Sunday, 23 May 2021

The Vision of Earthly Grace

Seers, visionary's, truth seekers, prophets are those that are purely inspired through the awakening, the seeing, the knowing, the allowing of Spirit directed and created imprints of potential;

For in the allowance of greatness is SOURCED;
Things are not as they seem dear ones, and those with the heart to hear and explore will sense this, this is not a logical game of hidden motives; this is Creation in motion --

Spirit is essence of being; not everything and everyone has your highest interest, so allow the sacred journey with Source, with spirit as one in you, your highest Council, and your atonement, and Source will provide who and whom to share such with.

Not everyone will be ready for your greatness, and have this be 'ok' - shine and simply shine, and never hold love back from the path It truly wants to navigate;

You will see through the agendas and manipulations for this is love and love sees all; seeing is beyond the eyes dear ones and why our sacred texts were known and felt by those that are meant to take it and create anew to higher vibrations; it is not that our old systems are not valid or valuable, on the contrary, it means that those with the threading of master co-creation and healing with Source, (everyone at varying levels and creative intention) and knowing, it is the blessing for you, in you, through you.

You can never know the depth of sweetness of Source unless you match this.

This is the elegance and truth of our children being our magicians of the new dawn, the masters of anew, and the very sacred blessing of a new 5D earth - this is now a fanciful notion dear ones, it is sweet truth.

Can you heal yourself enough to trust you, trust your visions, your inner truth, your inner story with God, with Spirit, can you honour it, value it, nourish it, be with it in all decisions, grow with it, and all that comes with evolving as a unique and blessed creative soul? You are a constant and ever-evolving soul with the blessing to open, surrender, to be the expression of the dream and ultimate vision of God, however this is where the challenge occurs; to surrender all past lifetime notions of your infinite potential and safety, and richness of being eternal.

Can you be the blessing of this Divine vision and keep sacred and true, and loving when needed and how to explore and express in the movement and flow of the breath of the Divine?

It is a sacred exploration, and a journey with Source, as mastery evolves, so will the depth of unconditionality will be tested; then surrendered, then revealed. To break all that was within, and rebuild it within to the matching sweetness of Source's knowing of you. This is the sweetness of a new 5D life;

Can you match the sweetness, the infinite grace that is God?
I asked my teams, the Christ Consciousness guides and masters often in my mediations; please show me the vibration of 'grace' of mastery 'compassion' in a healing movement; they showed me the gentleness of the flow of God; it is not a forced or devoted 'must have or experience' and as light workers we can sometimes get held in the 'dream or vision' of old ways of being awake;

We are now being lifted to a new level of our commitment in loving grace with the Divine; this is a sweet and loving process that few can express as a moment of enlightenment as one sits upon a mountain top in isolation; it is the moments of deep resolve you have within yourself to stop fighting the depth of sweetness you are as love and then to with loving sacred joy express it to the ALL without the native resilience that is threaded within eons of dark-light wars, death and corruption.

Every master will have to move through the layers and the subtleties of how we hold the grace of God, Spirit, Source from fully becoming realized; for the pain and glimpses to destruction are powerful and a strong 'self-preservation' story we hang on to; but is our final resolve to Heavenly grace; in the undeniable trusting path and eternal threading with Source, As Source, you are S

ource, holding you in grace and gentleness for you, and knowing in yourself that you will be the supple preciousness that is needed to heal even your darkest wounds and pain; and then to create yourself anew and arise again and again, not as a warrior that will never quit, but to allow for the grace of the Heavens to penetrate every old story and remake new grounds of human potential through It.

For remember, the sweetness to all heart-wrenching growth, IS the epitome that IS the nourishment of the soil through which you become anew. For your heart, will be the portal of this sweetness and such stories of Divine nourishment and infinite creative genius; this is the sweet song constantly offered through Source, as Source, the prophet within, and the visionary through which, some stories are meant just for you, some songs are meant just for you, and your sacredness is meant to be shared, fully and with grace while honouring the sweet spot with Creation to remain within the only knowing that is God with you, in all that can only be experienced by YOU / Source as Oneness.

It is the moment you realize that you are always the precious sacred child in creational movement and breath; trusting in this portal of infinite abundance, and knowing when to give, how much, and what sweet stories are just for you, and what visions are meant for you, to nourish you, and bless you, and honour you, and what is your Divine offering of sacredness to Creation; this is when your Oneness is the knowing and living of It;

A sweet eternal song dear ones, and always multi-dimensional layers and journeys are within It all; those that can see, know, feel, understand this and offer it passionately for others to 'feel' to deepen the connections with all life that we have forgotten due to material wants and needs and many damaging wounds of what truly matters and what truly is the creator within us.

Can you create your world in the seeking and knowing and living of sweet soulful magic? Can you re-ignite this? Can you emulate this joy for all children, for all your inner child moments, and surrender truthfully and release with appreciation all that holds you from remembering this level of 5D practicing in your mastery vibration?

It is so easy to get derailed
and distracted the closer we get to achieving pure liberation; and the ego will test you how more fully can you surrender to love, and being love, and returning the remembrance of infinite spirit and the grace of spirit to return and create the sweet spot of a 5D moment of ignition through which worlds are born; this my brothers and sisters is the eternal magic of all that is always being offered but is only offered when you trust just enough to leap into what Spirit sings for you. The knowing and the living of unconditional loving trust; to see the magic through by being sweetly vulnerable to it, and release all pains, all stories, and all notions of your inherent worthiness of your own majesty.

The depth of who you are is infinite and in the process of awakening, we are offered this ever sweet journey to explore; and the grace, the intuitive creative story within us all, is held within the every new surrender, every new trusting moment with Spirit, the surrender of how you view, perceive, and know of the magic within what was that we all failed to see, to explore, and cut the threads of stories held in fear and limiting illusions and what was always there; presence of LOVE that is the graceful sweet success within all things, all challenges, and all new earth realities; but it takes the vulnerability of trust with Spirit to walk with spirit in equal knowing and sweetness of inner love, inner work, and truthfulness of what can be.

If you are feeling ego-ically entitled or still hovering in the 'wanting, needing, getting' then you are missing the elegance of a higher vibrational life and what visions, what stories, what false truths are we showing and emulating to our children? Are we showing, are we emulating the children abilities to imagine a dream and being it? Are we showing and emulating the grace of God, spirit, and the knowing within this heart felt surrender and flowing and following It, surrendering It is that path of the unconditional trust with the new sweet story with and as Spirit and only spirit.

You are offered, and blessed, and gifted, not one person and aspect of life is held outside of the majesty of god, of spirit, of Source; we are all offered benevolent gifting and blessings; it will all depend on how willing you are to be sweet and graceful. Can your heart be broken just enough to release the illusions that keep you hard and steadfast on stories that are not fulfilling the inner magical child that aches to be felt again? What are we showing our children in continuing in old stories of limitation and ego-direction? Are we living the magic, the grace, the sweetness of life? 

How may you feel the richness in all things, all moments, and all sacred stories that can come to life through such Divine surrender and succumbing to the majesty of sweet love that is always unconditional? We have rarely been shown role models of such deep and loving vibrational emulation; living in sweet grace is a oneness with Source and is a pure feeling, a sacred space of your own vulnerability with Source and knowing every step and word is with Source, every breath and every direction is source, and in knowing this as thy name, you can deepen this now and step into mastery for the 'grace of living' a masterful and magical life; for your choices here on out dear ones will have to be with unconditional trust that god, Source, spirit is helping you heal all things, bless all beings, bless all steps, and create the magic that is offered for all within a new earth story.

Grace is a loving and joyful sweet breath with the Divine, and is a multi-layered joyfest; and we have to release and surrender all fallacies, all illusions, all stories of bondage, all pain, all betrayals, and whatever veils have illuded the heart to a new and gentle world potential. This is the sweetness now being offered. For Oneness, and the blessing of Oneness, is the sweet grace that Source, God, spirit is always offering and showing you that you then reject in the forgetfulness of magic.

It is up to each to seek and discover this sweetness that is inherent within all children's hearts; for when a child stops believing in miracles and the magic in everyday life, is when we have to look at how we have deceived ourselves and created a reality around it; the mind, the ego and the systems of old have veiled the knowing of the inner child to seek the magic; how may we awaken to how we all know Creation and Creational magic to appear and be experienced all ways, all moments, and how can we each inspire to infuse, ignite our children hearts to begin once again to believe in magic, and the spark that is purely God, Source, the gentle sweetness in all of life?

We are within this new juxtaposition and unique potential to re-write our world dear ones, and such a profound depth of richness that simply no old version of reality would be fulfilling; but to honour and bless what was and remember the sweetness, the visions, the make-believe, the crazy dreams and the subtle unseen spirit in all moments and things and beings.

Remind yourself, remind your children of the sweetness of life,
Remind yourself that God, Source, and angelic breath is the uplift of all moments; your healing and knowing, surrendering to your greatness, and living in this sweet alcove is our lesson upon earth to nourish her, to uplift her and to work with her on this glorious journey of Heavenly remembrance.

Be the essence of grace; the gentle sweetness of your dreams, of your visions, and when a disbelief of something not being real or ability to receive, worthiness to receive or the impossibility of what may unfold, and simply surrender and be sweet.

God, Spirit, Source, will show you the infinite stories of gifting; some blessings and miracles are just for you, for the Mother and the Father, want you to know, hear your sacred song, and your whispers of pure adoring love and are meant for just you; some sacred visions are meant to be shared and offered to the world and the whole; so be within the ever knowing of this breath with spirit, and you will know through your receiving of pure and gentle Heavenly love for nourishment and to bathe your outer expressions ever deeper and richer.

All is possible dear ones,
All is infinite and nourishing of your mastery and inner - outer transformation of a new realm becoming. We are each these vessels and are always offered so sweetly and gently with spirit,

This is so very sweet and loving and adoring and gentle; surrender in this vibration of loving flow and so too will you truly experience 'grace.'

You are the vision of grace and pure love in the heart and eyes of spirit; can you surrender to this?

And so be the infinite and graceful journey

And so be it,


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