The Brilliance of Choosing
It is time within my story, the stories of the past, the issues, circumstances, the ability to rise above what was, as the dust settles and as all has been torn down and I look upon the rubble; what has been missed, so unfortunate and perhaps the most important segments, essence, and delivery that few will intuit, and my wish that most will take time to reflect upon; the energies of importance that are the momentum of anything new is the pocket full of moments, the 'in-between' stages of deconstruction of what was, interpretation of it, the reflection and observation of who, what, how you feel and what may come, the new interpretation can be profound or slow to brew; it is dependent upon your readiness to release what you held most dear.
Every aspect of life is meant to be deconstructed, renewed, let go, disabled, so that we can see, know, return to that essence of what was veiled by the old stories, deceit, illusions of what we clung to, and many miss the nuggets of love, wisdom, transformation when challenge and deconstruction does unfold; that is ok, as we have been eons of mental loss, habit of clutching to stories of lack, less than and is only natural to an evolving human leaping within the unknown with utter faith that all will always be 'ok.' This is the knowing of thyself, God simply is, and when all the dust settles; regardless of the trauma, damage, loss, you and God are right there to start anew; in whatever way you are meant to; be it slow and purposeful or dashing for a new horizon; all is purposeful and perfect for each soul and what it ultimately craves for in its re-becoming. As I sit, day-in, and day-out, I pondered on the depths of frustration I felt in the constant state of loss that I allowed others to play upon me, how destructive to my psyche and sense of self it was, how ultimately encouraging it was to allow for my heightened gifts and awareness about healing, nuances of energies, entities, and souls growth through it all, was the misunderstanding 'the whole' had upon my own unique story and what was truly most important to me; it was a reflection I had to tap into for its ultimate resolve.
'Suss it out' as I stated hundreds of time in previous weekly ascension learning video's I would passionately upload on Youtube and here I was, with another of my own experiences unable to shift into the vision I truly wanted to be enveloped in; it is because as we alchemize the eons of dishonouring, devaluing energies of lack of self, lack of self value, the crucible is where I sat waiting to see the new alchemy of all the energy work, the teaching, the vibrational and physical, emotional, mental output that is manifestation; however I offered myself freely and unconditionally I was not sussing out why the image of the world I saw was not in keeping with my intentions; the vibrational miss match stared down into my soul to recognize something deeper; I was holding on to their image, the promises I made to come back for them, the story that 'Spirit has asked me to leave, it is not safe for me to be here, there are those that are not wanting good for me, but I will be back, I will share with you then.'
And such promises a Mother makes in any situation she offers a child is meaningless when destruction occurs; it is the hope one hangs on that things will be made right, that all that went wrong will eventually be sewn anew, and the density, hatred from those that pushed me away would ultimately see their own inner wounds and do what is right, the day would simply not come. Some just have the path of awakening, but God, Source, your teams, the Universe, and all boards of karma will absolutely want rebalancing and for hearts to be made anew in whatever magical way sees fit for all involved. This is how we can truly see, upon hundreds of thousands of books written, stories told since the beginning of the beginning, God is the essence of our goodness, our pain, our suffering in knowing that all will be well and all is meant to be for the lessons all had to learn and ultimately acknowledge; 'suffering is always temporary, and love is eternal.'
The frustration of my past that kept me clinging to the unresolved was the complete and utter misinterpretation of me, my story and my experience, and the results, the deconstructions caused to my timelines, my children, my path, my sense of self, my sense of ability to serve in my most profound and highest potential; these underlying threads of pure and Heavenly important values for me was the reason why I serve, came here in serving and seemed to have been carelessly taken and thwarted by most of whom I do not know, and do not know me, nor have they ever truly had an intimate conversation with me to know me, because I learned a very long time ago after the depths and levels of deceit that some go through to 'fool' you and deflect their pain, their own inability to look at their lives, wounds, and shadow, and simply want you to make their life better by dumping all their karma and baggage on you; because you are light and powerful to do clear it, and know, or understand it; this is a very real thing that every empath moves through experiencing and why there are psychological studies now being done on the dynamic between empaths and narcissists.
Empaths must learn how to set vibrational, emotional, physical boundaries, learn about setting their aura's and veiling when in such healing interactions, and detaching, clearing, cleansing the bodies and fields, to merely maintain any relationship with such family members to remain sane and intact. How an empath feels in every day life is like being in a foreign country, all are speaking a different language; most is harmful, hateful, angry, and no one is helping the empath through what feels like a place, and people you can never fully 'get' due to the depths of wounds, trauma, deflection they all carry to not get intimate and close for fear of their own inner wounds being triggered into a rage of depression and self sabotage.
Empaths feel a constant state of 'not fitting' and being constantly misunderstood for the world they know of spirit, or of love, of feeling love, and feeling the energy of a tree, or animals, or a child, are beyond what most have shut down their 'feeling systems' to ever want to dare to open up. How dare a person walk out of what does not serve and break obligations from out dated roles, power struggles, competition of illusion, mental and emotional games and gang stalking, or how dare one choose positive change and empowered self design? These are all the role definitions each must go through and ask, seek, choose to act in benevolent self choice with spirit as one challenges socio-structures of new education, sexuality, income and fairness, equality and ecology conservation; to name only a few of our structures aching for 5D alignment and redesign.
The challenge, frustration came from the innate tug of war between old and new, imprints of lineage of roles, subjugation, abuse of power for all divine feminine, those that I felt on this realm, other realms, other timelines that felt they had authority over me, my name, my being-ness and what path I was to take, all are galactic, universal and lineage timelines we all must heal with ourselves, our souls, to transcend our new paths of sovereignty with spirit & God now; what is ready to be eclipsed out of your life; you with you, and all the wounds aching to be brought forth; emotional, mental, physical, spiritual wounds that we each carry and why we manifest what we do; so you can call it what it is and in this acknowledgement and owning of who you are, stand boldly within thyself and stand anew - cycles begin of you.
Frustrations in my example of experience that empaths, and healers, light workers, a deeper sense of your own oneness will come forth;
* new levels of beingness in oneness one must go deeper and wider of your wholeness;
* I had created expectations of the collective understanding my story; but completely not even seeing the tip of what I had been through for I have not expressed such, simply feeling defeated that no one would understand, get it, or even quantify the depths of what and how important this is for all multi-dimensional healing; the expectation of Divine feminine being seen, accepted, honoured more than a 3D role that was left in forgetfulness and subjugation, suppressed into non-being, abused by infinite elements of power within our social settings and experienced daily
* knowing about spiritual clearing, protection, how to navigate, how to set boundaries, knowing your sense of self, standing in your own centre of light, and benevolence of new & how to shift addictions, obsessions & controlling need, desire of others not yet healed
* The expectation of being pushed out of my own home, away from my own children whom I did the majority of parenting, caring, healing, staying up all night in conversations about the universe and who they were becoming within it; to soothe and inspire, encourage my babies to continue and keep a chin up in their perseverance; especially when the secrecy of what was going on was that in which my light would expose and bring to the fore; all to know that I was simply the catalyst to unveil the corruption, the hidden, the stuff that truly needed to be revealed and healed; for some it can cause warning signs from the destruction and change that others may not want to move into - some simply want to hang on to what was, regardless of how corrupt and unwell it may have been.
Expectations, Healing, Empaths, Letting Go
* The importance of re-adjusting every moment to release expectations for yourself, your path, your gifts, and those around you, - do not over complicate and expect outcomes; release and allow, forgive daily and know all are truly only doing what they have been patterned to do, and without their own will to heal, change cannot come if change is not initiated from within, regardless of how much you offer, want, teach, and are patient with; not all souls are meant to come with you step-by-step but all play an important part
* The expectation of awakening to come to those that choose to hurt, take, harm, for their own selfish desires, games, and that equality would be felt for all; for learning, and oftentimes, especially those that are healers knowing they must walk away from their family circles, this is not the case and healing, your path may not always play out in the tidy little bows and outcomes we, the ego expects. The layout, the picture can be really messy especially when there are those in your circle that do not take ownership or accountability for the deceit, choices, secrets and withholding that are played, in hoping you are not sensitive or psychic enough to know or be shown by spirit the full story behind the scenes.
* always do what is best for you and nourishing to your soul - energy takers, doppelgängers take and not necessary if you are awake; and surrendering the past; How does divine feminine move freely and with great empowerment when 'no' and 'stay away' are not respected, heard, or valued?
* Karmics, the destined path as empaths we hold on to our service so much so we oftentimes hang on beyond expiration date simply because we think we are responsible for healing and making every lessons be brought before all; when spirit says 'walk away - walk away.'
* How can we each call out that which is 'abuse of power' by systems, beings, people that use systems that take, sneak, create corruption through such devious acts and all purposeful for our learning and healing of the shadow but once learned we move on to greater value.
* And be ok to say 'no, enough is enough' and hold strong to this, and this certainty of self love and self care is exactly what our children need to see play out; I am but for some it was pressed upon me, and others had sewn me into their drama and chaos without my choosing, nor my knowing, and how much can one heal and transcend when others deny and play manipulation around it all.
I am not into, nor am I in for open, poly, or 3rd, 4th, or multiple parties, partners, for I know the mess in energy it creates, the harm and mess of deceit, shadowy moving about for most are not healed and secure enough to be of partaking that doesn't end up in putting others against the others, competition and ego stroking and takes very mature souls done the work to keep all on the honoured path; clear bodies and fields and understanding the use and highest use of sacred life force; there is much to consider which many don't when entering into something that would serve an immediate fantasy but causes harm and imbalance to everyone. It serves no one to deceive, be sneaky, to be dishonest, to simply get what you want and / or 'get your cake and eat it too,' while the fairness another seeks is denied, blocked, stopped, stolen; this is abuse of power, double standards of that millions of court cases for trauma and abuse and others forcing suppression to others so they can feel their own freedom through control.
* * surrender all such experiences to learning and move on to what feels and matches the vibration your sacred heart wishes to have and explore; all is purposeful but not all are on the same path; allow those that want to move away from the games, the selfish acts of energy and mind scraping to do so; and karma will be free for all and no one will be held back or harmed; open, honest communication and free will to choose
* no person or groups hold authority over another to another - period! liberation is and our voice is of our wholeness and beingness; free will and the Right Use of Will. Honour such.
* There are lessons, regardless of what is the unfolding, lessons for all involved and this is the word we all term from 3D-5D karma; just as each soul in a war, or a fight, drama, chaos, all are affected equally - the one pulling the trigger, the one paying for the spell work, the one that the bullet hits, the ones left at home loving them, expecting them to return; all are affected, all must heal; every war ever had, big and small, here and not here, we are healing within our own acceptance, loving unconditionally now, is our unity and in which all wisdoms and blessings are bestowed; respect and honour all and all will be brought to you.
This is the knowing of the eternal life, and each have their unique oath and path to seek, deliver to themselves, and weave in oneness with God; source, Creation, the true love story with Creation is held in such.
* Expectation for only living your best life each moment, knowing you will use and be of your highest wisdom of past, and loving now and let go of all else. Allow God to manifest with you, in such pure being.
* Do what you do fully just don't harm, impede, and control others
* Philosophy in 5D - we understand that deconstruction, requires interpretation, and interpretation is done via their own unique consciousness level; soul wounding, lineage wounding, familial, social wounding, the presentation of who you are and what needs your attention to simply acknowledge and be ok to not have to tackle it all at once, but know the highest and most important wound will be the one that is constantly triggering you; competition= lack of self, beliefs of who you are, what you exist within, old paradigms of fear and control to win, be better.
* Philosophy in 5D - we each through awakening must be self claiming and owning your own energy and nothing else; you are not in control, ownership, and nor none to you, of you; interpretation of who you are, what must deconstruct to break through to a new level of unconditionality & this path is not for the faint of heart for we all come with idealism, expectations, the inner and innate desire to be valued, belonging, important which has driven us outsider answers but we know is only within.
* Impact of healing, Renewed self design; deconstruction of the old, offers it to the Source, the all, your soul aches in new harmonization to choose a new inner you, beliefs and all to make anew outer, and there will be, make no mistake about it, thresholds that must be taken on and transcended; much as I am now, for the first time ever, taking on eons of old theology and healing techniques to bring anew, and why you go through, call in and manifest what you do; for there are so many realms, planets, galaxies aching for such 'breakthrough wisdoms' and through your own stories of pain, suffering, loss, deconstruction will you see, feel, allow for the new heightened interpretation; and if you allow for the heightened higher self interpretation it will be all damage and loss is a version of you holding on to something needing deconstruction to align with eternal life, light, alchemy in all life, and so on.
Just as a wave, each droplet of water from the center of all oceans and undercurrents of the sea, the waves will always continue, so too will our evolution and all will flow and revive itself again; this is the power of change and how all must evolve from a single droplet or a single grain of sand.
Before I go into the over-view of our collective shaking to anew, and what is the foundation of all dysfunction shown in a personal perspective, it is key to know, if you have not read any of my books, a little background about me.
I am a divine feminine, a mother, a woman of great passion, passion always in the simple and easy things that most often was not understood by others, from others, and found at an early age, never fitting, never really being heard of what I was able to see, know, feel, in the world between worlds, the seen and unseen, to see within something; the threads of spirit and the song of Creation, it is a waking experience for someone that is a heightened empath, crystal child, hybrid, teacher, conduit of Christ consciousness, (having nothing to do with dogmatic religion but to the Metatronic light codes of evolution and all evolutionary stories that is essence of all spirit, God)
I am a seer, I am a visionary of whatever God wants me to convey in any moment and this, these gifts have taken many lifetimes to practice, hone, honour, value and come to this very important culmination point like many light workers finding themselves always deepening to their unique path and upliftment.
I lived from a space of perfectionism, never really feeling complete in so many ways due to the misunderstanding and misguidance of always focusing like most humans of and on the outer realms, and my importance and value within it, when only spirit and God within can offer. And of course, even as many master children do, challenge authority be-it dogma translations of what did not match what I cognitively knew within, or schools that seemed to regurgitate the most mundane unnecessary idealism that continue to demean and devalue human potential and intelligence, needless to say, my past seemed like a constant navigation of density, worlds and jungles of less than, lack, and as any empath will portray; 'you feel as if you are a foreigner and cannot uniquely or authentically communicate or feel at peace any where you go' because you are a constant transmuter of the energies of those unawakened and asleep in lack all around you; whether it be collective imprints, curse energy you are meant to transmute, or negative narcism from those unwilling to take account for their own being-ness and life of choice to change; we are in constant discomfort.
Through the path of awakening, it is understandable that challenges will be present, but tired and exhausted of the constant obstacles seemingly to be within certain circles and relationships begs for one to go within deeply and question the 'why' continue with such pain, drama when you know what is being dealt regardless of what deceit one tries to throw in front of it; illusions are seen through dear ones, and what most, what many unawakened fail to tap into but absolutely will, feel what is right, what is not truth; the sensing of truth is very real, and seers, empaths, conduits, visionaries, see what God, Spirit wants them to see; no hand, no being is beyond the hand of God and what is written and so too shall be privy to such on the path of awakening; why each path is uniquely timed, blessed, activated by what you have gained, earned, and devoted to; equal match is our universal code; if you put the work in with pure intent, God will match you, the Universe will respond.
Visionaries, psychics, empaths are constantly questioned, bullied, dishonoured due to their light, their inner knowing, even if all attempts have been made to help those throwing blame, truth is simply a vibration that cannot be felt or seen by those living in untruth; therefore it triggers the wounds, the lack within for each to take ownership and heal, question what power, energy, focus htey have been serving and return it to within; rebuilding and rewriting the sense of self to and in alignment with spirit, higher self.
Our planetary shift from 3D- 5D is to return all power we sent out, give out, obsess out and even idolize out and bring it back within to our Oneness of our acceptance and love of self, all life, all sacredness to within and grow abundantly in being so, exploring so, expression of so, Oneness with God, the god within beyond the beyond - and why I was chosen and chose to come forth and help humanity awaken and heal. I have been sent here many times through eons and timelines for inspired healing with ancient tribes, and planetary wars to bring common ground of peace and honour for all life, for we are alive within the multi-verse and in times of great need and challenge, we all become activated and if one is not doing the healing to clear lower vibrational beliefs of separation, the spiral of ascension, inclusion, inward honour will turn to outer hate, frustration and anger of what is not understood through the mental processes that have been entrained in underestimating the human potential as spirit.
* We are born in the breath and beauty of God, and in all that is matter, even rocks, are the movement of spirit, and all require innate and unique nourishment to continue on any path of cyclical evolution; as we are cut from the cloth of Spirit, in the shape of, we have the same potential of such spirited profundity.
It is a harsh truth when the entrained mind knows of itself as profound; like a dog that has been caged for eons and then suddenly set free, the dog remains in the enclosure for fear of what resides beyond; and so this is the power of how the lack mind-set, fear-based mind-set has on our very spirited being; the suppression of our spirit, creative voice, and heart space knowing, how detrimental it is to the deconstructed self now aching to be put forth into anew realm of liberation and play of 5D potential.
Such is the spiral of human evolution and empowerment; we are all meant to question what we believe to be true, what vibrational stories used to entrain us, and what can be let go and re-written; I will attach a video that explains such that each person carries energetically and spiritually to take on for their lineage, Akash, soul to transmute density on behalf of timelines lived and acted in limitation and poor choices of control over others; denying anyone of liberation to their own uniqueness is the karma each must transcend;
Understanding Vibrational Stories - Transcending 3D Density, Trauma, karmic cycles
* If we are ever to transcend the density we must face it, regardless of how messy, how unusually uncomfortable, and how diseased it all makes our collective. This is why we must see what we thought so stable is filled, was always filled with deceit, illusions, and trauma to the innocent to protect the schemes and agendas of those in control. False realities that your energy, focus, attention go to literally creates what is in front you.
* How you nourish, behold, honour your bodies, of flesh is spirit, organs, bones, all activations of spirit hold you in such, and yet we are so disconnected and not even in awareness of - yet when you tune in, and allow to be your highest path, of exploration, expression & experience, you will be on your way to utter magical fulfillment and eternal life. As all masters came to remind and activate our cosmic, galactic memory of; I am one such being sent from the Most High, a Mothers Call to bring balance to Gaia, the daughter of the galaxy, the daughter offering so much yet so misunderstood, under-valued, under-privileged by those that take and stake such claim on her; I am a mirror of Her and Her grace to and for all humanity; humanity is a gift unto itself yet fails to awaken in its own honour for it is still asleep in the mental viruses of giving power to others that state their authority over your progress, abundance or wisdoms and so untrue.
Gaia is being brought back to her galactic family through this ascension, for the disregard of so many upon her, have left her exhausted and devalued to a point where multi-verse help was called to bring her out of the depths of darkness that humans of fear, control, and programs of darkness affecting all lifetimes in all timelines, and all DNA that is crucial for all evolutionary potentials within the ALL; how all life affects all life; all thought, word, deed affects all, how may you go within to seek your alignment to what you affect what you are with it all; what can you change, how will you change?
In my path of becoming, knowing it is constant, never really taken seriously for my wisdoms, intelligence, until those that have been with me for years of my work, offering unconditional service with 0 return, many will attest to its depth, purpose of intention on light, liberation, and soulful activation for higher realms of play and healing, many continue to scoff and downplay what I do as a 'living' and prosperous livelihood. For their consciousness and ego still remains in the bricks and mortar ideals of what living a prosperous life truly is and how and why would we want to judge another for what is acceptable or purposeful anyhow? Judgment is a part of the foundational learning in the game of separation, and some choose not to ever come out of it, they choose to stay in a world where everything is outside of them, and their power to create lives there too; never being accountable, or owning of any spectrum of reality is and will be faced by every awakened being to merely create peace with and transcend as still Oneness and unconditional love.
The process of evolution is as I was shown by the Mother as Divine Relationship; One in the making and deconstructing, and it is in the centre, neutral, wherein all new, alchemy is being brought into life; the perspective, interpretations, then choosing of will, intention, and honour of spirit of all life is the key to master; for ego will constantly be the pendulum that tests you; how to break away the destructive patterned ego of lower vibrational entrainment, and what can be the simple, easy flow of spirit changing and altering all Creation is more than the average human to accept as plausible.
Our children of such profound intellect, profound blessed becoming in their uniqueness and yet we continue to shove them demoralized ideals, shaping their greatness by ego-arrogance and separation, of our old patterns, and it is time for each human, each adult to take responsibility for the life, the reality, the mess, the sussing out of what is clearly not working and how to get it to a new choice; will only be found when one surrenders to softening, the heart, the spirited way; this is evolution and boy of boy will the ego fight you on this. The ego will demand it knows better, best, and how arrogance will always leave you sad, unfulfilled, empty, dissatisfied and always seeking outer for validation and appreciation; a clear indication that ego is getting the better of you. All are such triggers to awaken.
This is the eternal path within and it is free will for each to take it. Well worth it, but not to be missed for all will be bathed in light. All paths, and all guides will show, take, demand every person live their highest choice and however many times it will take a karmic cycle to continue to choose anew; so be it, but not all have to go on the path with those that choose to hold back evolution. It is selfish to hold on, grab at, hold onto; whether it be emotional, mental, spiritual, physically hang on to old stories, others, resources, or energy simply because they do not want to change, or see themselves as 'wrong' or perhaps another path available - again, ego will bring down power and tower until surrender is done, and painful it will be, spirit will prevail and in the end all will be for the better; but the drama, trauma, is entirely unnecessary.
In this, is my story. The level of deceit, drama, trauma, illusions, schemes, and damage done from such, to hang on to stories that are meant to be re-written. God and spirit, the souls journey, souls destiny, will prevail; no one person, group, entity, will have say over another, and in my case, there was the greed, arrogance of those whom I do not even know at large, think they have say over my path, my voice to be it, speak it of what truths are meant to be seen, known, felt by humanity for all to re-write, and none have plight over my consciousness, path, life, and as I have stated; 'I walk with the Heavens' and in this, no such weapon formed against me shall prevail; until the loss, towers of those doing the harm are shown the energy they put out, the voice of spirit may be heard, and until the ego surrenders; old games of bullying, gang-stalking, doppelgänger stealing, are all and will be bathed in the light of truth, and all meant to carry on in peace and higher ground. Each have a choice; to transform and forgive, or continue ego arrogance of old fear-based patterns of lack, limitation, fear.
All will have its equal outcome- remember this universe is equal in match; what you are, do, put out will return, and none will be missed; God, spirit has the authority to take away gifts, resources, block, stop, activate through your highest self, soul to and through your own ill-thoughts, illness, disease, the lacking, the blockage, the damage done to others, the spell work to cause chaos to others, lack to others, mental inhibitions and control to others, be brought back to those sending it out; all have been sent various video's, writings, blogs, and offerings for years, many lifetimes, to choose a peaceful path, and some simply still choose chaos; and therefore the Heavens have spoken; 'Our word'
* A blog post that goes to those throwing toxicity and drama to the innocent after years of peaceful asking to stop;
The outer focus, intention, direction of you, the vessel of you, the energy of you is what reality you will create, and what inner realm creates outer world; matter. This is how we all must go within to question, to ponder, to choose anew, and activate, the only essence that quickens is spirit; God, Spirit is all. All wisdoms, all health, all gifts, all evolution is God; the spiral beyond, up, through, is God, and to be of such is essence of being; the essence of being spirit; compassion, forgiveness, love, creative joy are all the factors to new life, new realms and it is to each to be of it purely and seek it; all hold this key.
My key is and has been turning within; I have expressed, offered and given so freely to all;
Spirit showing me those that simply take to take, have no intentions of changing or transcending beyond the 'taking' and how, how much, when, how, why, to transcend beyond ego, 3D, a master must always know the subtleties to which we operate, and how realms are created. How it is key to discern in all energies experiencing how to navigate with greatness and only when you are firm, standing confidence within yourself, as One with God, God is the blessing of which all are transformed, seen, lived; the DNA and what you conjure affects the DNA, what beliefs you limit within affects your DNA, all is up to each to change; and rely on no one outside of you to 'fix' for you.
Dark entities work through open vessels; vessels that contract to learn certain lessons, understand how to not take or control others, these entities will be given approval from your most highest space of knowing, to help set karma in return, balance, or activate wisdoms to transcend and 'get out' of the grasps of such entities - all is within the divine plan to hone, strengthen, allow you to understand fully and completely that no one, thing, has power of over, in or through you at any level vibrationally and all stories of such between 3D- 5D will be told and shown to you, subtle or not, that you have the voice and choice to say 'not today, go away, I stand in my own light and choice.'
None. None. Have power, control, over you, and it is vital that we begin to pay attention to what, how, when, in whom we give our power to, energy to, choice to, and what stands in your way of feeling full liberation in any subtle manner; this is the reflection, release of 3D attachments and subjugator energies to the stories you choose to re-write; this is evolution dear ones and it is not always joy, happy, rainbows, for one, each must go through their own shadow and ego of what has been created - to face, to own, to claim, to transcend and soften to spirit. Thus is the bliss of 5D; the joy of spirit, richness of spirit, to allow all paths to be fully rich in unique, and authentic pleasure of expression, exploration, and experience with spirit; all is the evolution.
We are in a state of eternal illness and to be open and allowing of all moments and never judge for there are all moments to which, beyond the loss and pain, you will see, know, recognize the oneness through which beyond the beyond you did actually call it in. This is even the most painful losses and moments, all must be acknowledged and accepted, then released for anew. How profound and utterly transformative and what part we all play in this masterpiece of evolution?
* Sociology, philosophy, new social potentials for all healings; these are all for you to reckon with your lacking and limiting beliefs and let go, to know all all all is playing a part of the push and pull to catalyze a new leader within. To break all forms and boundaries of conformity to less than, accepting less than, accepting bad and poor behaviour and think we normalize abuse, and normalize such violent and ungraceful acts towards ourselves and to one another.
Call what is going on and call it as it is.
Call what illusions are before you and see it as it is. Now is the only now. Now is the only healing, and now is the only future. The past is not only but an experience that you can garner wisdom to move on.
All that was, some manipulate and throw into new cycles to perpetuate further karmic cycles, so be discerning on the energy you allow into your space of co-creation, and I have had many years of dealing with those that are master manipulators, cons, shadowy beings that simply don't want to break the shadow space - all allows you to more strongly discern and stand in your light; see through all illusions and how to align to 5D grids and remake anew. Never doubt when you are shown to 'walk away' be creative and joyful to 'walk the f away.'
Heed the call of spirit in every way.
Heed the call; spirit knows and sees all, that is done under the rug, door closed, whatever is blanketed, and have each deal with their issues and break what needs to be broken. Severe the cords of what is harming you, and holding you back, and dance on. Each are responsible for their own spiritual path. Spirit is in charge and when you ally with spirit, alliance with light, those that want to constantly pull you down, break you, are not ready to own their own place, space, and simply is easier to take the energy and time, or resources from those that have sorted it out; narcism, pathological liars, players, enjoy the taking, and as evolution is; cycles will assure that all must learn their lesson to give, to learn, to be grounded, and God will be the maker of such; be rest assured - you are not responsible for 'holding yourself back' for anyone, nor is it written that you sacrifice your light, your self, your life for another, never.
The Guidance Each Person Carries ~ All have Universal Heavenly Support
Each person has guides, teams and it is up to each to go within and seek their own way out. They will all be shown. Never be the reason why it is easy for others to take; set the boundaries, vibrationally, emotionally, mentally, spiritually and ally with spirit to walk on in claiming your own sovereignty to go your own way. You walk with spirit; it is a oneness realm, and no one shall break this bond with spirit; there is the unbreakable bond with spirit and none is higher.
Be that of who and what is you; you have the right to speak, be, flow, offer to Creation what you came to; you are unique and meant to be; allow all to simply be; you won't be for everyone and walk away from those that bully, abuse, and use you. This is how inner strength and higher knowing is built through the experiences of reflection, honouring duality, and knowing all is ONE; the triggers are what allow you to go deeper, higher, within as One.
Healing the Toxicity, Dysfunction, Familial imbalance due to control, abuse, subjugation
* The various ways in which families all move through secrets, the unseen, the hidden, that unspoken that accumulates into lineage karma and density, wounding that must at some point must be cleared and I simply was not going to burden my kids on what is not theirs to carry; why owning your own 'stuff' is so important and key to healing. This is what spirit asks of each for their help to transmute. All have their wounds, all are doing the best they can, and part of my lessons, regardless of what was done to me; some are simply not consciously aware, it is habituated patterns of lack, separation that them is natural interactions to an awakened one it is abuse.
* My ache was to transcend eons of divine feminine being suppressed, subjugated, minimized to only awaiting a man to make real, or make good of, or put a ring on it, to have a life of new social imprints that will not result in generations of children, young women being fuelled by such imbalances that they are now the youngest generation to feel such mental, emotional instability - a byproduct of eons of divine feminine being misunderstood, ill-recognized and suppressed.
Damage Done - And Can You Look Within to See Forgiveness for Yourself
* As many, most upon this planet, we all choose to move through varied abuses that if unhealed, lead to self harming in whatever ways we choose; alcohol, self harm-cutting, eating disorders, running from our gifts, and in my life, healing from molestation, triangulation of dysfunction, years of neglect through deceit, betrayal, being the hitting ground for blaspheme & defamation, daily impalment of black magic, curses, voodoo and any other scheme of the physical, financial, dopplegangers creating fake spiritual pages, coping my work, using in other work environments stating it is theirs, monies held in my name due to me being withheld, controlling of resources, bullying, cheating me out of so much less than everything; time, resources, homes, time with my children, balance, wellness, mental and emotional abuse causing PTSD, gang-stalking, and to this, still to this, some continue to do spell work in order to reverse damage done, and take a last kick at the task of harming me, silencing me, stopping me from moving on; as if my life was not in the hands of Spirit.
* The pains, psychological damage, the lack of self, the detachment and experiences that someone like me, empath, crystal child conduit experiences is profoundly immense and to have been bullied by many in the realms of darkness, or black magic, voodoo, was like putting someone autistic and sensitive to sound in a room with blasting music and chaos for years; except what I experienced was not music, it was darkness, damage to all multi-dimensional aspects of my gifts, which made me me, and much of how I saw, perceived the world which had to entrain from scratch; the death and hate impaled was something I would and could never imagine ever wishing on anyone to experience for even an hour let alone for years; and in any moment I stood to speak out, seek help, there was literally none to stand up for me, stand in my behalf, do the right thing, apologize, (there were many involved and many had years to do what is right - you know who you are)
* none helped me in not even a stitch of any way; in a society, a collective, for over hundreds of lifetimes, realms, planets, I have helped all of you, offered thousands of hours of ascension video's, healing, activations, and freely offered my healing help to you, counselling, always an open door; you only sought to take, take, take and claim all of my kindness as your own; claim may business and my gifts as your entitlement, selfish and arrogant ways in which you schemed to take again; fool me, trick me, sign my name on your behalf, my story will be told and I know, the truth will always prevail.
* God, Source will always give every child a chance to redeem themselves - but this comes from within; pure intention to make right what was done to every child in which you conjured devil energy and your children were in your house, in the next room, sent devil energy to any mother carrying children that needed her light, her care, her graciousness, and timelines that were affected in the selfish acts of what has occurred in the past eight years; you are all guided and those reading this to seek the answers, to your own restitution, you have all been told, shown, given years and hundreds of opportunities to make right; none of you have.
It is all in Gods hands now, and for my loyal ascension students, clients, those that truly care authentically about sacred energy, about healing, healing our planet, caring for a new generation of children, I will continue and I will come forth with greater wisdom because of my past; it is about human & planetary ascension and enlightenment and may you all feel the empowerment to face all demons, shadows, and those that choose play in fear, games, and subjugation of you or your voice of spirit; we are here to learn, live, diversely as One; heal your wounds and get on with a positive and powerful life; leave all others to their highest path as you will be left to yours
* In every time I rose to speak out, I was blamed, and forced to move, live strategically about my life in order to live my purpose and destiny while all others had their free will, doing whatever they do, and intentionally harming others, whether it be the ones paying, or the ones casting the spells, karma is held equally - for anyone that is said or claiming themselves as spiritual and yet does such to harm, block another, has little knowing about what true spirit of being in spirited essence means; Right Use of Will and honouring all that which is God Source, spirit in the upliftment of such
* my life, to help and to create such learning materials for others trying to heal from abussive situations of falsity, deceit, destruction of the sense of self through childhood trauma, dogma, bullying, and outer world paradigms that are bedded within separation and win-loose; all has been purposeful and as Lord Sananda has stated in recent blog posts; the buck stops here, and the Great One has called 'enough' to the petty harm and distractions; I have my rights to live fully in my truth, just as all that choose to live in hate, and anger, and corruption, I have my right to assist humanity in seeking, finding, living in the highest loving potential of spirit; I will not be silenced and I will speak of all atrocities I experienced to be of only 1 truth;
* The Lessons & The Healing
Even in the most challenging, traumatic, we are able to, with the peace and humility of pure spirit, hold all in unconditional light and forgiveness, without judgment and know there will always be a higher truth, and an ever-evolving truth. Release on-going bitterness, pain, dis-ease with all purging and healing as multi-dimensional karmic, toxic, and dysfunctional healing is not linear and is a process, and does require devotion and time, patience, and compassion for all involved. What was left out of the story was the children, how they were affected, my path, my timelines that I was to help others if I had been left alone to serve, and how much damage was done to me, my spiritual body, and my sense of self deconstructed through painful projections of hate, anger, spell work.
Regardless of your beliefs, or upbringing, ascension is the coming into wholeness, Oneness with all of humanity - each living being; all religions all that you may choose or have chosen to judge, separate, all aspects of you and this is our destiny. So.....forgive greatly and soften; it is all you seeking your acceptance and forgiveness to love deeply and compassionately with great patience and higher resolve for all world matters will be the basis of such portal change. This is how we re-write a new world; in which old world 3D oligarchy leaders so staunch in their self serving ego, be a twist of fate for a healer, a leader a true ambassador of light to come forth and show that spirit is the changer of all things - for at the core of all life; all is SPIRIT - our flesh, our world, our water, our sun, moon; and we have been led to focus, believe that we are somehow less than divine and pristine and to resolve such challenging worldly issues like child sex trafficking in which corrupted experiences taunt and claim any youth they can, seek, recruit those that stalk for a moment of pain, or sullen self-pain, to lure them into a life of slavery and warped spirited trafficking.
Innocent souls lost to the selfish corruption from those that know well enough what they do, do it with intention, calculation, planning, and undermining games, tactics, bullying, entrapment, cohersion and how can such be altered? We have created it all by giving our power to those that surely do not have our best interest at heart, nor did they ever.
I will never silence the word of spirit, God, and inspire the sacredness, the gentle return of life, spirit, soulful song to the innocent hearts of all life; there is heart, treasures in such; it is the essence of all Creation; I see it, I sing it, I am it, so too are you - it is time to arise dear ones; rise, claim your voice, power, choice to return to peace, peaceful resolve, compassion, forgiveness and pure soft love.
This is our destiny.
Our systems have normalized violence, teen rage, youth self harm, imbalance among the most youngest of ages, and our inability to understand that 'all is energy' and what is cycling within will be exactly the life and reality going without; thus then, much work is on each to do the self love 'sussing out' to bring all lineage and timelines into a new level of loving self acceptance and acknowledgement of what disconnection was being held within me for instance when the memories of my magic with God in all things, why I am a divine conduit, the blessing and connection with my children, all life and how I am able to sense the threads of such life, talk in great and deep passion about such, and inspire hearts through Christic activations of energetic shekinah God flow, the love and devotion I have for my children and each moment I stared lovingly at them 'thanking God they chose me as their mother' and how all of this was missed and replaced by only the selfishness of those impaling me with their schemes to discredit me, harm me with their black magic, doppleganger activity that was purposeful in undermining my pure intentions of service for the evolution of all; and yet amongst the blasphemy, daily negative, intentional vibrational abuse, the true story was left untold.
The story of a divine feminine, coming forth from many universes, called from by the divine mother of this Universe and summoned into action as a light keeper, being of Heavenly remembrance to activate the hearts of those that were ready, the carrying forth to guide the gentle and meek and return innocence to a planet and peoples in need of Divine remembrance that all life and all moments are sacred; of such I said to the Holy Mother in many of my soulful sessions with her; 'why have you called me Mother, how is that I am to serve, for I am feeling unheard, ignored, all has been taken from me, and I am left for barren?' She simply, peacefully, and lovingly replied; 'you are of light, and a representation of the Heavens; so shine.'
Regardless of what we move through, pierce all moments with that one truth; the truth of your birthing and why each are here; for many, most will forget, but you are one of the ones that remembers such a truth, why you will painstakingly move through the release of many, the letting go of what was not nourishing, and allow yourself to be moved where spirit guides you; for not all company will want, care for, or honour your speech or intelligence. As not every prophet is loved in their own town, and at some point they must move for where and whom Spirit shall eventuate you with.
If I was to tell my story even 100 times, most and much of what I experienced would get lost in the shuffle, for few would or could understand what someone like me goes through (multi-dimensional interpretation of an empath, crystal child, code breaker, conduit, high DNA of celestial & galactic sensory & memory) for it would get lost, completely not understood by even the most sophisticated of psychologists, or philosophers, healers, for you don't know what you don't know, and how could someone know what a timeline feels like if they are shutoff to energy; not understanding it, nor connected to source or a God in any way; for so many are still living in such deep separation and do not have the capacity of understanding the intricacies of what one like myself can experience and feel.
The numbers of times I had to conceal my truth, my wisdom, to feel less than to make others feel ok, or not question themselves was the exact thing I came to shine and be; to allow all question, be activated to go within and heal the lack. However no one told me this, showed me or taught me how to heal such trauma's as abuse, neglect, the ever endless path of 'working hard for nothing,' or the mind, mental games of ego, arrogance pitting others against each other to fame attention, focus, energy, such is the path of narcism that aches for its own sense of self by deconstructing others sense of self; this is a game of control and subjugation, sewn through lineage, dogma and most of our social systems, and why when you awaken, you can sense a manipulation a mile away and simply navigate and shut down the portal and door that others that play like this have to you.
However I had to learn this the very tough and damaging way. No one taught me how to heal deep trauma of multi-dimensional soulful pain, spiritual war-fare, or spell work, and I then internalized it believing the narcism of it all being 'my fault' for wanting to leave, separate myself from the games, disruption, not work for nothing and being taken from seemed to be absurd from and by those offering such abuse. How dare I want to leave and be released, or get away from the games of distortion and spell work, and nor did anyone hear of the times I was pushed from my home, my family, due to such, and awaken every night with flashbacks of the warping, thwarting, stealing, thwarting going on behind the scenes, and then being withheld, lied, and thrown back as a fault of being uniquely me was the reason for such.
I spoke to heal corruption, the underground ills, destruction of sense of self, inner oneness with spirit, the damage done to bodies, and spirit that are impaled by such selfish acts, and how damaging it is for the painstaking path to healing such. My offerings have been consistent with Christ consciousness of self sovereignty , empowerment of self healing, manifesting and aligning with the highest path of self love, self design, and healing the eons of lack, distortion of less than, and devaluing our human - spirited experience, We are so very profound and my story is an example of what can occur when you face your shadow, your lifetimes of fear, and how to transmute and transcend the wounding of the inner child will be what saves your story for a new day of re-write.
My story fundamental re-writing will also include in its most profound path work is and will include; beyond what you think is us/them, black/white, right/wrong; how do each person transcending pain, loss, suffering, damage seek the Oneness and unity within it all? What new action, beliefs can be brought to the fore through such experiences and this is collective evolution. Not to protest with grave anger, hate, or injustice that is the resistance of flow of Source, God to new levels of resolve, but to the open, allowing, honouring, logical and heart-felt intuitive neutrality that is Divine ambassadorialship gifted to all that so desire to step beyond the wounding of separation.
A great video offering of such evolutionary shifts;
My story, however vast and changing it is in every new day, evolving as the all is, most of what I offered fell upon deaf ears, and simply because the awakened audience was not interested, the audience gained was that of the ones harming me, and so they watched, they made notes to see what day-to-day changes occurred from their spell work were 'taking affect' and was the 'mind-scraping' working? Such games of covert controlling systems and micro-macro, I am here to speak of and stand for what can go one when your life seems to be nothing but slavery.
How much was taken from me is impossible to place in any one category. It is all purposeful to how I am able to now offer systems of healing, of clearing, mastery to navigate around and relate all fears to the stories you vibrational hold of who you are and what you exist within and let go as it surfaces will be the path of least resistance.
Every person will face moments in the good, the defined and perceived bad, all are true, real and purposeful to love deeply and forgive, and never judge; for we have been played on all sides and we have been the players on all sides, our planet requires leaders of such knowing, such alchemy.
Truth is and will always prevail. Truth will always prevail for it is not illusion, it is a resonant and knowing, that transcends all else. Illusionists, the secrecy committee to keep feeding deceit and lies and soon to be too many to keep track of, will falter under its own weight and why it is and always will be its own demise; for that is darkness, that is its own becoming if it chooses not to evolve. That is simply the path that some require to know thyself in new ways, and God is and all is the presence of writing to God design, and none have a higher hand. Enough is enough both innocent and brave leaders, we are to face it all and forgive it all; expect only good to come from all and now in the opening of such brilliance will be born.
I speak for the children of such high vibrations that are here as masters to help break through much of the harm and densities created through eons of separation, disease, and control through fear-based neglect; I am one, sent early on, and there were none that taught me about how to clear and protect my aura from narcism, black magic, and jealousy or deep envy; for all is the game of separation; and when someone seems different or as if they possess something that others don't or have, it becomes a game of competition to take, steal, deject in a way to bring them down to nothing or so they feel momentary satisfaction of a sense of self; then spirit and consciousness kicks in to learn the deeper soul lesson; 'who are you, what exists within, and what you exist within may be just as unique and special.'
Such contemplation may not ever occur to many, and for an empath, it is an exhaustive path of giving and with covert narcism, covert denials of hidden lifestyles, paths, destruction going on behind the scenes by those that were meant to help, care, and honour you, seemed so far fetched and without 'proof' the modern day court system simply never be the platform through which justice would prevail; there is need for re-write on so much of our social systems that were bred and delivered by ego-centric oligarchy and how could we expect any different to a divine feminine coming forth as a highly intelligent genius of many things, laughed and scoffed at for simply the acknowledgement and offering of such, with humility and good will to a collective that is in such obvious need that seems like lifetime and lifetime of banging ones head on walls to ever be reciprocated in equality or fairness and what every minority; child, elder, gay or lesbian must feel like.
I had to 'suss out' the soulful wound connected to my story never being fully understood, and the fine points that were everyting to me being fully missed, misrepresented and misunderstood, not even touched on beside the suffocating generic return of a male authority figure to 'make the day' or 'put a ring on it' would be the ultimate surmise of my happy outcome. The constant song of expectation of a divine feminine to even 'want such' in her navigation through life, and yet miss what all has been cleared away like those before me; Amelia Earhart, Goddess Isis, Mother Mary
of the like that have gone through profound struggles, yet none truly knowing their intimate sacrifices for their personal soul stories only to be channelled by those nowadays for a deeper and more loving understanding. Our roles as divine feminine grow far beyond being the captive or property of a man, or partner, or to be owned in such barbaric ways of tokens and symbols that have nothing to do with who we truly are, what we profess from our hearts in devoted service for a greater collective good; we are divine healers and bring such profound wisdom, hope, plenty to the hearts that are in constant need of validation and direction, and for eons we have gone unwritten in form in and proper acuteness and in such, my story is new. Breaking the ways and energies in which we see, feel, know of Divine feminine and honourable in such our hearts to all those that walked before us in hopes to offer a nugget of 'appreciation' to their paving the way for us.
Divine feminine have through all times been the portal to all that has been intuitive and much of our histories and elders of histories knew of such, and when such divine power of elegance, mystery, healing, manifestations were seen, know, written about, such legacies became cramped, bullied, vibrationally and intentionally squashed just as mine had mirrored. For how would the corruption of controlled systems continue to feed the mouths and pockets of those that take unlawfully if there were those that could see, sense, know a truth far grander and before the scheme was set the game was changed? This is all purposeful for we are meant to evolve and for eons, the darker forces if you will knew how to play, however the light is more intelligent and faster paced, and if one is not doing the clearing and keeping up with processing, integrating the light, all that is dark and wanting to stay dark will simply be held in timelines where all those of such vibrations and intentions can continue the games of ego and battle it out for whatever dollar amount and title they are competing for.
All within creation is vibrational and how all space-time is arranged, and however anyone may try, when you awaken and begin to self love, self design, self honour, the vibrational mismatch of what was becomes painstakingly clear to 'cleanse' it with truth, light, honest of character, and a higher resolve for evolving beyond such petty and immature games of destruction; which was exactly what happened to me. Not only was what I went through purposeful in so many ways, one cannot put in one simple book, but it was honouring to all women gone before me that were left unsung, I will make it my promise to bring such stories and empowerment forth until I am ready to pass such leadership on to others.
All that I had, and all that I was, was forever changed. It was due to the careless and wreckless choices of most I do not know, and truly do not know me; my light triggers their wounds and triggers their own lack of self, and I know this, there is much healing I still am requiring of myself to transcend the bitterness that sits with me every day. I was altered and changed by what trauma and abuse I went through at the hands of those that simply have never experienced the purity and love of something as sweet as a Childs love and trust, or a song sung by God just for you, or the invaluable friendship that your guides and celestial friends constantly offer in spirit and in quasi-playfulness with you to remind you that you come from a grander lineage beyond the beyond, and you are so very loved regardless of what plays out before you or whatever and whomever is taken; as the 12th dimensional creators channelled to me one day a year ago;
'Joanna, pain and suffering are only temporary. This is a choice of true empowerment written as law of your eternal state of being and becoming from which, from whence you came; remember such.' The simplicity that spirit always offers sometimes sits empty as you bellow out tears of all that is lost, how little you were truly known and honoured for the unconditional and selfless work you had done for many lifetimes seemingly taken for granted as the black magic and chaos spells damaged every sense of self and pristine love I felt. God reminded me in such moments as I heal the truth of such experiences; 'I told you I would regenerate you; do you believe me now?'
I was crying, not seeing, not letting go of the innocence I had lost during the eight-year long trials of abuse, neglect, dysfunction, loss and pain. My life, although may birth certificate says I am 53, I am working with the most high in many regions and ways, to youth to a pristine age of 30, and much great strides have been made to regenerate all that was lost in such a short amount of what I know to be time. So I know that much of my experience will allow me to garner much wisdoms and healing to help others transcend limitations of who we thought we were, even after great loss and pain. The frustration was the hanging on to the idea, the energy that I had failed to bring justice to the infinite women and children that had been forgotten and unheard; their stories, like mine would go unnoticed, and all that would be remembered is that 'she looks for a man to make it all right' and old conformed stories and obligations of social protocol is what every woman and future woman strives for? No.
I was reminded, the frustration was disappointment at a soul level in such loss, loss of time, the warping and thwarting of my timelines, now protected by God - The One, in which I felt I didn't live up to my souls calling for bringing change and voice to that which had been forgotten; the misunderstood and misrepresented story of billions, and how eagerly we return to ego-centric whims to satisfy our self value and direction when it is completely not even in the same energy vibration; the collective still is.
This was the philosophical prime example of 'deconstruction.' In which interpretation of my souls level of consciousness, an empaths level of consciousness, a healers level of consciousness, a mothers level of consciousness, a crystal childs level of consciousness is the crucible to which how it interprets itself and the world story it is being reflected is how, where, why, and in what manner we being to set forth profound new healing potentials that will be forever known as 'multi-dimensional and soulfully focussed' so that such inherent disruptions that cause and are at the core of a high percentage of suicides, self harm, dysfunction, internalization that simply is misunderstood; once breathed into a new state of being, like now, spoken of for the very first time in 3D, 4D, transitioning to 5D, we can truly get excited about how to re-write such understandings of our reality within, reality without and let go of the drama and unresolved emotional, psychological pains that drag us into states of harm, anger, depression or suppression for not being valued for our stories and uniqueness, our perspectives and ideas of genius, and how simply many are not meant to be on the journey or need to understand it at the level in which you do.
I remember my children constantly stating how they were not understood, the lack of intimate and intelligent connections of understanding; to be valued in full authenticity, and full bloom, regardless of a sexual preference that goes against a religious belief that is embedded in your chakra's or a unique light language talent that few understand but admit helps them question and feel good. All is meant to activate change, pondering, a light-hearted approach to see yourself, others, and your world as a community and a union of oneness sorting and sussing it all out together. Some will simply not want that and simply die fighting to be right, or fighting to take more, and be the holder of more weapons, or land, or gold in their vaults; and upon their souls review in spirit after they pass; inevitably all will succumb to the knowing that all riches although a purposeful experience to have, is not what, how, and why the soul advances and feels truly fulfilled.
How have we suppressed, depressed, gone into virus, illness, and psychosis of resistance of the spirit & soul?
A souls ache is primarily for 3 portals of pure and enduring fulfillment;
* to explore all that is
* to experience all that is
* to express itself within each in any and as many moments as It can and guided by spirit
This will be our surrendering path as 5D beings; to be rich of spirit, is to be rich and fulfilled. For this is truly all that matters; for if you are aligned to your highest and best path, all those you have threaded will be fed, nourished, and offered the light therein you worked so very diligently to clear and allow in. Even if that path means leaving many and much conformed ideas that simply do not allow for full creative expression, and dynamic oneness with spirit, it is the detachment and letting go that allows for the greatest exuding of light to be honoured and experienced.
We are each cascading light vessels that resemble a beautiful bee-hive. This bee-hive in a state of constant re-harmonizing within an essence of omni-presence, much that like your environment with those engaging with you, taking your energy on, as you take theirs on, thought forms, beliefs, projections, and deflections, whatever they would be going through; each have the potential to live in similitude with it, or align to higher resolve and create and with constant new spiralling. Thus each one activating the others to embrace and be anew. This is the oneness factor and at a collective level we are all being, doing so, however the key is to be as consciously aware as possible so that your choices can be more purely aligned to release and heal karma earned over the lifetimes, and begin living joyfully in your own destined and ever-changing dharma. However most are still awakening and some light workers simply must flee their environments and circles due to such dysfunction and darkness not being addressed and accounted for and much damage and sacrifice being unnecessarily taken on.
The golden nugget for me in my healing was to own thy own story and accept the loss, the devastation, and the altering that had occurred; accepting all that was, makes way for me to know that the in-between stages of 'interpreting the deconstruction,' the frustration held within it was the mismatch of wanting others to see, know, feel my truth of my story and was simply not possible due to the levels of consciousness, values, importance, and paths that all were meant to be paving for their own souls growth;
* to stand up for who I am, all that I am regardless of who 'gets it' or believes or cares, and to stand in my own power to know truth, what is right for me, and to have the bravest sense of self to walk away when something doesn't feel right; trusting in God, what you are guided even if it makes no sense or is thwarted by others because you won't play the game of control and less than or competition. Spirituality is not a game of competition.
For all are the blessing and uniqueness of God, all are profound in their offering; the unique gifts and soul plans are all so varied, undeniably different, and cannot in any way be even similar; there is no competition; only the beliefs within that need to be healed of lack of self, lack of sense of self being loved and healed.
* my story has nothing to do with a man or the ache of a man to fulfill me, or the ache to be married only that of being healed from many life lessons, mistakes in trusting the wrong people and allowing neglect and abuse to take place for as long as it did; the many times I said stop, and leave me be, the warnings from the heavens to allow all innocent to express and be left alone, the spell work continued and for an empath requires new protections, and new veils; new knowings with God, all beings, demons and negative entities are that of only bringing the hidden to new light that are nothing to fear but to understand at a socio-logical level why we have human trauma, and how to heal it; to use energy benevolently and honour the Right Use of Will, how to break generational curses, and how to uplift many in the ways of patterned habituated normalizing of pain, devaluing when we truly are sacred children of God.
Lessons of owning your path regardless of the masses, stay true in knowing you will be cared for, whether you have a plan of escape, or money to do so, you will be supported; the way will be shown; to align and be at peace in which those that are meant to, and will be drawn to my story will be those divinely guided and in which all will be as always perfectly in vibrational matching of what is needed.
* never force your beliefs or story or experience on any other but simply express
* allow all paths for the fullest of expression and be strong enough to move away when any level of abuse and trauma are being experienced, empower all to own, claim your own stuff and sort it out; never rely on anyone to fix you, bring you good luck, bring you into balance, or save you; sovereignty is self aligning with spirit - spirit guides you to perfection; always - inner = outer - self design once again!
* true self empowerment is for positive re-writing of the wholeness of self through such struggles so be ready to get excited as a part of your family new design and daily self care, re-write, and holding yourself and all others in the most high; it is all a cycle of renewal, and starting again with new wisdoms, knowing, and practices.
These are all such powerful forces of renewal of a collective through the eyes of those in the public that are the inner souls wounding of the many that play out for us all to be a part of our own inner healing of wounds of not being heard, valued, honoured for our uniqueness or abused by powerful beings and names, and titles that have little to no regard for you and your gifts, story or being ness and why our oneness is always held within it; for what is the belief and ultimate changing factor for you to go within and see what levels of your reality do you see deconstructing that you may be holding onto for validation of a new version of you, what it means to you, still projecting your importance of the hopes of outer validation of others knowing you, of you or the story you were here to inspire? When it does or does not occur, what then? Will this devalue your journey? Will it devalue you? These were all the Divine, purposeful and masterful questions I was asked this week and took time to heal, forgive and reflect.
More lessons of my own personal story was to dive deep into the depths of perfectionism; the neglect of a childhood in dysfunction, disappointment in seeing or aching for a story to result in a certain manner or expect others to behave, do the right thing, or offer up a way of rightness, is my undying knowing that all are children of Source, and I believe the best in all; however not all endings work out in the manner through which ego wants the tidy bow on top to be.
There are deeper, wider, and more profound under-pinnings that allow for the all to be a part of something held seemingly in individual or separation from; and when someone like me, or you, goes within to suss out such core point of 'frustration, inner turmoil, pain, disappointment' one can then finally be free of what it looks to the outer for.
I was looking and aching for someone to 'get it' to get the story that was being told, and know the profundity through which and how much was lost, just as the war playing out now. What are the core issues and how we as a collective will resolve it will always come back to the innate human issues of self value, self denial of oneness and spirit, and how we create a world in acknowledgement or non-acknowledgement of this; all such separation is the ways in which we commit crimes against the soul which all will be affected and all will be a part of healing.
All you do now, affects the all - all planets and all forms of life; all affects the all - your now, your future now, your future body, so in this truth, who are you and how may you let go, love, forgive, and allow. Life can be so simple and it is the wounding, imbalances, dysfunction, negative and dark entities attached to less than and lacking mind-sets bodies, fields, living within devalued sense of self, that all crimes against the soul chooses to co-create. When any moment before you arises; ask yourself; will this nourish my soul and will I be at peace in going forth in this? Will this choice align me with spirit more greatly and my path with creative expression to be more fully me?
Each person will choose how to navigate wishes and challenges and all is purposeful and there is no wrong way; your soul needs what it needs, so be patient and loving of all detours. You will always return to Source, you will always be forgiven, and it is within the purity of you and your intention to move within deeper self love.
New Story & Self Love Partnerships
For the last time this topic
My path, my story, is for me to experience and I have learned, grown to a point that I do not have to validate, or seek the approval of, for, from anyone and nor do I seek the blessing or approval from anyone to move on any choice; I have been on my own vibrationally, emotionally for a very long time, I have been celibate for over 12 years and neglected emotionally, mentally and spiritually for the past five years, in which my healing process is long, never ending, but no longer hold resentment or victim energy but moving beyond into acceptance and the value of all lessons.
I am now open to new experiences with friendships and tribe. I would not nor never return to the past, nor would I ever hold a grudge or distance to anyone, only that I have done enough healing to know that there is nothing, and no benefit to anything or anyone from my past that I choose to engage with again; the lessons have been learned and the stories are closed.
We are here to learn from one another and hold compassion and patience for all; and as God offered to me when so often I would cry and seek wisdom to why I had gone through so much pain and trauma; 'you are here to offer what was not offered to you.'
I do not personally seek a multiple status lifestyle to with many or share myself intimately in this way, or poly types of experiences & being an empath makes for a highly intense and unnecessary state of affairs and that which I stay clear of. Drama and complication is not my focus; but been thrown at me by those seeking to tempt me off path of service so it is a part of the navigational game.
Most simply do not understand that every choice affects the all - all are impacted; the children, all so it is something most do not consider; energy is energy and does not go anywhere - it is a constant staying thing and requires care, alchemy, and wisdom to move into the 5th dimension in being so attuned.
I need nothing from anyone, nor do I wish to continue any engagement with such energies; such is not good, nourishing, or pleasant for me to return to and I forgive and eternally embrace the detachment and sovereignty of what can be. I know I am fully protected in such soulful alchemy and trust in what the divined has in store for me.
A New Version of Me; the Version that is Ok to say NO & Listen to Highest Guidance;
The journey of self love will attract someone also balanced in such; there is and has been no connection I have held; the stories the intentions or delusions, illusions, have not included me personally other than my energy being thwarted, name being used; I live alone, I have a small very small circle of friends, no mate or partner, and again do not have a regular cycle of texting, sexting, and never have; I was a devoted wife for over 25 years and single, celibate for the past twelve; going through a painstakingly unnecessarily long and tedious divorce, and do not seek it at this point, my work, my leadership, my new path is what and is in Gods hands; I am being led; God is. I am in no relationship and these are important notes for many stories, mistruths, and delusions of me, who I am and who I circle with are and have been interest to those aching to see me fall, fail, and put under the microscope.
This will be the last time I speak of my personal life and as it is a 'for the record' of misguidance and stories to discredit who I am put to rest.
Learn and move on paying attention to your own path, your own healing, and carry on with your own sense of self being healed. It really is that simple; co-dependence and other issues can be healed, so take account and heal it; for this is the only way for all family's to know of their own innate power to transcend.
My rights, my children's rights were intruded upon in such games and schemes of the past and today, in the story and now the Heavens, and Lord Sananda, we all have stated enough times; enough is enough. Our rights, will, and choices are each our own, do not involve someone covertly in your own wants and needs, that you know full well is not in their interest - this is instant karma, however spirit sees fit based on what has been provided already as guidance and knowing.
I have been fully transparent and in the protection of my children, said only what has been necessary to allow those that keep testing me, or thinking you will affect my path, to know I will and only align in my authority of God; light, my truth. I have never done spell work and understand the universe well enough to not do so; enough video's and writings, books, common sense, offered to take on the knowing 'what you put out comes back' and it is key to live in positive vibes, allow the motion to the emotions, and daily self care for grounding new health, wellness, and times for healing for all; comes first with acknowledgement of the issue and illness, imbalance; seek your own highest guidance and be your own best advocate; rely on no one; God is within and you will be guided.
There is nothing wrong with nor do I not discredit spell work, I simply understand universal law and empower all to play and be in touch with such spells that work in benevolence and goodness for the greater good. Energy is energy and very sacred and all has its affects in how it is intended and used.
The past is done, closed, and I am glad for this. The stories have been convoluted and none had taken me, my children, nor the truth in vein in any way, so this is a passionate offering of who I am, what partially I have been through in the truth of healing, cathartic manner to help others abused by power, and step beyond victimhood and into personal power is key and why I offer my own personal story for such - for the systems have faults and we move through such to become the fixers of such.
For those that do not have personally built up financial bank accounts, transportation, or places, spaces to stay, money to pay for investigators, for proof of damage done, by the ones in covert corners of selfish games, the courts, the systems will be re-written by us; our experiences and voices matter, for there were insurmountable odds and on top of the obvious obstacles, there were the pouring of magic spells of blocking, stalking, abusive energetic bullying that I had to overcome and learn how to heal, protect, and navigate around; for there will always be new challenges, new ways to dig deeper in self love, and accept all moments as divine maps of weaving and transcending. Like my teams offered to help empower and encourage me; 'few would have survived what you did; sheer will and God is'
Contemplation is great. To ponder lightly and lovingly but there will always be a point of action that must be followed when a new level of consciousness is reached and that be a creative output; I had been outputting so much so, in hopes, in sheer will to have any, as many see, feel, know of the innate God within, the wonder and splendour within, that in hopes those that abused me and tormented me with intention and purpose, great detail in their schemes and playing in denial of it, maybe would come around and see within them what I knew to be true; the crux of the whole experience is my acceptance that 'there will always be deconstruction in all evolutionary processes and experiences and mastery is to simply be at peace in this, and to know you are not solely responsible to heal every single person nor change the damaged trajectory of every action of another.' ~ Master Jesus.
Being 'ok' with the profundity of Creation and how profound destruction can be the rebuilding and the new now moment of potential and the more we can heal, love, forgive the disappointments of our imperfect perfectionism is the moment we make real and great progress. For there will always be that which is the catalyst to all deepening of spirit and gifts found therein. I have come to know of such new gifts, and knowings, and although I do not feel the same, or feel as innocent as I used to before all the black magic and years of manipulation; I know I have deepened my faith, trust, and gifts to align in a new and higher manner. For there is a relaxing. The innocence was that of purity of what I could see, know, intuitive nudging, vibrational stories, and for all the impaling done, damage done, there is much PTSD for the darkness and hate I absorbed; was left imprinted I had to process to release and such is the reason, how, why many children cannot feel strong enough to release abuse, manipulations of sense of self and their spirit through sexual trauma and pains of dysfunctional family dramas and why it is so key for my new story of me be represented.
For in this new story, I release all worry, ache, and desire for anyone to know anything beyond whatever it is you are meant to, or guided to; that is not of my control nor should it be of any author, but to simply share for sharing and of a truth that was mine, a special little girl from a far off Universe brought to share some far-out wisdoms and great wild stories of beings that are ultimately all of your own family and very excited to be a part of your all sacred becoming.
I am a being of great light and mastery and I am here in devotion to help, offer, show, inspire, sing, ignite, empower, encourage a higher resolve and deeper truth of how innocent of God, Source, beyond the beyond we each and all are. I have to now entrain myself anew and heal myself daily in forgiveness to allow for all transmutations of what was to be my new now. I forgive deeply myself for holding such impossible notions of my own path, expectations, and that of others to be any different than they are; that is the path of unconditional love; accept all just as is, and not demand or command any one person 'get' what is only meant for you of you.
Many lessons of all loss; of what power do you give your life to that suppresses your creativity and why and how may you break free? What power of evolution and self love, self value can you re-write now to make higher vibrational choices and set boundaries for none to take unequally from you, or demean, or degrade your sense of power and life force? We all must face the powerful stories and light that we have birthed in our souls design; we are dynamic to do so and re-write so arise in this.
But to allow, honouring through acceptance that there is deep and heavenly purpose in all unfolding and self love, self design will continue to be my story evolving; there is no end, there is no beginning. There is only the constant and graceful letting go, and holding a gentle and sacred knowing, all is One, and whatever was lost will always always be replaced by new and better and different.
This is our new now.
Welcome to 5D
Blessings and greatness
This is my story
The past is compassionately laid to rest - this is my experience and my story and my rights to heal, to transcend and be left alone to continue offering who I am in full for humanity - all is forgiven, all is forgotten, peace be with all.
I am an empath, crystal child, celestial Channel, author, healer, interprepter of Heavenly code, script, and language of God, Source, for it is not any law of the peoples but for the peoples to seek it within themselves and this my dear ones, is what has always been intended; the loving and unconditional God of the All; love thyself and treat all as sacred, allow all paths of each, and return your power of choice, knowing and belief to be beyond what is sold and taught by any other authority - go within and seek it for yourself; this is the path of truth, evolution and revolution.
* 5D is systems of light vs Systems of competition ~
This is the soul awakening.
God is - Beyond the Beyond
This has been an excerpt from my 4th book on ascension - my raw and real true life story
Joanna L Ross

The Alliance with Light - A True Love Story with Creation
All rights reserved