beliefs for altering
Our species relies on this and I will not stand down
I will not silence
The past is nothing but selfish greedy, con-men, con-women that chose a very dark and abuse of power, abuse of Gods gifts and energy and none care about any human rights, nor care to the innocent they all affected in this sick plan and plot - I am global healer teacher - whatever suppressions done to me is done to all - the all will suffer
And so it is
These are truths and my story - I speak truth
I am that I am
All know how to contact me and will not 'pop up' thinking they can just hang out - or slide me a cheque -
All know how to return the monies stolen - the past will not be my future - I want nothing to do with any
More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life;
For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~
Email me at
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#calgary #corruption #undergroundcorruption
More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness
~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life;
For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~
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* religious diction nor race or creed
* nor boundaries or bank rolled, arrogant unhealed attitudes
#1 universal laws
*. ~~~~~~. #2 ~ LAW OF BALANCE
if we cannot 'get' these divinely aligned laws - we will simply never evolve beyond barbarianism
Oneness is our truth and diversity of gifting from Source and God
Dogma is and being shaken because it will not stand in higher vibrational light
The true aligned psychic investigators that get 0 payment, 0 credit and 0 respect
I will help write laws to protect Gods chosen ones
* human laws - privacy, health, spiritual
practice, none have rights to take, test, and the heavens, and the federations are watching all and karma simply is
Laws for the Truth Tellers - Healing Corruption
Readers, astrologers, and healers, occultists all must follow the same laws and your guides, spirit guides, soul will test all on what is being honoured - basic human-spirit honour
Those that abuse in any way; all will be held equal in the court of karma and spiritual laws on your own lineage and souls evolution - we truly have to get higher law - no 3D false title have any power or say on heavenly jurisdiction
I am loyal only to sacred life of God, Source, the Systems of Light and Galactic Federations nature, Gaia
I am only loyal to God
The Heavens are my jurisdiction and none on earth thus far has proven to be aligned in truth and order of benevolence for humanity and our sacred connections with spirit, our cosmos and honour of all that is spirit and grace of God - purity of being spirited human - to heal and manifest as spirit -
all have a choice
And so be it
This is my word
For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~
Email me at
DONATIONs; PayPal link here;
For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~
Email me at
DONATIONs; PayPal link here;
None will BE HANDLED!
DF deserves equal viewing, and equal voice, and open platforms - utter discrimination
#youtube corruption
#youtube #pilfering #falseleaders Corruption to the have's wanting more while have nots continue to get suppressed trying to change and bring and inspire change
And so it is
Who have you helped and served today
What are you doing for making of humanity a kind and safe place?
All play a part -
You create your next timeline now - every choice
Blessings and light
More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life;
For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~
You are always guided with GOD
Email me at
DONATIONs; PayPal link here;
DONATIONs; PayPal link here;
More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life;
We cannot heal profound human illness and disease and discrimination when we continue to sit within it - face it
The higher self is our species evolution - selfishness and arrogance in leadership or those that are aligned - it is time!
For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~
Email me at
or private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~
Email me at
#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership
5D - #ascension #enlightenment
#God #discriminations
5D - #ascension #enlightenment
#soulmates #twinflame
#heavenly #healingrelationships
#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery
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