Monday, 24 April 2017

Ascension Offerings ~ 24th of April

Greetings dear golden ones,

You set the frequency to ALL that unfolds ~
Ignite, shift, kick-start a new field of potential, spiralling until we choose our dynamic birth-right, our design to be masters of light ~
Divine Orchestration ~ We are masters of it.
Stand as One in our choice to Create and be the essence of light.
Blessings and great joy,
Our latest Ascension article;

How may you create?
Registration info coming this week about Sedona 11/11 ~ Sedona Creative Life Center - we are so there! Save up, book it, and see you there!
Sedona First Contact Universal Unity Celebration ~ 11/11 Gateway, Crystalline Children of all Ages welcome!

Sunday, 23 April 2017

Allowing the God-Self

For those who so desire, here is a video short on Modern Galaxy * Thank you for sharing of the light, and sharing the love,

Blessings for the path unveiling of our God-self ~ the energy, the One energy that opens, allows, ignites, inspires all wisdoms, all skill, all Divinity ~ and so it is,

Thank you to Todd, Thank you to Jamie, Thank you to Gavin and Ashten and all others that assist in sharing joy, laughter, dance and Creation's gifts to us for our evolution ~ 
Blessings and great joy,



Thursday, 20 April 2017


Greetings and joy dear ones,
Join us on Saturday for our global human day, our earth day, our Universal Oneness and Unity ceremony and celebration.
We reach to the Heavens, we reach within, and we join in love. Not to be missed if you are excited to join, gather, enlighten, and arise.  We are the master creators, we are the ignition to all change, to all love, to all peace and that is why we are here. To remember our Oneness, our light, our soulful entanglement that goes beyond what can be proven, can be seen, and it is within that the majesty unveils.

Here is the log on info;
Saturday April 22, 2017 ~ Earth DAY, Human Day, NEW HUMAN FAMILY & Universal ONENESS ~ 
Time; 2:22pm-3:33pm PST
In Unity, in Peace, in Oneness, 
We are ONE ~ Join our loving ceremony, our communion, our gift and offering to Gaia, to Creation, to this benevolent Universe. 
Log on tele-cast info;

Earth DayTime: Apr 22, 2017 2:22 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +16465588656,266260785# or +14086380968,266260785#
Or Telephone: Dial: +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll) or +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll)

Join us in this special loving celebration of light and love,
Blessings and great joy,

Ascension Updates

Greetings dear lighted ones,
This lovely ascension frequencies are offering so much for us to refine and align and our live show this weekend, every Saturday will go through much explaination on this incredible transition. This will be a 'not to miss' show.
Every Saturday at 11:00am MST for our live high energy ascension show. 

What a lovely video that Jamie and Gavin co-created!
The images are so lovely and thank you to Gavin for translating and creating ~ Jamie genius at the image and timing and audio ~ you are such an incredible team!
Blessings and great joy for this light and energy moving within the latin and Spanish communities, thank you,
Blessings and great joy,

Tuesday, 11 April 2017

My Crystalline Child Interview ~ Indigo Child Awakening

Greetings and good morning dear lighted ones,

The Crystalline energy is beginning to spark all over our globe and know that even in your inspiration to ignite it within, you begin to pull and magnetize new beginnings and people, situations, circumstances to you.  We are manifesting at incredible speeds, and allow the fears and trauma to truly drop and let go ~ for we are spiralling within the unimaginable.  

How are your enjoying, self-loving all that you are and all that you do. 

Do you create daily, moment-for-moment self-honor, self-gratitude and exaltation with the light that is within. You do not have to create it from nothing. There is that God spark, the God seed, the essence of pure inner joy and knowing that you are required here, you matter, you are a part of this grand version of a new earthly and human story and you simply must be awake to take part.  

Such profound times in light, in love, and the energy essence from within all will allow you to know you are threaded within the Divine loving family of something so new.  Never seen, felt, or known before ~ we are here to create LOVE!
Join in our soul family gatherings and lighted Christed energy offerings; 
JUNE 24th TAMPA ~ Ascension, Universal Child, Universal Awakening 
Do you create that self-appreciation that aligns you with your Divine essence, limitless gifts, 
Our limitless gifts of what is unfolding & how self-excitement is affecting the new reality you experience; 
Here is our Divine Crystalline Child youtube * My special entanglement radio interview with my Crystalline child Hannah and how we are discussing the birthing and coming to life of our energetic children of light.

The Crystalline Child ~ we are preparing and refining in every way and how all that we are is creating the threads of freqeuncy in which we are upon transition stations, or accilimatization stations that will help prepare the Universal family as well as us for Universal play, travel, and Oneness in a way that humanity has never experienced before. 
Blessings and great joy,

Here is our link for June 24th to join us in Tampa

Sunday, 9 April 2017

Theshold of NEW

Greetings dear lighted ones,
Here is our live podcast from Saturday April 8, 2017 

Big energy day and Tina from KCOR seems to always anchor the space and allow me to truly light it up!
Threshold of New Destiny Unfolding 
* Universal Light Wisdom Center, crystalline children, the home as your sacred temple, the body as your sacred vessel - big energy! 
So excited for the unknown!

Incredible transformations ~ our full moon is coming up this week so allow yourself the Divine sacred time for communion, initiations, and alignment with Creation and create something special and unique for you. These are truly incredible Creation energies!
So excited!
Blessings and great joy,



Simplicity & Affirmation

Greetings dear lighted ones,
You are a Divine essence. 
We inspire you to create a sacred space & presence with that 1 sentence. We are entering a reality potential dear lighted ones in whic simplicity will be key to return to Source self. We have been bombarded with wo much news, awakening concepts, and all is great and valid, however, we must also return to center point, the zero point, and truly feel, sense, hear, be the resonance of the vibration of the words gifted. 

This is new dear lighted ones. This will be important to your surrender into the 'unknown' and create that Divine Sacred Heart centering to be in the presence of PURE LOVE.
Daily Affirmation & Alignment
I am pure Divine loving essence.
I am the light within God Seed to ignite my own coming to life.
I am living my Divine God Seed essence ~ my Christed self.
I am pure in my love for myself.
I am pure in my entanglement & Oneness with Mother Father God.
I am pure in my excitement for me.
I am pure in my joy to be me, my new experience as Christed love for myself.
I walk in this presence.
And so it is.

Return to center and simplicity, it really is that lovely.
Blessings and great joy,

Thursday, 6 April 2017

New Manifestations ~ ARE YOU READY!

Greetings dear lighted and shiny ones,
So many reasons to be in joy! It has been a very busy and fast paced week and feel the ground moving beneath my feet to propel us ever upward and onward. Are you sensing that so many are tapping into the 'new paradigm' of belief that we have inspiring and how this 'new paradigm' of belief, this new way of behaving is the key to create the new grids, the new light field, the new anything you desire? Because it is!
Now that our grids have been re-structured if you will, you can sense that the support, the embedding is of a different calibre, a new rotation of gifts and energy encodings to also allow you to bring your birthright into plain view for the taking. So how may you tune in and align with every now moment to see, to sense, to become fully aligned with your majestic gifts and potentials?
Allowance, surrender, and joy!
The simple keys to allowing the Divine Source within to come forth and play ~ the Divine Inner Temple can allow you to sense and tune in to all that is spiralling forth to entangle & bring about grand change and transformation. Creating a gentle focus and creative intent is how you lovingly pierce excitement into the light field and watch the majesty unfold. I have been practicing these very steps in my own life and have seen an incredible transformation over the past few months. Manifestations and the majestic truly surfacing out of the blue! 

These are magical times dear lighted ones,
Are you ready for the magic carpet ride?
Blessings and great joy ~ 
Tune in on Saturday for our special lightship update and session on Excitement ~ tune in for our monthly meditation for those who so desire! 

Tampa is coming up in less than 90 days.....wanna meditate on the beach at sunset and invocate love and light with the cetaceans and ocean Gaia energy? Me too! I am so there! Join us for this special Tampa ascension, first contact, loving alignment event!

Monday, 3 April 2017

Crystalline Joy

Good morning dear lighted ones,
Miracles begin when you know they are a part of every moment blessings and a birthright to experience.
How may we create?

We are beginning a new path of light and exploration. This weekend we announced a special unique journey to explore light, crystalline energy, and our human potential with the launch of our Universal Light Wisdom Centers, that will be the energetic foundation of global light wisdom and healing for the new heightened and illuminated galactic human. 

These teachings will inspire those who so desire to begin a new path to align with the Divine Inner Temple through Divine manifestation in all things. Manifesting with light, manifesting with Divine intelligence, and how to align with your highest Divine blueprint potential. These centers are for the Universal child of all ages, all levels of awakening. 

This is all in alignment with our most recent youtube video from an article about my energetic musing over the past few years about starting my own higher dimensional school, however I wanted to create a name that truly emulated what it would offer and emulate; Universal Light Wisdom Centre is much more aligned with what the core purpose and excitement will be.  I have seen these centers in my visions and in correspondence with off world assimilation centers that work in tandum if you will to cross educate, empower, inform, and inspire higher dimensional wisdom, light wisdom, Source unveiling and the true transformation of emerging the integration of our whole Christed self.  How our collective was intended within the grander Universal evolution desire from Mother Father God.  We are all meant to live our passions, our excitements, and our truths, in alignment with the Divine Inner Temple as our understanding to manifest, create, align, and explore energy and all that we are as multi-dimensional beings of light and to prepare all future earth foundations for the light children, crystalline children generations from now of higher vibrating genetic systems.  
Here is our youtube that explains a little more on why joy, play, sacred exploration with light, and happiness is our birthright and that all children require to come to life in a new way;

This is the initial beginning and although I have no idea what, how, and when these centers that I see in my vision will unfold, I trust the Universe and Mother Father God. These centers will provide all those that are excited to learn, align, and unveil their unique light gifts, excitements, in a way that steps beyond limitation of structures, confines, out-dated programs in every way. I mean every way. The children will guide and direct their own unveiling, the guide will align with theirt unique talents and gifts in explorative ways that excite their inner senses and Gaia will be a part of our very foundation. 

Here is the excerpt of our show this weekend with my very special guest star child; Hannah ~ my crystalline daughter of light, and our off-the cuff conversation about what a school may look like;
In light and love,
Here is our link to the page to explain more;
Enjoy and have fun on your unfolding ~
Blessings and great joy,

Join us on Saturday April 8th for our monthly ascension class ~ children of all ages welcome!