Greetings dear lighted family;
Wow, intense week; and will continue through the summer, into the preparations of our fall equinox; enjoy the small yet infinite gifts of Source, Gaia that are always offered.
Wow, intense week; and will continue through the summer, into the preparations of our fall equinox; enjoy the small yet infinite gifts of Source, Gaia that are always offered.
As I have offered in the many tiny miracles that inspire us daily of our entanglement; I have yet another Divine whisper coming to me that I just simply had to share.
In my bedroom where I often do my meditations, for the first time thus far, I have never seen any hummingbirds hover and dance looking straight in to me; just blessing me with the dance and elegance that is beauty and quantum play. I have been sensing a new 'fork in the road' coming and a way in which these synchronicities taking me deeper into the dance of love.
Only a small shade bush on the veranda, and large forest tree's surround the 2nd level patio, and again, never before have they paid me a visit on this side of the house due to the 'no flower' thing.....
When only small tiny cracks in the windows, the ever persistent and beautiful bee's buzzing when seemingly out of 'nowhere' they draw you in to a stillness and peace that is simply hard to ignore.
Gaia and the consciousness has often shared the majestic song and layers of tonal life that is the consciousness maps of threading delicately in balance and healing for our journey, appreciation and honour if we desire to open up to It.
These are more than simply the mundane nuances that many overlook dear ones, the insects, birds, and other flight nature energies are a portal of sound, highly sensory life matrixes offering us to 'tune in' and begin co-creating.
(Our most recent soundcloud on 'family & ascension' )
Crystalline Children & Redefining Negativity and Energy Perspectives…/family-ascension-youth-redefining-…
See how attuned the crystalline children to these layers of sounds and gifts, and ask them to feel into, tap into, gaze into, the concepts, the life within such offerings and you may be delighted upon their sharing.
Shamanic Jumper on the Lions Gate 08/08
More nature and insect entanglements, and know dear lighted ones, that many of us, if not a large majority, come with insectoid DNA, that can allow us the heightened sensory gifts in our ability to entangle and connect in ways that are held within our multi-dimensional DNA and then activate further and more deeply held memories and Divine healing, Gaia entanglement abilities.
We are more and more being offered an infinite and myriad ways to break the roof off of our old out-dated systems of multi-sensory life adaptations and healing modalities, and what may we each begin to muse, ponder, explore and rediscover in our watchful and observational approach to such a perfect and Divine summer blessing us with tiny miracles of intrigue?
Here is our Lions Gate Recording for those that so desire;
Another synchronicity came the day before the Lions' Gate, in which a recent newsletter I mentioned how I have been laying quite low in a year of many 'in-and-out-of Hermit' moments thus then not keeping in regular communication with the human-world, but living a heightened perception and sensory 'overload' with the many activations I have been moving through.
This lovely encounter was with a beautiful grasshopper that appeared to be giving birth on my window, something that it was intent on finding the most appropriate space to do what it needed to as it walked diligently up and down my patio glass door.
Never had a grasshopper land on the window before;
The second after I posted the 08/08 meditation and sacred communion for tomorrow!
The Shamanic symbolism of the grasshopper is attached and recommend those who so desire to begin opening to or invite in the world to you in new ways and see what unfolds.
Some of you may find the synchronicities and timely offering to what many are feeling intense potentials to new portal experiences;
Sound and tone to shift consciousness and leap into new beginnings and timelines are just some of these sacred symbolisms of the grasshopper ~ Divine Synchronicity.
The Divine is within all things and we are truly being offered a more graceful and elegant approach to rediscover ourselves in a more deeply softened way if we so choose and what an amazing dance with Source and Creation this is!
Happiness and sacred living Divine ones, and sending you all deep and graceful joy and blissful gratitude in our sharing of a new sacred earth;
Blessings and light,
Blessings and light,
Joanna L Ross