---> Be OK to get the hell out of dodge .....Ascension will call that you heed your higher order for continued evolution - as creation is the cascading effect - threaded pearl
If you stay in toxic and abusive situations, you are not allowing for light to enter your life in new ways and to know there is life beyond abuse; that will also activate those that used, abused, siphoned, and harvested from you to know they have to adapt and go within to get a new sense of stability and why they usually come running back as soon as they see others enjoying you and you being loved by others - they have to go within and be for themselves what you found for you - you are not responsible for any person and their life - all are responsible for their own energy and their own manifestations - life is proof
Never give in to any that only see your value when others seek you out, or see you as valuable Every person is being tested in every moment what your character is - God watches, your guides and your ancestors watch every thought, word, deed, and intention - spell casting someone to force them into another place, form, or to harm them - and playing games, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and spell work - is not love, nor honouring your mate - on any level in any way and any person that is paid for suggesting such, or doing such, or playing this is not in higher alignmentWhen your family, old friends, have known your for all your life, 20+ yrs and even married you and then you finally escape the chaos, negativity and toxic behaviours and games, the derailing your life - you get away and build a sacred life of your own, heal past patterns and heal the wounding and past traumas and abuse - you will attract those that love you, honour you because you loved yourself enough to 'not be abused' and pretend that is normal and degrade to lesser than - because others refuse to do their inner work and make benefit off of your life, and your energy -
PRECIOUS is the new normal
Be very sure about what RESPECT is and how this is required for unity, ascension - - none honour you if they steal and copy, thieve, harvest - withholding monies that they know is not theirs - #calgary #corruption
The Heavens are my jurisdiction and none on earth thus far has proven to be aligned in truth and order of benevolence for humanity and our sacred connections with spirit, our cosmos and honour of all that is spirit and grace of God - purity of being spirited human - to heal and manifest as spirit - all have a choice And so be it
#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership
5D - #ascension #enlightenment
#God #discriminations
5D - #ascension #enlightenment
#soulmates #twinflame
#heavenly #healingrelationships