How the Subtle body, the innate, the senses will be tested;
This is mastery and how our balancing and harmonic presence, daily self-care, and living in new and heightened ways, can be a path of smoothing the way for living 5th dimensional, assisting the children, and changing the cosmic Webb and weaving that is our soup of Creation here upon earth.
Our Source Creator, God Consciousness particles, the loving light, is of our own direction and commanding, and when done in a balanced and harmonic manner, can be the difference between being thrashed about, depressions, or stepping into an empowering state of happiness and joy for the Divine being that you truly are.
Your peaceful inner light, inner life = Outer.
As you care, nurture, and honour you in this, you shift the outer. This is your power.
Do you care about how you feel? Your feelings will guide you to what is in alignment or not. Pay attention, tune in, and realign through breath and soft loving intent.
We each have the Christic tool kit to shift the ALL and our heightened multi-dimensional bodies, will attune to a heightened capacity, and why self-care, daily is so key.
One can feel, sense, and hear, the planetary thought-forms, fears and anxiety of others, and as you walk about, it will be key to ensure that clearing, and cleansing the fields, and setting really quick intentions for this empowerment to the children and how they can cope and move about life without taking everything on;
This is truly key and know there are simple and easy ways that we are each transmuting not only our soul aspects that require our love, and our acceptance, but that we are also transmuting our ever-changing and shifting reality.
Set about with a golden and pure intent to allow thoughts to simply move through you, and transmute and return to heart center and empower a higher vibrational thought;
'This does not belong to me, I center and offer love to the ALL.'
Simple affirmations as you radiate your light, and visualize yourself as a sphere or golden violet light that even dense energies cannot impale. Offer these to the children, and have them play with their Divine empowerment.
We are powerful beings of loving joy and light,
This is our planet and our family and all that we do, focus upon and play within, sacredly; shifts the ALL.
Future worlds that you will inevitably be a part why not begin at sacredness and loving ways to move about anew as you're heightened light body claims its right to be in your Heavenly joy to create and commune as a master?
For those that so desire;
Spend only minutes a day in devotion to your own self-care, planetary self honour, and transmuting the eons of negative and dense thought forms, density that is now being released from the collective and earth;
Affirmations, meditations, and intention, focus, to live sacred as a higher vibrational being, and this intention and focus allows for your reality to shift around you;
You are a master of all that you experience;

Sending love and violet flame transmuting light to all systems of our own prior making, holding space for sacred intent, sacred out-pouring, allows for higher light and codes to flow in;
It doesn't take that many of us, with pure intent; sending pure and loving light to transmute all that no longer serves, call in the masters and Arch Angels, our violet flame and golden joyful thoughts; changes everything!
When I walk about, I center within my heart and send loving pulsations of 'I LOVE YOU' and feel the knowingness that this alter the God Consciousness within and around the space, within the ALL.
Here is a video; audio, to help and align with higher vibrational light timelines;