Sunday, 7 May 2017

Divine Gifted & New Pristine Potentials

Good morning dear lighted ones,
We have been gifted a Divine and Heavenly gift, 
We have infinite number of beings surrounding us in every moment, and how we are truly shifting from a self-servig existence, to emerging with the essence of Divine Sovereign creativity that serves the All through joy, excitement, and the eternal Christed Consciousness. The Heavens, the councils, the highest dimensional beings assisting and shifting our grids for our continued life have bestowed such a gift, and how may we awaken, truly awaken and walk in reverence with this bestowal of such a pristine grid and potentials.  Are we aware of the gift that all breath, all life, all Heavenly gifts offer to us.

The DNA upgrades, our multi-dimensional shifts and refinements, the breath by breath we are Divinely guided and how aware and awake are we of this and the pristine grids gifted for our heightened way to exist through love, peace, and joy.  We are so very blessed.
Great show & lovely energy with my lovely and Divine Goddess friend and coleague Vicki Bhavalia and we talked about how to inspire through our daily life the conversations with our children, the destiny and blessings that these higher vibrational kids are offering us.  We are busy with the creation of our new website for the Universal Light Wisdom Healing Centers, and we are so excited to have this as our Divine Anchor to the Heavens, that we are ready to inspire something new for our human family, our human life. 
‘Anchoring the Divine’ was our topic and how to truly create the intentions to begin a life of new reality frequencies and Universal merging. 

May 6th Ascension KCOR Radio Archive ~ 'Anchoring the Divine'

We are just around the corner, for many of us from first contact, and how may we prepare the ground, prepare the vibrations for our sacred Universal family?
Enjoy your dance and your creative sovereignty ~ 
Blessings and great Joy, 

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