Saturday, 31 March 2018

Creating within Christed Grids

Greetings dear lighted ones,
WOW ~ what a profound week in lessons, gifts, blessings, and Divine unfolding for deep inner growth and expansion. 
Join us as we go live at 11:00am MST as we spiral new potentiation and new dynamic experience within our light fields of joy, Creation, and ultimate creative bliss as an ascending human family and collective. 

Tune in, sing along, tone, dance, spiral, create, paint, colour your path in your own unique way and know that Creation celebrates you in all that you are and in all that you share. 
Blessings and great joy and I look forward to our weekly loving entanglement in our weekly Universal Soul Tribe Sacred Sharing & Illumination of light, love, cycles of unparalleled joy; 
Every Saturday 11:00am MST - 1:00pm MST ~ We gather within loving unified intent, unity in our diversity, lighted earth and human potentials, and the eternal power of love and inner knowing of our Divine journey through Creation. 

Great love and joy,


Friday, 30 March 2018

Shifting within the Diverse Dimensional Experiences

Greetings dear lighted ones,

As an intuitive healer, conduit, and energy reader, I find it most exciting and oftentimes can feel overwhelming to think about the dynamic day-to-day unfolding that truly is teaching us, guiding us, and showing us the shifts we need to make as we traverse into a fully liberated human earthly experience.

I am a mom. I am a healer. I am a Christed consciousness speaker and inspirator, and there are truly moments in which it feels as if there are worlds criss-crossing and so too is the vibrational experience and can seem and feel chaotic. I have learned in all of my years as being a mom, as awakening and healing my own 'stuff' and transcending and going within to gift myself self-love, self-acceptance, and self-honour, that is is the very thing that our children need from us; not only to emulate, but to hear and follow through with vibrational intent and action. We are deeply awakening to the remembrance of our multi-dimensionality, and our bodies; physical, emotional, etheric, mental bodies are all in need of our attention, our honour, our care, and our re-balancing so too that we can emulate this balance, this grace, to our children that are also in need of this awareness and remembrance.

Our multi-dimensionality is our Christed portal within the All. As we awaken, we awaken more of our multi-dimensionality, however we have never been taught, shown, or guided as to what this really means, and what are we to do if we are out of balance and in dire need of re-alignment. Our imbalance becomes the imbalance that we perceive; whether it be in the world around us, within the home, or viewing and perceiving ourselves. What we perceive we create in experience. This is truly how we are quantumly threaded as vibrational waves all criss-crossing and touching and affecting the All experience, and how we can be the masters that we are offer something centred, balanced, and new.

As parents, we strive to offer, to give, to be the very best we can for our children, and offer them what we never had, or always wanted, and the inner knowing that you have chosen each other far beyond what has ever been taught, or told, or written in any childrearing books or parenting guides. Consciousness, our essence and multi-dimensional state of being is simply new to the general human collective and why we are awakening and stepping forth within our Divinity, for it is timely, it is Divinely set in motion, and our higher consciousness selves have called our attention so that change can be made and we can be a part of this most amazing earthly and galactic Universal experience that truly serves the greater good of the All.

What many scholars are now awakening to is the hidden world of consciousness that is a Webb of energy, Webb of love, and Webb of infinite and eternal potentials, and how the myriad of Divine masters have come forth to teach, emulate, and exemplify our potentials within these sacred Universal truths. As humans however, and the separation, limitation games we have signed on to co-create within, we have also chosen the density and rules through which we are all now traversing and transcending in our liberation and earthly Divine co-creations. We have placed such sacred teachings in boxes, defined them around dogma, religion, and other genre's that stifle and further limit our innate potential to feel, see, experience, and create as the Divine masters that we are and to which we are now offering as innate knowledge for our children.  The masters, each one, in every area and region through which they were born, came forth with the innate threading, DNA/RNA and soul blueprint that allowed them to activate, navigate, and create as the masters they were and they did so in commitment, devotion, inner faith that Creation, God, Source, Divine Mother was within and this knowing, this practice and inner play with sacred intent, is the thread that changes all.


I have found that the more open, allowing, and expansive I am as a mother, as a healer, the more of the infinite flows through me. I am able to sense, to see, to feel into what my children need, or call forth what aspect of information I may need to relax and allow, or creatively inspire with something new. Our children, just as we do, come forth into this realm with an Akash, a Divine desire to serve, to be a part of a uniquely changing world, one that is opening within ITs Divinity and quantum entanglement, and they are here to be a part of this experience in whatever way their hearts, their gifts, and their excitements will drive them. They have a soul path to walk. They have a soul path to explore, to examine, and to express and much of our worldly socio-economic systems, platforms, simply perpetuate out-dated energy, out-dated potentials, and limit creativity in so many ways. As parents, as awakened parents, we are here to not only support their dynamic lives, gifts, and excitements, but to also ignite the Divine inner faith, inner knowing, and the God within that you know far more than you give yourself credit for, you are a natural healer and gifted being of light, and you have agreed on many multi-dimensional levels to be a part of these special soul contracts to serve one another in your play to greater self love and Divine Christed expression.

Remember, the Christed Consciousness transcends all religion in its definitions and dogma, It is a Divine Source energy through which we ignite, we navigate, we explore, we examine, we express, and we experience as we love all that we are, explore all that we are, and express the Divine gifts from within to share, to serve, to gift back to Creation. The Christed light body experience is that which we transcend and create within our Divine inner temple of all that we are, as we understand and explore the eternal within and begin to entangle within all moments with our own child-like innocence and play. The Christed Consciousness is open, eternal, infinite, creative, unconditional, and entangled and linked within the All for the All, to the All. All exists within each of us to explore and begin anew. This is what really is meant by the ascending within light-body. The 'light-body' is a Christed experience and that is multi-dimensional in every way. Exploring all that we are as multi-dimensional beings of living light in human form.

Inner knowing and inner faith can be tough to pull from when kids are arguing, and tantrums hit a high note, but within a few Divine Sacred deep breaths, invoking your Higher Self, and dropping to your Divine Sacred Heart, you can allow for your entire reality to shift. Breath is the amplifier, the centering agent, and It is the Divine in fluid motion living through you. Breath allows the Divine to flow through you and shift the perspective, which shifts the energy that is spiralling about.  Perspective is everything, and why awareness, awakening is so very key to live and explore a life that is Divinely guided and one that feels 'out of control and chaotic.'  Breath is so very key to realign perspective, and why I see mindfulness, and breath being taught more readily as our collective awakens to these multi-dimensional bodily needs. Breath allows for the Higher Self to guide, breath allows for the entanglement that we each hold within all those that we are sewn with, to be altered immediately.

The Quantum Equation
We are quantumly sewn with all those we are engaged with and when we ignite love, balance, centeredness, calm state of being, the field that you exist within immediately shifts. In this shift, inspirations come forth that can direct and ground the energy of those you are entangled with; time in a sand box, textures and art, clay, music and composition, and perhaps time with animals. For many of our crystalline children can feel soothed within their reality by the acutely sensitive systems aching for stimulation; touch, scent, texture in tastes, and sound, all are the sensory gifts they will innately use as they explore their excitements, healing capabilities, and worldly sharing.

When we breathe, ground, center, and align within our quantum radiance, we dynamically shift and neutralize the fields around us. This is what is also meant by 'holding space' or aligning, for we are within our innate abilities, inner knowing, creating with loving intent to bring peace, offer love, bring light to fields that are in transitional shifting through diverse dimensional experiences. Our world will continue to shift, this is a constant expectation for the ascending human. Our role now is to own, claim, and begin to play, begin to swim and dance within our inner radiance, and walk within a new vision of the capabilities we all carry and own within. We are this profound to alter the fields of play. We experience the exact frequencies that operate within, and knowing this, we can begin to shift our perspective, shift in our inner call for self-love, self-acceptance, and inner genius to come forth and play as the child of God that we each are.

We are meant to play with excitement and liberation without the chains of obligation, limitation, and the worldly constructs that we created in fear and self-doubt. We are each here to transcend moment-for-moment life through which we 'let go' of restrictions, 'let go' of judgment, 'let go' of confining creativity, and truly begin to play. These Divine moments of sacred play, sacred exploration, are the moments through which new realities of a Christed timeline, a peaceful, a serene life is birthed. Quantum movement, quantum catalysts, are within our choosing of them to ignite something balanced, something new, something dynamic and creative. We are the masters of light and exactly why our children chose us, and why we chose them.

May you breathe within your radiance, your innate genius, and the inner knowing you are perfect. You are a blessings to Creation and how may you ignite breath, awareness of breath, mindfulness, and grounding with you; with your kids, with your family, with your friends, and intending to be the calm beauty that you already are. Perceive and know thyself as Divine, and so too shall it thread in all that you are, in all that you create, in all that you are quantumly sewn within. This is why all change affects the ALL. Every moment, every thought, every deed, we affect the All, so why not smile, be easy and gentle within yourself, give yourself a Divine breath of love, and know all is well, all is Divinely perfect, and you are a master of profound dynamic light.

Blessings and great joy dear radiant ones,
May you be in peace, in joy, and in playful elegance in your family gatherings this weekend,


Monday, 26 March 2018

Now is the Ascended Reality ~ Joyfully Create!

Greetings dear lighted ones,
Here is our Divine and expansive Universal :Love and Light Wisdom offering, for the eternal bliss, joyful heart warming wishes from our etheric councils, groups, and celestial teams supporting and guiding human ascension, Gaia healing, and our ushering forth into new light fields of play.

Archive March 24, 2018 of Universal Unity hosted by Joanna L. Ross. This week's show went far & wide in our co-creations of new light fields of potential; new communication portals within & exploring the God Within as well as MultiDimensional Parenting, Gaia healings and Gaia Communication to higher dimensional living. 
Click the link below for the archived show.

Topics today;
Ascension Through Joy, Quantum Conversations within Creation, Our Eternal Threading & Multi-Dimensional Parenting & Perceiving ANEW -
Blessings and great joy in our lighted loving sharing, 

Saturday, 24 March 2018

Multi-Dimensional Expansion ~ Human Grids, Human Timelines to Eternal Potentials

Greetings dear lighted ones,
We are soaking within profound love and Divine insight, Divine elegance and entanglement within Creation. We are opening to a new human potential, new paradigms that are now in manifestation. 
Tune in today as we go far & wide in our co-creations of new light fields of potential; new communication portals within & exploring the God Within ~ 

* MultiDimensional Parenting, Gaia healings and Gaia Communication to higher dimensional living
* Perceiving & being neutral, loving, peaceful, 

We go live at 11:00am MST KCOR # KCORAScensionRadio #AscensionRadio #UniversalLoveLightWisdom

Blessings and great joyful action,

Friday, 23 March 2018

Spirit Quickens

Greetings dear lighted ones,
We are integrating many multi-dimensional aspects of our whole Universal self, and it is within the integration, through every stage, phase, dimensional entry that we are asked to release, heal, and open to greater light. 
These are love-light cycles, and are within every dimensional level, so that we mature, so that we love, and expand within ourselves first, to create the altruistic and harmonic presence to also do so with all else. Our children, our families, our world, our oceans, our air, this is our responsibility now to love so much so, that we offer a new paradigm to play within in Divine harmony. 
Spirit quickens. It is love that through intention, quickens, heals, expands the ALL. How may you create?
Join us tomorrow as we dive within the grace and honour of this incredible human ride ~…/Universal-Unity-New-Earth-Consciousn…
Entangle with our global, Universal Sacred Soul Tribe ~
One breath at a time, we heal our human family, our Divine Mother Gaia, and the All is touched forever altered. 
Spirit is the All consciousness ~ it is our own unique free will, creativity, purity of intent that directs it all, lovingly commanding within it that unveils a masterful lighted path entangling within the ALL. 

Blessings and great joy,
* Divinely awaken within, quicken within the Godly essence, entangle within the All, open within all heartfelt joy and embodiment; classes, energetic offerings, intuitive sessions, books, ascension resources, and multi-dimensional parenting resources and guides;


Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Spring Equinox Events and Classes

Spring is Springing! 
Blossom, unveil, unfold! 
Today we have 2 exciting offerings of light, alignment, using the Christed gifts and lighted offerings!

We go live with Cari this morning ~
So fun! 

Join our interactive Heavenly Councils in Divine alignments, visualizations, and understanding, exploring, expressing the God Within, so that we are able to open the pathways, open the portals, for our crystalline masters and children of light, 
We are setting the stage, creating a new platform for our children, and truly igniting a new altruistic foundation for a human harmony that is Universally woven within the ALL. 
We are Universal beings of light, of love, and in doing so, our souls sing, soar, and bloom in colour of joy,
Join us at 11:00am MST with Cari L Murphy from Straight Talk for the Soul, 

We then create and co-create our Spring Equinox *


Saturday, 17 March 2018

Eternal Loving Truth

The Eternal Loving Truth

You are vision of light, a movement of light, an expression of love, for in this there is truth, a Universal Divine Christed truth that so many are now awakening to. 
This eternal and infinite truth is the essence of God, a movement of essence, if It can be described is within words we have yet to create, inspire, and speak, for It is, the All is, the movement, the coalescing, the entanglement, the observation, explorations, and expression of is undeniable and indescribable. 
The embodiment of the Profound soulful movement of you, is the enrapture of love within itself, for you are the note, the song, the lyric, and the movement, and ALL that we exist within becomes an ever moving and malleable song of love within the grander song of Creation. 

God particles, God notes, God letters, God encodations, God inspirations, God Visions, God musings, and expressions of an invocation to love, to be loved, to be eternal in this state of ISNESS ~ 
It is this that stirs within the soul until the call is heeded, explored, expressed, experienced anew, and in the loving expansiveness that one holds within oneself, is the expansiveness through which a reality is experienced and the All is benefited in kind. 

And so it is,

Join us on the 20th for a Loving Entanglement with Cari from Straight Talk for the Soul Master Series platform, and for our Spring Equinox loving celebration, initiation, and ceremony in the Garden of Love;

Dancing Soul ~ Multi-Dimensional Parenting

Greetings dear golden soul tribe,
Join us this morning for our weekly sacred soul sharing in the etheric chambers and upon new light fields of earthly-human potential ~

Today we will take you on another Divine alignment, co-creation, and meditation to stir the creativity of new light fields and templates of play and expanded human behaviour;
Quantum offerings, sacred wisdom teachings, inspirations for a new earthly dynamic living; 
We go live at 11:00am MST
Todays' Topics are;

'Visions of the Dancing Soul & Multi-Dimensional Parenting
Understanding Variances in Dimensional Experiences'
Commune, gather, share, open your hearts, dance, sing, create, and live the life of the dynamic Divine Living Light being of Christed essence that you truly are.
Welcome to your Cosmic and Universal Belonging!
Blessings and great joy,