The Initiation of Our UnderBelly of What Giving Power Away Created ~ 5D
'I will not do the inner work for any'
Your choices and your life is your design, your writing, your creation
With what I have been through -
When you can know thyself by excavating everything - on every level and do so with as much non-judgment, we are healing our entire collective and eons here on out -
Some really great audio books from a higher vibrational being, entity channeled from the 70, 80's -
Those that impaled their life onto me, while they went into a deep disgusting agenda to switch my life with another that was indeed being groomed for the dark side leader
- so I had to see, experience energetically and be vibrationally raped on a timeline, imprints, and projections, work that was not of mine to carry and why deep narcistic, borderline psychopaths, will play with such manipulative and deeply damaging agenda's that for the innocent few would survive, most would turn into sex slaves, and few would know how to climb out of in 1 piece and why timelines get screwed with, and why now there are legions protecting the inner realm, the reclaiming of your own consciousness and how sacred we are as divine -
~ the forcing of gang raping, gang - stalking on so many sick levels - to a pure hearted healer and sensitive seer, conduit
When you claim you and the grace of being you - none can touch you - none however taught me this - I was the collective sacrificial lamb to the entire under-belly of the darkest realms of beings, dark collectives, leaders, that use, abuse, manipulate energy for enslavement and power, and money.
None have transmuted and seen more darkness in our eons of such than I have;
Why I will not ever take on the projections, blame, and manipulative games that those want to take, steal and thieve from me think they have power and entitlement to - influences that want to sway me to the dark side of whatever agendas need cloaking - any are utterly in their own demise to think I do not see, know, sense before the action occurs;
If you choose to be false, your life will be false and how to navigate through falseness is truth.
Ascension is simple; let go, heal, and forgive, be love.
I have no judgment on any on how they wish to express themselves sexually or in their creative expression - I teach and heal on the uplifting of this uniqueness ~ this will liberate all of humanity and soul wounding and all crime on our planet
* I will not be, nor ever be swayed to switch, not be me; I know who I am what I am - I simply am
* I am not bi-sexual, and nor poly, and however any wants to be
- I don't care; what I care about and what I will advocate on is the underground corrupt community, secret societal forcing, games, plots, plans, and manipulation work to force, place doubt, and deconstruct another to make a story and agenda be successful - utterly disregarding morals, and human rights, and spiritual rights, on so many levels
When you press your will on another in any way; be it politician or cult leader - is simply playing devil on the soul, spirit, and others potentials and what damage and soul damage it does - I felt every ounce of such corruption and pains suffering caused - be and do what you wish, but never interfere - karma occurs when you force, deceive, sway from your divine inner self, sacred child
WITH ....$$$$$millions transferring hands, and the victims are simply lucky if they survive and if they do, they spend a life in drug addicted barely surviving, - I survived and it is the underbelly - there are programs and those in it that are in every facet of community positions claiming to be proper and ideal for taking oaths of the people - what I experienced was not keeping me safe, upheld in my rights on any level;
* loss, damage, enslavement, exploitation, discrimination, fraud, emotional and financial distress, the list is lengthy - All will be called out - we are just tapping into what has been under the radar
Where, how, what did we get so left? And any thinking of what occurred is 'normal' is literally in need of deep assessment - all involved require deep assessment - every corporation and entity, group, that believes any of this is 'normal' and if so - the deepest darkest wounded needs our acknowledge to break the bubble on all humanity's poverty; health, spiritual divine connection, wealth - is not doing what has been done -
No does mean NO - no more cycles means no more cycles.
Closed is closed - dimensionality is what you are have moved through, healed, allowed yourself to accept, work with and know why you choose what you choose and none can do what you do but you - none can understand and heal your path but you - so do the work - you cannot be a master until you do your work and healing
Manipulation and using, abusing energy and environments and people is not healthy, nor uplifting, nor what any healed person would ever touch - it simply is damaging and only ends in destruction.
Sort out what you need to - be on your own for a few years - before thinking you are ready for a stable, unconditional partnership - you don't need a relationship to feel whole, safe and loved; you give this for you.
Everyone is responsible for their own life; all levels and all moments that must be healed and processed, and healed some more and sorting out with excited discernment of what your unique creative gift without interference of any outer pressing, projections, conformity and system corruption - raise your vibration.
And for the record - I have not had any relationships intimately besides my 3 friends here, and my loyal clients, with any #calgary past people - there has been 0 / to be in a relationship of any kind; you have to relate - there is no relating - there has been lying, manipulation, thieving, stealing, false stories, delusions, and 0 discussions, offers, texting, sit downs, besides legal discussions in divorce
GREAT audio book -
Seth Speaks
~ the higher vibrational intelligence of our species moving through higher knowing, dimensions,
~ the misuse of energy in any way, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, causal energy will exactly manifest within the physical - as we accelerate deeper into 4D bedding - the return will be immediate and affects on the physical matter, body, and mind, brain, life
~ THERE IS NOTHING THERE and has not been for over 8 yrs, celibate for over 13 yrs - I am not with anyone, never have been, I have no boss, I have no partner, and the stories, lies, narratives, defamation of my work, characters have been the ploys and games of others to 'get' take and seem something to fit their stories
- I AM NOT interested in ANY OF THE PAST
~ I survived human testing, those putting me through the ringer on forcing, impaling me with 'gay, sexual spells' for me to question who I am, forcing me to think about, be a part of and trying to warp my inner sense of self so I would be ok to sway and swap my life force in coven orgies, videos and porn
~ Forcing to see how would I and how could I be sold to the devil by heavy spell work, voodoo, root work, the destiny swapping, and monies spent on trying to warp and take the God out of me - can you imagine what this process, plan, plot would incorporate on me and my life and the PTSD that I had to rebuild and have to rebuild every day in my life
~ because they did not accept who they were - they were relentless to have me question and not accept who I was and test to see if I was truly who I said I was; this went on for well over 6yrs - can you imagine dear ones?
~ Any of the past, groups, governments, those deep pockets as a part and every person involved - my God, there is simply nothing to say on the darkness and mind-fuck, spirit- fuck that I went through and how none will ever have the space before me;
How dare any - the trauma and lineage, timeline, inter-dimensional fuckery that occurred on my life and soul;
~ I will not be the fixer, and maker of what and who messes, corrupt, and messy - that is sick deep co=dependency
ALL MUST HEAL THEIR LIFE AND beliefs and choices - I recalled all my energy, time, what I gave for 30+ yrs unconditionally - and received nothing but loss, damage, PTSD and deconstruction and any person thinking that the past was a normal experience - was nothing but horrible horrible dysfunction and abuse, mistreatment, and all need healing!
AS STATED 1 million times!
Any that think they are the 'controller' the devil of any persons life or to be the God of any
- will be in the middle of their demise when this hits them - none write nor play God
Understand universal laws - universal spiritual creational reality - energy is energy and in 4D, 5D we will not be controlled, - the light is not equal to being dominated
- those that wish such will be shifted to a lower vibrational 3D earth to continue their exploration on such pathways -
None can be forced into stories or dimensions when you have transcended the limitations of control, fear-based timelines -
The past is not the future and God will absolutely take away any that continue to 'mess' with those that have healed those stories of dominance and is clear indication of what entity attachment looks like, behaves like; when there is constant pushing, forcing of dominance and control
- submission, those that get others to speak for them, sending people to spy, stalk, and do their work, recruit the vulnerable for their agenda's and games
- the depths of control, spell work, voodoo work will experience their own impaling of such corrupt controlling codependent darkness
I have not been paid, nor agreed, nor given 1 penny of any re-payment on monies stolen, taken, and business claimed that is not theirs nor their alignment to work with nor offer -
Our most recent ascension video - self actualization and self embodiment - ASCENSION VIDEO
Joanna's Ascension work, healing and activations for new self design
- all must go through LEGAL!
PAYPAL; DONATIONs; PayPal link here;
Dimensional Suppressive Misguidance, Dogmatic Trauma's, Social Misinformation On Sexual Expression,
The Exploration of Sexual Design and the Soul Exploration & Growth
BiSexuality, Gender expression-exploration, Healing major wounding in humanity as we explore androgyny and what has been profound catalysts in suppressions over eons of competition rather than co-operation
Community healing, social healing, re-writing for peace, health, balance, uplifting of all underground foundation
Our ascension video on core underground issues, warping, detachment from the spirited higher self -
We are being ushered into higher dimensional intelligence~EMBRACE
Releasing, healing, judgment and all discrimination
Begins within our designing, rewriting and letting go of defining, any and all limitations of the growth of the souls infinite perspectives -
Harmonizing infinite soul aspects through all timelines - we are meant to explore our sense of self and keep re-writing it with honour, value, expansive, worthiness and growth of the inner soul - without self rejection and self depressiveness
Allowance of all
Discrimination of the self is what each is to work through and re-write and expand -
Allow all to be what it will be
Live and let live
Be accepting of the exploration of understanding a more mature, intellectual understanding of what sexual expression is, what expressing of love is, and what expressing of the self is and how we have limited and suppressed our state of the Heavens, and the souls experience ~
Blessings & light
More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness ~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life;
For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~
Email me at
DONATIONs; PayPal link here;
on my monies stolen, withheld, claimed and withheld when NONE had an ounce of right to do
I will not to the work for any; done is done
None from the past will ever ever ever receive an ounce from me; ever.
I deserve peace,
I deserve my path ©
Toxic cycles are closed; I healed and moved on.
All need to look at what truly occurred,
Draw it out -
TAKE ACCOUNTABILITY and stay in your own lane!
Let go of any and all that keep you in deceit, warping of what truly matters and living in a mental, emotion, spiritual, physical state that is degrading - all life is sacred
You get to re-write
Blessings and light
More on Creational Realities; Paradigms Shifting of Consciousness
~ Perfection of the Divine Plan for all life;
I am grateful for everything - but I would not wish a minute to any
For private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~
Email me at
DONATIONs; PayPal link here;
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