Monday, 12 April 2021

Can you get Excited about who you truly are

 The Excitement of You ~ An Eternal Song with Source

There are absolute reasons, epiphanies through which we become and become again, from our challenges and stories and evolutions into anew; and however we choose to perceive all moments, we can glean the desire and hope from spirit, from Source, from God, that in all moments, we are meant to truly seek, be lead, be inspired by living as 'the excitement of who we truly are' and allow this alone to garner and be the compass of all moments and new realms of omni-present play.

We are in all moments becoming a new wholeness, from that which we see, allow, and surrender to anew version of your heart-felt intention to explore, experience yourself as and thus then express you in a new divine and glorious way.  We are constantly r

eleasing outdated lineage and Akashic wounding, pscyhe templates that require us to shine and sheen new light codes of our higher now knowing to begin entrainment of new realm potentials; however we ache to release what was, and the inner child, shadow, or fragment wounding, we must also be at One and peace with It, and allow for a level of excitement of our wholeness and our love for all that we have experienced to become a new code of potential and co-creation.  This is profound and so very challenging, but know this, you are so very capable of achieving and overcoming; for if you have manifested a life of the most heart-wrenching trauma and challenge, you absolutely have the equal opposite equations of nourishment, magicianship, and love to heal it whole; and through our union and ever surrender with spirit as spirit, this is the alchemy to 5D.

Last week in one of my releasing cycles, I wa

s in great pain and heart ache as I was acknowledging and accepting the damage and pain caused by a series of unfortunate cycles at the hands of those that I thought had my best interest at heart; and however I tried to deny, and push away, hold back what I wanted to badly to believe in them, my expectation, my overshadowing of a truth, made the inevitable pain even more traumatic. For this only allowed for a deeper subconscious wound to present itself; and in my pain and release, The Great Mother whispered; 'We only want for you to be happy, we love you so much, can you feel into excitement for being you?'  

In my emotional disarray, I paused in a breaking of all inner turmoil of guilt and shame that I had allowed myself to be played and manipulated for so long, to be that barrier that was another ego-death and realizing that each time I brought upon myself such experiences was a new way for me to seek the light, the joy, the happiness that I can cull and call upon and make myself anew, regardless of what tower and drama plays around me; and that is not any of my souls stories but of that on the peripheral that as an empath I feel the implosion of it all.  

The lessons are so many; setting boundaries, standing in my power, learning and being empowered to sat 'no' allowing myself to not over give, or simply take what others say as truth but use all my senses to suss out truth, and on and on, these myriad of density stories and drama's have brought to me; so upon all challenge and trauma; soften, succumb to the innate knowing that you are love, you are light, and can you pull forth the blessing, lesson, and strength that you will inherently see, find, and know in the healing of this; for your soul is eternal and will provide you with the tools, gifts, and light to overcome all; know this, and in this, you use more of who you are to stay clear of such energies and experiences and rise above to be in the world but not of it and allow the gentleness of your heart to remain true for you.

When I was speaking with Jesus, the Holy family coaching me and offering me always unconditional acceptance and compassion, they mirror to me the excellence I have within me to do this for me; for we are the ones creating a new world, realm, and vibrational templates for all to also glean from new leaders, the healers of our world, the ambassadors of peace and humility to show the way and in this, we cannot be such if we do not have enough earthly challenge and heart-wrench to know how to step and arise beyond it.  We are here to show that alchemy of the heart is very real and true, and how we ascend; the alchemy of the inner joy, excitement to know we are eternal and in every humble breaking, God will, spirit will, and all of Creation will be at your presence to place you back together again; in your reflection you will begin to see if you intend as you clear; 'I am releasing the pains and energies that are not of my new now self and I honour this release, I honour this transmutation so that in all that I am as whole, I honour my inner wounds, my outer creations, and my eternal state with Spirit and in this, Spirit will always support rebuilding in love, light, truth, and honesty to allow be the excitement in re-becoming greater love and light.  I can be excited to be me, for I am profound and my lessons are Divine.  

There are no stories that do not come with the hero's journey through which you choose and decide to let go of the versions of you and the smaller insertions of stories that you had given your power away to allow others to play out with you, on top of you, and through you, just because it was the similar karmic cycles so steeped in limitation and fear that rarely broke due to its habitual presence and weight.  

You can break any cycle. You can break any pattern, but it begins within the knowing that you are here to be truly enlivened by you, and how to be excited about your mastery to move through all moments as a Divine engagement with Source, and know that instead of fearing and worrying and creating anxiety about what you don't want to create and entangle with; simply surrender and allow so that your power to know, to be and to navigate all in the miracle that you are as love and light transmuting all to a higher vibrational reality for all;  For if you intend a grand excitement of your spiritual genius, you will allow this to be that of your new reality, and thus then, releasing and healing the trauma's that you previously held at bay to not face and honour as a part of you.  

Be excited as best you can to know you have what you need, and your soul will provide the light, the healing, the knowing you can move through it and anything, and can you sacred children of the earth, 'be excited about who you truly are?'  Do you know what majesty it is for you to be here, and do and live and be what you are? Do you know how many lifetimes, and how much density you have been devoted to knowing, owning, clearing, and liberating? Do you know how much fulfillment you have created in you, for you, by you, that you have manifested and if only a year ago you were denying yourself such challenges and now you are the first to step up and leap beyond because you have lived through the 'rebuilding again and again.' 

Get excited dear ones, you are at the threshold of a new incredible and undeniable you, and let no one assume your power, stand tall in your light and claim your successes and your sadness, claim your breakdowns, and claim your triumphs, claim the 'I don't knows' and claim your 'I don't care moments' for you are moving through songs of vibration that is entirely new and not all will be the expectation of ego-perfection; you are always perfect, and even the breaking, there is Divine perfection; for you to release such limitations and know we are emotional spiritual and physical beings creating a new realm of unlimited and boundless earthly potentials; this is no small task, but you know sacred children of earth; you are so very capable and you have are only just getting started.  

Celebrate sacred children, you are pure love and light, stand tall and own your light as the name of you, can you get excited about you and how you have triumphed over the impossible and what in other timelines and other realms you would have succumbed to a sad demise?  You can do this, you are strong enough, and you are the light within your name; you know this, this is the promise of God, of Spirit, of Source, for you, as your name is, there will always be, love, light, truth and always be delivered in equal measure to your surrendering and allowing and excitement of this.

And so be it,

Get excited dear ones, miracles are unfolding,

Blessings and great light,

Joanna and the Heavenly Councils

Facebook, Twitter, Youtube - Joanna Universal Love Light



Thursday, 8 April 2021

Be Bold In Thy Name

Be bold in thy name,

For it is the greatness you were born to always become.
Don't shrink from others harsh words, or lazy knowing, for it is their pain and misdirection of power.
And oh yes, I have huddled in pain and tears from the teasing and blame of others; I have been on the floor barely hanging by a thread and barely alive inside to know such suffering; for I not only cry for me, I cry for those I clear, for those that throw their pain and hate my way; I clear that too,
I am knowing of myself anew, and simply am strong enough to smile and pray in the face of such anger and know this is not my story but theirs; My story is that of a shiny one, subtle, unknown, and simply happy to live in my vessel once again for the Divine and this is all that matters.
Worry not dear ones, there are stories within stories unfolding, and how you choose to be the character in your own hero's journey is your choosing; you do not have to agree to be a smaller version, an insertion into another's drama; step aside and send light, be bigger than that; show your love for you is all that matters.
For be this of a great heart, and compassionate to all, for we are all finding our way in a profound world awakening,
And so be it,

The Safe Bet or Adventure

The Safe Bet or the Adventure of a Lifetime

 When you take the safe bet all the time, you lead a life similar to what is conformity; why do this? Why do what all others do, or try to fit into, for most are simply unhappy, bored, and unfamiliar with what is truly spiralling within their hearts;

We are all here to awaken our hearts and live as One;
Let go of the pettiness and boredom; live in the winds of the less travelled and awkward and beyond whatever is comfort, for that is when the real magic occurs;

Divine Masculine Affirmation;
'I choose to be the Will of my own dreams, for if they are mine, and if the Creator brought it to me, then it is for me to live fully.
I am the will of my own dreams, and I will not fear the less travelled and the out of the box, for I am the will of the Creator. I am the will of my own dreams and if this is so, let the dreams begin.'
And so be it,


The Breadth of the Great One

Ascension Poetry


The Breadth of the Great One

See to that horizon that calls and sings to you,
The breadth that be still in me,
When I ache to give up,
and yet I never do,
For there is a song yet to be sung and when I do, the horizon will be forever changed.
Sing in my breath, oh Grand One,
and may you & I forever be,
Dancing into the all, and shall all colours that light a new world as all children dance with the Unicorns.
See to that next horizon as the gates of a new song
aching for you to breathe with It.
Again and again,
My heart breathes anew for the gentle hearts are here,
All will be healed and made shiny again.
All is,
Possible as a new horizon breaks what was, anew anew anew.
The Breadth of Thee.
~~~ Joanna
07 April 2021
