Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Time is Now ~ Set Your Most Profound Dreams & Wishes FREE

Good morning dear lighted ones,
'What are you desiring to create and experience for yourself as a moment-for-moment life reality?' 
Now is the time, now is the moment, in which you still and silent yourself to co-create something with the Divine and the Heavens with you in all steps and with an open heart of service to the God within and be an active engage aspect of it all unfolding through you. Set sacred space, time, intent, and reverence to your path ~ and so too shall it be returned in your reality experience. 
Join us tomorrow, January 31, in the most profound energies thus far, super full moon, lunar eclipse. I will be talking with Lauren Galey and Quantum Conversations as we set a sacred ceremony to clear the path of your highest Christed frequency experience ~ ** http://ulwhc.com/event/quantum-conversation-2/

You are profoundly colourful and fluid in your diversity to experience, to serve, to create, to enjoy, to fulfill the most undeniable bliss that you designed for yourself ~

Here is our most recent youtube offering from my humble home to yours, from my sacred home to yours, from my passionate heart in joy and human potential, to yours....

Blessings and great laughter and joy,


Sunday, 28 January 2018

Energy Healing ~ the Importance of Clearing, Cleansing, Grounding

Greetings dear lighted ones,

Archive January 27, 2018 of Universal Unity hosted by Joanna L. Ross. This week we had a special guest who brought a whole new energy to the show - Tjasa Marin. 
These are profound times of change, profound times of authentic personal and collective shifting. 
The essence of the Christed God~self is within the light in which you experience yourself to be with It, for It is you, and you are the master to direct, navigate, and steer your own lightship to the destination of choice and quantum experience.
Click the link below to hear this week's archived show...

We each are sparks of light, of love, of Divine eternal potential and we truly light the world anew and the cosmos shine within us. Enjoy our sacred soul tribe gatherings. 
Blessings and great Heavenly joy and laughter,


Saturday, 27 January 2018

Claim Your Christed Vibration

Greetings dear lighted ones,
Join us for our weekly; every Saturday morning for soothing, high vibrational Christed sacred gatherings of love, light, and human paradigms of joy and new beginnings. 

Our live ascension show with @KCOR, #KCOR, we go within the eternal bliss, for another sacred soul tribe gathering as we prepare for the Super Full Moon, Lunar eclipse in Leo, powerful & profound declaration of you as a Divine master of Divine living light. (11:00am-1:00pm MST)

Here is a live facebook sacred impromptu gathering for clearing, cleansing, and anchoring within your Divine perfection; 

Have you noticed each and every month our celestial alignments are more profound than the last ~ the Universe, Divine Source Creator inspiring you to awaken to your eternal depths of co-creation potential in love and joy.

** http://kcorradio.com/KCOR/Universal-Unity-New-Earth-Consciousness-Joanna-Ross-KCOR-Digital-Radio-Network.php

We will create a sacred ceremony for this initiation within your soulful purpose of being perfectly you.

Blessings and great joy,

Friday, 26 January 2018

Divinely Gifted by the Heavens ~ YOU! Join us live facebook sacred soul tribe gatherings!

Good morning dear lighted ones,
As you walk about your daily life,
know that each meeting, each discovery, each moment is the gift of the journey.
For these moments, all moments, create the loving threaded wave, weaving, and matrix of quantum potential that is our collective reality.
Being present, being the light within, being your essence of magnificence is God within. Allowing, open, surrender, you are ~ Divine gifted by the Heavens. 

You are this profound and needed and required. We will never stop in reminding you of this ~ drop to your Divine sacred heart, and breathe, you are the essence of God in human form. 
Join us synchronistically on facebook for our live entanglements, live healings, live gatherings in love, unity, and harmony.


Enjoy your Heavenly unfolding,

Saturday, 20 January 2018

Lightships, Perfection, Heaven Sent, Multi-Dimensional Parenting ~ Releasing Fear!

Good morning dear lighted ones,

Are you noticing your lightship engagement heightening?
My lightships are entering closer and oscillating in brighter and imprinting words, patterns, with lights.
Join us at 11:00am MST for our weekly global Ascension, Healing, and high vibrational entanglement ~ 'Heaven Sent ~ Perfection Now'
Topics of the Heaven Within, Perfection, Multi-dimensional Parenting ~ Transmuting Fear & Anxiety


Thursday, 18 January 2018

Aligning & Being the God~Essence ~ Walk in Your Light

Greetings dear lighted ones,
WOW ~ what a great year 2017 was and how we are amplifying ourselves and all that we do, are, into new realms of potential.

We are going to be creating weekly regular high vibrational quantum creation session via FACEBOOK! Live facebook videos for those that desire a incredible entanglement within a few minutes to re-align, be inspired, and center with the God~Self within.

Here is our first one as we launch our new website and entangle within our global sacred soul tribe for new co-creations of light and love.

Thank you to everyone for tuning in to our first LIVE video! YEAH!
Enjoy your Divine entanglement with Creation - it is a Divine and lovely dance. Unveil your God essence within. 
Join our s weekly global ascension radio show with #KCOR with Joanna as she unveils, inspires, ignites our Divine eternal threading with Creation as the ascending human family.
MultiDimensional parenting, crystalline children and celestial and Heavenly entanglement in human form.
Celebrate all that you are ~ this is a profound gift and Divine ride. 

Sunday, 14 January 2018

Re-Invent Yourself ~ Unveiling the Essence of God Within

Good morning dear lighted ones,
ReInventing Human Reality

It begins within, it begins now.

Are you ready to feel your way into bliss, abundance, prosperity, intimacy of Creation? We are shifting our human paradigm from the intellectualization of ascension, God, enlightenment and letting go into surrender. This is the 'FEELING' and 'State of BEINGNESS' that is the essence of God within.
Hour #2 - Multi-Dimensional Parenting ~ Understanding the Ascending Human Family & Healing Within It
Show #101 ~ Universal Unity January 13, 2018
Enjoy our free Divine weekly global ascension sharing and offerings of high vibrational love, joy, sacred soul gatherings ~ 
Blessed are those that live within sacred joyful play,

We launch our new website on January 17th - we hope you will join us in our sacred soul tribe expansion.  ~ Universal Belonging!  http://ULWHC.com

Here is the link for Universal Unity January 13, 2018


Thursday, 4 January 2018

We Launch January 10th ~ 2018 Dance along!

It's time!

Our new site launches on January 10th ~ Arise and commune! 
We are a profound global, cosmic, Universal Sacred Soul Tribe! Join us in this Heavenly dance; 
The Heavenly Human healing, human expansiveness, crystalline children and Universal Oneness in all that we do begins within and with each one of us supporting, empowering, and inspiring one another. Through light, through Heavenly wisdoms within, and the love that pulses throughout the All and within all molecules within ~ A Grand system and design of light and love.

And so it is.
Celebrate with us ~ we are worthy of this Divine Heavenly ride.



A Universal Unity, Joanna special offering of light, communion, unity, and love.

Are you Ready to Go BEYOND!

HAPPY 2018!
We are entering within a new network of cosmic webbing, based on the consciousness soup, the quantum story we have been telling ourselves; time to activate and create within the pieces of the quantum puzzle you have been arranging via thoughts, words, deeds and now we will begin to experience it. Go beyond!

What you think in your wildest dreams are coming to life before your very eyes. Why not be bold, adventurous, aligning with the heart of all that you are and truly design the breath, the steps, the dance with joyful fulfillment to be YOU!

I had a lovely moment with my kids this morning and opened my heart, not unlike other occasions but it was different. Spontaneous and real, and not with a purpose or need; 'letting go of attachment' in love means that you do what you in love for the pure sake of love, and not getting anything or response by it, but to be you within the moment of love. The Universe opens through this unconditional portal. Children, we, us, we all need to know, to hear, to see, to experience the intimacy of unconditional love in soft, playful, and honest communication, honest sharing, and letting them know, through letting yourself know, you are valuable, you are loved, and you are lovable and you are needed.

A special role that only you have. I am here to inspire this within each of you, for in what we offer is a loving truth through which you were born and placed before everyone you meet. A mutual lesson, a mutual role, deed, and offering to mirror love, to mirror possibility, and to know you are eternal in this Divine human cosmic plan.

You are loved, you are profound, and the experience is within all moments, all interactions, all breath. You are God spark and you can overcome anything. We are quantum miracles in motion. Go within and bring forth the miracle of light, of love, and the design of cosmic genius within. Reach for the stars, go beyond, know that inter dimensional travel, bi-location, lightship experiences, healing of any kind, living in peace, and harmony and even prosperity, healing our planet and the eco-systems; ALL IS POSSIBLE NOW!

Shifting perspective to beyond!


Enjoy this Divine offering of the Heavenly spiral of purity of love,
Blessings and joy,
