Friday, 26 May 2017

Alchemic Healing, Circles of LOVE

Thank you and gratitude to Jamie Awakening Our Truth for this great video's and how lovely our global event was yesterday ~ profound soul tribe that came forth to gather and just BE within our unique soul love.
Our new loving light is now, is within, and you are required in all ways,
Thank you and great joy,
How may you create in this loving moment ~ 
Join us tomorrow for our weekly ascension radio show and we welcome 2 guests in light ~
Profound lighted wisdom, lighted goodness and pure vibration of light, the God-Self within coming forth to play, 
Blessings and great joy,
Joanna L Ross
* We had such a lovely gathering yesterday in this special new Moon, Ascension Day offering that we are going to create a sharing light alchemic circle monthly. These will be similar to our monthly classes - 60min., once a month, to share, thread new light, alchemically gather to commune in tone, movement, and Divinely gifted wisdoms and love to our new paths we are anchoring. 

Creating change, creating a new earthly reality in which one is free, liberated to play, to create, to explore, in which our children so deeply need, is up to each of us to inspire and create.   Create community and family circles of sharing, love, and pure heart-felt listening.  Mastery is this. Sharing of love, in caring and unconditional circles of intent to be One, to be unified in our purity of heart and how profound this healing is for those suffering, searching, lost, and aching for belonging.  

There is nothing stopping us ~ there is the limitless within, and in this, all things are possible with love and light,
And this I know to be true. 

If you are interested in these high vibrational gatherings to have your name placed on our newsletter list for updates and info - Our next session will be when I return from Peru - Summer solstice, 

Monday, 22 May 2017

Ascension Day Ceremony & Anchoring

Greetings dear ones,
We were saying how profound the May 25th energy is......
For those who so desire to celebrate, anchor, create and bring forth love and unity within the all........
Offering ~ 
DAY of Ascension Celebration & Anchoring
MAY 25th Anchoring Ceremony
11:11am MST 60min., celebration & Anchoring
Celebrate with us in a short anchoring and loving grounding on May 25th * Anchoring of Human Gratitude in Mastery to celebrate and honour the love, assistance, guidance from our families to us through this profound path - I will open a short ceremony and grounding on this day - stay tuned to your newsletter 'inbox' for the zoom link to join in.....
Blessings and great joy,

Email me if you desire the link to join us

There is nothing you are not....

Good morning dear masters, 

In all that is glorious that you recognize is you. All that is great, good, Divine, pure, lovely, is all you. In all that is triumphant, challenging, profound, and serene, and in all that is skill, wisdom, mystical and expansive.....
Walking, being, experiencing life within, and within all things, is brought to new heights, depths, knowingness as your heart is pure & open, for this is how we experience the all, be the all, gift and receive love to and from the All.
This is how we create and co-create light fields of potential, light fields of play and social liberation and illumination within new world experiences. We are preparing the land, preparing the grids, preparing our hearts for our celestial and Universal families of light, of galactic threadings to commune and be with us. As we reach within ~ we sow the seeds of profundity to all things in unity, in peace, in harmony, in love.

We love all beings unconditionally, and we prepare the grounds for the infinite beings of love and light and our hearts are open and pure to you, through us, we are One. May we meet in joy, celebration, and anchoring of the unimaginable.

Love, Light, Promise, Unity, Harmony, Peace, Abundance, Joy, Grace, Humility, Mastery, Laughter.....

It is all you, and how open you are, how aligned in love that you allow yourself to be, will show you any one moment in which you just ARE.

There is nothing that you are not ~ 

You are a master!

Blessings and great love,

Sunday, 21 May 2017

Ascension Energies for this Profound Week of Celebration

Greetings dear lighted ones,
We have a powerful week of celestial alignments, spiritual offerings, and remembrance and celebration of the May 25th ~ Day of Ascension in the relationship to the 40days from the resurrection of Master Jesus.

The number vibrations, the celestial offering of the new moon on the very same day of the 'day of ascension' also on the May 25th, which reduces to the 13 = 4, which are in and of themselves packed with vibrations of change, rebirth, and balance to new groundings. These powerful new moon and ascension offerings are all nestled within the energy of Mercury which is the 'unexpected' and 'unusual' events. 
                                                 Celebrate ~ You are a Divine Heavenly Human Gift 
How may you allow, accept, celebrate, open, and be the Divine loving self that you are and in any one moment, regardless of what is shown to you, BE LOVE. These are the refinements and offerings that all Masters cycle within and celebrate the lush environment in which we can co-create within. 
To assist in your alignment of core mastery energies and inspirations, here is our podcast from Saturday ~
* Mastery Cycles ~
* Tips, Hints, Inspirations ~ Grounding is so very key and assist in creative visualizations that link a grounding cord to the core of Gaia, intend to beat within the heart beat of Gaia, and breathe with Gaia, sacred play with and upon Gaia for healing 
* Let Go & Trust ~ Let go of the self-doubt and lack of self in what you perceive, receive, and how you are able to open and communicate with the Divine. You are a profound Divine Heavenly gift.
* Rest, regenerate, reflect ~ emanate within the richness and soothing love and embrace with the Divine Mother Father God, and the All that is supporting and guiding you ~ Allow these quick balances know that you may also feel psychically charged, and attuned, so be sure to also reflect these knowings and softenings, reassurance to your children, and instead of swirling within busy schedules, sit back and relax and enjoy one another. 
Love yourself, love your children, love the Divine Mother Father, our celestial Oneness, our celestial unity, for it is the crystalline reflections of your vastness.
Enjoy, open and live within your Divine Sacred Heart and be the love of the All that you are ~ 

Blessings and light,
Our new Oneness Alliance facebook page is here;
Our new Oneness Alliance website here for our September 3, live Oneness celebration event;

Friday, 12 May 2017

Weekly Ascension Updates ~ Divine Mother Manifest

Good morning dear lighted ones,
Are you ready to take your path work into a new frequency of potential? Are you ready to invoke and devote the inner Divine core of all that you are to something new, anchor the elegance and God-spark within?

Join us tomorrow for an afternoon filled of high vibrational energy healing, wisdoms, and anchoring of the highest frequencies that we innately co-create in our weekly / monthly communal gatherings within our soul tribe arena's.
We have our live ascension show starting at 11:00am MST
and right after at 1:30pm, we have a 60min., powerful grounding and anchoring of Divine Mother Manifest intent with our celebration of the Divine feminine and the power within to alter our reality experience. 
Join us in these sacred communions;
Sacred Temple Teachings & Healing
1:30-2:30pm MST ~ Global 60min., Alignment, Meditation, Anchoring the Divine, and Invoking our Galactic Missions
Global Ascension Radio ~ 11:00am MST - write in your questions, tweets, texts, or call in ~  *** For our loyal listeners with KCOR Ascension show and those who so desire ~ as my appreciation and excitement, I am offering a very special for those interested in a Private Intuitive Reading & Healing Session ***

Book II ~ Ascension Path Work ~ A Pocket Guide ~ 3rd Edition now ready
Amazon Links here;

And our final bit of weekly news ....... IT IS READY! Our 3rd edition 'Ascension Path Work' Pocket Guide is up and ready! This has been by far our most popular book - the quickest and easy read for those that desire ascension alignments, tips, and assistance in a pocket guide format; 
Updates, new additions, and beautiful artwork by Cameron Grey ~
Blessings and great joy,


Sunday, 7 May 2017

Divine Gifted & New Pristine Potentials

Good morning dear lighted ones,
We have been gifted a Divine and Heavenly gift, 
We have infinite number of beings surrounding us in every moment, and how we are truly shifting from a self-servig existence, to emerging with the essence of Divine Sovereign creativity that serves the All through joy, excitement, and the eternal Christed Consciousness. The Heavens, the councils, the highest dimensional beings assisting and shifting our grids for our continued life have bestowed such a gift, and how may we awaken, truly awaken and walk in reverence with this bestowal of such a pristine grid and potentials.  Are we aware of the gift that all breath, all life, all Heavenly gifts offer to us.

The DNA upgrades, our multi-dimensional shifts and refinements, the breath by breath we are Divinely guided and how aware and awake are we of this and the pristine grids gifted for our heightened way to exist through love, peace, and joy.  We are so very blessed.
Great show & lovely energy with my lovely and Divine Goddess friend and coleague Vicki Bhavalia and we talked about how to inspire through our daily life the conversations with our children, the destiny and blessings that these higher vibrational kids are offering us.  We are busy with the creation of our new website for the Universal Light Wisdom Healing Centers, and we are so excited to have this as our Divine Anchor to the Heavens, that we are ready to inspire something new for our human family, our human life. 
‘Anchoring the Divine’ was our topic and how to truly create the intentions to begin a life of new reality frequencies and Universal merging. 

May 6th Ascension KCOR Radio Archive ~ 'Anchoring the Divine'

We are just around the corner, for many of us from first contact, and how may we prepare the ground, prepare the vibrations for our sacred Universal family?
Enjoy your dance and your creative sovereignty ~ 
Blessings and great Joy, 

Saturday, 6 May 2017

Spring in Bloom ~ Anchoring the Divine

Good morning dear lighted ones,
What an incredible spring morning to amp up and arise to something new and umlimited!
ARe you ready to entangle? Are you ready for a Divine communion and heart-felt offering for this incredible human ascension?
Join us at 11:00am MSt as we go live in our weekly ascension show after being off for a week ~
Topics today;
Anchoring the Divine
Listen in, call in, text or tweet in your ascension questions, and any other enlightenment query you may have.  We are here to anchor in new dynamic joy ~ come out and dance with us! 

New energy, new potential, new love, new light, new joy, and a new dance to unfold.
Blessings and great joy,

Stay tuned for a new blog article this week, plus monthly ascension classes next Saturday and updates on our next live event!