Monday, 30 April 2018

Is there Richness in Words of Such Beauty

The Richness of Words to Express 
We are the new ambassadors of light, ambassadors of love, and we are all Divinely empowered to center, ground, and align in love. 

As busy as life may, can get, we can all choose to breathe, slow, still, and live from the heart. Living in authentic joy to what truly matters in love, self-joy, self-appreciation, self-excitement, serenity, peace, unity, harmony, altruism, and all else that unites and inspires our Divine truth within.

WE each are the creators of all that unfolds, and in this, we can choose to realign in any new moment to love, light, breath, and stillness. Let go of what needs to be released; you will know this when it feels like obligation, density, and pain. Choose and intend a loving breath to release, and move into a state of unconditional surrender to the Divine council of you that is guiding you to a new frequency of human behaviour and experience. ALL is possible. All is within.

Playful Sacred Self-Joy, Self-love, Sacred Relationship ~ when every moment, all beings, all people, are held within your heart in a sacred way for the unique gift each offers, and first you with you. Sacred. Divine. Worthy. Undeniable. Profound. **

And so it is. 
Here is our weekly Divine sacred Universal Soul tribe offering;
Topics; Divine Sacred Relationship and Why it is so Key to Living and Manifesting within a Christed Experience; for too often I am baffled in searching for words that can define and colour the richness in words, feelings, that such beauty of what we are truly capable of experiencing. 

There is an infinite bedding of love-light available to us. This is what I know to be true. 
* Crystal Communication, Multi-Dimensional Parenting & Sacred Relationship * New Human Paradigms as we step out and forth within new higher vibrational threadings. 
** KCOR Weekly Ascension Radio ** Universal Unity New Earth Consciousness
* We are all threaded as One, and know that your peace, state of balance, state of calm, matters within the Webb of Creation. Walk within your light & offer it forth.
Share in our Universal Sacred Soul Tribe; Monthly Sacred Teachings, New Earth Classes, Meditations, Global Peace Alignments, Sacred Body Awareness, Multi-Dimensional Parenting and Crystalline Children Empowerment;
Blessings and loving joy,
Joanna L Ross
Enjoy this lovely FULL MOON in Scorpio

Saturday, 28 April 2018

Divine Sacred Relationship ~ Deepening Christhood

Greetings and good morning dear lighted ones,
Join us this morning at 11:00am MST as we travel far, wide, and Divinely enriched with the wisdoms and insights from the God within.
** Link here **

Our topics today are inspired by profound epiphanies I was opened to this week and will share these with you;
* Divine Sacred Relationship
* Deepening Spiritual Maturity
* Multi-Dimensional Parenting ~ Divine Sacred Relationship and FUN WITH CRYSTALS
Bring your crystals, open your hearts and let's commune in the most Divine Sacred Manner ~ we offer in loving joy of self-exploration of the ascending Universal human ~ how may we co-create?
Blessings and grand excitement

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

This is YOU! Joyful, Sacred, Transmutational Light Specialist & Diviner of Love

Are there things within our reality that trigger frustration? 
Are there systems of infrastructure, of socio-economic injustice that cause you stress or sadness? We change what we experience by changing ourselves. As within, so without, and as we each, each of us, go within and create and intend a path of heightened and expansive play, adventure, and Christed lighted co-creation, allows, opens, and gifts the benevolence due in such unconditional states of being. 

It takes Divine inner trust to 'let go' and know you are loved, guided, and treasured. You have a Divine plan. You are embedded with a Divine team, you are richly held in God's heart, for God is within you; you are the Creator, the God, a sacredly radiant transmutational light specialist, and a Diviner of love in all unveilings. 

You can truly and profoundly shift your entire reality experience and what is shown to you through taking sacred care time throughout your day to commune, center, and ground in serene and peaceful alignment with Source; your Divine Higher Self, and the healing love-light pulsations of Gaia. Breathe; full-body breaths, align in centred loving intent, softly intend to open your heart, and feel the gentle loving joy that Source has for you. This is you. This is your natural innate state. This is you. 

Every system,
Every program,
Every aspect of our reality will move through its own unique and ascension symbiosis and ALL will transform through this. 
This is why we create far greater change through; allowance, offerings of inner knowing, inner faith, to this Divine plan, Divine orchestration, and bless the all. Trust that all will find its own unique vibrational place within Creation; there is a Divine plan. 
Bless all that was, bless what triggers frustration, stand in your light, offer, and know ~ blessing offers the allowance for Creation to flow to you what is truly in alignment with your Highest and best path and how we all walk spiritual maturity and mastery in light.
Blessings and grand Divine self-joy,

Tuesday, 24 April 2018

You are the DREAM!

You, me, we, us, the All, are the spiralling essence of love in motion;
It is what we emit, what we choose to flow forth from our being, our chalice that affects the All and colours a new rainbow of potential. In song we are One, in song our hearts resonate in truth, for we are the song of Creation arising as One, for we are, One. 
Breathe deeply of a vibrant new truth that your authentic voice carries power of delight, radiance, and joy, for the All to be blessed by and within; as sacred as the stars, the sun, the moon, and the earth, you are a song from God's heart sent forth to explore, enjoy, and be Divinely riding the Universal heart of One.
Amen, Amen, Amen,
And so it is.

You are a song of joy; feel into what this truly means and hold nothing back in falling in love with this, expressing it, and sharing it ~ Live your dream; for you are it.
Divine Sacred Joy Podcast from KCOR Live Ascension Offerings ~ weekly for the sharing and Divine Sacred Communion

Blessings and Divine Sacred Joy,

Stay tuned for our birthday post on this special day. This day, April 24th as I know to be, the birthday of Master Yeshua Ben Joseph, Jesus. Born at 1:00am in Bethlehem, as offered from a dear friend and colleague Maia Nartoomid, who channeled this date, and had a special birthchart done many, many years back which I will share partially with you. 

Only because the data is no longer available online and taken from an excerpt in which I paid for last year but somehow only parts where available. In Maia's blessings to share, we have also posted with her links and other Yeshua energy activations. 

I will post this link to our article when it is uploaded and ready for sharing. 

Monday, 23 April 2018

Celebrating what every Master came to Inspire ~ Divine Sacred Joy

So much to share and be inspired within;
Are you sensing Spring springing...
Are you sensing that everyone wants to come out of their shell and create anew.

We are gifted the accentuation of polarity and subtleties so that we can choose refined thoughts, beliefs, actions, and behaviours for a new experience of unity, balance, peace, harmony, and as a mother, this is truly all any parent really desires. See our children walk with a peaceful inner knowing, balance, and confidence to move about the world in joy of who they are and what they are truly required to be at peace in knowing of this. 

Here is our archive from this past Saturday, April 21, 2018
Topics; Divine Sacred Joy ~ Elixir through Christed Manifestations
~ Joanna takes you on a journey within to further explore, examine, and experience the Divine joy that Source Creator feels, knows, and is inspired by each of us; our exploration of Creation in our own unique way, and our journey to reunify in love, reunify in compassion, in Oneness, and through this, we allow the essence of God to be known. Inner knowing; every adept will discover this on their own and in their own unique way, and when this inner knowing is experienced, the All, the Inner Being, the experience of all else is altered eternally alive for greater expansive co-creations. 

~ Simplicity in exploration, with authentic truth to feel, be, and know thyself, and express this creatively is our human-cosmic alignment to living and behaving within a Christed timeline, grid, and consciousness bedding within, around, and all about us. 

Hour II ~ Multi-Dimensional Parenting ~ The subtle and not-so-subtle shift of our changing dynamic perspectives, views, and beliefs about who we are, how we behave, how we parent, and how we interact and weave within a new heightened consciousness potential. To match, to live within a Christed experience, the light body, the feathery heart, means that we must release what no longer serves, and what truly aligns purely within unconditional love, compassion, and altruism for a new world view and harmony set it inner peace, inner balance, and harmony within the hearts-homes.

Archive - April 21, 2018 as we celebrate and honour the birth week of the compassionate and loving Master Jesus and the Divinely aligned lessons of self-joy, self-appreciation, and self-love.


Blessings and great joyful living,