Saturday, 24 June 2017

A New Garden to Love Within

Greetings dear lighted ones,
We have an incredible summer celebration hosting a brand new ascension radio show and sharings from my Peru trip and the incredible unveilings of spirit, the Divine, and how honoured I am to be with all of you on this incredible journey of lighted human exploration.

Join us on KCOR today at 11:00am MST for our live ascension show and realignment to Divine Source light within.

We had a truly wonderful and loving welcome from Cari and her Master Group teaching series and for those that so desire to join and listen in to the replay, you are being offered a very special package within this free series of discussions.
For those that so desire, the information is at the end of the mastery dialogue ~
Thank you for the lovely comments and feedback from our live show with Cari's incredible learning and expansion program. There is much to explore with our Universal teams, our lightships, our higher dimensional health, crystalline children, and well-being and we have just tapped into our limitless potentiality.
I feel blessed and so very grateful to be entangled with you all once again in this profound earthly ~ human transformation and know we are creating such illumination and light for the multi-verse. The energy of the solstice, of summer, is to truly take celebration, ceremony, and remembrance and embrace all that is abundant within the garden of you. All that you have sewn, cultivated, and arranged so elegantly for Creation to entangle with is now your potential and ability to claim, own, cherish, and exalt in a loving and self-honouring way. For you are the new growth, new light, the loving manifestation of the myriad of lifetimes spent in density and limitation now free to soar as high and wide as you desire. 

This is the new garden of light, new garden of limitless potential, and we are the mavericks that truly bring this to form.
You are the Divine experiencing Itself within the All, and our remembrance of being love is the journey.

Thank you Cari for your platform and sharing.
Soar and sing ~

Blessings with great joy,
Joanna L Ross
Universal Unity

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