The healing of inner, outer, micro, macro, and why awakening is so key and so very beautiful in which all that you have gone through, traversed and overcome is the activation of your gifts, talents, skills for the greater collective;
The Mother, Father, Partners, Care-takers, the leaders of the home are so important to set the vibration and stage of new earth love, compassion, and let go of 'what is the perspective and perception of others or outer reality viewing the ideal 'happy home, family of perfection' for all have each unique journeys for the vast awakening of all vast soul wounds and healing of it;
Face it all with strength, grace, integrity, and the innate power of the heart; the power of your heart is God, and the All helping all into new vast cosmos of potential and new ways to treat one another and heal the all;
all have trauma and wounds for healing, and if energies, entities, behaviours, patterns are not faced and healed, then the cycle continues;
So, daily arise and be joyful of how powerful you are to heal it all and set a new foundation for a new family potential and your children's children; all is affected by your inner courage.
1.) Self love, Self direction, Self clarity, Self guidance, and know your story;
2.) Daily Self care to acknowledge and identify the healing old limiting stories of negative, narcism, blame, shame, guilt, double standards, subjugatory social norms & begin small positive and empowering choices for change
3.) Daily Self Care - Reclaim your power, state with loving affirmation - clarifying charka's, meditation, visualization, sound, and recall back your energy, power in which you gave your power away to stories that harmed or depleted you
4.) Daily Self Care - Forgiveness and compassion for those characters in your soul stories; you are all contracted and teaching one another to stand firmly in Divine self care and direction through the healing of all relationships by transcending karma, choosing from ego and pain, and to choose from heart love and oneness
5.) Open communications of healing; state facts, behaviours, new levels of standards, boundaries, acceptable and not acceptable and ask each for healing, choices, and allow for all to let and release, speak with calm and loving presence to speak for the whole self and offer all suggestions for respectful communion
6.) All have responsibility and all have the right to be fully respected
7.) If there are energies of subtle undermining, deceit, transgressions, withholding, betrayals, backstabbing, the games and ego fuzz that keeps you in karmic storeis with those that want to keep the trickery going and their reality story safe;
8.) Detach from such by reclaiming of your light, energy, power, and step out to focus, intend, and give momentum to new stories, and how you
How you Intend, focus, direct your energy to higher vibrational stories no longer places you within the old world templates and the more of humanity that does so, the so called matrix just simply transmutes to a healed focussed reality of oneness and goodness to all rather than ego-centric winner takes all.
DIRECT your new story of you, characters you wish to see, feel, and be with, and how you wish to be held within all stories
* honouored, valued, respected, and cheered on to be fully you
* blessed to be you, and encouraged to be you, as you cheer and value all others;
* No is a complete sentence, you do not have to take on the projections or internalize their stories or wounds, and set healthy boundaries, loving expectations, and healing updates, and lifestyle is key for long-term success for change
Remember dear ones, Ascension, evolution, the raising of our planets consciousness is not going away; this is not a phase for humanity; once you are bathed in light, activate codes, activate your DNA, staying with stagnant toxic environments, situations becomes very clear and shifts will have to made to evolve patterns, beleifs, and standards of self love, care, and higher evolutionary relationships of the Universal laws abound.
Ego, imbalanced and unjust systems, double standards, the limitations are merely all illusions, they are not laws of the Universe; they are human behaviours based on fear and separative beliefs; awakening asks that you question, seek the spirit within and begin healing the inner pscyhe wounds, akashic, inner child and shadow to resolve and there is not 1 person on our planet that will not have to move through such incredible and self actualization processes; this is our return to spirit as our soul and Universal Oneness; there is no going back to the way things were; it is not there; we are the wisdom of it....
Whatever was; the cycle of lack, fearful games, how we all pretend, force, over look the pain, or unwellness of what is or not wanting to upset others for their own abuse of power, pain they project to others, because much is not evident to those not awake, and energy games not seen as an abuse, or crime in our social world, and unbeknown to me, before last summer had no idea that it ran so close to my family and took a long time to step out of denial and face it to heal it; the damage, the pain, the stories and pain that goes along with it all and how much is not supported in healing, group healing, group support work, and energy healing for those affected; As we often said, and offered in our infinite videos private sessions, any form of control or manipulation on any other; mentally, emotionally, physically, sexually is destructive to the spirit and soul, and inner sense of self and where most of our collective healing must be approached.
To learn how to firstly face the facts and be kind and honouring and respectful for your own emotional experiences and what you sense; OWN IT and call it what it is; regardless of what others say, think, or account for; own your feelings, how you were affected, and heal such by having your own back, and begin rebuilding.
Oftentimes, as we all transition through the vibrational adventure, many may not be ready for the shifts you are making, want to make and desire to make and thus bringing pain, uncertainty, and fear to others that rely on you; these co-dependencies that need healing and breaking free of are only some of the reasons why we all go through such experiences; and thus then the vibrational games begin; when those not in their truest vibrational truth, sense of self, live and choose from lack and ego and thus ask and want to force others to bend to the old smaller stories of negative behaviours, negative projections, even toxic patterns that is all the ego knows and has not be taught how to live from and as Source, light, love, due to much trauma, damage to the chakra's and spirit force within; thus daily self care is so important and understanding the minutia of such family dynamics and why all are at various stages, phases, pacing and temperaments and all have the potentials of full awakening to pure love, and pure joy but each are responsible and where, when, and what boundaries to place for all to live respectfully and with great honour of each souls paths and what each offer one another for the greatest potential for expansiveness and self love and self direction to ones own mastery,
There really is magic within it all; however it asks that we face and be at peace, and accept what was and what has been; accept the experiences, make peace with it and all within the stories, so there is no holding and pulling of the stories; whether it be negative patterns, behaviours of lower vibrational role dynamics, controlling energy games, manipulation, narcism, or dysfunction, such experiences continue unless one element of the cycle shifts and changes the dynamic; fear not, change and love is all possible. TRUST in LOVE for all change and call in the Heavens to help in the purity of intent to heal your family and all karmic stories therein.
SO CELEBRATE - Face all family imbalance with love, compassion, fac
ts, and optimism you have the awakened gifts to help, heal, and stand into new realms of light to bathe it all anew!
!~~~ Everyone plays a part ~~~~!
Stable foundations are built on trust, and light, respect for all fullest spiritual and emotional expression and your emotions, what you sense, what you know is going on energetically is very real and affects the evolutionary process within all circles; work, friends, and so on
* our collective healing all subjugation, separation issues that have been steeped in our DNA, lineage, familial, akashic, social collective constant transcension to higher ground of liberation, spiritual and creative expression, and freedom of sovereignty in life direction and soulful design
* those that have been steeped in environments of subtle suppressive energies, those that have seen block, hurdle, individuals and groups stammering blockade to freedom, liberation; whether it be financial, emotional, spiritual, mental liberation, then you absolutely know in your experience you have much to help others,
* You have the right to your own values, Morales, and comfort level of what you are ready and able to approach;
and at what you are 'ok' in dealing with and stand by it for the greater good of your environment and its continued bathing of light and optimism, fair treatment, liberation for all - ex; always seek help, support, and assistance; be the peace and intention of what you want to see, feel, and experience and ask that of all those in your circle to also intend, project and know is possible for their own outer manifestations
* you can stand peaceful and empowered to firmly live with an open heart, stand in the midst of all density, and light, and know the wisdom of the heart and higher knowing will always prevail and come to your aid;
* with those that have been harmed, suppressed, by negative energies, black magic, and other such experienced, there is little to no help and support in our collective for women, mothers, to receive such - we are here for you, and how to create centredness, peace, clarity, certainty, and return all your power and light to self and begin again
* seek out for your own support groups and stand for what you know and believe to be true, for truth will always prevail,
* why such imbalances as narcism and any other mental disruption of the sense of self are so disempowering; for truths and intuitive sensing always find its way to light and open paths for you to break free and liberate in your heart;
~ Any thing, person that uses energy to control an outcome, or affect another for their own agendas, or needs, wants, or using energy in negative mallice, confusion fogs or anything that inhibits free thought, choice, and health, to use energy or magic to another without their consent or in this way IS going against the Law of One and Universal Right Use of Will; and thus then karma is created and the law of return will be in effect; the karma board, higher self, soul teams are all in on awakening such souls and persons and the Heavenly councils all aware and protecting and bringing additional aid for such;
~ Release from all past stories; let all go; and know that you are not the stories and result to keep playing over and over, you are the wisdom of change of it all; for NOW HEALS THE PAST;
~ You are not your environment; you are the light and master within it to bring the Heavens through you is to trust what you know and feel to have been true and how it affected you, own it, honour it, let it go and make peace with it; this brings closure;
~ Closure is to bring peace to it all; accept it all; and start there, you are the healer all fear of abuse, control, power, any whistleblowing fears, and such, of all that has occurred on other timelines, and realms that we each are here to transcend be anew; through raising our consciousness of what is acceptable human respect, behaviour, and new levels of Oneness, unity, and understanding the Universal laws o
One to prepare for all future galactic and Universal becoming; it is all relevant and we cannot step over, jump over, omit any of it,
For all holds purpose and value to the depth of mastery you came to offer, be, share, and know for a higher vibrational reality - for all and
all is a facet of our collective healing and it will pass as you grow into self direction, self love, self joy through which no such experiences can touch you as you learn about your bodies, fields, and understanding the laws and energies, Live through forgiveness, compassion, and grace.
~ AAngels are here to assist in reclaiming your home to safe and loving energy, environmental standards, and so on, for the betterment to all; let no one compromise your peace and health and stand firmly in this and heal the story of victimization, or subjugation that is linked to this
You are the blessing that brings the portal to new 5D alignment and not all want to be a part of the journey and how to change and shift when you are responsible for children and others;
* state the facts and intention for peace and harmony, balance for all
* state the need for change and all own their path to bring such
* allow for all to be a part of the change; standing up for your needs and desires are for healthy, well, safe environments,
* know your rights of expression, freedom, and peace,
* daily self healing and clearing, and honouring the emotional bodies, and spiritual expression is so very key
* there is always help; know it, and open to it; spirit is always showing you ;
* reach out to those you can trust, and create healing groups that are compassionate; leaning away from re-hashing old stories with no action ever taken,
* INTEND GREATER GOOD - HEALING for all; balance and harmony to be restored; healing the wounds for all for all are affected by negative family patterns;
* telepathic and psychic, higher vibrational children are deeply affected by such and require daily household clearing, uplifting activities, social time together, laughing, communication, emotional sharing and expressing, and returning their power back to heal and care for their intuitiveness and creative direction and self empowerment
* Support groups, friends, and set boundaries on what is enough, and how much time to spend on the injustice, unfairness, and focus on the self love and healing
There is no thing, being, group or consciousness that can control any outcome of another, and what our own inner intuitiveness, discernment, truth, living in simplicity, and standing in your own power to carve a path of light, healing, health for the children, and living beyond trauma, abuse, and setting those that need the help and support the pathway to this;
* bring forth in compassionate expression; state facts, details, and the consequences of such behaviours and actions; detach emotionally from the stories, and let go of what has been injustice, all will be resolved as all awaken and see what choices have caused and how you
standing in your power, seeking new and different ways to be supported, lean on friends and community however never compromise your light or the light of children for the continued imbalanced games and affairs - being 'ok' to say no and how about we begin a new pattern of self honour, respect, care, and gentleness,
* Create your own soul group for the purity of purpose to state balance, wellness, inspirational change, and know that as you stand for peaceful and compassionate change, for the greater good, all will prevail and the
Heavens will show the way through you
* you have taken such a ride because you know how to heal and transcend; truth, small action for change, prayers, and guidance from your spirit, remind your children of their own inner truth and power, and leading through love and guidance for all to seek out the blessings and healing, support that is needed
* when there
is excessive trickery, deceit, and games, it is best to simply detach at all levels and move away;
Each person is responsible for their choices, and acknowledging the trauma and wounding within, and to do so with compassion and gentleness to guide all to seek help, balance, and harmony,
All deserve peace, gentleness, wellness, and a healthy home and stable ground, return any projections, and blame, and stand in your light to seek higher and safe ground for you;
We are here to help support our communities and families to face, acknowledge, and heal the transgressions of multi-dimensional imbalances, illness, and injustice to those that serve in devotion to their family, or the collective; your uniqueness of your spiritual gifts and talents,
No one can control your expression, your liberation in movement, and ones own health and balance, and begin with self direction, sovereign self healing, and return all back to center without giving your power away is the most empowering way to initiate a path of healing and transcension.
Anything is possible,
Stand in your power - you deserve a beautiful and healthy life,
Blessings and light,