* All is about DF/DM life force energies * When a DF healed, balanced, is taken out of a situation in which all harvested and lived off her life force, all crumbles * when there is no balanced, divine, honoured role-model-ship in our collective in any way socially or in higher intellect or leadership - thousands of years of degradation in and of divine feminine is playing confusion, distortions, abuse, misogyny into those that have unhealed soul fragments, inner child wounding of what was seen, taught, about the DF THE ERASING OF DF - DISTORTIONS of DM & GENDER CONFUSIONS, suppressions of explorations, imbalanced psychic, intuitive, divine intelligence of the emotional realm and psychic realm, and so on - The healing must begin at observing, seeking, and discernment of who you are and what you have allowed, bought into, played a part of and how it messes the entire bloodline, your children, your lineage and your futures - All must face the degrading Imbalance that has skewed all aspects of our human-spiritual reality * why religious burps will and must be - hate is bred in these imbalances for it is self hate, self rejection, self abandonment and none are talking of this, being shown higher vibrational psychology of this, and how damaging discrimination, suppression, hate of the DF - power of and over others, abuse of over others, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lIUCc... * What you will refuse to acknowledge - is the rejection of yourself within - * those that taken my work, stolen my ideas, used my content and not 1 penny nor 1 ounce of credit - utter self destruction of those that have used such raping, taking - to make them look at great - and give nothing to those literally doing the healing, correcting, honouring, and blessings in higher wisdoms * Self rejection is learned - entrained, dogmatic entrainment of less than, squeezing out the creative and the fluidity of flowing divine wisdoms - can only be aligned in your own inner alignment - if you are not aligned - if the elites and those in power not aligned - you will see, sense, know the distortions and where, how the core wounding is * CORE HUMAN WOUNDINGS - why misogyny and narcism of the DM and not facing their layers of self rejection, less than, competition, breeding hate and that is where their consciousness sits - they then attract and fanaticism of sexual exploration * How does the DM express and explore their divine life force - not brut force but life force? - for that is how the DM explores and expresses their life force - debauchery of the underground * Suppressions of the DF in homes education, and socially are playing out in our collective
* What balanced, honourable DF role models are uplifted, empowered, supported, inspired in our social collect that is not sold a 'sex toy' and mechanism of idolism of never being taken seriously * there is so much distortions and why there is the underground * The Adam Eve Project - every human is pulling up deep deep social, lineage, dogmatic wounds of who they are and what a balanced and harmonious experience, expression, exploration of self knowing and self designing women and what this represents in her powerful life force - divine feminine brings and births life - her life force is equal and different and this has been utterly erased for 1000's of years and the outcome and consequences of our social, spiritual and divine imbalances are * DM not being healed and distorted and go into hiding, secret to explore their sexual evolution and then they feel repressed depressed, and played with to bring money into it - for power and money is how a trained DM is meant to be and yet the DF aspects of them utterly suppressed and those that were meant to be allowed to be creative and expressive and psychic * what has our systematic programs done to the DF * seek and look around - the entire collective is in a tragic state of utter deconstruction due to the distortions of DM wounding not being healed - not accepted and not integrated of balance
* seek out what is your discriminations you buy into socially, religiously and spiritually and why what have you bought into allowed, and stated vibrationally as OK as the DF being no where to be seen, known, respected, valued, honoured, uplifted and their life force is everything and when their energy and life force is taken out of the equation, and you spit on what God blessed you - it will fail, and fall, WE have disconnected from our Divine perfection within - relationship & connection of Spirit, Mother Father *& being balanced in the energies wisdoms, intellect, and design, infinitely creative and all have their commandment-ship of your perfection and work with your own life force and all is manifested, healed, and directing within The Divine feminine life force is LIFE GIVING Selfishness, ego-ism, arrogance, envy, jealousy, domination, control, suppression of the intelligence of the DF or what the DF represents is being challenged as we break through new dimensions and every person will see, discern, observe more of what is within, what is has been without - people project when they are not healed and not in self empowerment of their own life force and energies - and for the vulnerable and the unaware, the con-men and women will be used, abused, and then trafficked to the underground - * Redesigning of SELF - as divine and balancing with intention daily your own beliefs notions, ideals and knowing of the DF / DM and what is within - respect of all energies and explorations, expressions, and experiences - gender affiliation - all is within who you are, what you have seen, entrained as conformed behaviour of any versions of Gods expressions - those that want you to do everything for them and then surrender yourself - it is a sociopathic perspective
* this is the 'pimp-daddy' role that is 3000 years of DF meaning, being, and seen as nothing - until it all falls - then they must awaken to why, what how what you spit on what God blessed - DM are not 'better' than women DF are equal and DF have a unique life force that energies are mirrored in every DM - all are born and can live in similitude and none will go through in ascension unless all is brought into balance within Heal your inner psyche, psychology and beliefs And so it is Joanna I WILL BE SEEN, KNOWN, BLESSED AND LOVED - AND IF THIS TRIGGERS YOU - GO WITHIN AND HEAL THE WOUNDS THAT YOU ARE REJECTING - WHAT DF OF YOU ARE YOU REJECTING? WHAT ARE YOU NOT 'PAYING OF THE DF' IN NOT PAYING ME AND NOT LIFTING ME WHAT ARE YOU NOT 'GIVING CREDIT OF YOUR OWN DF' IN THE NOT GIVING CREDIT FOR MY WORK THAT YOU HAVE STOLEN, MADE MONEY OFF OF, DISCREDITED GODS WORK, AND WHILE I AM HOMELESS ©
DONATIONs; PayPal link here; paypal.me/JoannaLRoss
The Heavens are my jurisdiction and none on earth thus far has proven to be aligned in truth and order of benevolence for humanity and our sacred connections with spirit, our cosmos and honour of all that is spirit and grace of God - purity of being spirited human - to heal and manifest as spirit - all have a choice And so be it
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