Thursday, 31 October 2019

Monthly Class Resume ~ 5th Dimensional Co-Creation

Monthly Ascension, Sound, and Healing Classes
Families and Healers, 
New Earth Co-Creation

Healers and energy communicators, Gaia gifters and Ambassadors;
Saturday November 1, 2019
Links for the class will be sent upon registration.
See you tomorrow!!!

So excited.
Join us for our mastery energy class; those that are keenly excited about earth energy, and quantum fields of play, this is a great place to start and how we are shifting into new co-creations.
For those that so desire;
We are resuming our mastery classes this coming Saturday and through light, sound, and sound, light language; let the fun begin!
We will have a sacred circle, communion, prayer, meditation, and practice within the fields of light and love that we exist within and of course the 'tuning in' from the many councils ~ Source, and ALL THAT IS as we gather.
Blessings and songful joy,
Joanna L Ross

Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Accelerated Energies ~ Family and Collective Growth ~ Breathe & Anchor Love

Accelerated Energies for the Winter Solstice and 11/11
As we enter within new seasonal gateways, the frequencies will accelerate; accelerated energies thrust the density forth to own, love, forgive, and move forth in an open and compassionate caring manner; living sacredly in which we deepen our understanding that we truly are ONE and we are each here in healing within these Oneness relationships.
* Oneness within thyself & Source Creator, spirit, the ALL
* Oneness within the family, community, humanity, the Universe
* Oneness within the planet and all consciousness therein and about ~ wildlife, oceans, forests, and insects, we are truly surrounded by Source that is aching to sing, dance, and connect with joy and Oneness.

I have linked in a New Timeline to Align with in these special gateways that can be used for invocations, daily alignment, meditations, and ceremonies for those that so desire.

New Planetary & Personal Soul Songs
We are moving though what we are so that we can align within the grander galactic and Universal plans for golden evolutionary systems and directives from the Heavenly joy to explore the vastness of the ALL. You will feel greater sense of purpose and drive to create, and express and why there are many resources and offerings on our site about the Christic toolkit that we each come with to begin to explore, experience, and express the new and growing love light that we are and ever-reaching out to call in the codes and light required to do what it is that you are inspired to give birth to.
This also means that you will also sense, see, and experience the discomfort from those around you that are not aware, awake, or having trouble dealing with the density and emotional imbalances that need to be cleared. 
Breathe, and create daily self-care that allows for the full multi-dimensional connection, healing, release, and honouring that truly is required; higher frequencies moving through imbalanced bodies = imbalanced behaviour
Higher Frequencies moving through a balanced and allowing vessel, mind, and heart is open, loving, and compassionate. This is a moment-for-moment process;

Be gentle and realign to center as we are all clearing collective smog; thought-forms, and answering the call to be the transmuters of love and light and infinite possibilities.
These energies will empower us to go within and open our hearts; unconditionally. This means, that to love, to accept, and to honour all that you are worthy of, deserving of and act within this level of vibration and be 'ok' to let go and allow all others to walk their path in their own way. Unconditionally in loving support.  We are all Source, and this loving compassion, this loving perspective will uplift your next moment and manifestations. 

There are profound 'subtle body' shifts coming on line; on line means that the multi-dimensional all of you will begin to FEEL differently, sense in a new way, and pick up on energy and thought more so than ever before.

Try not to get alarmed as you move about or tune in. You are the center of all that you co-create, so at any moment, you can allow it to move through you, re-align in loving joy, and know that 'YOU ARE NOT YOUR THOUGHTS.' These are densities leaving your fields, DNA, and the that of the home, the collective, and so on, and why clearing and daily self care will be valuable to gain greater mastery within these accelerations.

Triggers can be connected to many timelines in which psychic energy was not used in benevolence or filtered in controlling manners that we will all be revealed through our own social systems.  Again, don't be alarmed. Take all unfolding with calm and higher knowing resolve. These are all meant to occur to dust off the platform for new in a much higher vibrational fields of play and co-creation. 
Daily Regular Self-Care
Be gentle with yourself and all others. I remind myself and my kids throughout the day, in celestial alignments, and all else; our planet is receiving the highest frequencies ever. So this will be seen and felt everywhere and by everyone; nothing will be left out. 

Our multi-dimensional bodies consist of 4 lower body management and co-creational systems that are so intricate and elegant and far beyond what we know now; how exciting we get to experience the 'new' from the 'get go.' So shift perspective on how incredible this experience truly is and you will also open the gateway to receive all that Source offers in all moments.
The 4 lower bodies; *** Physical 
                                  *** Emotional 
                                  *** Etheric 
                                  *** Mental 
Healers and New Energy Vocations
We are now opening to 5 higher bodies that will further deepen our threading within the ALL in our loving expansive explorations and evolution. These accelerations will also awaken a more intense energies moving through your body; limbs, arms, legs, hands, for those with vocations in healing and land-energy work, will notice that this will require care and maintenance to work with the new grid and soul agreements and roles in preparation for 2020 and beyond.  These sensations; begin as resistance, or frustration or agitation when the energy is not being expressed or moved. So what I have experienced; self-care and discern what your body and soul group is guiding you to work with your gifts in new ways; get out with the tree's, the land, and rocks, and nature. Explore, experiment, and experience yourself anew.  You will be pleasantly surprised.

In every new day, we offer ourselves the beliefs, the perspectives, habits, patterns, and ego-triggering management that is need of loving healing and release to unconditional surrender to your Divine Sacred higher mind, Divine Sacred Heart and soul. 
Your soul, will now begin to communicate in multi-dimensional ways, so you may notice your spirit communications become more lucid and soft; trust the soft and loving voice at the center of your being; this is your soul; a vast team of love and light and Divine intelligence guiding you as the merkahba of codes and joy of Source that you truly are. A glistening sacred geometry that is cosmically and Universally linked and entangled for the co-creation of a golden new earth and galaxies to come. You may sense yourself alive and living, walking, floating, and upon lightships as you are moving about here; these are all very normal and natural awakening experiences, and the greater time you have to process, integrate, and bring to live through you without resistance or control, the more smooth these accelerating times will be.

Offer forgiveness and take the high road; and know that offering loving light, love, and happiness to the all, for yourself and the earth, opens you to the energies that are within and without that you had heretofore not recognized.
Be the mirror of love and kindness and know you are always with Spirit and supported and loved. Anchoring deeply within your souls calling and open up for the glorious ride of accelerated manifestations, for the greater good; 
Be sure to also bring awareness in loving and supportive dialogue and sharing with the children; they are highly sensitive and need to know their connection and threading within the world they are assisting in amplifying in loving kindness. See all moments as a moment to bring peace, love and Oneness; this truly is unity consciousness. For the greater good. 
And so it is,
Blessings and great joy,
Joanna L Ross


Monday, 28 October 2019

You are NOT Crazy ~ You are Awake! ~ The Subtle Body & How to Navigate

How the Subtle body, the innate, the senses will be tested; 
This is mastery and how our balancing and harmonic presence, daily self-care, and living in new and heightened ways, can be a path of smoothing the way for living 5th dimensional, assisting the children, and changing the cosmic Webb and weaving that is our soup of Creation here upon earth. 
Our Source Creator, God Consciousness particles, the loving light, is of our own direction and commanding, and when done in a balanced and harmonic manner, can be the difference between being thrashed about, depressions, or stepping into an empowering state of happiness and joy for the Divine being that you truly are.

Your peaceful inner light, inner life = Outer.
As you care, nurture, and honour you in this, you shift the outer. This is your power. 
Do you care about how you feel? Your feelings will guide you to what is in alignment or not. Pay attention, tune in, and realign through breath and soft loving intent.
We each have the Christic tool kit to shift the ALL and our heightened multi-dimensional bodies, will attune to a heightened capacity, and why self-care, daily is so key. 
One can feel, sense, and hear, the planetary thought-forms, fears and anxiety of others, and as you walk about, it will be key to ensure that clearing, and cleansing the fields, and setting really quick intentions for this empowerment to the children and how they can cope and move about life without taking everything on; 

This is truly key and know there are simple and easy ways that we are each transmuting not only our soul aspects that require our love, and our acceptance, but that we are also transmuting our ever-changing and shifting reality.
Set about with a golden and pure intent to allow thoughts to simply move through you, and transmute and return to heart center and empower a higher vibrational thought; 
'This does not belong to me, I center and offer love to the ALL.'
Simple affirmations as you radiate your light, and visualize yourself as a sphere or golden violet light that even dense energies cannot impale. Offer these to the children, and have them play with their Divine empowerment.

'Shake out the jibblies and know you can say 'no' t negativity; this doesn't belong to me and send loving powerful love and light to the ALL.'

We are powerful beings of loving joy and light,
This is our planet and our family and all that we do, focus upon and play within, sacredly; shifts the ALL.
Future worlds that you will inevitably be a part why not begin at sacredness and loving ways to move about anew as you're heightened light body claims its right to be in your Heavenly joy to create and commune as a master?
For those that so desire;
Spend only minutes a day in devotion to your own self-care, planetary self honour, and transmuting the eons of negative and dense thought forms, density that is now being released from the collective and earth;

Affirmations, meditations, and intention, focus, to live sacred as a higher vibrational being, and this intention and focus allows for your reality to shift around you;
You are a master of all that you experience;

Sending love and violet flame transmuting light to all systems of our own prior making, holding space for sacred intent, sacred out-pouring, allows for higher light and codes to flow in;
It doesn't take that many of us, with pure intent; sending pure and loving light to transmute all that no longer serves, call in the masters and Arch Angels, our violet flame and golden joyful thoughts; changes everything!
When I walk about, I center within my heart and send loving pulsations of 'I LOVE YOU' and feel the knowingness that this alter the God Consciousness within and around the space, within the ALL.

Here is a video; audio, to help and align with higher vibrational light timelines;
Blessings and sacred co-creation,


Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Fields of Consciousness and Our Part within IT ALL

Greetings dear lighted ones,
After many months of in and out of 'Hermit' mode, I am ready to begin anew.
Deeper insights, more profound transformations, and my own surrender within love at levels I was not sure I was able to soften within.
We have many new videos that will help with 'Families and Ascension' and better allowing the Divine Source within to be the moment-for-moment guide to your own sense of inner peace, and higher manifestations. These video's will be of 'weekly self-care' and valuing and honouring the multi-dimensional bodies, for all ages.  I have my own audio's playing in the car and home, and help with my own personal alignments and remembrances through great times of acceleration to 'centre-ground-honour-let go- and accept' anew.  

We are truly co-creating anew. Fields of love and light within; fields of love and light without.

Taking only minutes a day, sending the 'highest and best' and Universal best to those in your family, to those in our community, collectives, nature, Gaia;
All creates consciousness of potential in the fields of the ALL;
You can choose to walk into your own blessings, or not.
Only minutes a day, we are creating anew.

The future, the future of 'now' is not unchangeable, or fixed; we have never been in the most powerful and profound times of change; how may we co-create a little Heaven upon earth?
I love you - I send love to the fields that will support us all.
Blessings and greatness
Joanna L Ross

We have been working hard on our resource library, and video's for those that so desire to connect with our community and learning materials.  We thank you for shining your light and for sharing ours!
