Sunday, 6 November 2022

CoCreational Reality ~ You With God, Spirit Source, Creation IS Showing YOU


Soulful Benevolence ~ Seeking Radiating, Being LOVE - Unity of thyself 

Are you a soul mate to you? Are you knowing of your profundity, of simply being here to be a treasure, a gift, a blessing of much wisdom, intelligence, of divine instinctive higher becoming - you simply forgot, not you are real again, one with and as live.. create, be of joy,

Are you a guide for you - all is within dear ones, the outer focus is only of seeing how you 'had' created, been; now start anew - new now now now

'Your soul is the collective playing out before you'

For the acceptance, the love, the benevolence of honour, sacredness oneness, compassion, knowing deeply, allowing of greatness; its all you-honour thyself heal-thy-healthy oneness©

If not, know you are healing karmic cycles with karmic beings that test you to step into self love, self knowing, self writing, and self singing, dancing, design; all is Divine and purposeful - release judgment of anyone, yourself, of anytime you have been or felt less - that it was only an operation of you - now you can choose a new code, a new essence of oneness with the Divine - all is choice - awaken - there is the infinite to explore, express, and experience and know NONE have power over you, your thoughts, your beingness, you health, your wellness, you center of being LOVE - love is the unifier, the healer and the wisdoms of the ages - love is the fluidic all-essence of life, becoming life, becoming matter - all is spirit and movement and liberation within is ascension -

And so be it - discerning is your maturing in opening realms of energy - when you are living in genuine ownership of you, not having to live up to any outer rule, or definition, or obligation, you are liberated to not prove yourself, not validate yourself and certainly not enslave yourself to anyone - those stories of vibration of being taken advantage of again, again, again, divine feminine and the elders, the children being ostracized for movement and liberation beyond enslavement - we are leaders, we are wise healers and leaders of worlds beyond the norm, the conformity of limitation and subjugation - and our stories and our experiences are an equal part of this world - this divine planet and we will speak, in freedom, peace, harmony of our becoming - we are rebalancing our planet in being so and doing so - and this is our healing for our collective and lineage and a new earth planet - 5D is - who are you - hold none in lesser than you - for all is equal - © 

Your soul is the collective playing out - what stories, what vibrations are you here to heal -

My work, my light, my offering cannot be copied - and thus the truth will be seen, known, and God is the only distributor of karma or any other deeds or rebalancing based on the vibration EACH KEEP, ARE.

God is the only DISTRIBUTOR of karma - for God is each in motion, and guides, higher self, the soul, the family of the soul, the karma board of the Heavens and evolution are all involved in what is unfolding for every aspect of life - and the respect and honour or devaluing of it - EVERY SOUL has a theme to explore and being in the wisdoms and action of bringing into balance -

I am a messenger of the Heavens, the Galactic Assembly, and we are moving through a most profound evolutionary experience and exploration - so surrender, be love, be forgiving, Iive in divine compassion - it is all you seeking you ~ God looking at you in all you meet - see all as the divine living through you - or not - it is a choice and even every choice is a gift from God - celebrate = God is the beyond the beyond - re-writing of all human stories keeping us in fear, or in judgment of God - or in the deprecation of perfection that is only and always now - our perspectives, our beliefs or the love or not love we are within ourselves is the exact = to you within - © 

Your collective is your soul playing out before you - who are you -

Acceptance, allowance, be of respect and good will for all - we are divine beings of many races and citizenships - all is of such divine downloads are those that have prepared the way, not living in ego, or arrogance to want what is not theirs, not earned, not devoted to the equal measure that IT is given - falsities will be shown, known, for truth is a vibration and cannot be copied or faked - the vibration of love and truth is that of the purity of God living through you and it is not a dogmatic rule, law, or state of being that is not pure and genuine of self love first - the essence of all life - God is all matter, all things, and essence in between -

When you judge, any experience outside of you, it is a fragment of you being in oneness or not - for the acknowledgement, the acceptance, and the new self loving expression to be, become - the offering is free from God, unconditional and we match all equally - the equation of love - as we have mentioned in all our past video's is the Divine Relationship ©  as downloaded many years ago from Mother Mary in a week long devotion for the divine feminine - also posted on our channel - divine wisdoms of alchemy and divine maturation of your soul, your spirited human form that is spirit -

Divine loving essence, beyond existentialism ~ what is it all? Seek the divine memory of you within - it is beyond any experience outer - the liberation and journey of 'love' love is love is love is the eternal youthful magnifier of your becoming and being-ness for compassion and sacred divination ~ ©

A true soul mate, a family of your soul, will always encourage, inspire, empower you for your highest & best expression, experience, exploration of you ~ be of such for yourself first©

Blessings in all that you give, offer, in pure genuine heart is pure soulful abundance and fulfillment - and nothing is higher and nothing is the more impassioned - are you impassioned being you - seek it within.

I am Joanna, I am a messenger of the divine and the Galactic Assembly of Oneness and Unity

Blessings and grace






















Monday, 10 October 2022

Natural Enlivening Elixirs ~ 5D Living & Lifestyle

 A wonderful infusion of spice, taste and self loving vibrational enjoyment --- try your way at making home made healthy nutritious elixirs with pure love, pure effervescent tastes and smells

I was out for a work function the other night and as offerings now in pubs, clubs, and restaurants, trending to the self care and self help importance, many offer such drinks for our outing enjoyment. A great way to ask and seek such restaurants for those seeking to cut back on alcohol or stop all together - it is a great new way to explore some talents and gifts in herbology and healing; while enjoying a great drink!

I have been a pescatarian, non-drinker, and celibate for many, many years, may sound boring to most, but not so - my energy, my spirit, and connection with all spirit is so active, interactive, enlightening, awakening, deep, sensual, and most often overwhelming - being a conduit, empath, crystal child, code breaker, I need new and different things, ways to be in nature and with nature - 

The more we ascend into our light body, the more we require light products nature products -  - and it is so exciting to see trends in trendy places now picking up on natural and organic lifestyles many are slipping into - 

I ordered an alcohol free Mojito and saw that this one particular establishment even went on to offer such elixirs for remedy of basic immune suppression or colds, or hangovers - 

* Here is a great drink, elixir to try, and all you need is a hand smoothie or one cup smoothie machine, blender, ice, mint leaves, organic and fresh are preferable, lemon or lime, pink grapefruit San Pellangrino or mineral water, or simply distilled water or carbon water will also work

* you can add any slice of fresh fruit or citrus and simply chill a glass until it is frosted, a few minutes is fine before serving, wash your herbs in cold water, 

* Blessing the herb, spirit, mixing the alchemy of spirit with all matter is key to the soothing of its affects;  ask the elementals and Spirit to bring forth the renewal and freshness to your spirit, essence, matter, your highest self and soul to bless the water and all within and consumption of it to your cells, organs, matter matter as spirit is; all holds the goodness and richness of spirit and you can merely invoke your entanglement of health and wellness 

* one can even ask for the wisdoms, enhancements of any elixir to speak to the spirit of you, your body, your soul will tell you and show you what to change, alter, for more appropriate benefits - all is spirit and tune in to your working with life and matter life this way

* Place 2-3 large mint leaves in the bottom of the frosted glass, then place crushed ice on the mint leaves, distilled water or grapefruit, or coconut water, squeeze half a lime or lemon on the top with more crushed ice until glass is filled, add one more full mint leaf to the top of the drink and a cheery or blackberry on a toothpick or drink stir for colourful effect 

* The blessings of pure organic mint are many; 

Changing the alchemy within your body, essences, and elixirs are perfect pickup and infuse grace and love when you choose to know more about your symbiosis with all nature -

Always seek your own excitements, and resources for herbs and their benefits for you - all have unique alkaline and acidic levels and why knowing you, investing in you, and exploring your whole nature is key to what feels good for your body, and vessel and see how you can tune in more acutely to how your body responds to anything you ingest - 

Make your health a daily practice and your multi-dimensional care essential for maintaining and sustaining balance, loving breath, and youthfulness in all life transitions and challenges.

Be in good health and wellness -





Human evolution, re-writing all aspects of our co-creative experiences through love, light, harmony of all that is sacred, always been sacred; World Ascension Healing Classes, Intuitive Sessions, Healing Sessions, Ascension Books, Healing Systems, 5D human-socio-altruistic re-write

~ DONATIONS - see our PayPal link here; *

Monday, 12 September 2022

The Song of Transmuting What Was - The Undeniable Gift God Offers

 3D - 5D When things crash, truth is the foundation - what powers, whom has such, are all powers equal to those that have valued, honoured, proven by acts of good will and truth, humanitarian, alignment to grids, and evolutionary grounding to support such collective betterment -

Believe in the love and light that is each other - for all acts of loving oneness, small and grand are profound in altering our collective consciousness - all is one, and what is reflected to you is your story in how you are able to soften, sweeten and adjust - we are not meant to live in hardened corpses of illness and disease and ill will of anyone, or any aspect of life - it is our wounds and experiences that must be poured loved over, into from ourselves, to know we are worthy enough and allow the mental body to heal just long enough for the heart to lead again -

We are remembering, activating, and designing a world in which our emotions matter; we lead as balanced and harmonious beings of light, and human form, flesh that is sacred, true to our uniqueness of expression and all have rights of being so, in a delicate dance to restore balance to a divinely diverse world in waiting.

We are valued and honoured from all aspects of Creation as sacred; it is now our time to be so, remember such, transformation of all without is within; our laws, our peoples, our communities to rebuild within higher resolve of loving light, life, that is sacred, valuable, sweet, true and honourable and that none hurt another for crime of selfish needs to the hearts blocked by pain -

All abusers have been abused - the wounds must be healed - go to the core of the energy, trigger, and heal it and love it whole - love is always the answer and we are required to come to the table for such higher resolve - understanding the Universe within, with all that is, and how we manifest, and how we can heal such is a divine blessing and gift - all is possible - this is our most profound lifetime and each are here to shift such - all is free will - all is God; beyond all that was ever taught, told, shown from a 3D perspective of only the DM is now an all beingness all have expression to show, live, be, heal, and step beyond.

This is our destiny - it begins within.

We are pressing out our hearts with higher hopes, knowing, promising for who we are, what we are worthy and deserving of, and calling what is required for all to have equality, benefit, fairness.

Such will be the unveiling of community structures, the roles that those of power hold yet lead in very unstable and even nefarious ways, how we have given our power to such, and how to align, how to raise the bar of our own value systems, standards, and healing in a multi=dimensional manner;

We cannot move forward through 3D, 4D, 5D without understanding energy - what is created through energy; intention, focus, direction of energy, spell casting of unwell and unhealed people pressing control, outcome, greedy agendas and any other level of manipulations that thwart and dishonour that of human spirited experience - all is allowing us to see, feel, be a part of what is our own blessing to change;

  • Honouring Energy, Honouring & Valuing Others, Practicing Life as Sacred - this is healing of the darkness

How & What, Why is darkness within, before me; how to transmute such

  • No one escapes karma - for it is the lessons of the soul that must be learned, heeded, to move beyond a 3D experience
  • The inner work of darkness, shadow, inner child triggers will show you - what is before you, within you - what has been created is the energy that must be cleared away by what is only connecting with spirit, higher self, writing down beliefs, sorting out beliefs, forgiving, letting go, transmuting such - all is alchemy and can be healed - 'In Alliance with Light'. ©
  • Everyone has 51% of karma from any, all timelines 3D-5D to clear and is within all, every soul contract, plus any added karma created in this lifetime, to clear to ascend into 5D
  • You cannot have what you did not build, earn, honour, value, all that is of a gift, blessing, is shown to that which you are willing to face, alchemize, learn & grow from - there is a reason why you have guides, and teams; to ensure the laws, energy, intention, and use of energy, power, trust and faith within the collective are being honoured, and used & upheld in integrity (common sense most of the time is enough to keep a clear slate; do unto others)
  • Spirit will assure what is fair, to whom, how, when, and will always assure of the outcome - no one has any right to take, pull, press, push and bully in corruption against the innocent -
  • It is not for humans to choose karma, or do any work, tactic or action to bring karma or avenging any other action - surrender to Spirit
  • Spirit will always know who has done what, who has acted in pure loving will of intent and who has done, taken, and see, know all and will ultimately have the upper hand -
  • Healing darkness - the past can only be healed is through the inner work - spirit sees and knows who, what intention, the devotion to be whole, loving, live your best life as love; any other attempt will return back and be obvious as ego choice=karma
  • Ego must be surrendered to spirit for the soul lessons; selfishness, greed, envy, jealousy, all shadows of the inner realm, entities that seek this in souls that live in fear to attach to in playing out games in the matrix
  • Spirit knows all - all one has to do, is trust in spirit, all will be made right, balanced and take every situation as a lesson to transcend trust that all will be made right - what is yours will always return to you -= you deserve it, for you have earned it = you will receive what you have earned = it is natural law of balance - it life and the universe see's imbalance - spirit taps in with your own equal work, devotion through self love and all will be brought to balance©

Understanding the Darker Side of Dark Shadow work - Healing the Inner Shadows - Actions, Behaviours, Intention are everything to eat you attract, attach to yourself, and what is returning =

  • Negative entities will attach to those that play in such negative environments, games, debachery, and misuse or abuse of energy, our bodies, anything sacred; such entities will be used by other negative entities, programs to bid for dark work - again, what you put out, core vibration is what you attract -
  • Why daily self care, clearing your bodies, and understanding energy, the Right Use of Will, is necessary for all that choose to continue to work with spirit, energy, in healing, teaching, and leadership and spirit will show you the way - to release all old world issues of inequality and harming of others for selfish agendas'
  • Such deceit, schemes, will not be allowed to pass through that which spirit holds the keys to - all is within to correct & heal

Remember - Darkness, the Shadow is nothing to fear - it is the catalyst to all life, light, and new higher order - all is purposeful

  • Sewing Seeds of Energy - Positive, Negative, Neutral - Emotions flow in and out of such and all create - now that our consciousness is creating faster, as we are embedded within faster oscillating realms of play as we move closer to our cosmic bedding with our galactic families and first contact of our 5th dimensional home; it is important moment-for-moment to reflect, observe what you have sewn, what have you built, and how can you transform, celebrate and adjust
  • There is always potential - the more centred and knowing you are of what is within, what you exist within, and what exists within you - the greater alignment to create of your wildest dreams - allow all their dreams - without lacking onto their plans, their dreams and what their path may hold - no one has any right to hold back, or tell anyone what their path is - 
  • Evolutionary paths are unique, sacred to what every soul needs and requires for their own profound purposes - positive seeds bloom positivity, neutral allow and observe without judgment and negative allow you to always grow and learn to create new beliefs and inspire new trajectory
  • Ascension is the process, sacred, intimate, undeniable to your own fulfillment and inner peace; sort out who you are, what excites you, what is innately you, your gifts of spirit, the excitement for life, and go there, be that vibration and trust Spirit, God will assist in the rebuilding and retouching your life - it is always an equal matching experience - 

  • Pay attention to energy and your feeling - the Universe will match it and allow all others their path - this is our release and letting go of our beliefs we had control over any other - we have only our responsible inner guidance to respond, define and explore our expression of who we are as spirit and this is the ultimate divine design and experience and all we ever take with us into any other new beginning - are you alive and well - 
  • God will show you - God is all things, all breath, all life between life - it is movement unwavering in joy - sweetness - heal the wounds so that you can feel this again - remember the love and sweetness that is pure loving life

All paths, all moments are purposeful and the more awake and aware one is, the more alignment to new potentials can be excited and unveiled -

  • What has been built on, or sewn in lack of integrity, non rich soils, or intentions, good will of others, alignment of our now consciousness within 4-5D, will not last, will not reap the rewards of what only truth, integrity, equality and benevolence can
  • no one can switch destiny's, gifts, skills, of what one has not prepared for, cleared within themselves, one simply cannot, and is utterly logical, have, receive energetic gifts and skills that are only activated by spirit, the higher self, when one has no understanding, no practice of benevolence with, one must be initiated by the light councils, guides, of light, to ensure that one honours Universal Laws, and not to betray or mislead those in receiving of such
  • Why those that spiritualits, tarot readers, energy leaders at all levels, will go through initiations with their own teams and practice until such time, one has honoured and valued, such laws, guidance of what each soul needs, how to give, offer help, and all must see any level of ill will, abuse of power with energy and others, trust, faith, how energy is used will be all put to a higher order guidelines

Honouring the Values, Sacredness - All Will be Returned as Such

  • IE; those with skills, gifts, understanding such energy work, when shown enough is enough, when your teams, spirit gifts you to stop, common sense of how to use your gifts, is not heeded; spirit will turn off gifts, skills, talents until such lessons of Oneness are learned and the healing of the ego is done; advancement cannot be skipped, rushed, or entitled without doing the work
  • practice and years even lifetimes to assure that 3D vibrations of greed, fear, control will not harm and take from any other and no longer will the harming of the innocent continue - blocks, and towers will be shown of such abuse of power
  • Higher realms of beings of spirit would not harm any other to benefit - so discern what, whom, how you buy into, resources, time, and energy of what and how you entangle with - all is real of what is returned -
  • How you vibrate is a direct relation to your multi=dimensional health and wellness and balance - there is no need for crime - heal thy wounds - heal within ©
  • When you conjure ill to any other; of any kind, it will return and any to all levels will have to alchemize and sort out the beliefs, truths, and energies they created
  • When you live in disharmony, dishonour of your bodies, mentality, emotions, of yourself, or pawned or created for another, whatever vibration, intention, direction of energy you can choose to conjure entities that attach to your body, through illness or disease, imbalance, or STD's even depending on how ones body, which is spirit is being used, and what energy is being created through life force use
  • However anything is vibrating within - will conjure, thoughts, entities, and whatever else equal energies - if you are going through a profound release of negative energy, it is time to deal with the energies and beliefs conjured and why?
  • What value do you have of you, of others, and how are the potentials can be re-written and made anew
  • what is put out will return and all will be a part of the change, none can ignore or skip what karma knows, spirit knows, and your guides, higher self knows all; what is before you is for a multi-dimensional portal for a new higher resolve -
  • When you spell work, to manifest someone, something without honouring the lessons, the others choice, and fully 'getting it' if you have to use spell work to 'get someone' it is not through the Divine and higher order or even a soul contract that was simply allowed to unfold naturally and thus; once again will end, not long last, and not be of fulfillment, content of such that is of integrity - crossing and not respecting boundaries to act in such

Life is really simple;

Let go of what you want, and go within and heal - none have any control over another - all are free and sovereignly alive and able to move and grow beyond the beyond - it is only beliefs and illusions - why knowing thyself and going within daily, creating self care is so valued and important - all is malleable and each have a choice -

Those that choose not to evolve, is not to hold any other that want evolution back - all are free and sovereign to allow all paths to be.

One cannot see, know, hear clearly when there is such chaotic mess of the ego, wanting, getting, noise of negative superficial entities and messy energies - not heeding the call of spirit to cease such actions will eventuate in towers - it is simply the way that energy and evolutionary programs are helping humanity ascend to new levels of co-creation - Ask Spirit to take what is not needed and I will honour the lessons of greater worlds - greatest aspects of me; ©

Death, life, rebirth, is all within - the ability to release out-dated negative beliefs and darkness that each must and can go within to transmute - all is possible - it is all about purity of heart.

Honour the will, choice, life, path of all in how they express, create, and experience their own inner evolution - but never to step over the Right Use of Will = of any other or take, in any way that leaves anyone in lack, degrading, or lacking of value, in the multi-dimensional manner -

Civil, energetic rights - or again it will be returned

This is the balance of law - there are far grander and divine laws at play and none go unnoticed - ©

Blessings be the balance of a new life

For speaking engagements, book signing, healing sessions, healing activations, and activation light language glyphs - I am Joanna - I am here to serve and be of divine guidance -

I am the daughter of God, be of good loving presence within and all will be shown, heard, seen in your own unique way - have that be the gift - dance on©




























