Monday, 8 May 2023

Community False Prophets & Masked Facades


False Prophets, Corrupt Healing

And over the years in which the true prophets being used, taken from, abused energetically while the elite false-hood community deceivers fall when there is 0 understanding, knowing, expansiveness, nor energetically alignment to what Source, the higher self, and energy fields are, how to read them, and what it means for healing, the collective epidemiology;

Similar cases in the recent 6 years in Calgary of wealthy community leaders ordering underground cult-like activity to stalk their ex-girlfriends and legal cases; and use investigators and police;,50%2C%20were%20convicted%20last%20year%20of%20corruption-related%20crimes.

Those that have 0 integrity and nor do they care about those that truly need guidance and help and are being fooled; while the truly talented and inspired ones are being impaled with magic, tricks, false warping, hacked accounts, re-routed emails, stolen mail, and the infinite ways that con people, trickery and falseness and deceitful ones will play upon the systems to steal, take, and then call it their own while they blame you, blaspheme and target you, then do spell work to hold you down, block you, so that you do not receive; sick controlling tactics and for none of them hold talent and energy connection to spirit, none of them are conduits; they are blocked thieves; they steal from the platforms; then call it their own, and make their own gigs off of the true prophets while we live in poverty.

Nobody seems to care until their own life falls and implodes; all so unnecessary and how many are affected before their inner wounding, and sick need to get back, to win, to get one over, and misogyny that it matters not the many taken from and harmed; occult crime.

Then they come running back to want to work things out with you and re-establish the business stolen from you, when people start to see that the content, wisdoms, ideas, were not their own, nor understood, nor being guided and offered in the proper manner, nor even being aligned within - but to only thieves and corrupt con people; while doing truly underground cult-like, gang operations to take, confuse, falsify, and trick people that they are true spiritualists and claims that they know and hear Source; only the demons and deceitful people that just want, take, steal, copy what is not theirs and no matter how many times you offer pure healing and teachings, they refuse to go within and do the shadow work to create a true business on their own gifts;

#CalgaryCrime #calgaryCorruption CalgarySpiritualists #falseprophets

Source will unravel all and truth will prevail;

I will not collaborate with anyone of the past - the most dysfunctional false people and not 1 person, all that have known the group cult work, spell work, group sex work to bind and use my energy, the nasty and degrading work on an earth angel from false groups, misogynistic energies while I slaved to build myself my work, my offerings, and heal and help humanity -

While all my accounts have not grown, not 1 person, and no monies on any of my work -

None offer my work, None have been given permission, none have been given approval, none have been given legal arrangement;

These are being used and abused ~

All these years - I have received not 1 penny from those taken, and stolen from me; not even an apology and spirit, Source, now bringing down profound karma to all involved; but their arrogance, ego so determined they buckle down even more so on spell work, and more to further steal and take, swap false for true by those that know how to con systems, con paperwork and so on

I pray for all the innocent taken advantage of and those stolen from by those that simply do not want to do the work and heal - will find themselves in the same places we are offering; go within and do the work; do the healing of your wounds, so they do not become anothers'

Crime, corruption, violence is not necessary - all is healable.

Masked churches, masked leaders in the community, and those that have titles and walk with arrogance to do whatever possible to bring the innocent wee little woman to her knees and never to be heard of again; when you cannot beat them, then let's go see if she will come work for us, even though we have been taking, stealing, and then fooling the people - yeah great idea! didn't see that coming.

All so unnecessary -

Blessings and light


None have been given permission to use my video and work, books or illustrations - or sessions - none;

#ascension #enlightenment #awakening

#healingcrime #healingabuse. #occultcrime #undergoundcults #healinggangs #healingtrauma #healingleaders #5Dleaders #healinghumanity #selflove #selfhonour #healingourchildren