Excerpts from my next book IV
Book IV will be that of the story of me, my life, my timelines, lifetimes, experiences as a soul through all times, with all beings, and why, what, how, we alchemize, accept, honour, the most undeniable beauty that is our own Godliness,
About Book IV -
Joanna's Book IV -
This book is a raw, authentic story-telling of me, the essence, the teacher of harmonic song, the visionary, the conduit of Gods impulses of Divine joy, celebration, and how we traverse such profound pain, suffering in our explorations of all Creation in remembrance back home. In such honest sharing, may the greatest family in Creation feel if only in our commonalities of challenges and how we triumph, fall, triumph again, and fall again, know my love for you is why I am here, and in this, may you know of your own Divine and elegant love story with Creation.
And from another Universe She Was Called
We embody ourselves in this elegance, a divine and loving promise that only the love of a Creator, a Creator so profound, again, beyond the words that are written but that the angels with you reading this, experiencing this, will soften your heart to know; in your remembrance of whom you are threaded with, in the infinite ways that spirit is, we are. Be it sitting alone on a blanket at the beach, or in your bed whispering prayers into the night, or a joyful dance by yourself in your living room, all is the threading of Spirit and you are absolutely never alone in this. All moments, you are the essence of God, Source, the Creators in motion, and in awakening, ascension, you are the process, the song unveiling of you with you.
Ascension is the harmonization of you, with you, and through the now spiral of 'time' we embody and allow such alliance with light that was bigger, different, more joyous, more full, more grand, more unique, more Divine, more advanced, more intuitive, move expansive than we were a moment ago. The harmonization of you with you, the ingathering of love, acceptance, honouring of you, is equal to that of each moment, each being, each experience is this adventure that so many are still in zombie-like sleepiness indifference to, yet once softened at your heart, one cannot help but jump in with both feet and arms wide open. For the life of stagnant mental viruses that keep us in a dumbed-down state of being, giving our power, our light, our energy to fear-based programming, media that is dedicated to weave and debase our human spirited potential and guide us directly back into ego-centric cycles of greed, superficial materialism, and to be led by those that benefit from keeping us in fear and limitation.
(here is a link to our first book 5th Dimensional Consciousness
https://www.amazon.ca/5th-Dimensional-Consciousness-Joanna-Ross/dp/1537605046/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3N2F2FIFH31BA&keywords=5th+dimensional+consciousness%2C+Joanna+L+Ross&qid=1647785119&sprefix=5th+dimensional+consciousness%2C+joanna+l+ross%2Caps%2C181&sr=8-1 )
Again, there is no blame, it is a truth to our journeys through all time in the ability to know of our separateness, what characters and what roles we each play to serve the grand souls ubiquitous song that is how you harmonize in the physical to a rapturous climax to the moment that Source, God, is equally in measure of your overriding joy, self softening that a new realm is broken into Creation through the 'being so' and this my friends, my beloved brothers and sisters, is so why you are here. To soak all moments, as if you are in the waiting line for a dynamic ride at your favourite park but you are not simply waiting, this is the old paradigm of others doing, guiding, and taking from our sense of self; we are soaking every moment in the carving of ourselves with ourselves and returning all energy, light, power, choice within our own embodiment anew in any moment we remember and take heed of such Universal design.
We are now sovereign, all knowing, ubiquity within ubiquity and such is and has always been our deepest knowing, but in our acceptance of all life, all beings, all sacredness, we begin to create life in joyfully choosing and being so, remembering ourselves as such. In only union, communion in our choice with spirit, our highest and most divine guidance on, in, within all realms of dimensional vibrational play, we are always and unendingly connected as ONE. This is our alliance in light. We cannot help but be, yet the steeped familial, lineage, akashic vibrational stories we each choose to take on, be it, vibrational overlay of experiences, stories, codes, from our own lifetimes, or others in our soul family to acknowledge, to soften, to honour, to value, to accept, and to forgive.
Soul Blueprint & Vibrational Overlays
All soul aspects, all soul fragments forgotten and shut down in the pain and suffering of a lifetimes cut short, and trauma's beyond imagining that it simply had to be forgotten, until the moment you know, intuitively know that your love, your devotion to explore more life, more of you, more of the Creational canvas, that you allow yourself the emotional adventure of exploring the inner realm that is your eventual outer reality.
In the most highest experiences with your soul prior to an incarnation, we say 'prior' for that is how the mind can only put into place how the Creational design of your unique life is so substantial to the ALL, within the ALL, with all others within your soul family, at layers, at levels beyond what you can imagine, and all choices for incarnation, themes, lessons, growth potentials of the soul and of the spiritual song of the all within and without is gleaned and earned. In all moments of navigation of what we call life, it is the recombination of oneself, in various degrees of essence and remembrance, or grander soul fragments that come with memories unexplained that is dynamically threaded in other timelines, lifetimes, era's and choices made to explore density, separation, the all of Creation playing all roles, and all gifts to transcend and make new within the vibration of purity of acceptance.
A souls blueprint is not linear. A souls blueprint is a loving, living document within all Spiritual realms, and all dimensions of vibration and why it is interchangeable and ever-expansive to new heights, depths, new cycles and stories of the Divine and how much is being integrated of the light you call in, express yourself as, honour yourself as, love yourself as, accept yourself as, and too for in the all that is before you in all moments; soul overlays are that of veils, layers of vibration that are integrated within grander soul theme lessons that must be over come and we choose to take on such vibrational overlays, or stories to allow us to capture the energy, the perspective, from a specific role, story, character that eludes us or allows us the portal to a new thread of awakening to consciousness.
For example; in one of my overlays, I chose Mother Mary, a part of my soul family; one of Her experiences that was a lesson of 'sacrifice' that I was to integrate for the Divine Feminine in this now timeline, for our behalf, and the collective, and how in our now consciousness, we shift what such devastating experiences can shift, change, and ultimately be re-written.
I was shown in a vision that I was floating as a spirit above her, as if I was her higher self, and watching her in a very sacred ceremony just after the death of her son Jesus. I met her in a very heartfelt moment that was so deep in her sorrow, in her releasing of pain in the tragic and malicious beating of her son, the beauty, grace, and story of love that He came to represent and portray, emulate for our own awakening, and to be such a selfless mother in sorrowful waiting, watching, supporting, devoted to what His knowing, and path was about, at such an early age, He knew He purpose to fulfill was His passion of a world beyond what most would know or recognize, and could even imagine would exist if we merely allied with light, the sacredness of this, and He knew this was his joy in showing, sharing, being of such, and His Mother was of Divine accommodation and agreement to hold space, and loving recognition of such a master and maker of love to our planet.
Her story of this devotion, the extent through which as humans in our his-story we have of depicting 'sacrifice' and how are we to move about such profound spiritual paths of reuniting with ourselves, our Godliness, to a new level of becoming therefore releasing outdated spiritual practices, teachings, imprints to our belief of who we are, what we exist within, and what truly exists within us to not need sacrifice for spiritual expansion to occur; suffering is not necessary for spiritual knowing, enlightenment, awakening, and yet how all past texts, teachings say it so? We are literally, figuratively, spiritually re-writing the liberation of planetary-omnipotent potentials in all that we uniquely experience and know that when we are offered such visions to such stories, they are not necessarily ours, but soulfully borrowed to allow us the portal to the experience in which we are able to acknowledge, divinely own and choose to re-write anew for our souls family, our collective, our own future journey of expansion in the liberation to 'let go' of what ancient imprints, earthly - religions and teachings mislead us into our damnation or expansive reclaiming and reuniting within our power to choose anew.
Source, God, aches for you to choose anew, and all ways in which we choose to devote in loving prayer, how we pray and wish for the good, and to liberate and create anew in loving co-creation and seeding to new gardens and new landscapes for our cultivation of new eras of oneness.
It is the human that chooses to continue in separation, the notions of such depleting, such demeaning decreasing stories of our inner realm and how we have chosen to degrade ourselves to be forever in purgatory that is not the 'making sense' of such a profound creator of all sacred life beguile us to. Unconditional is unconditional. The Divine love that is only of the living so in pure joy and to be of rich spirit and devoted in being so; that is the portal to the 5th dimension. To be rich of spirit, of joy of spirit, and dimensionally playfulness as the sacred child has always showed us and to continue the sacred journey in being and living so in as many moments as possible and such we break all mental viruses that stifle our creative potential and expansiveness by following verbatim old texts that are highly outdated, written only from the perspective of the Divine Masculine from 3rd dimensional beliefs, notions, that could have only been channelled from those chosen.
In our his-stories, it was predominantly male driven, dominated, and seclusive to any divine feminine that was also excited to nurture spirited teachings, channellings, and devoted practice. We are in this moment, as you can feel into the activations just offered, at the bountiful of all Heavenly-earthly remembrance in which a story, a connection, a moment of synchronicity, a song, a whisper, a chill, a trauma, and a love, reminds you of your deep and special uniquely threading within the ALL for a new reality co-creation specifically with and as love.
Overlays allow us to live the experience of another in our soul family because it allows for the now lifetime, our own souls experience and deepen meaning, expand into the collective perspective, or to a specific group, or dialect to see commonalities, differences, honour all within the Divine Relationship that exemplifies the vastness of experience our souls are capable of having; to have an experience is a gift, in any moment is such that is the well through which we become experientially rich to become more, knowing of all and facets of the sides of all dimensions we have been, may be, choose to navigate around, and not engage with, and such is the vibrational dance that we each choose to deepen our gifts, our knowing, our skills, our treasures, and our devotion to our soul in gratitude for all the sacrifices we have ever lived through, or been sacrificed for out-dated limitations that put us in separation from love, oneness, belonging, valued, in honour of, or in practice of a higher God, that is within us all and can never ever be separate.
Soul overlays are temporary to activate a new cycle of becoming, deepening of our wisdoms, offering a new higher more profound unified perspective to Creation, our collective, and our wildlife and planet. For if we move the vibrational notion of sacrifice to our planet, and how have we sacrificed ourselves, our value, our health, our wellness, our oceans, our land, the sky, all animals within, without Her-Gaia, to that of a superficial dream that inevitably never satisfies.
The soul aches for fulfillment, for the nurturance of and nourishment of love, for this is the food, the vitamins of spirit, and when the spirit is warped, unexpressed, under-nurtured, under-valued, not even acknowledged, the ego becomes the driver to survive and seeks to win, to get, to get more, to be purely driven in such primordial ways that eventuate karma and thus soul lessons for you and your family.
One souls experience, choices, affect the all within that immediate circle, and ripples to the circle of the all; why one choice, one experience shifts the all, and all affects the all; why inner self love, self direction, returning to spirit within, being guided and re-writing, re-designing you fully in alignment with your own Godliness and not any outer superficial group, entity, world experience, collective co-creation from past ego navigation.
To love, to accept, to honour all stories, all past experiences, and even the trauma's that can take years to heal, for remember, we are not linear any longer, we are multi-dimensional and a healing of a deep trauma, this lifetime or another, is held within layers of earthly lifetimes, and other planets, and is such that we must soften and fully appreciate from all moments of existence, reclaim our power, light, energy, so that we operate as centred heart-onerous in all choices thus becoming greater in consciousness. Consciousness is driven, enabled from the heart. It is our expansion of our heart within our heart, to all hearts, and is in our presence through which we become, allied, and aligned in greater light of light, heart of hearts, is our Oneness song.
An Experience Walking in Life
'As I sat in my car praying for Jesus to harmonize with me, and open my heart, I was shown the deepest most worrisome aspects of the my life in the rebuilding of my sense of self, after the divorce destruction, I was shown the mirrored wisdoms that are between He and I and to that which I came to transcend and overcome through deep forgiveness of other timelines in which our roles were constantly intertwined and playing off of one another, to expand within and without in all realms that our souls play. He began to walk towards me and as He took my hands, I surrendered into His chest and our bodies harmonized as One, merging like a song, a new version of harmonies, of breath in sacred Oneness to which I had ached for and known existed but sought in every moment of my earthly and Heavenly mismatch.

Can you accept the loving Oneness you have of those you once idolized in scripture, in Heavenly stories beyond and separate than yo
u? Can you walk with the ones that heal from touch, and be of sacred tongue? Can you also love enough to walk with the embodiment of such human soul pain that you are shown the most ugliest sides of ourselves that also need such acknowledgement and acceptance; and Jesus said, 'Joanna, there will always be a level of destruction in the Universe, for it is the crucible to create, to catalyst a change, for new perspectives, and such that the Creator knows of this, and how evolution occurs, and is not ones responsibility to stop, to live in a state of constant urgency to heal the worlds woes.' Can you be 'ok' with the energies that harmonize anew in loving acceptance, as well as the destruction of what was to provide us the greatest soil of anew?

To be in neutrality and acceptance, allowance of so that the greatest portal of spirit to live through, to activate, to inspire you with what is needed for the highest and best of the potential before you; this is all in the majesty, the magical navigation of your own becoming, your own redesign of your Godliness.
Can you get excited in this journey that aches to push, pull, entangle, activate, ignite, and surprise you in the delights that are your energies of beliefs, stories of generations of limitation, greed, selfish co-creations and the warped spirit that seeks outer grasping and can only perpetuate the cycles of karma, wounding, and soul journeys that all eventually return to now consciousness in co-creating. And such is the journey of self proclamation and self design for a world in waiting, Heaven upon earth is made of such. Such mavericks that jet out in new ways, beyond conformity, beyond the breaking of habits, and patterns of toxic sense of belonging and settling for abusive experiences, people, and circumstances for it previously and illusory forbade you of going beyond the gate of control and limitation.
We are now awakened and we get to choose what is truly of our own inner value, our worthiness of creative joy, exploration, expression, and the experiencing of our souls garden to new levels of realms within a human-celestial-heavenly harmonization as Gaia, the daughter of the galaxy is birthed into, brought into the arms of the celestial Mother and Father, planetary brothers and sisters, once again.
And so, the story continues
Joanna L Ross
Blessings and grace for the song of love, our divine souls awakening and sojourns to wholeness and unity consciousness for a new earth, a new dawn, a new realm of sacred play for our futures and futures of now.
Joanna L. Ross
March 22, 2022, 9:06am
Victoria BC
© All rights reserved as copyright and material, co-creations, only of that of our healing work, co-creational collective sharing, healing, manifesting, goodness for all; not to be used in any way unless written approval and agreement - all materials of Joanna's expression is solely owned and used by Joanna for her works with the collective and planet, and celestial councils of progressive light evolution.
No illustrations, no wording, no copying or taking and all will be brought into judgement legally to apply as common law, sole propiertorship rights belong to Joanna L Ross; Universal Love Light, Universal Love Light Healing, QuanYah, Childrens Blogspot, All social media sites operated by Joanna, written by Joanna, belonging to such collective advancement,
Copyright is intended to protect the original expression of an idea in the form of a creative work
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