Tuesday, 23 August 2022

The Adam & Eve Project - Human Evolution to Galactic Oneness ~ ReBalancing 5D

 There is a profound lesson of expansion today;

I offer this forward with humility and great excitement of what we are on the precipice of within our collective;

This morning in my reflection time, channeling with my teams, the Councils of Light, there has been a collective undertone for the past 2000 years - how we have arrived at where we are, what is the collective theme of importance for each to transcend through and why, what, how is this been threaded from our past, © 

  • how vital it is for the highest value of who we are becoming, the value and worthiness of who we are, we simply sense, know there is a profound lessons for each to tap into;
  • Here is a social offering perspective on our imprints of separation, from sacred texts, how we are to re-write and make anew;
  • https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/cosmicangel888/693570363177795584?source=share

  • a few pondering from my own personal lessons and for you to ponder and soak, seek, ponder into your own perspectives and your own personal value systems and what, how is changing
  • 'Adam & Eve Project' ~ for the past 2000 years and our Creational Stories, what have we summarized of our power, our own unique sovereignty and what imprints, what burdens were projected to the DF in our creational stories, and how we have been served in becoming, being, choosing to be such in our own reality over and through time

  • What was the message of Christ Consciousness, not the story and regurgitation of Jesus, but what you know, feel about the Christ Consciousness of the energy, intention, your souls journey of inclusivity, oneness, self creative joy, what soul lessons, imprints, beliefs, lineage and akashic wounds have you been inspired to transcend, or been the biggest blocks, what does the story of Adam and Eve mean for you - outside of whatever story you have been told
  • The design within what we have learned about balance, harmony, male-female within, and the new ideals, values, worthiness, compromise and working together in balance for 5D - Earth, 5D earth - what does this look like for you, feel like, how can you tap into who you are now as entering 5D and what you are carrying with you and how can it be even greatly more refined as carrying your own light, voice, power, within for yourself first

  • Adam Eve Project (given from the Councils) collective ascension healing, energies, imprints in our now collective that is our story rebalancing now; what have we eliminated from our history of energies and how such has affected our 'crimes of the soul' in not allowing our intuitive, sensitive, empathic, compassionate leadership of ourselves, of one another - what has been the shift you have been inspired to tap into, or been showing you in your life, dreams, and meditations?

  • How is this in-turn been reflected to our new inspired joy for greater entanglement with Gaia, nature, wildlife and how is this able to 'RE-Write our New 5D Harmonic Song' of Adam, Eve and how can this flowing of balance, re-integrating of energies, lessons, the abuse of power, the abuse of our perspectives of what we were taught, told, shown, through lower vibrational dogma, educational systems that are staunch in limitation, role definitions, obligations, entitlements due to out-dated suppression, depression of almost all participants of our reality collective

  • All is such to muse as we each enter new potentials for our 5D new earth and what roles, what pathways, what excitements and what joys can you infuse, meditate on, and co-create as a goodness appeal to your inner child, higher mind, self, soul, ancestors, and tribe awaiting for your sacredness? © 

  • Wisdom is the putting within all you have been through into now choosing and from a heart centred space - transparency can be felt, seen, known, even if what is before you is not transparent - seek the transparent and what you choose to give power, direction, energy to what wound is within that requires releasing 'survival mode' ~ Trust in spirit, Trust in God, what your path, discernment is showing you -

What a blessing - what, who, how are community, social, collective leaders measuring up to what is truly 5D and how have we each given our power away to such leaders, for so very long have we believed in the masks, the agenda's, the schemes and political satire that has been the corruption of and at many levels -

How and what do we give our power to - and the Pleiadians had sent this in one of our videos about 2 yrs ago - when we have been healing

Collective 'Father, Adam, Male' versions, imprints, roles, importance, power we have given without question and without even knowing without even establishing who we are within?

We have been pitted against one another for eons, and how may we shift and change in our own personal imprints, lineage, akashic energies that we each know exists within our families, our dysfunction and how Gaia, our new perspectives of 5D entryway is upon us for greatest inclusivity of our wholeness to social justice, fairness, equity for all wounding and imbalances.

This is changing and why we see such leaders going through court and downfall to be the mirrors to us each as parts of ourselves we gave power to that didn't have our best and highest at heart - and how could we have played a part to change and to alter for higher vibrational fairness, equity, so that all voices are heard, valued, and balance is achieved; © 

For Divine Feminine are meant to heal the DM wounding, and return to a balanced M/F harmonic; DF that are constantly in 'out-of 'balance' they are not being their highest and best for they slip into 'defence, masculine energies to survive and arise to meet challenges of such an ego-driven reality - women have surrendered to more of a masculine roles for their own need to be heard, valued, and honoured in a 'dog-eat-dog' world

How has our warped perspectives, the separation of our truest androgynous self, soul self, all self spirited self, in the 'survival game' of placing outer value, outer belonging and defining all that we are on such outer ego-centric and masculine dominated histories, behaviours, normalizing violence, aggression, separation of our intuitive bodies, knowing, sensitivities, and so on served our collective well-being, health, happiness and joy factor?

This has been the disconnect - and through our own personal healing, stories and re-harmonizing of our own DM/DF we are healing the collective potentials, perspectives, and energies that the Heavens as asking us to align with.

Vice-Versa goes to the DM who is trying to heal the DF wounds and surrenders to distorted feminine beliefs, or walking with no boundaries, misogyny, imbalanced of mental and ego without flying on the intuition and therefore making poor choices; and showing grunt, pull, win over everything rather than calling forth a 'greater good compromise and healing potential'

These are profound collective issues that we are all moving through - many of the energies in our social collective that we are healing;

  • abuse of power, returning the voice and choice within
  • returning creative life design within and living to no expectations but your own loving and compassionate self spirited path
  • balance of all voices, all genders, all lessons to be lived in a communal breakthrough of equity and fairness of all tribe
  • Surrender no choice, no power, no voice to another or a lesser story for the tree of life that we each are; the fruit shall bare such fruit of such pondering, choices, and integrity and transparency

Profound. where do you fit within all of this? © 

How may you seek this final month September 09 / being our greatest return to harmony 09/2022 = 15 = 6 balance! 3/3 Sacred trinity of the DM / DF


Truth, light, transparency, and balance for all,

There is great metaphor, meaning, and all transcending what old texts have shown, wanted us to believe, know, they were very powerful imprints being regurgitated today and how that affects our collective and individual psyche - it is up for all to question, to ponder, must anew;

Balance & HEALTH is key for higher vibrational choices and path way co-creation - © 

Blessings and light,








  • #ascension #grace #newearth
  • #5Dearth
  • #healinghumanity #spirit
  • #healing
  • #howtohelplovedones
  • #healingtrauma
  • energyhealing
  • healing
  • quantumhealing
  • newspiralsofevolution
  • mastery
  • healinghumantrauma
  • healingfamilydysfunction
  • healingfamilyissues
  • healingourchildren
  • newearthhealing

The Strange & Wonderful Blessing of Karma 3D - 5D

 Do you think you know what karma is....

When you choose from a place of ego, in any way, at any time, God knows; the only way to clear karma is to within purity of heart will be in action, thought, deed, and word ~ it is to spirited to be of spirit - and to continue in ego, to blame others for ones own choice, ones own energy and vibration, is to know reflect and own it;

If the cycle of outer projection, blame, and errors of self love, creating anew; God will place and assure of 'Groundhog Day, blocking, lack of abundance and whatever God will, thy will be done until the self loving act of 'unconditional way of the heart' is ~ only until the darkest ways become softened, broken, light, as a feather and only God and spirit knows;

The karma lessons for narcism and actions of misogyny, to use emotions, their own wounds, beliefs, lack of sense of self; project it to the most personal ones in their life; projecting the 'unfairness' even though their choices to do, say, vibrate is unto themselves, will continue making the towers, pushing pure people away due to their own dysfunction, even in their abuse and neglect of you, spell casting to control, to block, to thwart, and yet somehow blame you for their actions of neglecting you -

When you are awake, even if not, karma is for the blessing of all - depending upon how awake each are, what each need for every moment for moment unfolding we will manifest what is needed to bless all of a grander soul truth; it is for each to know, seek within, and honour what that is for them and their path with Spirit, Oneness, self evolution.

There is ALWAYS, ALL WAYS a DIVINE and PROFOUND purpose for all situations that we may label as 'karma' and it is far more elegant and Divine and the blessing is always held within our knowing to dig deep and soak within what it is reflecting to you about you.

Karma is directly related to parts of the whole self being liberated in some way; what part is being shaken to liberate you from a belief, an out-dated knowing, pretending, faking, or making life far too difficult - for you held yourself within wounding that is ready for release and if one does not intentionally do the healing work, towers will occur through ones own energy manifesting it, to stop what was; cycles must be broken, and spirit gives everyone equal opportunity to do so, be so.

Karma is never punishment. Never. It is a stoppage to a cycle of detriment or unnecessary self harm, self sabotage, or negating of precious life that is in denial of your souls contract and what you chose to tap into, seek, awaken to, create in grander ways; and such stoppages are meant to force you to go within, for all to look within, for all to stop and breathe, love enough, to be struck by what truly is a higher and deeper more rich-filled truth about who each are, what exists within, and what we exist within - this is a sweet and gentle reminder; 'life is truly a gift, so too are you; how shall you step forth next?'

The reminders from Spirit, God, Creation - live a better life of higher truth, or not - it doesn't have to take daily tower moments for you to make a better, higher choice to discern what feels light, right, good, and joyfully filled with potential - evolution is not always easy-but so worth it and oftentimes, you are not here to make any others tower moments less painful; all must experience what Spirit shows, offers; for their choices are the very result of what each go through - there is a higher truth within it all if such choose.

Be ok for every lesson to change you over time, or the spiral of time, you will see, reflect and observe of every unfolding to be of greater richness to your evolution and how we each alter creation in taking time to observe, reflect and celebrate who we are through life transitions. This is very powerful 'stuff' in the ever-expanding realities of greater light; you have greater capacity to carry, hold, transmute, and honour such growth - this is how the Heavens offer you more - you will not be given, shown, when you are not taking what is and making the most of it - Creation is this way- it is very efficient and practical.

Discernment is Key to Creating, Maintaining, Self Empowerment & Higher Life Path

These are profound ways in which spirit will empower all to arise to new levels of transcending karma - be led by the God within; discern what you are feeling, sensing; are you being inspired to return power of choice to you, power of voice to you, power of divinity within - or is what you feel a mess of smoke and mirrors, blame, and projection of wounds?

You can sense and know what feels true, and pure of good will - light means and feels light - obligation, guilt, projecting, manipulation of energy and emotions, information or resources are all ways in which the ego, shadow, funds your energy, your investment in any way - all are being asked to discern more purely - what is feeding and nourishing me, and how do I 'feel' in this energy - arise, know you can in joy, in pure self love, celebrate to 'get off the wheel' and choose a new reality

When you are with the 'right people' alignment is pure, easy, smooth, and non-sense of self destruction; when you are put in situations where you are questioning your path, your voice, your choice - you are taking on others truth, story, or wishes for you - not your own - you know who you are - stick to that - return and claim all power, voice, truth back to thyself - this is pure self empowerment - self Love is healing your own karma.

For the victim; one learns to stand and rise above and given support to learn boundaries, blocking spiritually, pathways to make new incomes, new potential for new support - learning and honouring self love, self empowerment

For the doer or negativity; is the teacher of greater self love to those in projection, is the steps of learning, compassion of their victims, spirit will continue to bring every thought, word, deed until the way is made right - until what the soul is meant to learn, surrender, soften beyond ego, wounds, and past choices, transactions of selfishness and abuse; reflection of abuse of power, reflections of malevolence of energy and emotions, and how each is the karma wheel to reflect what is necessary - common sense to awaken to new levels of self love, self choice, and reality creation -

When those around you do well, see themselves grow beyond limitation, hate, and lack; celebrate with good and sweet heart for them - this will return. If you do so out of entitlement, jealousy, envy; then God will know and God will return such. One must do the inner work and 'get it' - soften, sweeten, do good unto thyself and therefore all actions, words, deeds, become pure and sacred.

Situations become such cycles until the ego, shadow is surrendered and one can deny, deceive until the cows come home; the cycle of tower will continue until the lesson is learned - until the shadow is healed; and it is not punishment, it is making the way of right of what was done, the wrongs dealt, the unnecessary pain, damage is reflected and felt to know how to make right - this is self love; for the ones before you is you; how can you deepen self love, what you are worthy of, how to honour your own story and stand strong and powerful within first above all; honouring the word and power of God, how God teaches us of us; how to release in appreciation, in gratitude and how to know when is when and all is the loving spiral of Oneness.

Karma and all have the choice; will you return to old and painful cycles with those that have not done the healing or self design, or will you continue on self definition with spirit?

All is a free will choice and your energies, vibration, intention of you will attract and be tested to see how done you are - lightness of heart, purity of goodwill, healing of the heart and truthfulness or returning to exhausting work and heaviness.

Every moment; slow down in speech, action; what wound is being felt? Less than, loneliness, detachment, abandonment, seek the purpose, reasoning, belief of that feeling, emotion; 


Affirmation of Self-Actualization

'Am I feeling petty, jealous, envy, gluttony, how may I know all is abundant, all is perfect, I am perfect whole, and ready for a new perspective of me. What is ego, and what is me aching to feel more self-masterful in who I can be, become from this feeling?

I choose to own what I feel; I choose to honour this remembrance, for it is my story, and my challenge to equally overcome - I am teaching myself this, for the clearing of the way for a new future, a new me, new health, new openness to my own inner realm of gifts, wisdoms, and reality potential - this is not so bad; I can just allow myself to know all unfolding, karmic, or otherwise, gives me a new chance for change.

Spirit is showing me I am worthy of more of better, or new. I CHOOSE ANEW

I choose to nourish, I choose to feed what feels sweet, gentle, new and I choose to operate from my heart, my knowing of creative bliss; this is a trip, a journey, a challenge that will empower me to be fully more of me; I deserve to of feel valued, worthy, and I will continue to challenge old ways, old beliefs until my wounds are healed; I will be truthful, gentle, kind to myself and others, and I know through acknowledgement and acceptance, all will be transmuted; all is now new.'

Through self reflection - you are able to celebrate every moment and arise anew.

You are able to shift to new empowered perspectives of your own choice being right for you and of you; living less by another, or a global norm, but by re-writing the highest version of you - and knowing that your past, your challenges, your pains, and strife is the juice through which all is made anew, and deepest self love, forgiveness, strength is held.

Spirit will place an unconditional one before you to accept and to honour, to learn from, and if one is in shadow or ego; arrogance may often win and continued cycles of abuse will spiral until one steps out and off the karmic wheel -

Each are responsible for going within and healing is the key.

Each is responsible for their own success, healing, path, happiness and self loving designed path and reality - some are simply too wounded to want to change, and even regardless of the messages, towers and blocking spirit will guide; some may simply remain in self pity and self delusion of victimhood and pain. 

Honour and have compassion but do not compromise your own health, balance, wellness and peace.

Some of our quantum mysteries that most simply cannot and will not ever be able to have definitive responses to, for all is truly questionable; 'is matter really a creation of the mind, or is matter simply always as previously defined?'


Is a tree just a tree and why how is it perceived in new ways, new versions of life in a new now? Each will experience a tree anew. A being from off planet, never having seen, or a new born never 'knowing' a tree, will perceive, know of its knowing in a unique manner; is matter really what we think? Is Karma really what we have been told? 

Is God, Spirit really anything that is definable and why would we ever want to? Perhaps it lets us each off the hook for taking ownership, responsibility for not creating greatness before such awakening moments, but this again is the ego; all is perfect, and that is the lesson of self-actualizing; you need every step to be who you are now; so celebrate.

Perhaps not defining what we know matter or karma, or moment-for-moment life is so that we can simply fall into, surrender into the sacredness of what IT really is; 

For it allows us a peek into who we are and perhaps who we have been, but for all intense of purposes, we are allowing ourselves and our reality to be more; undefinable and allow the inner realm to magistrate a whole new reality of becoming sacred.


Spirit will support you walking and moving in grace - know your own truth and liberation.

Blessings and light,


Clearing Karma is In the Softening

Understanding karma and how God places all before you for your deepest triggers and lessons - to think you know better and more, or that you will re-write what God has planned and wants of your soul - is truly laughable but even still, it is our path to perfection in learning such - surrender into the knowing, loving, trusting, helping, softening of God - love of love

When you do something and offer from the love of love, this is healing and pure, and God will see, know of all - for god is












