Sunday, 19 March 2017

The Garden of Love

Good morning dear golden ones, 
dear light keepers, light anchors, light spirits and gifts from Creation,
I felt this timely to share in the exciting and oftentimes challenging times, are Divinely orchestrated by our own higher selves, our Divine souls to allow us the strength to choose, to truly choose with refinement, with love, with compassion for thyself. 
Remember, there are no happenstances, or coincidences, and the sooner we open to the vast and grand being that we truly are, westep out of the frequency that we are victims, or unsure, or unaware, and into the frequency of Divine God & Goddess of light that alters all within our path, by our mere loving existence and desire to be authentically who we are ~ you create all aspects of a Divinely entangled life.  

One can ride the cosmic wave of light, love, and entanglement with spirit in all things, or not.  Choice is so very key and why we have designed this ascension radio show around this importance and the shifts and changes for our shifting reality.  And, why our children can be shown new ways of remembrance to their unique light, God seed within, and shape a new human paradigm. 
Without hesitation, without reservation, be your light, choose your heart passion, choose your higher path of unique loving joy, 
You are worthy of this ride, and you are a master creator within it all,
Blessings and great joy, 

Our recent ascension radio show ~ Topics ~ refine and stand within your power and showing your light,
"Seeds of Loving Success"
What seeds do you sow, what garden are you nourishing, and how may you create, manifest, and be the light of all that you are?  These are moment-for-moment choices of light and seeds of loving success in all things.  The garden is you, the soil is you, the seeds are you.  This is Oneness in all things and you sow the essence of it all.  How profound you are!

Enjoy your inner brilliance, 
Love and great joy, 


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