Saturday, 27 October 2018

Divine Sacred Living ~ A Heavenly Promise of Remembrance

Greetings dear lighted ones,
Living sacredly begins through our awakening, acknowledgement, and desire to live consciously aware of our entanglement, our affect, our co-creatorhood within all moments, within all life. 
There is nothing that we do not affect. Unity consciousness, our Oneness, although is so known to so many, is now becoming obvious on how much a part we are of our reality experience. There is no denying this. We are the masters of our reality and how may we begin to soak within a Divine purity of love, self acceptance, and self-honour and truly feel the presence of Source, of Love, of light within all moments. A higher truth is available to each of us and our path to explore this is so beautifully unique and diverse. 
How to live Sacredly in all moments ~ Self Acceptance, reunion with the Omni-God self in all moments that once kept you in judgment, fear, separation, and honour, love, bless the voice, the energy, the child within for showing you your readiness to transcend and transmute through love. 
Honouring all phases, all moments, all gifts, for this is living sacredly. Honouring and valuing the gifts and paths of others, while being aware of our entanglement and affect with Gaia, our human family, the All. ~ are we taking this to higher levels of awareness? This is evolution and you knew you wanted to be a part of this. 
We go live at 11:00am MST for our weekly Divine Ascension and sacred living radio show with KCOR…/Universal-Unity-New-Earth-Consciousn…

Every Saturday our tribe gathers and when 3 or more attune to pure intent of love, harmony, peace, and upliftment, our collective reaches new frequencies of potentials. For we are truly feeling, sensing, and becoming more and more aware of the God consciousness fields within all things, all beings, and all co-creative moments. Now the real party begins! Awareness is just the beginning....we now masterfully steer, intend, soften the path with our gifts, skills, and Akashic blessings we have earned over eons of lifetimes and planets to open, offer, and bless forth in our joyful sharing and caring. An eternal and infinite path of growth, remembering, igniting, and unfolding within love, light, and Heavenly promise.  

In all that my heart desires to experience, to see, to feel, to receive, my teams constantly remind me that this experience exists within. The light and honour of others is held within myself. The prosperity and joy of a harmonic life is held within me. The balance and peace is held within me. How ready and how pure is my intent to begin perceiving, acting, behaving in this way to entrain a new reality experience is the path that we each walk. How ready are you to perceive and create anew? Are ready for your greatness? Allow the dance to begin.

Divine Sacred Land Events & Retreats
We have had some very special gatherings and sacred retreats here at our Diamond Heart Sanctuary over the past five months, and I feel so blessed to be a part of so many awakening to new levels of joy. We offer a special and sacred space, sacred land, sacred ceremony and intentions that those that have co-created here, seem to feel as if they float in and float out of such Divine life-changing experiences and some wonder if there is a portal that we co-create that seems to take us right outside of 'time & space' all-together.  The experiences are so Divine, and each person feels sometime unique, something life-changing, and within a knowing that now is ready to come forth and be a part of self-ownership and mastery. 

However those find their way here, we are sacred soul tribe and our common desire to experience higher vibrational potentials, or to truly invite energetically intimate shifts of consciousness, or Divine reunifying experiences, there is a feeling that we have become more entangled and connected on such a deep level that often leaves us without words or ways to convey what occurred.  This is Divine. We each go deeper, wider, and within new levels of experience with spirit, with Gaia, with ourselves, and our readiness adds to the vast ALL and essence of our wholeness; the God Within. The path is unique and different to each, filled with surprises and awakenings so diverse, so beautiful and can never be scripted or planned, but held within the sacred intent to feel the richness and depths of who we truly are. I feel so utterly blessed to be a part of these sacred events, sacred awakenings, and reality shifts for so many, and know without question that our planet is with us every step of the way. I am able to feel into, sense, hear, and be a part of the Gaia consciousness so that I am able to teach, offer, and uplift our consciousness in such Divine gatherings and heart felt desires to live in new states of peace and inner awareness. 

This land dear ones, whichever path you take, walk, or dance upon, is SACRED, And Gaia is delicately and gracefully entangling to whatever level and richness we inspire and remember. This path is not one to be rushed, or pushed, or denied, for unity consciousness means we have agreed at a soul level to awaken to our Gaia entanglement, our Gaia threading, our ability to speak, hear, and be a part of what is needed in our planetary evolution. There is always a higher truth, a wider perspective, and a more rich beauty for us to perceive, to remember and create anew. This is the gift. Eternal stories of loving exploration and self-joy within all things, all moments, with all life. How could we not be excited? How may we co-create in this knowing? How may we soften and enjoy the ride and stillness of each moment? How may we invite in a higher, deeper, wider truth of love, unity, harmony, and bliss? All of this dear ones, the essence of who we are is showing us in all moments through our experiences that our threading, our ability to create, to affect, to shine, to love, is within ALL things. 

How may the words you hold in now become the loving song of you? How may your actions of sacred intent offer a new harmonic vibration within your home, within your physical temple? What simple actions of sacred joy, honour, may you invite in for you, for Gaia, for others in your daily life? Living sacredly doesn't mean trying but simply honouring you as the SACRED gift that you are, and that Source breathed you to be. How may you show yourself loving sacred honour? How may your words to thyself be soft, loving, filled with joyful intent to discover something new? These are simple ways to entrain a new reality perspective and experience and profound in the ability to unlock the Divine beauty and richness held within.
How may the excitements that stir within be set free to the Universe for a Divine and Heavenly Sacred convergence working on your behalf to fulfill and make manifest? How may the inner ache to be loved be offered to the ALL as you honour all that you are in silence, in stillness, in reverence with Source? For you are your master of light and love and it begins within.  

You are worthy of these gifts dear ones, you are worthy of this Divine perfection. How may you invite the perfection of Source to live through you? For this is an energetic and quantum offering to ignite anew. Are you ready? Living fully in bliss, self-love, self-honour, is practiced, for there are very few that live in this way in all moments. We are as a collective, entraining new heightened beliefs, perspectives, behaviours, and actions so that our reality as a collective aligns within the Christed grids we vibrate within. 

The Courage of Your Light
It takes a softening of the heart to admit  and acknowledge what we need, to rebalance our multi-dimensional bodies, and stand in Divine knowing when in the face of others, social norms challenge us. Remember, this is what we chose and signed on for. We knew we were strong, wise, and Divine essence to transcend any and all within our path by living in soft open knowing we are One; some may be ready for grand change, and some may not. All is well, but it takes inner clarity, inner strength, courage, and devotion to living in sacred joy before a shift in ones reality becomes manifest. We have lived eons in beliefs and patterning that teaches us to go 'outside' of ourselves for every answer, every aspect of respect, or love, so these new dynamic shifts within may take time. Be patient, be soft and gentle with yourself. Creation, God, your higher self knows you are doing the best you can. Ascension is not a race, or end state. We are living, breathing loving experiences of new in every moment, and thus, every moment is the journey; and why loving thyself, honouring thyself, feeling sacred within thyself is so utterly vital and important to living a deeply rich life in open Source communion.

The response of your reality, the response of the Universe, is directly entangled with your inner passion, inner knowing, inner purity of joy to BE YOU. To explore and enjoy you. To love and honour, and live sacredly as YOU, for you are threaded, sewn, seeded as Source; how could this be otherwise? 

Thursday, 25 October 2018

Full Moon Ignition of LOVE - Rich, Deep, Pure Love

This Tauren full moon offers many special energies to ignite, soften, and honour this Divine Heavenly human ride.
There is a special square configuration that aligns the Sun and Moon, opposite Venus and Uranus; all sitting at 1degree.
Perhaps there are threads of golden love quantumly shining through us each to playfully open, playfully sing, joyfully wonder that this may be far greater than we think. 
We live within profundity. We live within streaming systems of light, Divine sacred wisdom, Heavenly offerings, and as we each follow our unique and diverse hearts path, with joyful conviction to explore and BE our most sacred self, we open the door to this Divinehood to live through us in all the miraculous ways that It can. 
Blessed with moments, remembrances, and synchronistic unfoldings that truly cannot be explained, and nor should they, for It is Divine. Where the unexplainable, the undeniable, the unanswerable occur. You are, I am, we are; LOVE. 

All Divine in alignment for the benevolence of our awakening, our deepening, our enriched offering to dive within love, new stories, new behaviours that stir the mastery, stir the alchemist, stir the healer, stir the Gaia speaker, and nature healer. How may you ignite the joy of love within during these moments of lighted offering to feel sacred, honour your sacredness, honour the light in others as it is honoured in you? How may we each take only a few moments out of every day to open our hearts in unconditional love? To know our worthiness of love, our worthiness of receiving, emitting, and offering a love forth that is purely from our hearts; this is our human remembrance. 
How utterly new, how utterly Divine.
And so it is.
Happy FULL MOON in Taurus ~ may you remember your own innate luxury and elegance in this. 
Open your Heart, you are worthy of your own grandness.
Joanna L Ross

Wednesday, 24 October 2018

For the Joy of Your Greatness

Nourishment of Life ~ Creation, Love, Source; We ARE.
There is a sweetness; the nectar of Creation within breath IS love.
To nurture, nourish, inspire, ignite, delight, soothe, calm, the All within & when harmonized in this, we remember our fullness. 
Elegantly riding the waves of Heavenly breath.
There is little complexity within feeling, experiencing, being joy, or being love, or emitting a Divine purity of love, for we are. 

Simplicity of creating, experiencing, designing vibrationally anew.
Love for the joy of loving.
Sing for the joy of singing.
Smile for the joy of smiling.
Give for the joy of giving.
Share for the joy of sharing.
Create for the joy of creating.
You are you for the purity of joy.
To feel, to remember, to be joy simply is.
You are.

Already, love, joy, light, Divine.
And so it is.
Blessings and graceful joy,

Saturday, 20 October 2018

Ascension Radio ~ Live Love Laughter

Greetings Dear lighted ones,
We go live this morning ~ join us for this fun offering of our expansive and joyful ride within a new human-Universal dynamic.

Our Sacred Soul Tribe from all over the Universe ~ are you feeling the love!
Blessings and light,
11:00am MST 


Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Surrender to Live Sacredly

There are experiences within this Divine ascension unfolding that I simply cannot put into words, or can even begin to define.
I know this with great certainty, with great fervour, and peace; there is an elegance and perfection to this design and this experience is one to be utterly treasured and enjoyed; blissfully, innate, organically, and with a softened heart; otherwise, one misses the beauty within this Universal sacred occurrence.
We are here to shift from doing, getting, forcing, trying, and simply surrender within the Divine 'being ness' and it is our integration of all that is new that will realize a new 5th, 6th, whatever dimensional vibration you hold as a soft and inner truth within you; reality experience.
I know this dear ones, 'THERE ARE NO LIMITS' and it is within you that this truth exists for each to seek, explore, express, experience in their own unique, benevolent, and creative Divine way. I often get asked, 'is it important to know, or to view, all things as sacred when clearly it may not be. Do I have to see, perceive life as sacred to feel Heaven within?'

There is Source, there is God, there is the perfect balance of God energy, Divine rays, eternal intelligence; beyond even what any of our most profound teachings upon this planet can begin to unveil.  There is Divine beauty, a richness so pure that your heart will have moments of utter bliss in Its melting in joy of the beauty as your readied soul will offer you. 

There is a reunion, a sense of undeniable Oneness, through which our experiences, in all ways will reveal yourself anew each moment. There are stories within these sentences dear ones, and for those with the hearts to hear will feel into their depths and colouring. 

But yes, to feel, to know, to live, to experience, to explore ones reality as 'sacred' there is a self-loving invitation for one to be sacred within Oneself first. This resonance becomes you. This sacred perspective invites new words, new foundations of inner knowing, inner truth, inner expansiveness, inner Heavenly communion that IS our reunification with Creation, with Mother Father God, with Source, with ourselves, with one another, and we will feel the 'sacredness' in all.

Sacred living, sacred intent, sends an invitation to Creation; 'I am ready to explore, experience & entangle in a sacred way. How may we dance.' 
In this, a new level of richness, beauty, elegance & grace unfold. Our children ache for this level, depth, and array of richness in experience. This is why so many 'turn off' emotionally, and how we are to awaken such fields of light, potential, and creative play for the light and inner desire to explore is ignited within their hearts. 

Do you love thyself to reveal this?
Self love, self acceptance, self honour is the gateway to living sacredly, living as the Heavenly essence you are. There is a vibrational match to all experiences within the Universe, we are here to navigate what resonance, what experience we are most purely aligned and desiring of that is now threaded intimately within the ALL. 
Unity consciousness, manifesting for thyself, must include the awareness and acknowledgement and entanglement with humanity, and Gaia, for we are threaded more intimately now and will continue to be sew seeds of unity within every new day. 
There is a dance going on here dear lighted ones,
releasing all that is rigidity and allowing the surrender of Source to live through you is within your Divine self love, self honour, and forgiveness of what was. Blessings of all that was; opening your heart anew.
In this, 

There is a deepening of love, joy, bliss, that one simply cannot put into words, for this is Source.

This is a truth.
And so it is.
Enjoy your Heavenly unfolding,
Bliss and graceful joy,

Sunday, 14 October 2018

Divine Sacred Living

Greetings Dear lighted ones,
Heavenly Musings; Sacred Living

Sacred living; To allow presence of ALL that you are to begin a self-All serving devotion to unfold within a state of willingness, trust, stillness of the 'Moment.'

To be fully present, with an open heart, and be masterful within observing, allowing, honouring, and crafting IT to become a new co-creation of Divine and Heavenly LOVE. Are you able to be still, present, allowing, honouring of any one moment, and see it, feel it, honour for what IT is and how this in and of itself is a gift?

To feel into, to desire your own unique, infinite union with Source; IS sacred. All moments of thought - sacred. All moments of co-creation - sacred. All moments, all now, SACRED. You ARE Sacred SEED. Sit within a softening of the heart, invite the Divine opening, honouring, and sacred communion between you and your Divine Sacred Heart; then trust, allow, honour whatever it is you need, you are co-creating with Source TO BE. This alone will shift your inner trust, inner knowing, and the quantum allowance to open for new. Our ride within this earthly-Heavenly transformation is not always about the 'doing, or getting, or fully awakened state' for we must honour each moment and this is where true Heavenly connection, remembrance, entanglement and Divine Sacred living are experienced.

The joy of the blessing is held within all moments, for all moments you and Source are entwined.
The journey, the unfolding, the honouring of; each moment IS the gift.

All moments, all love in all phases of ITs co-creation, IS THE GIFT. Ascension is not about the end state or end light body desire; it is the moment for moment blessing of our Heavenly co-creations with Source as Source in human form.

If you can open and muse with this; simply though profound will assist you in so many ways to see beyond what is, for there will be moments within your Divine ascension that will ignite any fears, illusions, and human habits that are meant to be transformed by purity of trust in Divine Allowance.
Your honouring, your presence, your unconditional trust IS ALWAYS; has been with Source. Can you honour this as it is presented in ALL moments? Releasing control, manipulation, expectation, and desire to see a certain outcome? For what Source is truly capable of for each of our unique journeys, what you are capable of is truly beyond one human understanding. Why not honour and allow this?
You are worthy of this Divine gift.

And so it is,
Blessings be to the still and grateful heart,
