Even in the most consciously awakened dogmatic systems; there is still lacking in the expansive quantum, omni understand of who we truly are; and much is left out, of what is God; the essence of our re-ignition of love, eternal life, intelligence, and wholeness; what makes each of us feel accepted unconditionally, or that we belong, and are truly valued; only to be this of the essence, our entanglement of God, with God, essence of all that is life;
The inner power of heightened consciousness to all our world pains and suffering to resolve and transcend; how can we praise God and leave out the consciousness, the power of our chakras, the Christ Consciousness in our water body, cells, DNA, and in this alone, we begin to live sovereignly within our wholeness; only needing of ourselves, our highest council; we are God creating matter- as we move into 5D - the spirit matter awaiting for us to manifest, we must learn the lessons, let go, heal the wounding, so we manifest as balanced, honouring, valuing all life; and in our refining what was, of our own beliefs, our own stories of lack, not belonging, we know how to build anew, navigate, and allow the light, life force, to inspire new activations of higher knowing, remembrance of other worlds, and knowings; thus anchoring to a new world in ache of a rebirth.

How can we each seek the inner value, worth, belonging, and our unique coding, design, the immaculate design and love of God, Spirit, Source, uniquely imprinted within; through our own inner wounding, it take self love, self direction, pure heart, soul, body, intention to bring forth ourselves within our grander soul; God renews us anew; for it is the spirit, spirit matter, bio-physical, consciousness, all that is our water body, DNA, whatever else our soul, healing teams, God, our totality is able to conjure for a new version of becoming, our new version of reality; all in the renewal and recycling of what was to what can be;
All is within our potential of infinite love, infinite healing, self value, worth, direction, guidance and this cycle of inner-outer, we then return back to us, within in constant oneness, peace, and harmony and highest union and to never need, want, or desire any outer value systems of who we are, or to define ourselves in any other way.
We truly only need water, air, sacred breath; to survive; breatharians, understand this, highest of yogi's know this; it is our life force, and for eons, in all structures of our society, has forced alignments to seek outer; why the corruption of the underground societies were a manifestation of this warped spirit; for the only way for spirit to survive in the body, body in spirit is for outer feeding; ego in fear, flight, fight, debauchery programs, sex trades, and so on; all needs our objective, compassionate perspectives to go within, and know through our collective oneness, we have each created and manifested it all; each way we devalue one another, judge, dishonour life, separate for the outer gain, goal or win; and in all timelines, all forms, all bodies, all roles; we have played and conjured it all; these truths are hard to face for it is far easier to blame, shame, and place others in even deeper separation; for none of what we have chosen to do, create, has worked; so now we must face, through the various controlling opportunities, healing worries, social manifested issues; now are asking of our highest wisdoms, intelligence, and honouring ways to heal such profound backwards systems of devaluing who we are, what we exist within, and what exists within us, the ALL; and how to return back within.
These are some very challenging truths to face, to sort out on how we have all been affected by such, anything 'underground, or hidden' is not really; it is within the subconscious of us all and now coming to the fore for us each to heal the shadow, heal the inner child feeling trapped, or taken advantage of, abused, and used, in systems of conformity that simply do not value, honour life; the voice, the blessing that we all and each are; we say debauchery in not a way of judgment; for it is the activity to seek the energy the spirit/body, inner needs choose to take, but in ways that are not in honour of thyself or others, and how to shift such perspectives, go within, and know all is spirit; the bodies, the all that you are, requires spirit, life force to feed, to nourish, to survive; and if we have not been shown, honoured, taught, reminded of our inner power of source, spirit, Creation is within; then we choose to live by the wounds that those before us showed us;
There is no judgement for our collective is our oneness; so how do we create systems to heal; have those that have abused heal the wounds; and children from birth know of their innate inner Source, so that true self empowerment, true self identity, self worth, self knowing, self belonging, will have the power to never harm, hurt, thyself, or another, by abuse, neglect, or ways in which occur now right under our noses.
How may we shift our own inner journey and knowing of value and joy; inner abundance of greatness, and to be directed, valued, and journey on this knowing - self direction; self empowerment, and never to fall into another story of less than, lack, value, definition, control, or ever allow any aspect of our own consciousness, fields, bodies to ever be thwarted by any outside influence;
As Lord Sananda stated to me over a year ago; 'you have forgotten that you have so much power to affect your environment, world than you know, remember; you do not have to be affected by your environment, for you are the light within it to affect it, to shift it, to infuse light and bring the Heavens to it'
Most of our social classes in intro science says and dictates quite the opposite because it/all science is written from the disconnection of spirit, that we are not spirit creating our entire world; we are spirit, God, Source, Creator, creating matter; all that we are is what we manifest and experience; our inner wounds, our inner intelligence, our oneness and soul helps us navigate through such energy and yet we hand over power, righteousness and even our health and wellbeing to outside notions of who we are, what we exist within, and what exists within us;
We are the light within all; within, without; All is God; if we use this in all that we do, speak, offer, manifest, in alignment with all that which is god, spirit, light, life, regardless of how we have placed God in limiting dogma; we can transcend all boxes, limitations, devaluing systems that have directed and dictated to us of our potential and worthiness of love and acceptance.
How may we open in divine compassion to help, assist, understand the true wounding of all within such social issues; the offenders, or the ones that have been offended, or abused; all require healing; how can we open to begin shifting our knowing, honouring, to feed social imbalances and the many lost souls only victims of such deep soul wounding, social devaluing, and other atrocities, with the core resonance of truth;
We are ALL LOVE, all beings of ONENESS; and as we begin within; begin within ourselves as always belonging, perfect with God, begin this inner loving revolution, we shift everything and all timelines to never ever have social injustice again; this is raising the consciousness of our essence and how to manifest all through such inner Godliness; health, wealth, blessedness, and so on; all is within;
In pure alignment of self love, self guidance of self empowerment, self honour, self value; ego-centric is the feeding of ego; due to how we have defined who we are, what we exist within, and what exists within us as separate, and not a part of the grander plan of Creation, all planets, all creational evolution, your soul aspects, past, new, now lifetimes;
Renewal of all soul experiences is what ascension is all about; healing all karma from 3D - 5D to 51% and in this, all planetary issues; control, abuse of power, subjugation, is being revealed for each to go within, make peace with as we love, forgive, and honour who we are with peace and now 5D co-creating; oneness is our internal harmonization, to outer becoming, and healing all of our world issues; however most are still not awake, social platforms of our co-dependency, how we have given power to all still operate in ego-centric driven success programs; feeding the cycle of ego; not spirit; life force in the honour of all sacred life.
All health, all wellness, all potentials, all abundance, all alignment wihtin our crystalline grids, crystalline systems within are in this perfection natural flow; the outer world we have manifested, was our addiction to find solace of our belonging, worth, value; and well; here we are; now time to re-
turn within and allow the life force, source essence to return our alignment to all that is our upper, lower, inner outer purity of now 5d earth; light body, higher and lower, all being harmonized and healing all bodies, fields, and soul aspects as our wholeness;
Many such topics here; that we will all be a part of healing for our collective and why it comes forth in our daily manifestations; healing our own inner shadow, on other timelines, now, Akash, other planets; we have all played all roles of subjugation; and it is now that we must face, accept, heal, and allow the new recycling of profound Christic alignment; (nothing to do with religion)
Love is the only way back to our inner alignment; outer alignment, and renew, recycle, the higher vibrational knowing of our Oneness with God, Source, spirit in all things; the omni, the all, the soul, the galaxy, all is our life force, and has nothing to do with the ego need of value, worth.
We have really had it upside down, outside in; we are not our environments, we are the light within it;
We are the ones that are as in alignment, bring heavens through us to the earthly plane, and through us break the cycles of old paradigms that create suffering.
Sacred geometry of our metatronic song
Acceptance of our allness
We are god, source, spirit creating matter;