Wednesday, 14 June 2023



Self love,

To be and only rely on you - this is magnificence and when you and God, Source, are the loving light and knowing that residue of past experiences will arise for you are not only, nor always the whole of creational equations -

Remember you are infinite divine craft and a piece, divine essence of ART - eternal infinite

Collaborating assists you expanding - trying new things, what works and what is your vibe; knowing thyself - what is your unique gift, skills, knowing - infusing anew'

Rather than games of destruction - would it be privy and more exciting for higher intelligence of genius to be playing on games of music, art, genius and tempo creation - beyond what has ever been imagined;

There is energy In all things; and what will arise is your ability to know you can unify, forgive, let go, offer compassion, and know yourself deeper and more fully -

When we arrive here, we come with a full package of everything we need to move through all experiences; to transcend every ill, every challenge, every hurdle, every discordance, every forceable motive any other may have on your liberation or freedom of being yourself, your expression, and your all knowingness -

For example - new is everything

There has never been a star seed, a light worker, a conduit, a healer speak of music, offer a high tempo knowing, divine excitement of profound knowing I had since I was so very young; with my ear pressed against the speakers at home - loving every beat and every word of an Eagles record my parents had playing;

Music is everything to a divine being - it moves our creational experience -

There is always a divine purpose for you to explore, and deepen your excellence and your strength, and mastery - if you have to do healing, every new cycle of release and deepening to consciousness that is ever eternal and never ends; when you are becoming a master - there is cycles of refined energy - as you are intending it

Creational Reality in 5D is.......Vibration, beliefs, create; - / + or neutral -

you create it all - sub-conscious, or consciously aware; all creates

The more aware you are, the more self atuned you are - the most of you you are able to live as; 3 E's

  • Intention of energy - creativity and joy
  • Focus of energy - creativity and joy
  • Direction of energy - creativity and joy

As infinite art - you have the availability to be the ever-loving and ever-moving song; constant new notes as you ascend to new tonics of light, refinement of life-light,

Your cells, your blood, your DNA is every shifting - you heal the all heals, and greater life-light is offered to the all - light begets light - evolution - you get to play, you get to try, express, be new and be exactly the opposite of what you have believed to be true and expand creation in playing and exploring and diversifying your life, light, knowing in good will and plain falling down; you will be supported and loved - for your simple being here -

What star-seeds love about new music, old music coming back; it is the variation of mind delicacy.

Releasing the density on same, normality, expected tones, beats - you are delighted by unexpected and delight of subtle sounds, hits, beats, off beats - subtle very rich, full, complexity of connection of words, feelings, emotions, the play of it all -

To merge, harmonize, try new, explore anew; try new ways, new songs and new chords that are not done ever through you - ever little change is change and honours the all - this is profound light life and all NEW - try and explore -

We have never placed all as possible; join music, ascension, rock, progressive rock, masters and geniuses of music and offer, discuss, muse and ponder - that alone is breaking normality on earth and in our 'industry' and going beyond - you right now are reading something that is breaking your normal rules of engagement with music, art, ascension and how our entire universe, the multi-verse is versions of dimensional song; offerings and potentials; that we all play in -

Why Rush is so amazing - my favourite band - the notes, the refinement of each hit and making of the note, they are masters at the bass line for example; Geddy had to play, explore riffs, practice what sounds good, great, mix it up and change, alter, offer new grip or release and then try again, after say 50 practices of 8 bars of riffs, then perfecting that, harmonizing words, chorus, while practicing the merging, outcomes the perfect 1 or 2 lines of an incredible song; to do so with perfection of timing, and each player using similar perfection techniques, all varied, all different and the timing offshoots that this band is known for -



Never expect what you expect, allow the synapse of the brain to be surprised - delighted - the off beat - this is creative and artistic genius - all are star seeds and can be seen in their lyricism, writing, the diverse exploration that they were highly criticized for and how much of their writing of early 80's were and now are very true -

#newmusic #5DMusic

to go beyond conformity and be the off-beat and know all is creative genius and none play, nor will write, or create the precision of this song, band, and when each play their part, do their passionate honour, of their own gift, play, explore, it is genius - and non is replicated - nor would they ever try to be - they have a unique and tasteful humble and respectful vibe;

Everything in creation is light, an essence of the Source, song, harmonics in infinite and varying densities and otherwise - we are new we are different in this portending to be new, take on new light new life potentials and see ourselves as cosmic and vast beings are we not - the song changes -

How you navigate with you, within you, as you, standing up for you - you will have the honour of tapping into new energy and new realms of dimension; healing Is the only way through 51% of your karma -


Karma is the density due to your beliefs, perspectives - social, dogmatic, and so on - you have ultimate say in what you and how you navigate all energy -

Controlling and domineering is 3D - fear based.

Liberation and freedom of expression, exploration, experience is of the expanded and trusting soul, spirit that God is, Source is, what you honour in you is you - this is receiving in and of itself; why you can rest surely in this alone - rely on none

You are the God - you are the love, you are the wisdoms, and gifts, Ⓒ 

Life and your exploration of such, is all you,

Let none tell you force you, manage you - you are the leader of you -

Good vibes = Good vibes; sound is everything intention is sound, it is a harmonics; many are trained in such; in various ways - it is how our creational reality is made up -

discern what and how someone guides you - spiritualists are being offered to level up and align with universal laws, alchemic laws -

So be discerning who, what, how you engage with and know any and all choices either create + outcome, or -

It is all the intent; if you intend to control, manage, and stop, halt, or affect or interfere - then that is negative karma - will return and you will have dense energy to alchemize - you have to change the energy you created 0 none escape this -

Ascension will not stop, ascension will not go away simply because corruption, crime gangs, the nefarious want to keep stealing, controlling and intimidating others for their own way to be made; ore all could just go within and heal and make your own life -

All is all - know and be of such;

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All are liberated, none own any.


Liberation, freedom,

Blessings and light


To be a master at life - acceptance - all is One

Every note, every time you fall, get back up and try again in a new version of you, a new note, new chord, new harmonization of life, your experience of life; what worked, what felt right, what felt light, exhilarating - that is life - a divine song

You are here to master energy -

Mastery of the temptations by healing the wounding -

You are here to take solace in the journey - honour everything - you cannot be a master without practicing it - energy, the falling the getting back and recreating anew; there is never any failing or failure - there is mastery in it all -

You came here to know yourself as sovereignly and Godly -

Healing the density that hold you back into limitation and conformity - try something new - know it is all acceptance of you in the all as the all - you are all -

Dark light falling getting back up and trying again - feeling it all -

#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership

5D - #ascension #enlightenment