Greetings dear lighted ones,
So many have come here as lightworkers, healers, awakened parents, of those that are now awakening the children of light, the children of Divine diverse DNA and the future Divine struggling to remember. Have this be 'ok.' So often, we jump, we worry, we want so much to solve and help that we misalign the Heavenly and Divine flow that actually 'sets,' creates the vibrational foundational platform of resolve and pure loving flow. So many worlds, so many experiences of our past human timelines, involve the energies of stepping within boundaries that do not allow for the Divine perfection that mere unconditional trust and allowance can truly bring.
What is within our DNA, our higher knowing, our innate intent to be here in these tremendous accelerations and change, and Divine human awakening is that we can be the Godliness of who we are; maintain our fields, maintain our frequency and vibration, and live AS the example for ALL others, and why this, is truly the Highest and Best; as many of our celestial and galactic family allow for our growth, for our free will, and for our finding our way through our own Heavenly-human mastery to allow Heaven upon Earth.
This is a hard lesson to learn for parents, for healers that are parents, the ambassadors of the unconditional love that is Christic, infinite, and Divine. Know dear ones, we offer this with the highest of regard and compassion; all parents are healers, and all healers are parents. The roles we have defined are now merging and harmonizing as ONE; we are opening within sacred living; caring, sharing, and loving of the ALL that are our neighbours, our children, our brothers, our sisters, and in this, we allow ourselves to be the ambassadors of pure care, pure honour, and valuing the spirited human experience.
When we allow our own innate beauty, our own innate power of light to BE the pillar that you have always been, THIS sets the most profound foundation for healing, for transition, for transcension than any wish, desire, or need the ego may have for any other to be in any other place than where they are.
This can also be felt and experienced as;
'Be the living example of change, of love, of unconditional acceptance and this will be enough.'
This is setting the vibrational tone for all else to be offered the the vibrational match, however do not have to take it, or accept it, or experience it; however know this, this living in the vibration of your highest will assure exactly what is meant to within all soul contracts, and why releasing resistance, releasing worry, and allowing the natural innate flow of the ALL to be what it will. There is always Divine orchestration and higher, deeper, richer meaning that we often account for.
This is what many moving through mastery are being invited to muse and ponder to return to a higher vibrational state of being, a higher vibrational Source aligned state of being that will allow for purity of human evolution in the benevolence of the ALL for the ALL.
These pondering's of 'allowance' and 'human value' and Divine path honouring, are in many respects in complete contradiction to what our 'old world' societal programs have dictated for us and why we can breathe, allow, and honour the merging and transcending of 'old world' ideologies, we can truly praise, cheer, and celebrate all that has been, as we acknowledge and align with the higher vibratory trajectory that we are on.
The profundity of allowance and living within unconditional trust.
Know that our children are the masters in human form; perceive all beings, all children as Godly, as enlightened and finding their way as we are finding ours.
Tuning into and aligning the 'wholeness' and multi-dimensional ISNESS of who we are, have always been into our paradigms of self-care, self-alignment, self-acceptance, self-allowance, and in doing so, we open a new vibrational foundation within the home, the inner temple, the family home, the community for new potentials of sacred living, unconditional loving care of one another, and the unconditional trust that ALL IS WELL, and profundity will unveil in our allowance and trusting of this.
This new perspective offers an open vibrational potential of unconditional love, limitless creational potential, and the Divine reverence that we are each worthy of receiving in the 'allowance' of thyself and all others the permission to move through what they designed for the birthing, for the expansion, for the blessings found within their, your destiny that is really beyond we have ability to conceive or control to manage.
Here is our most recent Soundcloud audio for those that so desire;
These pondering's allow us to transition from 'controlling systems of human living,' to open, Source aligned, spirit-revered and blessing the foundation that IS pure in its higher knowing 'YOU ARE WORHTY AND YOU ARE PURE SPIRITED POWER' in finding and creating your way with Source, with Creation.
How differently could a situation that perhaps causes worry, concern, or the sleepless nights, could be offered an infinitely vast field of healing, of higher knowing, of Source alignment in the 'invitation of allowance of the Divine God-self.'
Invocation, Activation, Divine Loving Flow through Pure Intent
Allow and invite silence, invite Source, invite your own perfection of God, Source, the Creator to bring within breath, the encodings, the wisdom, the alignment of all that you are, to anchor a higher knowing, anchor a benevolent potential, in a situation within your home; temple, and how your alignment of pure intent to your own profundity, gives way to Divine unconditional ALLOWANCE, that opens wisdom, information, alignment within the ALL for the ALL, and the Divine honour, and truth for all paths to be honoured in the way that was intended in our Heavenly souls plan and blueprint and why we have come together to play in the roles that we have.

Offer an open flow of your Divinehood and the Divinehood of those that you feel worry for, or need for change, resolve as we offer an open portal and gate to a new vibration of reality experience that is of benevolence; intend your purity of who you have always been to come forth. I trust, I allow, I open flow of the purity of love that I have always been. I TRUST in the Universe, I trust in Source, I trust in ME.
I offer my Divine essence, the purity of wisdom, intelligence, and Heavenly love of mastery to step forth and live through me, as I call forth my worry, my imprints, or fears, resistance so that I may love and release the veils to my forward progress.
Sit in a silent repose and bring into your heart space, sacred heart of any issue, any concern that may be causing you or your current experience, the inner being and bodies resistance, pain, or worry.
I invite this resistance of my perfection to come forth; I acknowledge this resistance, I acknowledge where and how in my bodies the whole self how this feels, for this will be my mastery to choose anew. To choose my heart-felt, heart-centred new vibration.
I know how to live in my Godliness, my mastery. I own my mastery in calling this forth, for I acknowledge I am capable to begin anew in my flowing pure light. This worry, this belief was based on who I thought I was, in limiting beliefs and lack of trust in myself, in Source, in you, (if you are healing and honouring the paths of those in your family circle) in the Universe. As I call this fear and worry forth, I choose to bless the lessons in this choice, and I choose of my highest resolve to release.
I expand and grow with Source into new fields of play in my release. I breathe as I intend, allow, accept the release. I open in my pure flow of love. This is who I have always been. I AM THAT I AM. I purely desire to be the love and allowance of flow and joy that I am worthy of. I will honour and acknowledge this fear, this worry, this resistance, for this is the gate to my higher and enriched self-love; I am ready to allow loving resolve.
For those that so desire;
Allow and Affirm
'I honour you, I hold you in the most high, for you are the Creator as I AM, I honour your path, I allow and accept the perfection of this moment and all that it offers, I allow the perfection to offer me what is needed, and know you too are also being offered what you need in your path, for your path is your path and I offer unconditional love, support, and empowerment so that you may always know I am here and loving of you. You are the Divine love and joy of the Creator, as I AM, and I accept you wholely and in the Divine blessing that you were born, I believe in you and I believe in our path of exploration to allow the highest and best for we are loving always entangled with Source, love, and higher knowing WE ARE LOVE. I BELIEVE IN YOU.'

The allowance, the releasing, giving yourself permission to live in your Divine flow of love IS the portal through your heart, pure intent, to open a new vibrational reality. Self-love, self-acceptance, pure self-allowance of ALL that you truly ARE. We create a far more profound foundation of loving change and heightened potential in the utter unwavering loving belief that all others are and always have been purely Divine and purely perfect.
Daily Frequency and Core State of Being Maintainence
Spend a few minutes every morning and every night, to feel into the vibrational shift in your home and temple within; affirming the truth of the Universe and love within and see what your reality offers you. The Universe, the galaxy, Source, Creation will support you in this. Whether you say these affirmations to yourself as you lovingly gaze into the mirror, or loving gaze and dance within your home to bless your house for the day; the intent of unconditional allowance, unconditional trust will shift into unconditional love and IS the highest and best for the ALL.
* I Honour you and I honour your path. I believe in you. I so love you and within my heart, so unconditionally, I trust your path and exploration with Source. You are a Heavenly being of much wisdom, of much light and grace and strength. I trust you, I love you, I honour you. I accept you unconditionally and I am open to the allowance of greater harmony, greater peace, greater abundance, greater love, and greater peace. I allow the highest and best, by releasing my resistance, by releasing my need to fix; I TRUST, I LOVE, I AM THAT I AM and Source is with us.
You, Source, the Creator; LOVE and always offer yourself to harmonize anew, as in all moments, we are offering ourselves new spirals of releasing, stepping up into, and living in vibrational and physical mastery. It is our beliefs, our lack of, the definitions we take on, we choose, to allow are the walls, the resistance and hurdles, the veils through which we are here to love and release; thus transcending.
You are the ALL.
You are a version and crystalline - physical experience of the ALL; be still, go within, invite the God-essence, the Creator within to guide you in the surrender of the resistance, the block, the beliefs that is of your highest to release, to transmute, by merely 'you giving you permission' to live freely, resistance-free, within your Godliness.
You may feel clinching and attention to a specific chakra, or a belief, or image, that is you honouring you to live freely within the vibration of its opposite. Honour it, love it, bless it, for this is the catalytic strength and vibration to jet you into the purity of love that is the Source Creator of you. Resistance to the God of you allows you to open into the God of You. Allow the flow of the natural you.
You loving you, you believing and honouring, remembrance of YOU; as pure love, as pure allowance, as pure Divine flow. I believe --> I know --> I AM.
Give yourself permission to call forth in your mastery the vibration that you are ready, you are gifted, you are blessed to release and love into a light quotient that will serve you in living your Source embodiment. You are worthy to live in pure love of YOU.
I live within the clarity of unconditional trust. This is my foundation of who I am as Source light, Source love, and pure Divine potential.
And so it is, And so I AM.
And so it is.
'I choose, I allow, I AM the vibration of my Godliness.'
Blessings and graceful joy,