Friday, 29 December 2017

The Miracle has Always been YOU!

Greetings and Happy New Year dear lighted ones,
Thank you and deepest gratitude to Jamie at Awakening our Truth for this lovely visual, audio and for all of Deanna's expertise and help in allowing our light to flourish and arise to new levels and reach new human tribe ready to awaken. 
My deepest gratitude to everyone that shares their sacred gifts, their sacred heart, and love in all that we are co-creating together. You are felt and you are known by your light and love that you carry and emulate in only that way you can. 

Thank you to everyone and I am so happy to be with you in this incredible human exploration and dance ~

Love is,
God is,
Creation is,
I am,
You are, 
So simple and yet so profound in its unfolding, unique, remembrance, and expansiveness in which it holds within each of us. 
Simplicity of the purity of love.
Blessings and may you all sense the profundity of you ~ within this all, there you are. Glowing, brilliant, and shining forth with grand and eternal Divine essence.

Are you ready for a miracle? Its you, all along, it has always been you.
In light and love, and God within,

Tuesday, 26 December 2017

Our Children Incarnate with a Propensity to Serve

Greetings dear lighted ones,

Oftentimes we think, feel, believe that the cycles that our children, our human families go through are based on old psychological dynamics, and some is true to this, however as awakened human beings, we are also aware that our Universal entanglement, our ability to open to cosmic inter-play, and we forget the depths, the richness that our children come here with already threaded within them to serve and help. They are sewn with a powerful urge to serve, to be of service, and to be a part of a grander soul collection that they are innately a part of.

We forget the Akash that they also come with, the soul lessons for them to move through, their desire to explore, examine, and be actively seeking their gifts within; we are stepping into a new era of understanding and expanding our understanding about us, within our children, within their innate uniqueness so that we can empower and inspire them in a new way and have them excitedly walk their own God walk, and serve in their own God way.

Sacred dialogue about energetic entanglement, open and exciting creational play with energy, majesty, creation in motion ~ crystalline children ache for a more richer entangled existence; they come with a propensity to serve; inspire, empower through encouragement of being uniquely them. Uniquely you dear lighted ones, you are required. You are special, you are a golden aspect of God and we need you.

We are all innately threaded with a purpose, a soul destiny, a soul excitement to serve the greater good. Most, many are simply unaware of it; asleep to it; earthly existence is to awaken to the innate threading WITH Creation that is LIFE, LOVE, God in all ways, in all beings, in all things. We are now awakening dear lighted ones to create the altruistic platform so that we may offer something new, offer something soft and diversely loving for infinite future generations of God children.

Listen to this over and over and over, for there are vibrational headings, vibrational offerings that can assist in understanding the challenges, the dynamics that not only we move through, but to step to a higher perspective for our children. They desire to know their requiredness. And so it is.

Blessings and Divine living light,


Sunday, 24 December 2017

Passion of the Human Journey ~ Passion Ignites!

Greetings Dear lighted ones, 
A profound week of energetic shiftings, awakenings, and new stirrings.
Archive December 23, 2017 of Universal Unity hosted by Joanna L. Ross. After a week off with family Joanna returned to today with a wonderful message..."Our Universal family, our Universal Oneness, we walk in the light and Oneness of our hearts, our intentions of joy and liberation of light, of love, and here we sit ~ gathering in the most sacred way and creating new light fields of human harmony, joy, and prosperity and wellness for all."

Topics for today;

Hour 1 - 'Passion for the Human Journey'
Hour 2 - 'Multi-Dimensional Parenting ~ Passion & Purpose for the Children' 
Click the link below for the archived show...
December 23, 2017 on KCOR
Join us every week for our live ascension global radio shows in which we gather in sacred play, sacred remembrance of our Divine harmonic selves, as we alight a new reality potential in Oneness, unity, expansive hearts of joy and pure love. Expansive ascension energy healings, offerings through Christed Consciousness teachings and channeled wisdoms of the Divine Heavenly Councils. KCOR ~ #NewEarthConsciousness#Ascension#UniversalUnity#JoannaRoss
Blessings and happy holidays to all our Divine and Sacred Soul Tribe, our family, our friends, and all hearts with the loving joy to open in Oneness, 
In joy, in light, in great cheer,
May you always know your gifts, your requirement to be here, and the Divine light you carry within that is You!

 December 23, 2017 on KCOR

Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Dynamic Change is Afoot

Greetings dear lighted one,
Only a few more days to register for our Winter Solstice Sacred Soul Tribe gathering ~ December 21, 12-2:00pm MST *

We will be tapping into our etheric chamber and commune with our Heavenly hierarchies, Divine councils, and the Divine mother energies that have been so prevalent lately for a sense of what is to unveil in 2018 ~
December 21 *

This event I will share some clearing, cleansing, and centering practices that are very crucial as we continue in our human ascension and acceleration, as well as tips for healing the whole family & aligning with living the already ascended spiritually evolved earthly life. So fun!

Tune in, arise, and let's dance for there is the Heavens orchestration within all that we do, all that we emanate and intend in love, peace, unity, and wellness for the All.
Dynamic change is afoot.
Breathe within the spirit in all things.
Breathe within the love and Godliness, the unconditional support and well-wishes within all moments, for It is, you are, the All right here, right now to co-create within and this is what liberates you.
Breathe in a new life being rebirthed right now;

I am centred and present within my Christed essence,
I am centred and awake within my mastery of light to create, to love, to give, and as I do; I receive.
I am ready to receive as I flow and allow all that is God to live through me ~
And so it is,
And so I am.

Celebration is now ~ now we create!
Tune in every Saturday as we go live on our global ascension radio show with KCOR

Blessings and great light,


Monday, 11 December 2017

You are Reminded of Your Divine & Heavenly God Essence

Greetings Dear lighted Ones,

This may come as support and empowerment through the eyes and heart of a parent, a caregiver, a guardian that feels every bit of the pain and anguish that many children feel as they navigate the transformative waters that we exist within now.  We are in the stage of our ascension in which so many awakening, so many seeing new potentials, that all that has always been imbalanced, all that has been sad, ill, in deep sufferage, is coming to us and through us in our collective healing of it.

Veils are the illusions that showed us what was normal, what was acceptable, what was natural, what was a miracle and what was doctrine. Awakening is quantum remembrance.  In this quantum remembrance, we are gifting ourselves new opportunities to expand our consciousness awareness within it. To deepen, enrichen, and enliven more compassionate and unconditional ways of behaving.

Ascension is the movement through moment-for-moment reality with ever-expansive perspectives of all that we are, all that we exist within, and all that exists within; this ever-expansive view and love of self is what alters our beliefs, concepts, and potentials in which we behave as a human society.

Our world is changing and already we can sense, we can feel the undercurrent of our spiritually evolved life blooming beneath our feet. This undercurrent IS the collective heart beating a new human song for peace, for harmony, for prosperity, and wellness for all beings. Our hearts entangled, entwined, threaded within the grander heart of God; the perfection of Mother God rays, the perfection of Divine Father God rays and it is a quantum trigger catalyzed through breath, through Divine timing and your profound multi-dimensional essence.

Your eternal 'Is-ness' can soften, can offer, can soothe the ripples that still seem coloured in suffering by seeing and gifting all moments with your blessing of Divine expectations. Not the material expectations that we have been used to reading about but with the heart-felt knowing that you feel the God essence, the expectation of them, the All, in finding and illuminating their way with their own God light; for they already are. It is through our eyes, our beliefs, that perceive they need to change, they need to do or find their way in the way we did, or that is minimal in suffering; for it is not for us to judge how any one soul moves through their karma, their soul blueprint, or their unique creative discovery of the grander God-self that already is. Many children, many crystalline children have chosen to move through their Akashic releases and healings early in life so that they can truly create and do what is needed as they grow into their human form and readiness. Many take on the parents, the situations, and all that they do in a higher knowing they ARE God light and they WILL find their way.  Our role is to encourage and empower what God knowingness was written in every soul contract; their connection, their link, their requirement to the whole and we are all Divinely loved and supported and the Universe, Mother Father God, our celestial teams; the ALL believes in US.

We are threaded within All things, we are threaded and breathing within the All; an eternal consciousness Webb of love, the diverse and dynamic webbing, undercurrent and pulsing that is pure with unconditional love, unbiased potential, and It is awaiting to coalesce in only the way that you can create and imagine within It.
An eternal never-ending ride and as you seek the pristine crystalline light within the All, within our children, within those that have challenged and worried you, see their crystalline light and see their igniting their God-spark within ~ see and feel the light that they will awaken to, that they will align with and move in whatever way their soul, their blueprint desires their soul to have but we can gift them with the empowerment of what they already are; Divine perfection. 
Gift all with the love of Source; see the light emanating from them and their innate knowingness to also seek It within, commune with It within, to be guided by It, inspired and ignited by It, and shifted within their own unique path and unfolding that will be exactly what their soul has ordered. 
Gift the All with the unique celebration of love that only you can do in your unique way. Embrace the sun and moon in only the way that you can, for there is something tingling within that speaks of you within it.  When one is truly in their centered state of presence, grounded and aligned with their innate God essence, a profound peace and inner knowing becomes the resonance that cannot be denied and it can be felt in a compassionate smile, or an uplifting empowerment. 
Our own innate healing clears the way for all others. Our inner peace, stillness, balance, and Oneness with Source within sets the foundation in knowing others can seek It within and It will always be there with Divine and Heavenly blessings.  

The suffering that we see, that we experience may be soothed and eased by the encouragement of our own inner sanctuary of Godliness. Our unwavering knowing of the God within all things will be found and felt by all in their own unique way and timing, and yet I can offer you my compassion and empowerment for we are of One human family, One Universal heart, and I am here for you. 
This is an example of unity consciousness, and how our letting go of judgment, expectation of tradition, or societal formula's on how any one life path should unfold is the key to opening the way for the human family now awakening and the children that alter our planet in ways that we could only dream of. 
You are the love breathed forth within Creation for a special and unique experience in the form of your choosing. You are as brilliant within as without and I know of your inner genius. I can feel your heart ready for a new pulse of love that will awaken yourself within all things, and all beings, and it is the God essence that is breathing this moment for us to unite within It.  
These are the Divine encodations unseen but felt in every way and when we can see beyond the suffering and create expansive perspectives about the Godliness and perfection within all paths, we see how truly powerful and profound each being is to experience Creation in the way that they do; in this allowance perspective, the controls, restrictions, and expectations of a societal perfection drop away and one has the energetic space to explore their innate perfection already and always beating within. 
When you sense or see others suffering; allow for the God essence to be seen. Allow for their requirement, their purpose within our human earthly family to show you how they can be assisted if assisted at all. Offer your empowerment and encouragement to already know of their perfection, to remind them of their place within our human family and the gifts they bring already. Not by what they can do more, or find more, or be better at; but what loving heart essence they are as the God child birthed and breathed in the perfect way that every child was intended to know, to always know, to always awaken to, and to joyfully explore and rediscover. 

It is oftentimes the soft and gentle reminders of Ones inner shine that does so much and isn't it nice to hear that we are all already perfect? You are special. You are needed, and I know, I see, I feel the God within you, and I believe in you; sometimes, this is enough. 
I know you can do this dear lighted ones. I believe in you! You are needed and you are loved. You are purposeful, you are required within the grand wheel of Creation and your heart shines and touches mine ~ we are One. Eternally we are One, within our whole hearts, our beating pulse of God, of harmony and balance. Universal Unity is our Oneness within it all, all beings. 

May you always know your Divine and brilliant self-worth, for you truly are loved beyond measure.
I love you. You are needed and required. I believe in you.  Arise, celebrate, and be of good cheer. We have come so far together and this is only the beginning!
Blessings and great joy,

Sunday, 10 December 2017

2018 Co-Creations ~ Already Living within A Spiritually Advanced Human Earth Experience

Archive December 9, 2017 of Universal Unity hosted by Joanna L. Ross. Today...Align, enhance, and arise to the most unconditional self, the illuminated Christed Self, and allow for Creation to be ignited from the link below to hear the archived show...

Quantum Creation ~ Join us in these exciting times in which we let go of all linearity and CREATE! 
** Topics ** Already Living a Spiritually Advanced Human Earthly Life **
Perspective, intent, vision, creativity is truly key in what reality you experience. Already now!

We had a beautiful vision of Mother Mary to offer a blessing and seasonal offering to those that open their hearts to receive ~ it was a beautiful sacred sharing ~

We go live every Saturday 11:00am MST **

Be of Good cheer and celebrate all that you are ~ you are so profound and loved, and supported!

Monday, 4 December 2017

Healing the Human Family ~ Veils Dropping

We are here to awaken to our profound mastery in light & love ~
We are here to remember any imbalance; physical, mental, emotional, energetic, that we are the masters to re-align, heal, and atone within our purity of will, inner knowing, and self~loving of kindness & self-honour. Remembering our innate multi-dimensional bodies, healing capabilities, and lighted presence within the All is the validation that we are not separate, never have been, never will be. 
As the veils of our global ascension shifts into heightened and expanded awareness, we will not only be privy to Divine lighted Angelic experiences, but also those of all vibrations ~ it is an aspect of human ascension and evolutionary preparation that we prepare with insight, wisdom, and centeredness how to clear, cleanse, and align with clarity, empowerment, and inner Divine intellectual  knowing of how we traverse our ever-changing multi-dimensional realities. This is very important for those that are in social circles, sharing circles, families, and anyone that is around large groups or varying groups of people and to walk forth with unconditional hearts and empowerment to know your gifts in / when to assist, clear, call in the angelic realms. 

From our myriad of timelines, lifetimes, and fear-based incarnations, Akash and cellular memory coming forward for healing, it is not necessary to react in fear, or discourse, but know that it is a part of our earthly and human rebalance and story to reunify, love, heal, ourselves within the ALL. Stand in this knowing that All is Well. Tune in to how your bodies feel; do you react with fear, anxiety, or feel as if your body wants to contract - these symptoms will show you that there is a healing that is ready to come forth for you to masterfully navigate and command with your Divine unconditional loving heart. We can teach our children this at any age - in appropriate youth dialogue for them to know their own mastery to create light, positive enlightenment for their daily lives. 
This is our Oneness. Our sparkling golden threading of unity, Universal consciousness, and Divine inner vastness.
Wow ~ so excited to be human at this time of profound global transformation.
This is how profound you are ~

There is a Divine webbing of consciousness that exists within you, that you exist within, and this webbing is to support in whatever vibration you set ~ there is no bias. Therefore, why not align and rebalance to a vibration that serves you and the heart-felt desires you crave, you ache for, you sense spiralling within ~ we are meant to evolve within our lighted potentials ~

Have a glorious day in your Divine unfolding and awakening to the ALL that you are ~ shine forth dear ones, shine forth!
* Join us for our December 21, Special Solcstice Event ~ We will be recording and moving through various clearing, cleansing, and realignment techniques for your multi-dimensional bodies, families, homes, and what is forthcoming in 2018 ~
* We are also going to create a loving invocation for the calling forth of our Divine Compliment and anchoring this sacred merging for human ascension.
*** ***
So very exciting and empowering us to new expansiveness of light, love, and Universal harmony.
Blessings and great love,
Joanna L Ross


Sunday, 3 December 2017

You are Divine God Essence

When you release all resistance to you,
You illuminate and allow God breath, Creation in all of Its magnificence to live through you in all of Its glory and splendour.
Most often we walk in clinched suppression of the Divine within, and unbeknownst, are the very veils we are to initiate ourselves through as we prepare for our Christed Divinehood;
So that you may; feel, breathe, hear, sense, see, touch, and be the you that you knew would be offered upon such transformative playing fields. 
This free-flowing aspect of you, to live within the liquid light essence of you, is the innate God self. Free of self-sabotage, self-doubt, and resistant free to love and be loved. When all illusions have been loved whole ~ you are the initiator of the Divine Universal Christed self. Free-flowing you, in all of your splendour and joy, and light. 

Here is our live podcast from our weekly ascension global radio show ~ we hope you enjoy the myriad of ascension topics, healing offerings, and sacred soul tribe sharing ~ 
Show #96 ~ can you believe it? 96!

Weekly Affirmation in Divine Self Love
I release all resistance to my nature Divine Godly essence.
I release all karmic residue and negative imprints that have held me in states of lack, doubt, and self-neglect.
I release thought patterns, behaviours, and beliefs that hold me in self-sabotage and less than.
I am a Divine golden God child and I am worthy of liberation in the ALL that I AM.
I am worthy of feeling, sensing, knowing, seeing, hearing, and exploring within my eternal, loving, and infinite Divine sacred God self.
I step forth within this now moment to claim my Divine God essence; liberated, free, entangled and entwined with the purity of light and love of the Holy Mother Father.
I step forth in pure innocence to be my Christed Self,
I step forth in pure excitement and joy to live within all gifts bestowed as I do so and commit to living wihtin this loving embrace of my liberated free-flowing dynamic Universal God self.
I embrace my authentic heart, my authentic voice, I am Divine love in motion.
I am eternally blessed.
I am eternally brilliant.
I am eternally joyful in breath and stillness,
I am eternally infinite to create with the Divine,
I am free-flowing with Mother Father God.
And so it is,
And so I am.