Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Surrender to Live Sacredly

There are experiences within this Divine ascension unfolding that I simply cannot put into words, or can even begin to define.
I know this with great certainty, with great fervour, and peace; there is an elegance and perfection to this design and this experience is one to be utterly treasured and enjoyed; blissfully, innate, organically, and with a softened heart; otherwise, one misses the beauty within this Universal sacred occurrence.
We are here to shift from doing, getting, forcing, trying, and simply surrender within the Divine 'being ness' and it is our integration of all that is new that will realize a new 5th, 6th, whatever dimensional vibration you hold as a soft and inner truth within you; reality experience.
I know this dear ones, 'THERE ARE NO LIMITS' and it is within you that this truth exists for each to seek, explore, express, experience in their own unique, benevolent, and creative Divine way. I often get asked, 'is it important to know, or to view, all things as sacred when clearly it may not be. Do I have to see, perceive life as sacred to feel Heaven within?'

There is Source, there is God, there is the perfect balance of God energy, Divine rays, eternal intelligence; beyond even what any of our most profound teachings upon this planet can begin to unveil.  There is Divine beauty, a richness so pure that your heart will have moments of utter bliss in Its melting in joy of the beauty as your readied soul will offer you. 

There is a reunion, a sense of undeniable Oneness, through which our experiences, in all ways will reveal yourself anew each moment. There are stories within these sentences dear ones, and for those with the hearts to hear will feel into their depths and colouring. 

But yes, to feel, to know, to live, to experience, to explore ones reality as 'sacred' there is a self-loving invitation for one to be sacred within Oneself first. This resonance becomes you. This sacred perspective invites new words, new foundations of inner knowing, inner truth, inner expansiveness, inner Heavenly communion that IS our reunification with Creation, with Mother Father God, with Source, with ourselves, with one another, and we will feel the 'sacredness' in all.

Sacred living, sacred intent, sends an invitation to Creation; 'I am ready to explore, experience & entangle in a sacred way. How may we dance.' 
In this, a new level of richness, beauty, elegance & grace unfold. Our children ache for this level, depth, and array of richness in experience. This is why so many 'turn off' emotionally, and how we are to awaken such fields of light, potential, and creative play for the light and inner desire to explore is ignited within their hearts. 

Do you love thyself to reveal this?
Self love, self acceptance, self honour is the gateway to living sacredly, living as the Heavenly essence you are. There is a vibrational match to all experiences within the Universe, we are here to navigate what resonance, what experience we are most purely aligned and desiring of that is now threaded intimately within the ALL. 
Unity consciousness, manifesting for thyself, must include the awareness and acknowledgement and entanglement with humanity, and Gaia, for we are threaded more intimately now and will continue to be sew seeds of unity within every new day. 
There is a dance going on here dear lighted ones,
releasing all that is rigidity and allowing the surrender of Source to live through you is within your Divine self love, self honour, and forgiveness of what was. Blessings of all that was; opening your heart anew.
In this, 

There is a deepening of love, joy, bliss, that one simply cannot put into words, for this is Source.

This is a truth.
And so it is.
Enjoy your Heavenly unfolding,
Bliss and graceful joy,

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