Discrimination to the Victims ~ 5D Systems Healing ~ Human Healing
There are stories every day in which women, children, elders, are taken by storm, in whatever the wounded choose to take, steal, copy, doppleganger, and mimics a life of someone devoted and doing the work, and the systems, those within the systems, the false 'elite' that pay off, slight of hand and corruption within systems that are built on foundations that are false; all end up being offered something but the victims; and the homeless, most were the most wounded and sent to the streets,
Women every day being thrown into narratives of being sick, ill minded simply because we see, we know, we have heightened intuitions, and even by those targeting and shaming for being intuitive and crazy, are the same ones that go and spend thousands of dollars on false spiritualists to do spell work; which is the occult, intuitive and higher knowing, the alignment with Spirit, and simply reading energy and the offerings of what God is; in all life, God is, and studied and worked with intelligently by all and every master ever walked on this planet;
So not only are we blasphemed for our gifts, talents, that we use to heal and offer to humanity to heal, but we are then targeted for years and throw impaling of hate, darkness, to become the 'crazy' that would make their false stories true; and they would walk away with their stolen inheritance, the lack of fight in the courts of all that has been stolen, and homes, wills, kindness that others offer the true honouring healers, open-hearted ones that have earned in pure heart good will towards all ~
This is not a question of light, dark, good, bad; it is matter of our broken systems that have no way to heal the wounded at childhood, which all that have taken from me, targeted me for years and then falsified court documents of my instability while they plotted, planned, schemed, ployed and partied, did sex rituals, organized cult-like activities to continue the sick magic warping, mind-scraping, and psychological and emotional, spiritual war-fare.
The wounded wound.
The ones that prey and bring horrible darkness into the communities and prey on the children, light workers that are there to heal and uplift the community, false groups of sick greed continue to fool everyone because we have paid so much privilege to title, names in churches, the leaders that are so false and so broken behind closed doors as they pop another pill to suppress the anxiety of the harm, deceit, and truth that is and will burst through their bodies at some point some way.
Spirit is beyond the material and physical and why those will receive the messages in the most peaceful and honouring way in which all involved will learn and be broken open in a way that will cause greater harm to the innocent, and done in 'Alliance with Light' and guided by God, Spirit guides, and the legions working behind the scenes, for you forget dear ones, and dear 'justice systems' that even those that create the most harmful and horrible wrath on others lives, suffering and damage brought to others lives, they too have higher selves, and to play out in Gods way, in a peaceful methodical way, all awaken to higher consciousness and the least of harm done to all ~ all awaken the threads that are needed; there is far more going on in all moments than we know, we are meant to align to the highest consciousness and bring higher evolution to ourselves, our homes, and our communities and when we do, we allow for a pure loving and caring community rather than one run by the corrupt top 1% that prey on the corruption of our beliefs that have ruined and brought our planet to grave imbalance for eons; oligarchy, judicial systems that are now so very political that the innocent are being overlooked and pushed under the carpet, just like every red flag and lie that narcism and misogyny plague anything and everything that is higher divinely aligned wisdoms, knowings, and multi-dimensional healing and transformation. ©
Instead of ranting at political halls, and causing rigid and negative protests of my case; I wrote, I chose peaceful resolve that is intelligent and divine guided, and through hundreds and hundreds of emails and pressing my lawyer for action, emails and blogs, videos to those that stalk and prey on my platforms, and have schemed everything from 'bringing her to poverty so she comes back for us to use her again, enslave her,' copying and creating an entire doppelgänger life to take, mimicking, create platforms of healing that are false and unaligned and to resolve, when I would not drop off and 'go crazy', they went further to planning, paying false spiritualists to doing ceremonial death spell work, graveyard work, root work, voodoo, and all to eliminate me from speaking a sheer and piercing higher truth that cannot be proven or denied; God is, Spirit is, Source is ©
A NEW VIEW & NEW HUMAN REALM ~ 5D PERSPECTIVES is a start to healing our homes, our communities, our health
God, Source, who we are, what is going on within us each, what we exist within, is everything that I have been offering over this lifetime, and infinite timelines for human benevolence and human evolution; Who we are as spirit and what is the divine blessing that each have within, the gifts, talents as shamans, seers, orators, and divine masters for a world in deep need to transcend the most lower vibrational mess that is at every level corrupt; God has nothing to do with the majority of warped religions that have brought the very corruption and illness in our knowing, understanding, and misguidance to every navigation here upon earth and how to navigate an ascending galaxy of inevitable unification with our celestial families and realms. ©
I am a mother, an author, healer, and teacher, and leader with divine alignment with all that is life; I am a conduit, and sense, hear and know what Spirit shows me; I have spiritual and human rights and have fortunately done my research and have been guided by spirit to hold the fort and true to what has occurred and how severely unjust my story has been but not unlike the millions harmed, killed, forgotten every day while the corrupt at heart, the wounded that continue wounding, and cycles of imbalanced, and sick, diseased humans continue - while and all the while there are healing programs, tools, and systems that align purely with Spirit, not religion, but the Heavens, a place and space of purity of Oneness and unity that all have access to.
All I wanted was to be liberated from my imbalanced way of life and offer my children, their future to know of new ways of being, new ways of seeing the world before them and travel in their pure expression, and know that the world will support them; and in every day, every month, every year that passed; without resolve, with delays and delays due to spell work, confusion work, to all involved; backed up systems and resources that would not pay additional legal and investigative teams to hear a 1 woman voice; tragic story that without spirit would have gone horribly wrong and my name would have been 1 more name and story on the eons of dismantled lives, souls, spirits that have to return to earthly lives and play out the story again and transcend the same issues, same beliefs and same lack of self; until we all realize that we are all spirit, aligned with divine guides and the Heavens, God, and that all wounds, all lack, all misguidance and misalignment is healable - 'The Alliance with Light' © is everything to our human evolution - and is our message from day one.
Those that feel unloved, unvalued, unimportant, lonely, seek outer so much so they get lost; and lost in what the superficial mess that is force fed in every element of our society as 'important' and we loose our unique inner guidance, our unique blessing of being, and expression of it and when we do express it; oftentimes are misunderstood, misguided and or targeted to conform or shut up.
I seek, speak, offer such through what many know as channelling; I am a medium to passed on spirits and those forgotten, the elders, and the ancestors that cry out for justice to their lives that the wounded souls continue their reparation and never being met - we all sit in a sick soup without resolve and positive long-term Heavenly outcome.
The sick throw themselves into cult-like groups that take advantage of the weak minded and weak willed, and there will be that 1 person that is chosen, that is protected, that is strong and will aligned with Spirit, and a higher purpose that will not fall to the years and years of abuse and horrible degrading discrimination.
There will be that 1 person that will bring entire groups into question, and the slight of hands passed through many people in the systems; police, judicial, and all will be taking greater investigation to the paperwork, to the obvious brought to the attention through hundreds of emails to lawyers that 'something is going on' and there are innocent children, innocent women that simply are being taken advantage of and all for the superficial fake, false, toxic glorification of superficial measurement of masked importance;
The core issues of all of our teachings over the years and speaking of my 1 story of being stolen from, then being targeted when I chose to divorce, leave, and stand up for myself; The illnesses and diseases of not understanding energy, chakra's, and the profundity of our own DF/DM energies and equal measured wounding that we all look forward to incarnating to transcend.
We are meant to live from a heightened space of higher knowing the coming together in the 'god in me blesses the god in you' and Namaste your life in sacred knowing all is purposeful and divine without being warped by separative religions that define, box, degrade, misplace, displace our own spirits that in higher dimensions is ONE. In the 5th dimension, there is no religion; there is merely the experience of oneness, all - there is no separation; and why there is crime, illness, dis-ease - for the unease of being you, and afraid to express uniqueness and creative uniqueness -
Crime, corruption, illness, disease, and violence is not necessary; who are we, what do we exist within, what exists within us each? Human evolution is inevitable - this life time or the next, all will have to face their own shadow, inner child wounding, the issues and beliefs that stake oneself above and beyond another, and take advantage of the innocent, kind, and light-hearted healers.
Toxicity is spawn from a warped sense of self; no sense of self, cult-like activity, and programs, pyramid schemes and sacrifices that involve many, and some of these false 'elite' community title holders, have been doing so for years, and what and how many people are being lifted and saved in me coming forward - there are corrupt people in the community and what they say, do, pretend, the masked business as church or pastor or spiritual business that title 'love spells' is as false as the satanic chanting they do in the basement and sex-group work to bring 1 person down and then they all sit in wonderment how 1 person can stand beyond such energetic hate and at the same time, fill out court documents of how crazy and unable and unstable the one they target is; and return home to do more spell work to ensure their story and narrative stick; they tell all involved, family, friends, and anyone that would listen of a story to ensure their narrative of who I am sticks;
I have a unique spiritual connection that has nothing to do with church or religion - it is a higher consciousness wisdom and many, most simply are not awake or aware but is the fabric of all life; most choose not to read nor educate themselves of the divine balance of science and mastery of consciousness and simply scoff and play target keepers to the such wisdoms and until Source, spirit and their own higher selves will humble them as that exactly is occurring to many now; the ones in leadership, false and fake, taken so much advantage of the innocent are being seen in all arenas are now falling to their own corrupt hearts and ways; for them to awaken; who are you and what is truly important - what beliefs had you so lost in your own ugliness to impale on another such harm and degradation - that you create and treat sacred life so horribly. When 1 person did nothing to you but simply want to walk away peacefully?
Our health, mind, body, spirit, soul are all connected; it is one and one cell that is sick with controlling negative beliefs, are very different than cells that breathe with intention of the light and as the light; these are medical studies, and every facet of our life is being studied and even the most staunch medical field leaders are in amazement at the purity of proof our knowing, our intending, our 'consciousness' has on the physical; the field, the omni-presence, the essence of who we are as spirit is the making of the matter; these have been our teaching, and why after years and years of abuse, taunting, targeting, and stealing, taking from me; my 1 story from a higher being of celestial origin and physical human form I chose to take to help humanity awaken and nothing has been returned but bias, pompous disregard, staunch ill-direction, and systems lost in their own corruption.
Regardless oh ones that prey on the light, prey on the children, and weak and unclear mind so you can falsify inheritance papers, wills, and human birthright conscience that is so wounded you have all lost your way in which how have you allowed the slight of hand to pass, and the pain and suffering of another without doing anything?
For many were involved in my 1 story - and millions of women every day are killed to similar stories and millions of children grow up without their primary light-bringer and higher light guidance wisdom keeper and story teller.
All is healable - 'Heal thy wounds, so they do not become another's'
This is my story today, and for years I have been offering such, the authorities now observing all involved and perhaps all systems go will look deeply at the corruption, the warped ways in which we all judge and give power, credence and way to those that simply have not deserved such power, and how the ones that are meek, the ones that are truly the leaders are the ones that do speak uniquely and offering wisdoms beyond the 3D mind and ways of misogyny can understand; when you live and surround yourself with limitation, how would one know any different - and yet within a few weeks of spirited practice and self loving devotion - you and any would be amazed at your own sacred and loving connections with the heavens and the celestial and alien realms that we all belong with all the time;
It is time to raise our consciousness - to move beyond such subjugation of the suppressed creative inner child, the wounding of rejection, and limitations of our spirited ways to unity and oneness in which all play a sacred part of the puzzle ~ the mystery of spirit, the magic of spirit and the elegance of the grander plan for all souls - for all life is within - the mystery of why you manifest what you do and the joyful journey of such living in reflection and resolve to higher knowing and living.
We are all unique and varied in where, how, what gifts we come here with and there is a constancy of our oneness; we are here to share and offer our stories of struggle of sameness, and break all conformity that held us in limitation and dumbness and numbness to nothing; we are here to honour our uniqueness and create a life in which systems do work, and all can afford legal representation, and every voice, and all systems are not political and feeding the same hand that brings the same call of outcome; we are here to make a higher vibrational alignment to who we are truly;
We are all divine and sacred. We can heal the very core to all wounding, all issues, and all misguidance that ever had us thinking that our universe, that God was not abundant and not able to offer the all to the all - that is a multi-verse law; all is all - and it is only our perspectives and beliefs and practices that hold us in the state of disarray that we are now; crime is overriding every city, innocent are being taken from in every way and sacred life is being trafficked; and I ask, once again - who are you? Is your heart light, peaceful, filled with inner joy of you? If not, why not? Are you making a loving contribution of a new and wider peaceful humanity? Do you speak lovingly and with positive enhancement of a new world with new ways and never give up? Do you believe in your steps being walked with the most divine beings? Why Not?
Who are you? What do you truly exist within and how is it ok that we Trafficking, harming, and degrading the most innocent and precious ones that bring the most profound life, light, wisdoms that can take entire collectives out of self poverty, illness, and disease; for I guarantee you dear ones, oh eager to take ones, any monies that you think will be your answer, any boob job, or superficial title that you think will bring you the belonging, the importance, the value that you think will be; will be exactly that which is before you when you fall ill and diseased mentally and within your cells, organs, so that you are not able to truly en-joy - for to be -in joy, joy is a state of being, vibrational essence and to be in such; is pure alignment of pure self; and that which leaves, is of ego, arrogance to think something outer will ever satisfy inner; and it won't and which the cycles of degradation of the self begin again -
Any inner is inner - period. Joy of self, love of self, the spirit of self; and spirit your guides, the Universe, the energy of fear you emit, your beckon to you and it is your own Godliness that will reflect the very thing that you fear; what is truly important to you? The first answer should be YOU!
The alignment, purity of you, knowing of you, without doubt of you for you are your story, you are your energy you emit, and are you proud, are you empowerment, are you inspirational, are you aligned with higher knowing, being, and living? How do you navigate with joy, and zest for life, is life living through you - or do you deny and hide from with trenched fears of breaking conformity -
I offer the same messages day after day dear ones, truth is truth and light is truth; it is within , all within and regardless of how much one may steal, take and create a false life of 'stuff' around them, and as they sit sick in their own golden homes and titles on the doors; it means 0 to the spirit and to what true fulfillment is; all will come face to face with this when you pass; you'll experience a 3 day transition in which your life filled with moment-for-moment choices play before you and you see the life you have lived, the life you could have lived, and you get to choose which life you will play next; and it will be filled of the limitations, and choices, that will bring you back to this same point of cycle, circle; who are you?
Crime is unnecessary - all are wealthy, rich, abundant, and infinite with gifts of great divinely blessed talents - the uniqueness you crave to be seen for, known for is within - I offer this - harming and violence is not necessary, disease is not necessary; consciousness is everything - God is this offering - it is not religion - we are the essence of a greater knowing, being; 5D is. ©
And so it is
Blessings and light
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