Every child born is the spark of God to assist us in co-creating a new human paradigm loving any and all restriction and limitation to one of brilliance, genius, and human harmony and Oneness ~
We have entered an energetic webbing of awareness that it is time that we allow our perspective of the entire children collective, the aging collective, the human collective in ways of dynamic Oneness in each unique offering to our new light potential. Children, the aging, wildlife, Gaia, is not less than, but the portal through which we see, we explore, we see our paths to self-acceptance, self-healing, and a new way to human evolution ~ in which we drop all limitation societal programs, systems, and agenda's of control and out-dated perspectives of separation.
Food for thought ~
As you move about life, moment-for-moment, are you perceiving all beings that cross your path as the God before you? Children, aging, ancient, now, neighbour, mother, father, sister and brother - we are One and how we enable the Christ within to come forth and play as the brilliance and radiance that we are each due. We shift our reality with every new heightened and expanded perspective in love. You, me, us, them, children, aged, ancestors, all timelines, NOW, ONE.
As you move about life, moment-for-moment, are you perceiving all beings that cross your path as the God before you? Children, aging, ancient, now, neighbour, mother, father, sister and brother - we are One and how we enable the Christ within to come forth and play as the brilliance and radiance that we are each due. We shift our reality with every new heightened and expanded perspective in love. You, me, us, them, children, aged, ancestors, all timelines, NOW, ONE.
We change the ALL NOW! Through our loving self-acceptance of ourselves within all moments is the graceful path of the fully activated Christed self.
It is not any one moment that is the trap, or the challenge, or the frustration, it is your perspective you hold within any one moment. Love, accept, go within and know you are so very unconditionally loved to move beyond the illusion of separation and limitation. This is why all soul agreements are that they are ~ service to the ALL. Not to cause you pain or limitation but to have you go within and seek the forgiveness, the acceptance, the love and unconditional God moment that is there. That is now, that is you.
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