Saturday, 3 October 2020

The Purity of Loving Intention ~ The Similitude of Oneness is the Portal to Magic

 When purity of Breath and Similitude are the Portal to ALL that is MAGIC!

There are moments, in which you can truly feel the shift of letting go of the old, and all games, drama's, and hidden agenda's no longer carry the same intrigue and when you feel with every cell and awakening that a new focus, intention, and heartfelt wish can opens the infinite far beyond what ever was. When depth of soul and spirit mean more than what you focussed on a moment ago, or that the food you use to eat no longer nourish you, and that the job, the role, the definitions, the games, the cycles no longer feed and cultivate the ache, the omni-present longing that only pure love and Oneness can offer.
All moments, all are served but a quantum leap can can show you in any moment, a new awakening to the infinite that can nourish you in ways that a mundane life becomes now fulfilling and so Divinely nourishing. Only ignited through your desire to know deeply who you are, what exists within your expansiveness, and how to bring this forth in joyfully inspiring ways.
Are you done with the ego lessons? Are you ready to live each day more purely as love? Every moment we can open our hearts and regardless of how many veils and barricades we have place before it, love will transform and transmute all to a higher benevolence to joy and to live as love; pure love.

Unconditionally loving and how may this 'unconditional love' be our greatest path to all moments and transform all in the living of IT?

When you lead within heart-centering, the ego surrenders; it simply must, for it embodies pure love and desires Its direction, and succumb to a new way of Creational sewing, of weaving and patterning and conditioning that cannot guide you through 5th dimensional realms of instant manifestation. Even when others may challenge you, or return to old patterns, you can choose to purely breathe as love, and see all, know all, allow the love of ALL to flow and sew anew. Seek the loving purity of all and know this of them, of it, and of the ALL and so too will It come forth; and all timelines that have led in separation and limitation are soothed in this loving Oneness. This is the coming together if even only felt for a moment, there is healing and expansion being done and co-created.
Why so many are feeling, sensing, the experiencing the ground beneath their feet shaking and crumbling; it is meant to stir that which was, to be brought to a higher vibrational heart aligned potential and it is free will to see it through and release what is not heart-aligned.

Living soulfully, within spirit, within the higher self, loving heart and centering, you are allowing for the Surrender of Source, spirit, and your teams to guide you in loving and peaceful ways that will empower always 'WIN-WIN' for this is the serving of the all.

Sovereignty is the path of purity in living light; living as light, trusting in light, expanding within light, creative individuality, living in union with Source, and being fully directed and guided by this; this is the higher authority that will show you in every way that we will each be shown our destiny and self-loving union as we surrender into this 5th dimensional potential.

Every person upon our planet is working the energy within a profound evolutionary experience upon earth; in free will, each will choose to put all past, all wounds, all density to a Divine release, and live purely from the heart.

This is the path of unification as spirit within spirit. Ever releasing the ego to be nurtured into greater union with the Higher Self and soul. Therefore surrendering to live as sovereign within thyself; you, Source, your higher self, angelic teams that benevolently serve the highest and best, and as we do, we live as our highest and best, for these are the innate inner truth and essence that is living light, love, Source, and the essence that is ALL existence.

You are not subservient to anyone or anything; therefore, what in your life is feeling like a burden, or obligation, or duty, and know that these are illusions and will be evident in every moment; what feels, senses, and radiates as truth, as light, as joy, and as bliss; what doesn't requires your empowered truth to step into new light, new potentials, and new activations to new heightened ways of co-creating and loving.
Can you softly and joyfully feel into, sense into what 'Now love' means and use this to re-write, heal, transform, all past, present, and pave the lands of future in such adoring and magnificent ways. How can you know now is magical and that you walk with the ALL to co-create with IT? How may your breath be the foundation of a new body of health, of abundance, and joy for all to be a part of your new Oneness as flowing love?
How may you become your new realm of infinite magic and the unimaginable? Reach beyond the beyond. Stretch up, breathe deeply for the magic that is always presented when you summon It. This is the childlike joy to manifest within and is our earthly-Heavenly birthright and how may love be your excitement to new days, new ways, new worlds and realms of intimacy with Source and the infinite beauty that can be the breath of magic that can always be inspired by you, through you, for you.
There is always something beyond and deeper and richer than you could imagine, but surrender to Source, your soul, and lovingly invoke Creation to show you, to guide you into this Divine imagining.
The process of ascension, the ego will come forth at every new levelling up phase to urge you back into safety and staying within boundaries that it knew; and it will placate to maintain ''old ways'' resisting the unknown and fluid play with Source. Know this is the natural discomfort and process that your heart will guide you through and ask you to persevere and trust in the light and inner knowing of love.
The infinite planets, lifetimes, soul potentials are inherently within yet we have patterned ourselves to surrender to an overworked lower mind that keeps the similar perspectives and views cycling in and out of our every day. Yet dear ones, we say this with profound knowing and Heavenly excitement, there is nothing ordinary and everyday, or mundane about what you are aware of, can become aware of and live within the profundity of magnificence that you ARE.
Can you live, and purely love that this moment is the eternal NOW with Source that can allow for a portal, figuratively, and literally, open to you and so too can the DNA, the wisdom, the aspects of you that are called from infinity to you in this heartfelt pulse to awaken anew? Can you feel into this ALLness that you are able to live and be within right now? This aspect of essence, of light communication and Oneness with all specs of sand, droplets of water, and hearts for All That Is, IS that knowing that your loving kind act of compassion now feeds and offers same NOW loving light to all in open anticipation of it. And, make no mistake about it, the ALL is healed and honoured anew.
Each new now, you are embodying the ALL of you; how may you send you, honour you, value you, all parts and all forms, of you and entirely re-write the limited perspective that kept you thinking that life was so 'everyday' and mundane. You are a time traveller. You are a light warrior that seeks and traverses new lands of adventure and joy. This is our now to which we are able to live as flowing God-light and such will show you, bring to you the unseen to seen. You can open your inner audio systems to the song of Creation, the Heavenly loving whispers, and truly enlighten you to the infinite ways that will empower greater unity within, greater sovereignty within, and know that all you will ever need is your light. Never underestimate the power and profundity of loving allowance and purity within the heart and how this is the transforming essence of ALL That IS.
Your light will always protect, honour, nurture, and guide you in ever-expansive and greater ways to birth yourself into new realms of integrity, nobility and blissful play.
You are a powerful and Divine sovereign being; live through your heart and know this is your compass to all that is higher vibrational and pure to your destiny and souls fulfillment. You will sense, see, and know in all that is love, and such will be the power of living light guiding you every step of the way.
When you are presented with an old, familiar, challenge, hurdle, or seeming block, know that your souls light is on 'standby' to illuminate the new potential of Christic love and compassion for new 5D behaviours to take flight. These moments will align with everyone in each new choosing, with pure and free will, to live anew, to seek anew, to know that the Universe converges to bring into view a new reality, we then open our inner eye, our chakra's refine, and our hearts become the dashboard of navigation and the whole heals in profound and loving new ways.
When you lead with your heart, when you nurture all that you and all are within your heart space, when you choose and soften within all moments as a master of your heart wisdom, there will be an evolutionary potential that is purely magical. For this is the union with Source as Source.
We are the simplicity and essence that is LOVE; paradoxically LOVE is the most profound and magical essence that IS Evolution; simple, pure, and Divine evolutionary. This is leading in your balance, your center, and living light as a Heavenly sovereign being ~ the all is served and evolution lives through you.
You are the living light; always moving in loving guidance, in loving nurturance, and in loving truth and higher knowing; sovereign and blessed you are cosmic traveller; a Perfect Heavenly child! Live through your heart because it feels good, the core vibration of who you are manifests what you experience and how may this core vibration be love, compassion, caring, kind, and nurturing; you have sovereign choice to create it all.
This is how much you are loved and blessed; Heavenly child you are; know this and be empowered by this - you have all you need.
Allow love to be your mastery; it will guide you infinitely in joy and bliss. Soar, spread your wings, and be birthed anew through your heart - for It is your eternal portal to all joyful kingdoms.
And so it is,
Trust in the path that is love.
Joanna L Ross

Saturday, 26 September 2020

The Dance of All Souls

 The Dance of All Souls

A Rhythmic Song of Love


Pure and deep dear ones, is the living song of love. 

There is a loving breath that takes us through the perilous and the dynamic and it is our power, the innate light within, the spark that is the deepest most profound love of the Holiest Divine Feminine; the Mother, the Father, the sons and daughters of many worlds, many Heavens, and we are the beating footprint that captures this eternal existence to bring forth, birth forth anew. In all moments, regardless of how we choose to experience it, we can choose to dance through the discomfort and the pain; and perceive the shifts in colour, in vibration, and know that your soul is emerging anew through it all.  Be lifted by this powerful truth and we each have the awakened hearts to live this within truthful beat of Source and of Creation.


Beyond the perplexing beauty that IS Source, the Infinite Oneness that IS Love. The heart that beats is the breath that moves all life to new life. Oh, Dear ones the miracles I have seen, known, felt, and been blessed to be captured within, the darting dance of the Heavens laughing in joy of our awakening, of our claiming our birthright to laugh in simple joy of what exists within and in all life. In the peeling of the old skins, the old version, the old tablets of mistruths, and outlandish limitations, we are flowing music and the laughter of worlds being brought to form within and without all that we are.


I have had piercing moments of these most Heavenly and Divine engagements, and in all moments they come when you are pure with intent to deepen the knowing of who you are; those heart wrenching moments in which you choose with great courage to peel back, strip away, and face your darkest moments and radically accept it all; in the purest moment of love and joy within the ALL that is needed to begin again.  

This is the breaking, not only in the heartbreak, but in the bursting forth from the cocoon that the Mother swaddles you in; and when you are ready, only you can choose this, only you can bring this forth from your depths, to be know the riches in your path, the beauty in your own breaking, the elegance in your Divine and blessed journey and adventure that has taught you, that has reminded you of your Heavenly poetic voice and heartbeat that brings new life to a million aspects of the infinite swirling and spiralling into anew cycle of becoming.  We are this beauty of transparent life that is light. The blessed petal of all delicate life and we know this, we see this, we allow this, we touch the sacred softness by allowing the vulnerability of love pierce all that was and show you the dance of every soul in the entwinement to remember themselves as the joy of Creation. 


In all of our misguided actions, thoughts, and deeds, dear ones, the way we know where we are and feel into where and what we truly want to experience to become, and reveal for ourselves is that in all unfolding, there is the undercurrent of a Heavenly consciousness, soulful blessed song. The minutia of each moment, in an awakened state can be the elegance and joy and miracle that Source IS; that We Are.  This is the being state of the eternal song of love; the upliftment, the flowing, the floating and drifting of our remembrance and the sacred inheritance, the sacred lineage that we are come from, and are.  This is the importance of our human song, and each is unique and distinct.  This loving song that is always being offered and only for the softened heart to allow it to flow. Through the many years of ascension dear ones, there has been the ever-endless path of density navigation of stories, of others pains, childhood trauma brought to life again and again, to be healed and softened and played out again for new stories to be healed and hearts to be stretched beyond what we thought was possible.  

The darkness we face, sometimes not our own, but lovingly taken on to heal and transmute because we knew we could; I tell you this dear ones, an intimate captive journey within my endless heart with the Mother and Father, and in all breaking moments, they hold my hand, as the grand-father holding the tiniest gentle finger of the child he guides forth, and this child at the deepest soul level looks up in unconditional trust and love that journey is the place in which all love and forgiveness and compassion is held and which all worlds are healed. 

I awoke from a dream with a beautiful soul whispering in my ear; 'nothing is more beautiful than the song that is love.' How may we sing this in our own blessed way; pour all that you are as love into all that you are excited about and to experience and so too will be the equal blessings.


These profound Heavenly moments, these intimate ‘coming into form’ stories of who we are at a soul level, can only be felt and invited in if we are brave enough to live truthfully as love. The journey that you think wants to break you, is the one that truly makes you.  Joy and love cannot be taken from you dear ones, as damaging as the journey may appear; you will always be restored and brought back anew. This I KNOW and is truth. You are growing into your infinite light and takes a grand heart to own this, to claim this, and walk within it; for the magnitude of who you truly are is incapable of what words we have in offering; it can be felt and all worlds, all of Creation celebrates in your remembrance of this and even so, singing of this. As my name is, I AM. Know this light and joy of your truth, of your Heavenly truth and so too shall this be in your co-creations and resonance of what you can be with Source, within the ALL.


The journey, the breaking, is that of eons of lack, limitation, fear and the darkness of illusion and worry that somehow, in some way that you are not perfect, in some way that you are not good enough, or worthy of the voice, of the gifts, of the blessed visions, of the blessed sacred journey that is you; and in the journey you conform, you shrink, you believe what others fear and project, and a whole society mirrors back, and soon enough you forget the gentle voice, the truthful song, the hymn that IS loving joyful you. 


The courage within you to live as love, to speak as love, to dance and be the joyful light that you were born as, is your gift and blessing to the ALL; the offering you knew you awaken to and gladly place before the Heavens for new adventures in loving partnerships.  This dear ones, you dear ones, again and again we are the loving song that is indestructible and for the brave, for the soft at heart, in this knowing, all will be shown, and exactly why we come back to live love in new ways, in new families; our Oneness is our song, it is our destiny.  Diversity is our human-heavenly beat and the undercurrent of joy is how we thread, converge, and commune as a new light to breath new worlds and creations for All That Is.  We are the bold new and it requires that we stand within our pillar of knowing and live in this light of truth; that is the seeds of new galactic-earthly trees of life, seeding and sewing Oneness and new levels, new depths and heights of Heavenly light expression.


Today after releasing some further deeper soul wounds, I decided to go for a walk and allow the fall windy song to wash away any residue lingering. In those moments, walking with eyes closed, upon the wind, opening in song with our favorite tunes, in complete joyful surrender, I danced fully in the streets, with the wind, with the song of Source, my tummy, my chakra’s, my heart pounding with childlike remembrance, the delicate kiss of Gaia softening every step, I was brought up in the heart of love of my soul’s dance.  


That dance that is connected with all life and in my all-ness, all memories, all lifetimes, all bodies, all loving moments rolled into one, were singing with me, dancing with me, and the Heavens were brought to earth once again. The wind, the leaves falling, the clouds dancing with me, the giggles of pride and joy from Source soothing all pains transmuting all wondering, all worries, all mishaps, and lack of judgment I had ever blamed myself for; in an instant were gone.  


For the brave dear ones, for you to claim your birthright, not to beg, but to stand in truth of the all-mighty light that IS you, and know your worth, your value, your Divine uniqueness is meant to be free; to soar, to climb higher and be the song never-ending with Source for love, for joy, for the precious expression of your Heavenly truth, is why we are each here to be reborn anew.  This is your birthright dear ones. You are meant to be the crystal clear resonance of you. That unique note within Gods song, Creations song and not to spend another day in suffering and lost; to stand, to breathe with Source, and colour your world in a whole new way that only you can do and share.  It takes a brave and courageous soul to fully soften into your deepest wounds, to fully forgive, to let go, and call in your right to be loved, to be blessed, and claim your right to fully be and express you.  

Feel into the process, the song of Heavenly celebration. Feel into how you can ignite and inspire soulful celebration in all moments, and this can be the expression of you in an infinite number of ways and versions of who and what you are, with all that exists within you, and how you can sing this, be this, love this, allow this, and be the flow of the Great Mother in sewing anew.  Can you feel into, be, sing, dance as the Heaven sent creature of light that you are?  How, and what does celebration of your heart, your body, your mind, your innate sense of inner style, inner voice, and inner light and how may this be an active part of your daily self-care and daily exploration?  

How may you sing in presence of your Divine loving essence and celebration of you?  Celebrate and be joyous, for your heart is the beat and rhythmic essence of Source, and this can take you anywhere. Honour the profound undercurrent that is self-joy. Nothing can suppress the power of pure loving joy and this in and of itself is the soul destiny of us each.

This lifetime is far too short to live in the cocoon of feeling, shying away from your greatness.  Live boldly and with your greatness in your center to shine brightly and be the brightness of your loving truth. This is self love. Owning, claiming, and honouring the ALL that you are in being the ever-evolving presence of your growing wholeness and fully expressing this without apology and or compromise.


We are the spiralling breath of Source, and the omni presence of Creation is supporting our every thought, words of innate knowingness of what we truly deserve for our world, our peoples, and our children for all generations is in our standing and being this eternal song.

How may we each soften, honour our paths as all profound and Holy, distinct and joyful in the arms and breath of Source and all light programs we dance within? It requires nothing more than the joyful journey and adventure than pure and deep self-love.  To know you are worthy to be treated and honoured, to be valued, and that your words are the song of your soul and your heart’s desire to connect, to sew, and to thread the soul into the heights through which you have come to explore and experience. 


To live soulfully, to live authentically within your loving Christic truth, truly takes every moment-for-moment courage to live in this level of heart-centered joy of simply being you.  Can you celebrate you dear ones? Can you honour your body as the Heavenly vessel that you are and how precious your creative gifts and heart is to the rest of Creation?  Can you feel into the song in which you are being sung? Can you feel the soft and enduring presence that is the Great Mother of her hand brushing your hair from your eyes and any and every pain that you feel you must bare?  You are this Heavenly note and in your expression of your truth, of your creative blessing, what resides joyfully in your heart, if only you are the one that receives it; will be your greatest gift of offering.  


You are the soulful song and joy of Source and this expression, the loving joy of being this is the dance of Creation living through you as you. Know this and live this boldly with great bubbly crystalline effervescence.  You are lovingly bright and the celebration of the Heavens.  For today, can you celebrate you?  Be heartfelt for you. Know that you are worthy of your own deep and honouring respect for you, in love with you, getting to know and explore you in new ways every moment, as this is the joy that Source, God, the Creators have for you and your infinite power to love, to forgive and to be live the compassionate way of Creations pressing out of love.  

You are this song of Creation.

Celebrate this dear ones, celebrate. This life is the destiny and in each moment you make all other moments; you are the song of Source and in live in this omni-presence, your dance of your soul will be the sacred convergence that dazzles Creation anew.  

Never underestimate your preciousness dear ones.

You are this lovely and your beautiful soul is aching for you to simply dance.

And may the love of the Heavens speak and live through you in all ways.

You are the vibration of Love.

And so it is,

Blessings and sacred joy,


The Heavenly messages of love and joy for sacred living and being.






Sunday, 6 September 2020

The Resonance of Magnificence and Creative Adventure

 The Resonance of Magnificence & Pure Creative Flow

When you awaken with Source, when you inspire the fluidity with pure love and creativity at a soulful level, you will not please or be in agreement or in the same lane as others; these are the profound shifts of living sacredly as the joyful child and creative star that begins anew again and again and sees and knows the beauty in the breaking of what was stagnant and old.
You can choose to be the flowing agent of love and light that moves courageously in your own lane, within your own story and song that is unlike any other and why it is so paramount that we each begin anew each day in this sovereign joy in being so. This energy, this life force of love and joyful song IS our Divine birthright that is the only desire and destiny of the soul. Creatively, emotionally, mentally, and with great surrender to all that is the flow of intuitive wisdom and love that is your soul and Source; how many ways may love, God, Source and the Creator be the constant centering flow of your creative path? What is and how can all moments, be the integration of new loving flow, within the spiral of Creation in which all worlds are created around and within this; the centerpoint, the inner birthing, the blessing of the Cosmic Egg, is that which you allow in full surrender that you are this resonance of magnificence.
Loving flow, magnificence, is the flow of the infinite and all that good, loving, safety, nourishment, and Divine Oneness in this pure heartfelt knowing; knowing that all moments is a loving flow of integration; not separate events but flowing movements to new awareness of love and wholeness. How may each moment bring inclusion, Oneness, and love into all moments of new flow? Call all that you are into your Divine sacred heart, the centre of your being and allow the joyful grounded flow of love to transmute and transmit greater love, greater flow, and new cycles of new flow, of new fluid liquid gold that IS the song of Source.

We are the movement of love dear ones. Our physical expression is the vessel of experience through which the song of Source can learn, expand, know new levels and depths of breaking and being brought back anew through unconditional love and self-acceptance that regardless of the darkness, the pain, the suffering, the vastness of experience that we are each able to explore, we can and will be always brought back into new flow of living love and light if we choose to surrender into the flowing force of sacred love and allowing our all-ness to BE this.
You are all that you need dear cosmic star dust. You are the channellers and the breath of new breath. You are the vessel of purity in innocence and joy that is able to break through new veils and membranes of micro-macro anew and seemingly distance of reaching for Source, becomes the simple allowance of self-love as flow. This is the resonance and elegance of the loving gift and blessings that are your own unique and benevolent magnificence. Drop softly and with great adventure into your own heart and in open loving trust, you will find yourself breathing with the Heavens and angels into the flow that is Creational brilliance creating and igniting anew. Surrender into your magnificence and purely intend to soften into this adventure; you will be shown in every way the dust and blessing through which all Creation is honouring you by living through you.
You are this Heavenly magnificence and there is a song only you can sing and allow to live in new ways; be 'ok' with not fitting in and setting about new paths and new depths of self-love with equal partnership in all breath with and in deep Creational LOVE.
This is your innate and purely brilliant magnificence and what is the love of the Heavens celebrating in you; it is all YOU!

My higher self showed me in an awakening dream I had last night, in the dreaming the dream into being; I was floating with ease, gentleness, soft elegance in a lightship and I saw my higher self in vibration navigating the lightship to a planet and star home in which I would entangle and engage in the most loving and playful ways with those that truly love me, empower me, and honour me, and as I was awakening from my lightship rest, I saw my human pants that I wore to bed, floating in the weightlessness of the lightship and as I allowed the flow of this experience to wash over me, I joyfully scanned the craft and how I was being held, levitating in loving knowing that my higher self and Source, were all the while, all the time, holding me and loving me to new lands and new tribe. As I disembarked and saw myself instantaneously entered a huge indoor pool with many beings, and family that cheered and celebrated as I entered for our upcoming water play and sacred communion.
This was a vibration of pure and elegantly loving magnificence of who we are in our allness and the adventures we are remembering that are possible, that are living through us as we align in the vibration of our vastness to be in the all at all moments in all moments in this flow of sacred Oneness and how may this inspire a new creative reaching for what is innately aching for our sacred allowance?
Blessed be the magnificent new beginnings that flows a new loving journey upon new light fields and templates of higher resolve and higher learning; we are joy of the Creator, and so may this be our open door to live in this way. What is your pure knowing of your worthiness to flow with pure love and pure Source light? Know your worthiness and innate beingness of this and so too will new doors open for you.
Stars and moons support you dear children of magnificence, the Heavens support you! And so it is,

When you awaken with Source, when you inspire the fluidity with pure love and creativity at a soulful level, you will not please or be in agreement or in the same lane as others; these are the profound shifts of living sacredly as the joyful child and creative star that begins anew again and again and sees and knows the beauty in the breaking of what was stagnant and old.

You can choose to be the flowing agent of love and light that moves courageously in your own lane, within your own story and song that is unlike any other and why it is so paramount that we each begin anew each day in this sovereign joy in being so. This energy, this life force of love and joyful song IS our Divine birthright that is the only desire and destiny of the soul.

Creatively, emotionally, mentally, and with great surrender to all that is the flow of intuitive wisdom and love that is your soul and Source; how many ways may love, God, Source and the Creator be the constant centering flow of your creative path? What is and how can all moments, be the integration of new loving flow, within the spiral of Creation in which all worlds are created around and within this; the centerpoint, the inner birthing, the blessing of the Cosmic Egg, is that which you allow in full surrender that you are this resonance of magnificence.

Loving flow, magnificence, is the flow of the infinite and all that good, loving, safety, nourishment, and Divine Oneness in this pure heartfelt knowing; knowing that all moments is a loving flow of integration; not separate events but flowing movements to new awareness of love and wholeness. How may each moment bring inclusion, Oneness, and love into all moments of new flow?

Call all that you are into your Divine sacred heart, the centre of your being and allow the joyful grounded flow of love to transmute and transmit greater love, greater flow, and new cycles of new flow, of new fluid liquid gold that IS the song of Source.

We are the movement of love dear ones. Our physical expression is the vessel of experience through which the song of Source can learn, expand, know new levels and depths of breaking and being brought back anew through unconditional love and self-acceptance that regardless of the darkness, the pain, the suffering, the vastness of experience that we are each able to explore, we can and will be always brought back into new flow of living love and light if we choose to surrender into the flowing force of sacred love and allowing our all-ness to BE this.
You are all that you need dear cosmic star dust.

You are the channellers and the breath of new breath. You are the vessel of purity in innocence and joy that is able to break through new veils and membranes of micro-macro anew and seemingly distance of reaching for Source, becomes the simple allowance of self-love as flow. This is the resonance and elegance of the loving gift and blessings that are your own unique and benevolent magnificence. Drop softly and with great adventure into your own heart and in open loving trust, you will find yourself breathing with the Heavens and angels into the flow that is Creational brilliance creating and igniting anew. Surrender into your magnificence and purely intend to soften into this adventure; you will be shown in every way the dust and blessing through which all Creation is honouring you by living through you.
You are this Heavenly magnificence and there is a song only you can sing and allow to live in new ways; be 'ok' with not fitting in and setting about new paths and new depths of self-love with equal partnership in all breath with and in deep Creational LOVE.

The Resonance of Magnificence and Creative Adventure

This is your innate and purely brilliant magnificence and what is the love of the Heavens celebrating in you; it is all YOU!

My higher self showed me in an awakening dream I had last night, in the dreaming the dream into being; I was floating with ease, gentleness, soft elegance in a lightship and I saw my higher self in vibration navigating the lightship to a planet and star home in which I would entangle and engage in the most loving and playful ways with those that truly love me, empower me, and honour me, and as I was awakening from my lightship rest, I saw my human pants that I wore to bed, floating in the weightlessness of the lightship and as I allowed the flow of this experience to wash over me, I joyfully scanned the craft and how I was being held, levitating in loving knowing that my higher self and Source, were all the while, all the time, holding me and loving me to new lands and new tribe.

As I disembarked and saw myself instantaneously entered a huge indoor pool with many beings, and family that cheered and celebrated as I entered for our upcoming water play and sacred communion.

This was a vibration of pure and elegantly loving magnificence of who we are in our allness and the adventures we are remembering that are possible, that are living through us as we align in the vibration of our vastness to be in the all at all moments in all moments in this flow of sacred Oneness and how may this inspire a new creative reaching for what is innately aching for our sacred allowance?

Blessed be the magnificent new beginnings that flows a new loving journey upon new light fields and templates of higher resolve and higher learning; we are joy of the Creator, and so may this be our open door to live in this way. What is your pure knowing of your worthiness to flow with pure love and pure Source light? Know your worthiness and innate beingness of this and so too will new doors open for you.
Stars and moons support you dear children of magnificence, the Heavens support you! And so it is,

Monday, 3 August 2020

Why Are You Here ~ To Be the Bliss of Pure Love

Why are You Here?

The Whispers and Songs within Honour Your Every Prayer and Wish


We are here to be playful and be in joy and bliss of who we truly are.  

This vibration of purity of self-love, self-wholeness, is what we offer Creation to then invite a new realm of experience to live through us and we often forget that we are the exact perfection we see, experience, and call in in all moments of our reality. We are the vessel through which all is discovered, uncovered, unveiled, and brought forth anew again and again; we ignite, we offer and we transmute for eternity and at any moment, we can all in, invoke and bring forth anew to build and rebuild. 


Reality shifts as you do; it is always and in all ways within first; always. It takes courage and a maverick heart to live fully in your higher truth and to break free from what has tangled your heart, your mind, or your perspective that you are in any way limited; however know, it only requires a breath, a pure breath with Source and a new open mind, open deep heart to know you are truly infinite to share your infinite light to the ALL with the ALL. Micro-macro, we are the ALL living and breaking new ground for a new earth template and grids.

Your voice is worthy of your truth, and your truth is worthy of your voice. Focus on your love and your light and all will be well.


Our Full moon energies allow us to reflect, discern, and choose what is ready to be re-written, what density is ready for your light to make it new, and then release, let go of what is no longer in resonance in your truth. Sort out what truly matters to you, and how may you live within a new centered truth that is the center of your souls song, your souls joy, and the blessing of light that is ever present in your aura, your ever-moving thoughts, that one offering and gift that you knew you were here to birth for all to love as well.  Love, bliss, and the song of Creation lives within you and only you can nurture it, believe in It, love It, and allow It to flow, grow, change all in Its path, and allow the ALL to be touched by your precious hearts song.  

My teams also shared with me the vibration of inner hope, inner faith; the same level of higher knowing, inner knowing and inner love that comes from self-love, self-acceptance, that in living purely within your own inner faith, you are living within that which Source knows of you and has blessed you with. Don't wait for others to validate and tell you what you already know and can live within. You are what you have been waiting for, you are the only ONE that will ever love you the way you need to be loved; and having faith in your wisdoms, your light, your truth, and all that you will ever need to be fully nourished, IS what you ache and seek.  Believe is yourself first and foremost, for you are your highest guidance and most purest love.

You are all you will need.  Listen, honour, and love thyself whole and purely as you. Live this. It is what you have been waiting for and let no one hold you back from doing so.  Let go of what isn't within this song of joy, for it is showing itself for you to re-write and allow the Universe to transform what is holding you from your greatest masterpiece.  Living a 5D life is not something we are waiting to ‘get to’ or ‘go to’ is is within the vibration we hold in our hearts in all moments;  a vibration of love and joy within is the compassionate way of being 5D.


My teams offered to me the other day when I felt the vibration of frustration, 'when will the bliss of 5D unveil and be revealed' I offered to the Heavens, and once again, the simplicity of our own co-creation was murmured in light; 'you are infinite within All moments and wherever' It is our perspective that defines and limits us. Any obstacle, any block, any hurdle is an illusion for you to face fears, mistruths, and joys of pressing out in the mastery that you know you are. We only know of our Divine inner strength when we drop within our vast hearts and call forth the soul that we are and stand in our truth and live this truth. This is our inner – outer journey and it is our path of liberation that only each of us will walk to bring forth the vibrations of higher truth for all to also be served in. 

My higher truth, your higher truth, adds to the vibration of a new collective higher truth, and this vibrates and ripples to a new spiral of collective potentials. Our every moment of the souls song and living this joy will unveil your highest truth in all moments you courageously allow it and surrender within It again and again.  We are here to live fully as Source love in as many moments as we can allow; thus growing, pressing out, exploring, and being lavishly bathed in all moments as greater and greater love to press out again and again. Our light and living light is our legacy and will only be this if we know, as our name is the breath of Source and ALL; we are infinite pure love.  Let no obstacle hold you back from being LOVE. Let no one shield this love from bathing the world.  You are a maverick and warrior of loving joy; so be this dear Heavenly one; be this. 


You are infinite, not only 5D but infinite and as you live this, in all moments, regardless of who surrounds you and wherever you are; you are infinite and let no one and no thing limit you. 

We are the light within the light and the blessings be that which you allow to live through you. You are an infinite vessel of love, and with all that surfaces; love it, honour it, heal it, and make yourself whole to live anew level of bliss and joy for the ALL that you are. You are infinite! NOW. 


You are infinite and you have the cosmos at your beckon call to co-create in this way; love yourself purely and wholly and this is our birthright to sovereignty to live in joy of. You are here to be the bliss and joy of pure love. The blessing of the Heavens IS LOVE and you are cell by cell, molecule of light, is love.


Bathe yourself in the moon energies and surrender what is not within your control to fix and make work; ascension is the ever-unfolding moment of dancing within a new vibration of cosmic offering. 


Blessed be the sacred heart opening anew and letting go; what great surrender and joy exists within the void and within the surrender, for you are far greater and with great vastness offers you new perspectives and wisdoms in doing so and so too a new realm of play begins; breathe with love and breathe with Source for you are the breath that is in motion of a new loving day to emerge; You are worthy of the light that you are and know your light is that of the Heavens. 


And so too will your reality show it to you if you allow this dance and song to live purely and of childlike joy to play once again.

And so it is, 

Bathe deeply and richly in the love that is ALL things, all moments. 






Sunday, 28 June 2020

The Fluid Fields of Miracles ~ Activating, Flowing, Living Within New Realms of Source

The Miracle of Our Awakening and Movement within The ALL

Inspired by recent activations, dreams, and clearing, the higher vibrational templates of light and love are becoming ever-more present and coming to life before us if we so desire to stretch our perspective, our knowing, our potentiation of all that was; and I wanted to offer a few ascension omni-field musings to inspire and delight the ever changing canvas of human-Divine realm experience. We will go far and wide in this ascension Christic vibrational offering, so grab a tea and sit back, soften and open your heart and let's begin. 

At an omni-present level, the omni-verse, we are all threaded with, healing within many infinite vibrational timelines and such healing and transitions offer us great insight, great honour and profundity in why we experience the depth of healing we move through now, and how these are directly related to the many timelines that are merging within the ALL, healing within the ALL, and creates a higher understanding of why we are currently experiencing what we are.

In resonance with many old souls, crystalline children, and many awakened ones, it can seem unbearable sometimes to move through the amount of 'tower' experiences that we do to heal, transcend, and peel away what no longer serves, in the ever-clearing away process of density to new light; and many of us come with much to transform, transmute and beautify and how may we truly tune into this and create the honour and blessing that this is?  For remember dear ones, we come with an omni-presence swirling within our DNA that is of many realms, worlds, and Universes, and our constant upgrading, are all preparing us for this omni-presence experience, exploration, and co-creating for many generations hereafter and throughout all NOW moments. Therefore, we can let go of our 'what was' experience of reality, and surrender to the unbelievable and impossible that allows for Creation and our infinite soul to truly begin to LIVE fully in profound and unimaginable new ways. Truly beyond what we have words to define.

For much of these experiences; for old souls, we not only experience the clearing of a handful of karmic lessons, but a bucket full; and for our souls, our soul groups, over soul, and ancestors and collective; can be and feel overwhelming and never-ending; however, we can shift the perspective and raise our potential in these sensing's and truly surrender within the field of ascending movement.  There is a deepening, a sacred activation occurring within that is the 'well of Source' that we are as Source in human form that is a sphere and sacred vessel of fluidic movement; threading of vibrations and templates that are constantly being cleared, cleansed, integration of new, and alerting in minor and major ways in higher consciousness states that allow for us to move as if we are floating and levitating in new fields and realms of play.  

I say this because, since I was a very young child, I was very aware of the majesty of the invisible; sensing, and simply knowing, a strong sense of knowing, the webbing of love we all move within, and although very dense, and heavy at times, feeling the 'anchoring' of 3D, we are now being lifted through our own inner work with love, to new fields that bring the invisible to light-life. In these highly playful knowings, I have often throughout my life, woken up with various surface marks, rashes, scratches, and complete shifts in perspective; how the vortices of energy we hold within, that emanates without that shifts our entire reality experience; we offer this figuratively and literally. 

There have been many awakening moments in which coming from a higher consciousness sleep, feeling the floor beneath me being fluid, and moving with my step, and not solid at all, for it was the vibration of greater Oneness within the spirit and matter and co-creating it all as I walked in surrender and trust within this bedding of light and love that IS Source; omni-support, omni-give and take with a cosmic Universal play upon energies and playful movement with one another. This is The Omni-presence, and pressing out and becoming The Omni-fluid essence of love within the ALL; taking ourselves outside of the physical constructs of the 'body, the vessel' and becoming the ALL essence of loving playful intent.

I have awoken many times in recollection of snap visions of healing, adjustments, and modifications, and energetic upgrades upon lightships and inter dimensional healing temples and thus creating surface rashes, scratches, and marks in the alchemic friction that occurs in such minor and major transmutations. Last week I awoke and noticed a small half inch scratch on my cheekbone that was not there the night before and also within the same period in which much throat chakra adjustments and vibrational DNA upgrades for my specific gifts and sharing's are directed; being a Christic vibrational teacher, toner, and sacred speaker, the throat chakra, the energy I emit is through the throat and 3rd eye, through which codes and flowing Source light and love are emitted and all needs to be adjusted to flow greater light and love; in many of my global seminars and workshops, my face and outer vessel vibrates and shakes as the field of love and coherance are lifted within the groups, guides, and interactions occur, and therefore, these minor abrasions break forth in the process of vibrational and alchemic transmutation.  

Remember dear ones, we are multi-dimensional omni-present beings awakening more deeply into our Soul, Source truth, and this means that we will send and receive information, wisdom, intellect in new higher vibrational ways; for instance, you may see a colour, and after an activation and DNA shift, that allows a story or knowing of what this song harmonic means, as opposed to only seeing 'yellow' and thus becoming more than it was a moment ago. Or you may see a beautiful landscape, or flower, and hear and know a song or story from Gaia, another realm, your faery self and guides, awakening you to the deeper connection through which you are sewn and begin a new level and resonance template of your becoming new now. Your 'I AM' presence is quantum, multi-dimensional, all spirit, all resonance, and now ready to live through you if you so desire and deepen your experience to offer a joyful, magical, and mystical approach to all moments.   Your desire to feel joyful, to feel magical, to live miraculously is the beginning resonance that helps open you up to your infinite portal to the ALL that you can choose to alchemize and experience in physical form.

In my awakening to the invisible energy systems within and without, there are vortices access portals within our bodies, fields, that work within a song of harmonic to amplify gifts, light creation, and healing and are done through various portals through our bodies; for example the 'door of God, and mouth of God' through which much of my activations and flow of codes and energy for outer evolutionary needs.  This is the co-creation with Source that many will be awakening to and seeking within for guidance to align with the greater light programs, councils and groups that we are in ever-Oneness with for evolutionary exploration and expression.

I have been also receiving vibrational downloads, through which, the inner knowing I was born with, is becoming more and more subtle, this is the ever becoming of the higher self; and how I use to rely upon my visionary skills and gifts to receive these expansive downloads to 'make sense' within a 3D vibrational reality thread, and now I am feeling the subtle knowing as a field of becoming and simply 'way of being, and movement.' For instance, as I stated above, this knowing became within my looking upon my face, seeing the scratch and knowing what had occurred without the vision through meditation and dream.  

This is similar to the experience when I was 5 years old when my heart chakra was adjusted by my Pleiadian family; after my awakening thirteen years ago, I had an instant download of the occurrance of a visitation that I had suppressed and was now ready to explore and know as a part of my growing omni-present; that we are forever present within the all, and our higher selves, our souls, our teams, Source Creator, are always in threading with us to adjust, to shift, to enhance, to activate our DNA, and help in our equal excitement to press out and become more and greater light.  Thank you to so many beautiful artists like Daniel Holeman, using their expressions, gifts, and awakenings to better align us visually as images represented here, to our worlds and dimensions we are co-creating in our loving living light. 

The more active part we play in our own inner-daily self-care healing, the light work we initiate on our cells, our bodies and organs, and DNA, the greater entanglement we will feel, sense, and know how much we are advancing and evolving beyond what our earthly words have ways of defining and describing, this is also part of our 'letting go' of the physical constructs and how we program and define our everyday and moving about every day and opening into The Omni-movement that love is and how we are transforming ALL that is within and without through this unconditional surrender. 

Remember dear ones, as I am being prompted by my guides as we speak, I am sensing all of your guides and teams with me as I touch upon every key upon this keyboard, and that there are vibrational stories, activations, and tones within this offering that will offer to you the exact vibration that you require to stretch and press out what was, and offer within anew perspective of how fluid and malleable you are to your own excitement to live as love and to live as a loving magical song and harmonic with Source, and how this affects and touches all particles you are encased within and without. There is an invisible innate field of potential we all exist within and how we excite ourselves within the ALL that we are, what exists within us, and what we truly are, the greater these awakenings, the stretching out of our perspective, how we perceive our seemingly 'fixed and solid' world to be entirely joyfully fluidic and new.
We come with a dynamic potential of gifts, skills, knowings, and DNA potentiation that can literally shift our entire reality and why we have the ancient writings, texts, and scriptures that have been blessed to us so that we begin to dream, to ponder, to reach for, to seek, to potentiate the ideas and notions of alchemy, magic, and energy work within the all; for many masters knew of the realms of love, and omni-present, the essence that is Source, and benevolent support and how we are held within and without this, and every cell is a micro-macro of our entire ALL existence; allowing us the ever-infinite invitation to explore more. Our ancestors, our lineage, our collective, our planet, our fields of nature, all held within wisdom and intelligence that hold our memory, potentiation, that greater aspects of us, the ALL, leave synchronicities and activations for our now awakening, our now recognition; similarly to the little scratches we experience in the worlds and realms of the unknown and unremembered.

In my opinion, these are all a part of the surrendering within The Omni-present and ever pressing out as Source, the living field of love, and joy to explore all that we are, and now ready to see, sense, know, hear, and BE all that which was always available, and lovingly care-taken by our guides, teams, and guardians to lead us into our greater soul song. To live a higher vibrational reality, we must become it first; the physical thing you see before came forth from a vibration you created within first; all is energy first, and all in a now moment, the awakening, the activation of a fluidic loving song, you can become and see a new reality before you.  Very esoteric and very quantum, and is the essence of Source awakening within the soul that you are now becoming and allowing to live through your sacred vessel of spirit and matter showing you the song and movement within it that you have access to and how to manifest and shift within It.

Such experiences are all activated within the soul. The soul aches for greater loving entanglement and thus must clear, cleanse, and release the density we needed to experience and clear the wounds of our greater soul group stories. Why we have taken on such ancestral, lineage, and collective density to alchemize and make new in a higher vibrational potential.  

For I have sensed and seen the guidance from my teams and ancestors that my excitement to truly experience my full omni-presence, I am offered equal healing opportunities and thus activations of my threading within these greater fields of potentials and knowings. I have been provided a vision of vibrational threads at a quantum, Omni-present level that pulls up lower programs of light to merge and harmonize with higher threads of light realities and we each are responsible for activating within to live without and create in this coming to life process. This is also known as the micro-macro experience and done within each program we have potential within our cells, to the ALL-knowingness of Source.

Our Quantum Omni-Threading to Families, Teams, Councils, Vibrations of the ALL
It is with great honour, that we have been blessed for such explorations, and challenges and how we are sewn with so many councils, groups, shamans, inner and outer earth collectives, and developmental stages that initiate our wholeness to new levels; for remember, your work, your healing, your love here, presses out through light and expansiveness to the the ALL: your soul group, your over soul are directly affected by the empowerment you seek within these roles and missions, and life adventures.  How may we initiate and become a new dream of reality? How may we release and surrender all reality density and offer ourselves dream-like, fantasy-like musings to stretch and activate new potentials of what truly resides within; for we are experiencing the ALL in this now moment and it is the vibrational alignment of pure heartfelt love of our wholeness that brings forth new tones, songs, dreams, knowings, visions, and adventures for us to live through us in this now moment, now template. 

We each come with a soul design, a soul blueprint, that is ready to be activated when we have released and cleared the density, the strifes and stories of limitation so that we can bring on new alchemy within our cells when they are ready to divide and become new; activating within our higher self direction, our healing teams, and the ALL, to initiate new potentials for us to play and expand within if we so desire; and how we always have free will to play with and press out in loving joyful play and exploration, expression, or to deny ourselves the blessings and gifts of Source, our omni-presence and resist the flow of this fluidic song of evolution.

One day last summer after coming in from a meditation outside summoning the gnomes and faeries, I was sitting in my bed reading and in a lazy glance up from my book I saw a beautiful but cheeky gnome sitting in my bookshelf; all scuffled with dirt and wearing it with confidence and such nonchalant knowingness at our recognizing one another. He showed himself to me to remind me of my faery connection, the elementals, the world of the creational Elohim that care-take our planet in very deep and meaningful ways in which we had lost in eons of separation and distancing from the wisdoms and storytelling from our ancestors. 

Honour that which you have signed on for, you have active within you and know you have all you need to transcend and transmute to pristine light and love and thus allowing for you to merge and harmonize within a transparent song and harmonic that is constantly being offered by Source; by Creation for us to co-create and joyfully traverse and ignite within. Within every spiral of density honoured, healed, and released, we open to what truly wants to be seen, triggered, activated, and brought lovingly forth from your heart and higher mind in Oneness with the Divine mind, Source, love, the Greater ALLness of who we have always been, is blessed forth for the ALL and the joyful child ever exploring the sacred Universe within.

How may we let go of every density as it arises in the honour and summoning of new worlds yet to be born through our unconditional trust and harmonizing as greater realms of love? How may we truly trust the inner wondrous niggles that direct us deeper within forest songs of new life waiting to be birthed anew in our entanglement within the realms of the Elohim and faeries, gnomes and elementals? How may we trust in the high-pitched field resonance and humming of Gaia's song that awaken our omni-presence entanglement that is aching to our conscious state to begin blessing new fields of healing, artistry, and societal loving communions?  My teams recently offered to me the preparations that many will awaken to that allows us to harmonize within potentials of formal face-to-face contact with our celestial family and teams. How we do this is an incremental process of alchemy; shifting all out-dated limitations, beliefs, and density that kept us within walls and boxes that no longer serve omni-present illness. These shifts always begin vibrationally first, and why we must release, heal, and open to the ever-pressing our transitions that can align us with the invisible in human form.  It begins with the alignment of vibration, resonance to that which is magical, miraculous, and what we have only believed to be true in dreams and fantasies, and thus then, how we bring that realm of loving co-creation into our every day life and trust the subtle niggles that tempt us to go within and bring forth anew.

All is purposeful in your transmuting of density and worlds of that seem to crumble in dissonance and lack of loving stability.  Our worlds, our knowings, our reality shifts for our better upliftment to what is truly magical and must require that we joyfully soften our being, soften our imagining and completely surrender within the song of love that is ever-present and being actively stretching us to reach out and up in our imagining and dreaming of what can be.

You are this Divine and powerful to break darkness with your heart light, and you are that which brings joy to the shadows; for there is nothing to fear, you are the light aching to breath through it all, and in this, you will always be held in the loving arms of Source; our Holiest and highest of love imaginable and our new earthly-quantum, omni-Heavenly journey begins anew. Join the loving song of Source within, honour the activations, call in your councils, call in your new delightful and blessed adventurous path of loving co-creation, and so too shall your heart warm to every synchronicity and gift that Creation offers you; don't be surprised oh Heavenly one if you begin to communicate and entangle in ways that you only held possible within your dreams. You are becoming the ever-unfolding lotus, the ever-unfolding dream, and within such, you are always brand new, and sparkling and shiny as you have always been. Surrender holy and with great joy and feel into the loving vibrations of Creational song that await.

The all, the new, the dream, the new song, the new resonance of expansiveness, and the fluid fields of miracles being lived in vibrant new ways through the love of you, the honouring of you, the honouring of the light that is all you need.  We love you dearly dear adventurous ones, dream grandly and be the greatness of all that you are coming to new life within new liquid fields of loving grace. You are miraculous dear ones, this is a truth; so feel into this, sense into it, love into IT, and begin to allow this essence, the soul within you to come forth and call into the miracles you are creating for your experiencing of IT.  How joyful and how utterly timely.  You are worthy of this blessed higher vibrational gift, and so dive in; its all you in the dreaming anew. This is how love is. Miraculous and ever new.