Sunday, 6 November 2022

CoCreational Reality ~ You With God, Spirit Source, Creation IS Showing YOU


Soulful Benevolence ~ Seeking Radiating, Being LOVE - Unity of thyself 

Are you a soul mate to you? Are you knowing of your profundity, of simply being here to be a treasure, a gift, a blessing of much wisdom, intelligence, of divine instinctive higher becoming - you simply forgot, not you are real again, one with and as live.. create, be of joy,

Are you a guide for you - all is within dear ones, the outer focus is only of seeing how you 'had' created, been; now start anew - new now now now

'Your soul is the collective playing out before you'

For the acceptance, the love, the benevolence of honour, sacredness oneness, compassion, knowing deeply, allowing of greatness; its all you-honour thyself heal-thy-healthy oneness©

If not, know you are healing karmic cycles with karmic beings that test you to step into self love, self knowing, self writing, and self singing, dancing, design; all is Divine and purposeful - release judgment of anyone, yourself, of anytime you have been or felt less - that it was only an operation of you - now you can choose a new code, a new essence of oneness with the Divine - all is choice - awaken - there is the infinite to explore, express, and experience and know NONE have power over you, your thoughts, your beingness, you health, your wellness, you center of being LOVE - love is the unifier, the healer and the wisdoms of the ages - love is the fluidic all-essence of life, becoming life, becoming matter - all is spirit and movement and liberation within is ascension -

And so be it - discerning is your maturing in opening realms of energy - when you are living in genuine ownership of you, not having to live up to any outer rule, or definition, or obligation, you are liberated to not prove yourself, not validate yourself and certainly not enslave yourself to anyone - those stories of vibration of being taken advantage of again, again, again, divine feminine and the elders, the children being ostracized for movement and liberation beyond enslavement - we are leaders, we are wise healers and leaders of worlds beyond the norm, the conformity of limitation and subjugation - and our stories and our experiences are an equal part of this world - this divine planet and we will speak, in freedom, peace, harmony of our becoming - we are rebalancing our planet in being so and doing so - and this is our healing for our collective and lineage and a new earth planet - 5D is - who are you - hold none in lesser than you - for all is equal - © 

Your soul is the collective playing out - what stories, what vibrations are you here to heal -

My work, my light, my offering cannot be copied - and thus the truth will be seen, known, and God is the only distributor of karma or any other deeds or rebalancing based on the vibration EACH KEEP, ARE.

God is the only DISTRIBUTOR of karma - for God is each in motion, and guides, higher self, the soul, the family of the soul, the karma board of the Heavens and evolution are all involved in what is unfolding for every aspect of life - and the respect and honour or devaluing of it - EVERY SOUL has a theme to explore and being in the wisdoms and action of bringing into balance -

I am a messenger of the Heavens, the Galactic Assembly, and we are moving through a most profound evolutionary experience and exploration - so surrender, be love, be forgiving, Iive in divine compassion - it is all you seeking you ~ God looking at you in all you meet - see all as the divine living through you - or not - it is a choice and even every choice is a gift from God - celebrate = God is the beyond the beyond - re-writing of all human stories keeping us in fear, or in judgment of God - or in the deprecation of perfection that is only and always now - our perspectives, our beliefs or the love or not love we are within ourselves is the exact = to you within - © 

Your collective is your soul playing out before you - who are you -

Acceptance, allowance, be of respect and good will for all - we are divine beings of many races and citizenships - all is of such divine downloads are those that have prepared the way, not living in ego, or arrogance to want what is not theirs, not earned, not devoted to the equal measure that IT is given - falsities will be shown, known, for truth is a vibration and cannot be copied or faked - the vibration of love and truth is that of the purity of God living through you and it is not a dogmatic rule, law, or state of being that is not pure and genuine of self love first - the essence of all life - God is all matter, all things, and essence in between -

When you judge, any experience outside of you, it is a fragment of you being in oneness or not - for the acknowledgement, the acceptance, and the new self loving expression to be, become - the offering is free from God, unconditional and we match all equally - the equation of love - as we have mentioned in all our past video's is the Divine Relationship ©  as downloaded many years ago from Mother Mary in a week long devotion for the divine feminine - also posted on our channel - divine wisdoms of alchemy and divine maturation of your soul, your spirited human form that is spirit -

Divine loving essence, beyond existentialism ~ what is it all? Seek the divine memory of you within - it is beyond any experience outer - the liberation and journey of 'love' love is love is love is the eternal youthful magnifier of your becoming and being-ness for compassion and sacred divination ~ ©

A true soul mate, a family of your soul, will always encourage, inspire, empower you for your highest & best expression, experience, exploration of you ~ be of such for yourself first©

Blessings in all that you give, offer, in pure genuine heart is pure soulful abundance and fulfillment - and nothing is higher and nothing is the more impassioned - are you impassioned being you - seek it within.

I am Joanna, I am a messenger of the divine and the Galactic Assembly of Oneness and Unity

Blessings and grace




















