Monday, 3 August 2020

Why Are You Here ~ To Be the Bliss of Pure Love

Why are You Here?

The Whispers and Songs within Honour Your Every Prayer and Wish


We are here to be playful and be in joy and bliss of who we truly are.  

This vibration of purity of self-love, self-wholeness, is what we offer Creation to then invite a new realm of experience to live through us and we often forget that we are the exact perfection we see, experience, and call in in all moments of our reality. We are the vessel through which all is discovered, uncovered, unveiled, and brought forth anew again and again; we ignite, we offer and we transmute for eternity and at any moment, we can all in, invoke and bring forth anew to build and rebuild. 


Reality shifts as you do; it is always and in all ways within first; always. It takes courage and a maverick heart to live fully in your higher truth and to break free from what has tangled your heart, your mind, or your perspective that you are in any way limited; however know, it only requires a breath, a pure breath with Source and a new open mind, open deep heart to know you are truly infinite to share your infinite light to the ALL with the ALL. Micro-macro, we are the ALL living and breaking new ground for a new earth template and grids.

Your voice is worthy of your truth, and your truth is worthy of your voice. Focus on your love and your light and all will be well.


Our Full moon energies allow us to reflect, discern, and choose what is ready to be re-written, what density is ready for your light to make it new, and then release, let go of what is no longer in resonance in your truth. Sort out what truly matters to you, and how may you live within a new centered truth that is the center of your souls song, your souls joy, and the blessing of light that is ever present in your aura, your ever-moving thoughts, that one offering and gift that you knew you were here to birth for all to love as well.  Love, bliss, and the song of Creation lives within you and only you can nurture it, believe in It, love It, and allow It to flow, grow, change all in Its path, and allow the ALL to be touched by your precious hearts song.  

My teams also shared with me the vibration of inner hope, inner faith; the same level of higher knowing, inner knowing and inner love that comes from self-love, self-acceptance, that in living purely within your own inner faith, you are living within that which Source knows of you and has blessed you with. Don't wait for others to validate and tell you what you already know and can live within. You are what you have been waiting for, you are the only ONE that will ever love you the way you need to be loved; and having faith in your wisdoms, your light, your truth, and all that you will ever need to be fully nourished, IS what you ache and seek.  Believe is yourself first and foremost, for you are your highest guidance and most purest love.

You are all you will need.  Listen, honour, and love thyself whole and purely as you. Live this. It is what you have been waiting for and let no one hold you back from doing so.  Let go of what isn't within this song of joy, for it is showing itself for you to re-write and allow the Universe to transform what is holding you from your greatest masterpiece.  Living a 5D life is not something we are waiting to ‘get to’ or ‘go to’ is is within the vibration we hold in our hearts in all moments;  a vibration of love and joy within is the compassionate way of being 5D.


My teams offered to me the other day when I felt the vibration of frustration, 'when will the bliss of 5D unveil and be revealed' I offered to the Heavens, and once again, the simplicity of our own co-creation was murmured in light; 'you are infinite within All moments and wherever' It is our perspective that defines and limits us. Any obstacle, any block, any hurdle is an illusion for you to face fears, mistruths, and joys of pressing out in the mastery that you know you are. We only know of our Divine inner strength when we drop within our vast hearts and call forth the soul that we are and stand in our truth and live this truth. This is our inner – outer journey and it is our path of liberation that only each of us will walk to bring forth the vibrations of higher truth for all to also be served in. 

My higher truth, your higher truth, adds to the vibration of a new collective higher truth, and this vibrates and ripples to a new spiral of collective potentials. Our every moment of the souls song and living this joy will unveil your highest truth in all moments you courageously allow it and surrender within It again and again.  We are here to live fully as Source love in as many moments as we can allow; thus growing, pressing out, exploring, and being lavishly bathed in all moments as greater and greater love to press out again and again. Our light and living light is our legacy and will only be this if we know, as our name is the breath of Source and ALL; we are infinite pure love.  Let no obstacle hold you back from being LOVE. Let no one shield this love from bathing the world.  You are a maverick and warrior of loving joy; so be this dear Heavenly one; be this. 


You are infinite, not only 5D but infinite and as you live this, in all moments, regardless of who surrounds you and wherever you are; you are infinite and let no one and no thing limit you. 

We are the light within the light and the blessings be that which you allow to live through you. You are an infinite vessel of love, and with all that surfaces; love it, honour it, heal it, and make yourself whole to live anew level of bliss and joy for the ALL that you are. You are infinite! NOW. 


You are infinite and you have the cosmos at your beckon call to co-create in this way; love yourself purely and wholly and this is our birthright to sovereignty to live in joy of. You are here to be the bliss and joy of pure love. The blessing of the Heavens IS LOVE and you are cell by cell, molecule of light, is love.


Bathe yourself in the moon energies and surrender what is not within your control to fix and make work; ascension is the ever-unfolding moment of dancing within a new vibration of cosmic offering. 


Blessed be the sacred heart opening anew and letting go; what great surrender and joy exists within the void and within the surrender, for you are far greater and with great vastness offers you new perspectives and wisdoms in doing so and so too a new realm of play begins; breathe with love and breathe with Source for you are the breath that is in motion of a new loving day to emerge; You are worthy of the light that you are and know your light is that of the Heavens. 


And so too will your reality show it to you if you allow this dance and song to live purely and of childlike joy to play once again.

And so it is, 

Bathe deeply and richly in the love that is ALL things, all moments. 
