When you have acknowledged the wrong done, the illusions of separation, of your own hate, lack of self, no sense of self, of your own trauma's and abuses, and how you have judged, put down, held back, withheld love, unity, peace- you will grow and you can never return to being ignorant and disillusioned - this is ascension - get use to it
You will transcend another 8 million Lower vibrational beliefs- this is our path to unity - it is and always be your souls evolution and growing beyond hate, separation, discrimination, outdated themes and notions of imprints of the DF / DM and who you truly are within it all
Celebrate where you are at Be 'ok' with the discomfort of growth It will allow you to know, soften, think, muse, ponder in new higher ways When you begin to question all that you have been and choose to bring about new beginnings for your next timelines and lineages that will learn from your 'letting go' * you took on suppressions, ideologies, misinformations, and limitations that is your role to let go * you took on the lack with joy to navigate density and break free of who you were told to be, ought to be, and forced to be even* be around those that will accept your soft side, your gentle side, and your changing side, * let go of those that want nothing more than to disrupt and disrespect your change and allow them to sit where they sit * all have to look at their DF - DM energies and be ok with the soul growth of such excavation and navigation without judgment - and without going 'underground' * we are facing collective injustices because of the collective disempowerment of all life except the top 5% It is blatant obvious and what collective destructions, wars, deviations and mistruths have been created and destroying of life for not recognizing your own DF energies and stifling in the underground to abuse while all can eb healed and transmuted - * can DF hold their life and being-ness in equality * these are the most profound ways and times to transmute and transcend what damages have been done * the hiding, the secrets, the private sick agenda's to take out what is not 'normalizing degrading' treatment * the sick plots, plans of burying life and light to make the insecure and those that refuse to look at their own wounds, controlling and destroying behaviours of knowing your belief systems are falling apart and hate, discrimination will not stand in 4D 5D light - all will see such and why there is the unveiling of what has been trying to control you - the DM must heal what they have created and how DF have allowed it Beyond gender or preference All must look at what is and what has been created and how to balance this out in your life All life force belongs to the divine being within When you understand who you are, what exists within, what you exist within Most have no idea who they are and they remain unchanging in limiting beliefs and ways, and keeping their lives in suppression of not being, not changing, corruption of your spirit and your soul - why the mess is when you go into irresponsible experiences of poly, polygamy, bigotry, misogyny and the mess made - corruption of the soul, who you are and refuse to allow your transformation to become - the light will not stop - corruption and the misdeeds of those meant to hold positions of authentic care, service, protection and honour of the innocent #pilfering #youtubepilfering #corruption In higher evolution - there is no competition
Adam Eve Project - see our earlier videos that every human must face their part in allowing creating such disparage and misconceptions of our unity oneness - Taking from the innocent and while the innocent suffer - millions $ are going to the already elite and shady, corrupt and those that fund debauchery and harm, black magic, and innocent interference - You choose for your soul - You choose your next timeline - soul ties, entity attachment when 95% of our planet is not healed - and most not doing the healing work and why all must purely solely and soulfully do what they are guided to by spirit and regardless of what others want of you - you must move on and grow to break the subjugation and suppression of 'not growing' being more and healing what needs to be healed I rebuke all contracts of the past - deeds and choices - all are responsible for thier choices - I will not carry any burdens and will not allow none to not be accountable - misinformation and ignorance is no longer an excuse KNOW MORE I know who I am Blessings and light God has shown you who I am and there is nothing but daily targeting for the refusal to give credit and give my voice what is my destiny and the years years of PTSD discrimination that I had to suffer and barely make it out of the human testing to see 'how much could I take if I was an ultra-human' how dare a DF be who I am and what I offer - not fitting in the same low vibrational box of false 1/2 true religions and what most masters never came here to be the emulation of - * all know this All higher vibrational beings know this - all psychics conduits, empaths, and leaders of light, channels, all offer what I do - and yet - because I am of linage of the royals sky, earth, and beyond - I am targeted by the ignorant and corrupt because I call out who you are an what you do behind the scenes - so I am targeted because I call out what you do #calgary #corruption #3DLeaders - why don;t you simply get right and heal - if you don;t want your delicate title and role feeling threatened - If you were healed you would embrace all before you - for it is not 'all about the people' it is about you Selfish greed, unhealed and pure discrimination - I will press charges and I will see all in court - I say and speak what God offers - and so - I will not change nor die from your spell work and voodoo - I have my right to be here - All know what they have stolen from me - all know the false paperwork, falsified signatures and false ways and how will you offer good will service and information or business when all within are corrupt and merely taking from the innocent while the innocent are homeless - What will your company home, business, title, story for. your future timelines look like when they know all were involved in stealing all of my work, videos, content, and force homeless and laughed and partied about it on my money, and property, inheritance meant for me - what will you have to face when the world knows how discrimination and monstrous this story has been 100% truth and all know it and see it - #youtubepilfering Is your leadership, masonic secret group and your loyalty to corruption and false power over others and false sacrifices and what you do behind closed doors - false elects and false elites - what is it that your story will be and all will know of you - * the wounded DM take my ideas take my predictions, take my words and solve cases and solve issues and take credit for it - take monies for it, get paid to suppress and take take hide, keep me from being seen, and yet
The Heavens are my jurisdiction and none on earth thus far has proven to be aligned in truth and order of benevolence for humanity and our sacred connections with spirit, our cosmos and honour of all that is spirit and grace of God - purity of being spirited human - to heal and manifest as spirit - all have a choice And so be it
#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership
5D - #ascension #enlightenment
#God #discriminations
5D - #ascension #enlightenment
#soulmates #twinflame
#heavenly #healingrelationships