The Dance of All Souls
A Rhythmic Song of Love
Pure and deep dear ones, is the living song of love.
There is a loving breath that takes us through the perilous and the dynamic and it is our power, the innate light within, the spark that is the deepest most profound love of the Holiest Divine Feminine; the Mother, the Father, the sons and daughters of many worlds, many Heavens, and we are the beating footprint that captures this eternal existence to bring forth, birth forth anew. In all moments, regardless of how we choose to experience it, we can choose to dance through the discomfort and the pain; and perceive the shifts in colour, in vibration, and know that your soul is emerging anew through it all. Be lifted by this powerful truth and we each have the awakened hearts to live this within truthful beat of Source and of Creation.
Beyond the perplexing beauty that IS Source, the Infinite Oneness that IS Love. The heart that beats is the breath that moves all life to new life. Oh, Dear ones the miracles I have seen, known, felt, and been blessed to be captured within, the darting dance of the Heavens laughing in joy of our awakening, of our claiming our birthright to laugh in simple joy of what exists within and in all life. In the peeling of the old skins, the old version, the old tablets of mistruths, and outlandish limitations, we are flowing music and the laughter of worlds being brought to form within and without all that we are.
I have had piercing moments of these most Heavenly and Divine engagements, and in all moments they come when you are pure with intent to deepen the knowing of who you are; those heart wrenching moments in which you choose with great courage to peel back, strip away, and face your darkest moments and radically accept it all; in the purest moment of love and joy within the ALL that is needed to begin again.
This is the breaking, not only in the heartbreak, but in the bursting forth from the cocoon that the Mother swaddles you in; and when you are ready, only you can choose this, only you can bring this forth from your depths, to be know the riches in your path, the beauty in your own breaking, the elegance in your Divine and blessed journey and adventure that has taught you, that has reminded you of your Heavenly poetic voice and heartbeat that brings new life to a million aspects of the infinite swirling and spiralling into anew cycle of becoming. We are this beauty of transparent life that is light. The blessed petal of all delicate life and we know this, we see this, we allow this, we touch the sacred softness by allowing the vulnerability of love pierce all that was and show you the dance of every soul in the entwinement to remember themselves as the joy of Creation.
In all of our misguided actions, thoughts, and deeds, dear ones, the way we know where we are and feel into where and what we truly want to experience to become, and reveal for ourselves is that in all unfolding, there is the undercurrent of a Heavenly consciousness, soulful blessed song. The minutia of each moment, in an awakened state can be the elegance and joy and miracle that Source IS; that We Are. This is the being state of the eternal song of love; the upliftment, the flowing, the floating and drifting of our remembrance and the sacred inheritance, the sacred lineage that we are come from, and are. This is the importance of our human song, and each is unique and distinct. This loving song that is always being offered and only for the softened heart to allow it to flow. Through the many years of ascension dear ones, there has been the ever-endless path of density navigation of stories, of others pains, childhood trauma brought to life again and again, to be healed and softened and played out again for new stories to be healed and hearts to be stretched beyond what we thought was possible.
The darkness we face, sometimes not our own, but lovingly taken on to heal and transmute because we knew we could; I tell you this dear ones, an intimate captive journey within my endless heart with the Mother and Father, and in all breaking moments, they hold my hand, as the grand-father holding the tiniest gentle finger of the child he guides forth, and this child at the deepest soul level looks up in unconditional trust and love that journey is the place in which all love and forgiveness and compassion is held and which all worlds are healed.
I awoke from a dream with a beautiful soul whispering in my ear; 'nothing is more beautiful than the song that is love.' How may we sing this in our own blessed way; pour all that you are as love into all that you are excited about and to experience and so too will be the equal blessings.
These profound Heavenly moments, these intimate ‘coming into form’ stories of who we are at a soul level, can only be felt and invited in if we are brave enough to live truthfully as love. The journey that you think wants to break you, is the one that truly makes you. Joy and love cannot be taken from you dear ones, as damaging as the journey may appear; you will always be restored and brought back anew. This I KNOW and is truth. You are growing into your infinite light and takes a grand heart to own this, to claim this, and walk within it; for the magnitude of who you truly are is incapable of what words we have in offering; it can be felt and all worlds, all of Creation celebrates in your remembrance of this and even so, singing of this. As my name is, I AM. Know this light and joy of your truth, of your Heavenly truth and so too shall this be in your co-creations and resonance of what you can be with Source, within the ALL.
The journey, the breaking, is that of eons of lack, limitation, fear and the darkness of illusion and worry that somehow, in some way that you are not perfect, in some way that you are not good enough, or worthy of the voice, of the gifts, of the blessed visions, of the blessed sacred journey that is you; and in the journey you conform, you shrink, you believe what others fear and project, and a whole society mirrors back, and soon enough you forget the gentle voice, the truthful song, the hymn that IS loving joyful you.
The courage within you to live as love, to speak as love, to dance and be the joyful light that you were born as, is your gift and blessing to the ALL; the offering you knew you awaken to and gladly place before the Heavens for new adventures in loving partnerships. This dear ones, you dear ones, again and again we are the loving song that is indestructible and for the brave, for the soft at heart, in this knowing, all will be shown, and exactly why we come back to live love in new ways, in new families; our Oneness is our song, it is our destiny. Diversity is our human-heavenly beat and the undercurrent of joy is how we thread, converge, and commune as a new light to breath new worlds and creations for All That Is. We are the bold new and it requires that we stand within our pillar of knowing and live in this light of truth; that is the seeds of new galactic-earthly trees of life, seeding and sewing Oneness and new levels, new depths and heights of Heavenly light expression.
Today after releasing some further deeper soul wounds, I decided to go for a walk and allow the fall windy song to wash away any residue lingering. In those moments, walking with eyes closed, upon the wind, opening in song with our favorite tunes, in complete joyful surrender, I danced fully in the streets, with the wind, with the song of Source, my tummy, my chakra’s, my heart pounding with childlike remembrance, the delicate kiss of Gaia softening every step, I was brought up in the heart of love of my soul’s dance.
That dance that is connected with all life and in my all-ness, all memories, all lifetimes, all bodies, all loving moments rolled into one, were singing with me, dancing with me, and the Heavens were brought to earth once again. The wind, the leaves falling, the clouds dancing with me, the giggles of pride and joy from Source soothing all pains transmuting all wondering, all worries, all mishaps, and lack of judgment I had ever blamed myself for; in an instant were gone.
For the brave dear ones, for you to claim your birthright, not to beg, but to stand in truth of the all-mighty light that IS you, and know your worth, your value, your Divine uniqueness is meant to be free; to soar, to climb higher and be the song never-ending with Source for love, for joy, for the precious expression of your Heavenly truth, is why we are each here to be reborn anew. This is your birthright dear ones. You are meant to be the crystal clear resonance of you. That unique note within Gods song, Creations song and not to spend another day in suffering and lost; to stand, to breathe with Source, and colour your world in a whole new way that only you can do and share. It takes a brave and courageous soul to fully soften into your deepest wounds, to fully forgive, to let go, and call in your right to be loved, to be blessed, and claim your right to fully be and express you.
Feel into the process, the song of Heavenly celebration. Feel into how you can ignite and inspire soulful celebration in all moments, and this can be the expression of you in an infinite number of ways and versions of who and what you are, with all that exists within you, and how you can sing this, be this, love this, allow this, and be the flow of the Great Mother in sewing anew. Can you feel into, be, sing, dance as the Heaven sent creature of light that you are? How, and what does celebration of your heart, your body, your mind, your innate sense of inner style, inner voice, and inner light and how may this be an active part of your daily self-care and daily exploration?
How may you sing in presence of your Divine loving essence and celebration of you? Celebrate and be joyous, for your heart is the beat and rhythmic essence of Source, and this can take you anywhere. Honour the profound undercurrent that is self-joy. Nothing can suppress the power of pure loving joy and this in and of itself is the soul destiny of us each.
This lifetime is far too short to live in the cocoon of feeling, shying away from your greatness. Live boldly and with your greatness in your center to shine brightly and be the brightness of your loving truth. This is self love. Owning, claiming, and honouring the ALL that you are in being the ever-evolving presence of your growing wholeness and fully expressing this without apology and or compromise.
We are the spiralling breath of Source, and the omni presence of Creation is supporting our every thought, words of innate knowingness of what we truly deserve for our world, our peoples, and our children for all generations is in our standing and being this eternal song.
How may we each soften, honour our paths as all profound and Holy, distinct and joyful in the arms and breath of Source and all light programs we dance within? It requires nothing more than the joyful journey and adventure than pure and deep self-love. To know you are worthy to be treated and honoured, to be valued, and that your words are the song of your soul and your heart’s desire to connect, to sew, and to thread the soul into the heights through which you have come to explore and experience.
To live soulfully, to live authentically within your loving Christic truth, truly takes every moment-for-moment courage to live in this level of heart-centered joy of simply being you. Can you celebrate you dear ones? Can you honour your body as the Heavenly vessel that you are and how precious your creative gifts and heart is to the rest of Creation? Can you feel into the song in which you are being sung? Can you feel the soft and enduring presence that is the Great Mother of her hand brushing your hair from your eyes and any and every pain that you feel you must bare? You are this Heavenly note and in your expression of your truth, of your creative blessing, what resides joyfully in your heart, if only you are the one that receives it; will be your greatest gift of offering.
You are the soulful song and joy of Source and this expression, the loving joy of being this is the dance of Creation living through you as you. Know this and live this boldly with great bubbly crystalline effervescence. You are lovingly bright and the celebration of the Heavens. For today, can you celebrate you? Be heartfelt for you. Know that you are worthy of your own deep and honouring respect for you, in love with you, getting to know and explore you in new ways every moment, as this is the joy that Source, God, the Creators have for you and your infinite power to love, to forgive and to be live the compassionate way of Creations pressing out of love.
You are this song of Creation.
Celebrate this dear ones, celebrate. This life is the destiny and in each moment you make all other moments; you are the song of Source and in live in this omni-presence, your dance of your soul will be the sacred convergence that dazzles Creation anew.
Never underestimate your preciousness dear ones.
You are this lovely and your beautiful soul is aching for you to simply dance.
And may the love of the Heavens speak and live through you in all ways.
You are the vibration of Love.
And so it is,
Blessings and sacred joy,
The Heavenly messages of love and joy for sacred living and being.