Monday, 20 May 2019

The Profound Reality Shifter ~ Joy

Greetings dear masterful co-creators,
In our live facebook video offering yesterday we mused about the topic of 'sacred play' and 'joy' and how this is so important to live within and bring into the daily unfolding as we continue to accelerate as an ascending collective.
The vibration of play, and joy, happiness, allow for one to 'let go' of the drama's and energies of chaos while collective de-construction is unfolding. 

This does not mean we completely detach or avoid our social involvement; quite the opposite; this means we stand as masters honouring the grander picture, anchoring light, anchoring peace, anchoring the unveiling of truth, and know that there is Divine accordance in all that unfolds to begin the heart-healing, the awakening to human value, human joy, human benevolence that is required for all to have the potential to experience. 

Here is the link to our live facebook video;
This is Source living within to alter what has been and begin new cycles of spiralling joy. 
Each evening, each morning, infuse intentions of sacred play; morning coffee or tea with Gaia, and the fairies, pixies, and dance a little more, sing a little more, offer your hand or donate, a little more; as your heart opens in this higher knowing you are setting the vibration for joyful sacred living, so too will this ripple with all others of sacred mastery and together we create the rainbow foundations of collective Oneness and healing that is and can be light, honouring, a blessing, and worthy of who we truly are within Creation. 

When collective, galactic karmic releases unfold, in however it may; it is key to own your light, stand within your light, your own higher knowing and discernment, and choose the reality vibration through which will unfold in your consciousness directing of it. Our collective consciousness is uplifting a higher truth for our worthiness and thus then, what is dense, what is untruthful and without integrity must be re-written in higher order. This is our collective heart ushering in anew.
Consciousness creates dear ones; what energy, what vibration is within your hearts and being offered with Source to play within? Joy, Peace, Oneness is your birthright; what perspective and what view whispers within your heart to turn the 'wheel of change' to what you truly desire? 

Your choice of vibration within creates the next physical unfolding and as a collective we have agreed upon specific views, stories, to bring Oneness, unity, cherished honouring back into our reality experience. Moment-for-moment, we choose to anchor joy, happiness, forgiveness, compassion, or love and how each moment is the foundational vibrational matrix through which we all walk.
In honouring of the human spirit, be joyful. You are worthy of this. Joy ripples joy, love begets love, unconditional trust begets unconditional flow, honour and sacred living, beget honourable and sacred flow. Your joy and happiness is the foundation through which joy and happiness can flow. Vibration inspires vibration; you get to choose which view you want to experience. You are loved through it all. 

Join us weekly on Friday mornings to be a part of the sacred soul tribe collective light anchoring, with sacred toning, channeled insights, and collective planetary prayer.

And so it is,
Human value, Human treasures, Human belonging,
Oneness & Unity for All.

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