Saturday, 8 March 2025

Venusian Chronicles ~ 5D Prose Poetry and Soulful Songs - - ' the cries of the sacred'

 Venusian Chronicles 

Copyright ©,

'the cries of the sacred' 

Lead with Love 

A blessing for you

I came within a body not truly my design 

of the making of men in black and divine 

The heavens made sure to fix any damage and oddities done,

area of 51 hot under a grand sun;

I had always led with love;

I remember being hungry my whole life

never truly being fed, but giving hourly 

and making lemonade out of lemons

a daily strife

I did the best I could 

but I am tired now

feeling I am done giving

 to what falls upon deaf and numb 

of such heavenly love

I tell and show the heavenly dove

- I am tired of sitting in hunger and my voice is cracked

I can give no more, I have not a place

this kind of strange place of darkness and warped souls

they live in lack and fighting for fake false and misguided lies;

they beat love silly here,

they sell, trade what is rich and pure oh heavenly seed;

the big bad men hide in secret and hurt all the ways the little and pure 

are simple and light, and all in need 

Such supple souls live in fear 

and scattered to the wind 

when none seem to care, 

distracted and corrupt -

I hear you children, I tried so hard, 

a place like this will change your soul;

the little ways you use to love, are buried and buried deep

within the ways you live now 

and you beg for food and beg for love

seems like a strange and lowly place 

of warped big men that have no grace;

A place of balance and hope 

I was meant to bring,

daily I teach, and daily I sing, 

bringing what I can and still not heard 

the songs of the heavens and one of a bird

pure and undying love follows me 

into the night where sirens ring a chord in C

A place where the messengers are not truly heard

they devote their lives and pray in dirt 

they give and give until there's nothing left

the so called leaders and rich in heft

care nothing of truth or valour or nobility of the sweet 

and wisdom of high order

they stomp their fat feet - 

they scratch their round smelly bellies,

looking longingly at the little girl 

and hope she will not squirm when they try to go there 

what a place to haunt the sweet and caring

what a place that silences the truth and pays the hate 

what a place in which you sit homeless and alone 

of such prayers you know of none

- none but a hand and no one came, 

when you called for a piece or crumb and what is of vie

I will no longer beg for it is not of my soul

I will not beat this drum for a stage solo

I do not care to be known for what none cared to know

I am not of your kind and what a sad story for you

used and sold, traded to black market, 

they abused all laws, and they raped this pure artist; 

how can you say you are one that cares, 

when you do nothing when a sweet one shares, 

unconditional and pure of heart - 

I led in love 

and divine in art

I care not for none who beat 

the belly of greed and ego of cheat

fake and ritual your lives away 

I told them father and they gave no sway

my intent was daily and purely in heart 

all I did was give, and not 1 tart 

all I spoke was truth, and left for nothing

they took it all in spell hazy and how dare I 

get up;  they claim me crazy

I am tired now father 

I cannot give

I have nothing left 

I beseech you such;

I am happy with what I have anchored to soil

the children will know and follow my toil,

the children will be have a sweet lullaby

I will softly sing and protect them at night;

I will sing from far far away,

I am done here now- this crazy silly play

where hate and greed rule and fat men dictate

the women are no where to be seen

except in chasing 'famous' dreams 

clad in nothing and sold as whores, 

the children left crying and 

doing chores, 

never being heard, never being seen

the sacred sweet souls I know how mean

this silly dark place can seem at times, 

you will get up and I know in time,

your skin will toughen and your words will pierce

the false and corrupt and their bellies will burst 

 -sing children sing, I have anchored love here

the light and colour will glow beyond your tears,


the day I left and the times I prayed 

I hear you children,

I couldn't stay

the schemes and plots, too many to count 

they raped my soul in such torment 

I tried I came and spoke of pure truth

cruel and unusual they blamed and rebuked;

of what god said 'tell it now and share it wide' 

haunt the sweetness of such pure pride,

I hear you daily crying for food

they send in temptress and men of trade, 

to derail and deny you of your basic safe place,

hoping you fall and calling you trite 

I hear you sweet children, I hear your plight, 

I heard all your prayers -- lift me to another tear

they silenced me long ago - 

and now I rise before their ego

My song is held deep within you too 

oh sweet child remember 'you,'

I pray and sing for your pure and honoured soul 

never give up and never be told

you dont matter and your not 'standard' 

or not this not that

who wanted to be such anyhow ?

- you are perfect in you 

never bought, never sold

they tell lies until 

they walk away free in their crimes

a silly and daunting place

toughen your skin, & never loose your grace

I believe in you and you will change this space 

The door only opens for those in pure hearts

I tried hourly and I gave daily 

and never seems to be enough

always a test, and always a loss

tired of this place - the bet is a cost 

too high for me and I am done trying

living in hunger and watching it fall &

the children keep dying;

the fat men speak and rant and point fingers, 

the women chase money and shop in denial of being false and fake

while the children sit in false fate

I hear you children its so not you

this place is a silly dark place learning anew

this place needs leaders like you and me 

beyond the corrupting and silencing

I once was a rare and sweet child too 

Now I cry and write and dream of food

a hungry soul is not fed in hate 

I tried holy father 

please bless me my fate

sing to me oh mother of release 

I am tired of this silly place; I sing for sweet peace

They stole, raped, and lied beyond

what any can carry and still I am your song,

these big fat men, still lie and rape  

their little groups and cults, of covens world wide in hate,

denying their place in the extinction ride 

Epstein like selfish fools 

they have no clue their fate in their own seedy dark drool

yet here I sit not eating again,

the memory of my first plight here 

my mom forgot to feed me that day, 

and I asked, I pleaded, and I then I prayed 

I sang daily for this place to change, 

I counselled torn parents and lying elders of grain

they refused to heed, nor hear, nor care, 

this silly place can change a divine sweet mare 

Unicorns of sacred rare and true - 

I traversed the cosmos for such a brew 

drunken in love

with none but me

I will love myself over bowing to 'they'

I am but a song left lingering in the wind

I tried children; never forget to sing

I left this place a little more loving 

I did what messengers do and now I am giving

myself a new home

a new ride and a new place 

it beckons me so and in all my grace,

a lightyear away in a strange and equal space

it loves me there and I never have to beg for food

I do not seek love it finds me every time, 

I am at peace in simple radiant chimes,

I do not fight for my voice or bare minimum squalor 

I do not have to protect my energy or work, or offering 

I am loved here and it is a place I know you will find 

deep within where I will chime

never give up and remember to laugh, 

this big silly place is but a rhyme and a riff

you will get up, I know this of you 

I lived here once and my songs are true

poetic and honouring of all sacred life 

I led in love and left in strife 

but in my song I am sweet and loving 

pure and sacred and precious of the giving 

that is how I will be remembered, 

better than a black web stock trader of raping

sing me your sweet cosmic lullaby 

oh pure child I heard every cry

I came here a wise old soul

tampered, silenced and magick'ed away

tired of this dark and silly place

look up to the heavens and thats where I will be 

a sweet lady singer 

lifting all crystal seed this way,

to thy nigh ends 

to thy to thy

remember me in this heavenly game 

I came In love and left again

You cannot grow with nothing but hate 

they silence the truth and suppress the great 

In love and light I am done with this place 

along to a new vibe in pleiades awaits

I will not grovel nor beg for what has always been mine, 

I will not fight nor compete nor love deny 

for what God hath made, and God will lift

Up and away to new realms and where I sit 

singing sweet light songs and gifts

to all that align align align 

Prophets anew 

hear my song

you are treasured and your cries are not wrong

heed your inner light, there's never a higher knowing

love yourself first and let go of the ego

there will be riches beyond what you can imagine 

living your best soul

song in growing 

evolve evolve - its who've you come to be

a blessing in truth of mavericks like me 

Messengers of hope lead and come in love

its always been the way 

And so be it 

I hear your cries oh children of light and seek the sun within 

I am that I am 

I heard every plight

I am Celeste 

The Galactic princess

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