When purity of Breath and Similitude are the Portal to ALL that is MAGIC!
There are moments, in which you can truly feel the shift of letting go of the old, and all games, drama's, and hidden agenda's no longer carry the same intrigue and when you feel with every cell and awakening that a new focus, intention, and heartfelt wish can opens the infinite far beyond what ever was. When depth of soul and spirit mean more than what you focussed on a moment ago, or that the food you use to eat no longer nourish you, and that the job, the role, the definitions, the games, the cycles no longer feed and cultivate the ache, the omni-present longing that only pure love and Oneness can offer.
All moments, all are served but a quantum leap can can show you in any moment, a new awakening to the infinite that can nourish you in ways that a mundane life becomes now fulfilling and so Divinely nourishing. Only ignited through your desire to know deeply who you are, what exists within your expansiveness, and how to bring this forth in joyfully inspiring ways.
Are you done with the ego lessons? Are you ready to live each day more purely as love? Every moment we can open our hearts and regardless of how many veils and barricades we have place before it, love will transform and transmute all to a higher benevolence to joy and to live as love; pure love.
Unconditionally loving and how may this 'unconditional love' be our greatest path to all moments and transform all in the living of IT?
When you lead within heart-centering, the ego surrenders; it simply must, for it embodies pure love and desires Its direction, and succumb to a new way of Creational sewing, of weaving and patterning and conditioning that cannot guide you through 5th dimensional realms of instant manifestation. Even when others may challenge you, or return to old patterns, you can choose to purely breathe as love, and see all, know all, allow the love of ALL to flow and sew anew. Seek the loving purity of all and know this of them, of it, and of the ALL and so too will It come forth; and all timelines that have led in separation and limitation are soothed in this loving Oneness. This is the coming together if even only felt for a moment, there is healing and expansion being done and co-created.
Why so many are feeling, sensing, the experiencing the ground beneath their feet shaking and crumbling; it is meant to stir that which was, to be brought to a higher vibrational heart aligned potential and it is free will to see it through and release what is not heart-aligned.
Living soulfully, within spirit, within the higher self, loving heart and centering, you are allowing for the Surrender of Source, spirit, and your teams to guide you in loving and peaceful ways that will empower always 'WIN-WIN' for this is the serving of the all.
Sovereignty is the path of purity in living light; living as light, trusting in light, expanding within light, creative individuality, living in union with Source, and being fully directed and guided by this; this is the higher authority that will show you in every way that we will each be shown our destiny and self-loving union as we surrender into this 5th dimensional potential.
Every person upon our planet is working the energy within a profound evolutionary experience upon earth; in free will, each will choose to put all past, all wounds, all density to a Divine release, and live purely from the heart.
This is the path of unification as spirit within spirit. Ever releasing the ego to be nurtured into greater union with the Higher Self and soul. Therefore surrendering to live as sovereign within thyself; you, Source, your higher self, angelic teams that benevolently serve the highest and best, and as we do, we live as our highest and best, for these are the innate inner truth and essence that is living light, love, Source, and the essence that is ALL existence.
You are not subservient to anyone or anything; therefore, what in your life is feeling like a burden, or obligation, or duty, and know that these are illusions and will be evident in every moment; what feels, senses, and radiates as truth, as light, as joy, and as bliss; what doesn't requires your empowered truth to step into new light, new potentials, and new activations to new heightened ways of co-creating and loving.
Can you softly and joyfully feel into, sense into what 'Now love' means and use this to re-write, heal, transform, all past, present, and pave the lands of future in such adoring and magnificent ways. How can you know now is magical and that you walk with the ALL to co-create with IT? How may your breath be the foundation of a new body of health, of abundance, and joy for all to be a part of your new Oneness as flowing love?
How may you become your new realm of infinite magic and the unimaginable? Reach beyond the beyond. Stretch up, breathe deeply for the magic that is always presented when you summon It. This is the childlike joy to manifest within and is our earthly-Heavenly birthright and how may love be your excitement to new days, new ways, new worlds and realms of intimacy with Source and the infinite beauty that can be the breath of magic that can always be inspired by you, through you, for you.
There is always something beyond and deeper and richer than you could imagine, but surrender to Source, your soul, and lovingly invoke Creation to show you, to guide you into this Divine imagining.
The process of ascension, the ego will come forth at every new levelling up phase to urge you back into safety and staying within boundaries that it knew; and it will placate to maintain ''old ways'' resisting the unknown and fluid play with Source. Know this is the natural discomfort and process that your heart will guide you through and ask you to persevere and trust in the light and inner knowing of love.
The infinite planets, lifetimes, soul potentials are inherently within yet we have patterned ourselves to surrender to an overworked lower mind that keeps the similar perspectives and views cycling in and out of our every day. Yet dear ones, we say this with profound knowing and Heavenly excitement, there is nothing ordinary and everyday, or mundane about what you are aware of, can become aware of and live within the profundity of magnificence that you ARE.
Can you live, and purely love that this moment is the eternal NOW with Source that can allow for a portal, figuratively, and literally, open to you and so too can the DNA, the wisdom, the aspects of you that are called from infinity to you in this heartfelt pulse to awaken anew? Can you feel into this ALLness that you are able to live and be within right now? This aspect of essence, of light communication and Oneness with all specs of sand, droplets of water, and hearts for All That Is, IS that knowing that your loving kind act of compassion now feeds and offers same NOW loving light to all in open anticipation of it. And, make no mistake about it, the ALL is healed and honoured anew.
Each new now, you are embodying the ALL of you; how may you send you, honour you, value you, all parts and all forms, of you and entirely re-write the limited perspective that kept you thinking that life was so 'everyday' and mundane. You are a time traveller. You are a light warrior that seeks and traverses new lands of adventure and joy. This is our now to which we are able to live as flowing God-light and such will show you, bring to you the unseen to seen. You can open your inner audio systems to the song of Creation, the Heavenly loving whispers, and truly enlighten you to the infinite ways that will empower greater unity within, greater sovereignty within, and know that all you will ever need is your light. Never underestimate the power and profundity of loving allowance and purity within the heart and how this is the transforming essence of ALL That IS.
Your light will always protect, honour, nurture, and guide you in ever-expansive and greater ways to birth yourself into new realms of integrity, nobility and blissful play.
You are a powerful and Divine sovereign being; live through your heart and know this is your compass to all that is higher vibrational and pure to your destiny and souls fulfillment. You will sense, see, and know in all that is love, and such will be the power of living light guiding you every step of the way.
When you are presented with an old, familiar, challenge, hurdle, or seeming block, know that your souls light is on 'standby' to illuminate the new potential of Christic love and compassion for new 5D behaviours to take flight. These moments will align with everyone in each new choosing, with pure and free will, to live anew, to seek anew, to know that the Universe converges to bring into view a new reality, we then open our inner eye, our chakra's refine, and our hearts become the dashboard of navigation and the whole heals in profound and loving new ways.
When you lead with your heart, when you nurture all that you and all are within your heart space, when you choose and soften within all moments as a master of your heart wisdom, there will be an evolutionary potential that is purely magical. For this is the union with Source as Source.
We are the simplicity and essence that is LOVE; paradoxically LOVE is the most profound and magical essence that IS Evolution; simple, pure, and Divine evolutionary. This is leading in your balance, your center, and living light as a Heavenly sovereign being ~ the all is served and evolution lives through you.
You are the living light; always moving in loving guidance, in loving nurturance, and in loving truth and higher knowing; sovereign and blessed you are cosmic traveller; a Perfect Heavenly child! Live through your heart because it feels good, the core vibration of who you are manifests what you experience and how may this core vibration be love, compassion, caring, kind, and nurturing; you have sovereign choice to create it all.
This is how much you are loved and blessed; Heavenly child you are; know this and be empowered by this - you have all you need.
Allow love to be your mastery; it will guide you infinitely in joy and bliss. Soar, spread your wings, and be birthed anew through your heart - for It is your eternal portal to all joyful kingdoms.
And so it is,
Trust in the path that is love.
Joanna L Ross