Wednesday 9 October 2024

The New Waves - Not What you Think - DREAM - the miracles are boundless #5D

 Inspiration of the genius within - #AlanisMorissette

Song of the day By Joanna A new Dawn Unknown - but sing Can you feel the new waves of colours untouchable can you feel the sense of unknown laughing with you there is a shift can you feel the wonderland of your heart bursting beyond what was there is a laughter of the new and brave why the breaking is the necessary it is timely of a new land Arise Colour Anew Brilliant Genius Wrapped up and deep in you - 

I am the song of a new land and songs with all times within the depths of tears I bathe the new gardens The seeds of stories of all our sisters and brothers the ones capsized along the way reaching, teaching, all anew we dreamed of this place I beckon your hearts tuck in dear ones the mother calls like a child lost in the dark there is a light within dear one reach for it
ITs calling you home and I am here waiting to hold you and hug you so dear and pure You made the trip and it will sing your name for all lands and times 

ⓒ Sing dear ones this is the song os unity the breathing and the new The hearts of pure and sacred - oh you are the ones that made this trip and you know it is your soul coming to life again 
the heavens breach the vessel upon new ground

You are gave it your all You are home You are home Lift up Arise You are home The song breaks and the new new dawn busting through your chest Raw and real Time to be anew Sing elate let go I AM the rising sun

The ancients of times and the believing of songs unsung You were coded with a song only in you of you Roam dear ones

Its your time ⓒ Life up Arise SO be the journey home I am 
Joanna copyright

#newHuman #5DsensitiveArts

Sunday 6 October 2024

Codes of NEW EARTH - #5D Calls for NEW Aligned Leadership & Discern the Wounded


I have never had a 'collaborator' in my work I have never had a boss
I have not been paid by any and left homeless and for dead of group, gang, elite soul harvesting my life, energy, and work, ideas for those that are simply theives of and for the underground - false leaders and false guides of humanity that are portals for trafficking and use systematic abuse and trafficking for their gain and there are many having their shifting tantrums as they are being moved out of their roles - they cannot believe that ABUSE is not the way things go - 

There is a God, A Source, and there is a divine elegant plan for humanity 
I have never even discussed, nor agreed in such nor ever signed in partnership of any in my devoted work God was very specific many many years ago - ' stay in your own space ' 

None have paid me for my youtube platform videos nor work and content - there has been many taken, copying, doppleganger my life and their intention was to erase me and replace with lesser and misaligned minions that are simply ones that bow to the corrupt 

- I will not stand down and I know truth and I will speak it - 

#calgaryCult #Erperez and all you have belonged with and what you chose will face you and the intention was for me not to be here for their selfish plots, plans, and agendas to take - and pretend they earned what God is showing all - a new earth is being birthed and we are done with abuse - HEAL 

Sit down satan - Source life is sacred and all that abuse, use, harvest, target, attack will be seen, known, for all they have chosen - you choose abuse and you will face it - it can be sweet and honouring of a healing process or God and your soul that you refuse to face and sit down - will do so that not only will you see your deeds but the all will see it too - you choose every unfolding - 

God knew the hearts of those around me - there was nothing but greed, selfishness, manipulation Those that refuse to face their wounding and heal it - they project blame defile and abuse all around them to ensure their narrative becomes staple as all others - Your story is your story Your characters will not be your enslaved batteries and minions The enslavement of the innocent for the bowing to the nefarious and wounded, is not our earthly destiny * Know this dear ones - There has been nefarious controlling domination tactics used across this planet in the 'misunderstanding, veiling, blocking, and suppression of 'right use of free will, energy, occult wisdoms, and magic' and such is the uplifting of the dark underbelly that has been the wounding, the nefarious immature tantrums of those that have refused to FACE WHO THEY ARE - and heal their DF / DM energies

FACE YOUR WOUNDING and heal it -
Heal thyself - heal thy wounds, so it does not become another's - karma misses none and all deserve to be treated sacredly - break the cycles of abuse 
Covert abuse
Systematic take down of DF and any that speak out on corruption 
Abuse of power 
The list goes on - and it begins within and with each 

The underbelly of humanity - the underground, the BILLION $ business, the organization of 'trafficking' and harvesting of such degrading abuses - - - that there is a wide array - when a balanced and divine powerful DF stands before those that are not healed - misogynists, those that attack what they are not healed within, there are many groups that gather in their gender to bring forth their inner wounding in 'support' of their no facing, and hiding, running from, and thus creating rings of hate, rings of denial and all that is what manifests in the NOT FACING -  **** you can never run from you - it will always return in your outer and will face you - TRUTH will face you and it will trigger you and ask you purify, you accept, 3A's of who you are in totality - The outer 3D systems work within discrimination, abuse, less than, degrading, piety and utter wrong knowledge about God, energy, and the mystery that is Creation and what is within - as we align and expand and grow - we will see the expansiveness of consciousness of our perfection and infinite life in our alliance in the light God ,Source, Creation always offers 

* there is always light to expand and heal - - - light is life and the inhale, exhale is Gods breath, Gods breath is a light harmonic song - every day - our planet is being bathed in such and in such, the dark belly of you and all shadow aspects, wounding, memories, wisdoms, will be pulled for you to access and be new in higher consciousness of becoming eternal All that is in our 'underground' is healable - it is 100% unnecessary and eons of abuse, cycles of the abuse of such inconceivable abuses - when it comes out in the degrees of how we have allowed such abuse to the sacred seed, and life of Gods garden - we will have to 3A's what has been so unnecessary - and how shut off we have been to the unity, compassion, preciousness of what and who we are - and how has the leadership been a pivotal part in such - and your agreement to give power to such 

LEARN and KNOW NEW EARTH Laws and higher ORDER - it is not forcing narrative to lower 3D ill ranked mess for selfish gluttony - it is a mess and will be cleaned out

Who is any low vibrational misguided and wounded person to say 'who gets the highest bid, or sacrifice'
WHO IS THIS level of absurdity - there is a cleansing on this planet -

God showed me that I was 'sold' without my even knowing and why my life 'going nowhere' even in the daily alignment with Source, and manifesting I do at a higher level was manifesting literally nothing and barely moving into higher health and light - because I was being sold, harvested, siphoned by idiots and wounded people - and they will face every deed, and every day they chained me to their idiocy of dark trafficking system for their benefit while I sat homeless and hungry barely surviving the daily attacks of spell work so that I would stay confused and not coherent to what the fuck was going on -

#3D Corrupt Entertainment Business - IT IS A portal to trafficking and corrupt as FUCK

We are seeing this unfold in every moment - the seedy, greedy, shady, corrupt being pulled culled out - the light will do this - and I will speak on the abuses of my life and my daily fighting for a voice for the innocent and those not being shown how to work with light and reclaim the power to not be abused and used - harvesting is unfortunately the new crack cocaine the underground are trading -

They will sell and bid, bet, everything in any way these very wounded souls show and are - so be it - but not to force drag down to hell any one they choose because they refuse to align, seek source and do the healing of their own life force and light -

WE MUST know there are higher operating orders and laws, and instructions - this is ascension - and I will offer and keep offering regardless of the blocking, veiling and sabotaging of my life for me not to raise and offer what GOD HAS designed - we must expand and ascend

- Dark occult misguidance and the wrong doing of so many living in secret - it is a mess and all secret societies, witches, warlocks, and any that think they have power over any - is and will be sadly mistaken and your reality will be to the extent to which you refuse to face and make right and adjust your higher self alignment

ASCENSION is a one event for every planet - over a period of time due to the depths of density, wounding, that must be healed - it is quantum, it is a gift from God Source, to enter into eternal life - or not

- ascension is a sacred process and is the same for all - the process IS the same but how and what way all take is unique pacing, temperament is unique but the process is the same - all will be seen in the shaking out -

Know the matter manifestation of dark conjuring, dark intending, dark projecting, it all affects all matter, it affects life around you, the home, the car, the job - you manifest it all - YOUR ENERGY HAS TO GO SOMEWHERE 
Light is light 
Dark is dark
Why we are seeing the backfire

Darkness affects how our matter operates and it has been a red flag for over 30yrs on this planet - if we do not heal and alter the belief system and create new systems - there will be simply extinction -

#epstein earth is the result - selling bidding of all sacred light and there will be those that as they sacrifice children and organ harvest and sell innocent people into false marriages and sick ass underground schemes of money trading sick ass hands of idiocy - they will still fight for their corrupt earth and feeding the demons they have forcing them into self demise to feed that demon of jealousy or envy, greed, power over others - whatever that demon is and how why they chose to sell their soul - to such underground groups - all valid and is our lesson 

- - -we have to FACE THESE sick toxic corrupt elite harvesting rings that the very governments pay into for their sick agendas

The leaders will play their part in healing, moving out or helping heal - all will face their part and taking money to hurt the innocent and paying into - all will face - this is judgment time - none will be missed - none are guaranteed a next lifetime nor body -

this is earths last 3D ascension - we will not be 3D forever - we are ascending, evolving, and about 20 yrs behind schedule due to the relentless greed, abuse, power over the innocent and refusal of some of these dark souls to release what was meant to be released decades ago adn they will release - by force or sweetly - all choose

No 3D corrupt mason will dictate earths ascension and Gods plan - wake up - none on this planet have such ranking 

Source is
Mother God is
Father GOD is SOURCE
WE ARE NEW - ready to break the box store beliefs ???

there are new teachings, and new ideals, new measuring's and new moral codes higher codes of ethics, and it is within the sacred trinity and universal laws - period

CHURCH and STATE will not be our measuring stick - it is corrupt as FUCK and needs to fall

God has cut cords and life force from all those that have been living false corrupt elite lives and misappropriation of the peoples money and talent while they live in devil evil debauchery - there were those while I was devoted to healing humanity daily - these people used my money, life force for swinging orgies to manifest more stuff while they defamed, falsely accused, and wasted the cities time, money, resources for false claims and simply all so much corruption and all is offences you cannot even count -

The abuses of human rights, acts and laws for the protection of the innocent has been utterly disregarded and abused in the most egregious of ways - and done so obsessively and with malice and intent of utter 'hunger game' mentality -

#humantesting #corruptShadowGovernment that paid many of these societies to attack and target - it is all a system of corrupt feeding the bellies of wounded - misogyny at its worst
and it is shifting
STEP Aside -
I WILL TAKE MY PLACE and it must be seen, heard, and dealt with


The abuses of the basic and higher level spiritual laws -

And while these people - so called tribe and family - hell no - liars and shady corrupt selfish beings - sold me more than 100 times on top of the childhood issues I had to already heal - and transmute and transcend but the daily blocking, going no where and homeless and all was in their plan - their intention was to have me systematically - by all systems, and those within the systems be taken out - either through suicide or sacrificing and they can keep going and doing what they do 

CORRUPT Systems and those that built it

- for they built the corrupt systems of never be 'caught' for their dumb ass destruction of humanity due to corrupt covert abuses and the paying of those within the systems to make things go away and more and more criminals walking around covertly abusing and targeting the innocent that were brought here to uplift and show humanity higher and more - it is insane - the most grotesque abuses and the CHURCH and state and all that choose to take money to abuse, lie, and hide, all will be found out - energy does not LIE -

You will not lead by bullying and spell work to take, rape, and harvest - what the hell?

**** CHURCH and STATE is falling and it must
God has taken the light out of the matrix The matrix will fall There are programs that are coded, being played out that control the narrative, clone, force deconstruction, and force devaluing, weaponization, human testing, trafficking on all levels of sacred life 
* * energy is being trafficked and sold to the 'highest bidder' * * energy is being harvested and siphoned and being swapped to those that have no right, no ranking in earning such, no talent, no alignment and nothing but a greedy and resourceful heart to pay for such dark occult manipulations * * Children are being sold, trafficking, tossed like life is nothing - God offers gifts, I was a gift, and I was treated for over 50yrs as if I was a token of entitlement for those that have no clue, no idea and no grasp of the degrading mess they have to now face - they will face - they will face thier intentions to take, have, dominate, kill and face their demons of feeding the wounds that can only be healed in the 'healing' 
WE are seeing what underbelly superficiality and outer payment to outer false pillars and false deeds

and what such gives manifestation to the mess that is everywhere Corrupt hearts, souls, spirits, and disconnection - and what has it manifested - corrupt business, corrupt so called 'entertainment' power hungry misaligned beings that act and behave as if they own life and they have say over life and they behave like unhealed 'tantrums' of their inner wounding -

Those that refuse to lift another above them - be weary They fake smile and they say the words - but their and projection is pure hate, envy, and selfishness 
These are everywhere and why they go into covert underbelly abuse - they gather and do chanting and spinning death wishes - because they see you living your light - they refuse to face the WORK and inner facing that they must do to align in purity of being vibrationally ranked and divine in sacred position - new earth leadership is not 3D corruption and degrading, selling, bidding, trading, and trafficking of life -

Life is sacred And if you do not hold yourself sacred, if you sell yourself to lower devil hearts, souls, and so on - they do not own their own inner alignment with Source, God, LOVE You will sense energy and vibration 

Abuse of power is the general code of 3D - when officials, systems, and all within it are corrupt - they have no idea who they are, nor the constructs of creation and all wishy washy misguided beliefs and abused by those that know how to abuse systems and energy and pull in cults, covens of people to harvest and take from so they are always fed and while they give nothing - 

These are harvesters - recruiters of harvesting agents - it is real and there are many that live like this daily - the underground is a harvesting cesspool and it must be faced and healed - 

A proper and higher understanding of who we are, what exists within, and what we exist within 

Proper honouring and working with our life force that is respectful and sacred - not devaluing discriminating and abusive 
There will be those that sabotage and do all they can do to take you down, pull you down, and target you on every level so that they can feel bigger better and are not - they are not - they live from a lack space, one over and competition of bullying and intimidations - - - when you see and know the psyche wounding - there is unfolding of their tactics of sabotage - and evidence, investigative evidence will be shown - receipts, and IP addresses, chat room hate discussions, and chanting circles for sacrificing the ones that they claim as 'threatening' 
WE are not religion nor are we state - 
WE are divine 
WE are light eternal 
WE must learn how to operate in as such 

They plot, they plan, they strategize because they are corrupt and they know your light will call their behaviours and acts of greed, envy, jealous, and arrogance of hate - misogyny and hate groups, covert occult mess by conjuring and sabotaging in energy spell work, hate work, death wishes - all are the deeds of the devils minions - Some will choose to heal and some will continue their hate path - it is all inner - return their energy however they project it - they must see who they are and it is between every soul and God when how that occurs Arise - you are not the energetic dumping bag, nor punching bag, nor the bank roll for those that simply abuse, take, harvest, steal, and sacrifice - there are those that gather in cults, groups, and they plan for the next 'hit on your life' and investigations will show their outcome - the manifestations of their energy and vibrations will be evident and evidence - spiritual corrupt hitmen, hit women - witches and warlocks 

Abuse of energy is abuse - and it wil be called equally - many many many have died due to these corruptions and illusions these people that choose
such abuses - will not be caught -

- they want you to submit to their false power - intimidation, bullying, covert abuse tactics, human testing, MKUltra, systematic abuse, spell casting and veiling cloaking, piercing into another's divination records and energy - 

NONE have an ounce of right to interfere with any level of you and your path PERIOD 
Any that behave act, live from such space will be those manifesting their way out -

Basic human rights
Basic human codes

- treat another as you wish to be treated - and secret covert hiding and occult abuse because they think they are smarter than God and the systems will never 'catch' they abuses and death sacrificing - they will be charged equally - and they will be sitting in the mud they chose and they create from - all are given infinite chances, and same access to SOURCE

- manifest from love or wounding - all chose and we will no longer have wounded misogynists as leaders - we are rewriting all systems and it will be of and for the people not the elite and elite harvesting
CHANGE and evolution is

FALSE POWER is the behaviour of power over others - and it is not Belly of non-sense of self - is the attacking of the years in secret sacrificing and spell work - all will be the demise of all sitting in their wounding - CYCLES mean - - - the corrupt will sit down and they will be called out 
Cycles means - - - the corrupt and misguided souls that ruin, harm, and hurt innocent and then take money, resources, and blame the innocent for their crimes, deeds, and refusal to heal - envy, jealousy, greed, false sense of self, power over others - misappropriation of energy and intentions - they simply want, take, rape, have - these are demonic entity attachment 

- and they will face their deeds - it WILL NEVER be your role to make life easy for the abusive - All face their life outcome - INNER = outer - life is your proof 
Forcing someone to homelessness is not a reflection of the person - it is a reflection of the greedy, liars, and spell casters that stole, raped, and hid what was always there - unhealed little children very wounded and they abuse energy, pay off those in the systems, and abuse occult practices to make themselves fly under the radar - 

All will face their deeds and an abundant soul will be spiritually wealthy will be divinely aligned homeless or not - God is Source is Never bow to the bullying of the wounded - - stand in your light And so be it
Joanna You deserve your good life - you are not responsible for others dirty deeds - and making them feel lifted - let them do the work and let them go through God - you are not their answer and you are not their entitlement and you are not ever to be handled - set the code right on this planet in your intentions - daily intentions - what earth are you manifesting - God places your position based on the purity of your heart - 

As God stated - from here on out -

' Those purely aligned and practiced in heart alignment will be moved into position and lifted ' 

All else will fall and be moved out - there is a shift - and it begins within, consciousness, and how you truly manifest higher realms in light vibration 

WE are DONE With CORRUPTION - done is done 
Power over others is no more

Corrupting and bullying with magic, spell work, chanting circles, jar work, root work, and al the things done in cults, covens, secret societies that choose to abuse and manipulate and play God over narratives, court cases, the innocence of life - will be shifted - all are given an opportunity to alter course and for some - there is no more infinite chances to alter course - you will not have infinite ability to abuse the sacred - and you will be moved and it will be your manifestation 


SOVEREIGNTY is new earth - all are unified with Source, God, Creation - rely on none 
and give power to none 
All will be moved and shifted - hate is not a new earth template - If you lived as if 'all are a star' there will be no such thing as competition - how silly - when you have no self love, no self direction, no sense of self - comparing yourself to others, or attention hogging, and all is not outer it is inner - then you are self directed and it matters not about what is shining on you - because you are shining from within - that is what matters If you want your position and title to remain - perhaps you heal and get the vibration of LOVE 

All corrupt 'positions' of title and false narratives - corrupt pastors, corrupt leaders, corrupt recruiters, corrupt spiritualists - they will be seen and known for their behind the door deeds - voodoo dolls and jars and all - and thus then - when will you face who you are - why is the taking out and killing of another a way you think your title is? You will never gain in any level of ranking but hell when you hurt, take, harm abuse, sexually abuse, and rape another for your lifting - how is that a win? LOOK AT WHO YOU ARE
#calgaryCult copyright ⓒ

Ascension healing, activations, manifesting to 5D vocational alignments Creative Genius ******* 90min $233USD copyright ⓒ

All life always comes into full circle - you will eat your own tail and you will have to face all that you have encircled your entire life and face for your own redemption - If you live in any soul fragment wounding; greed, envy, jealousy, gluttony, selfishness, impatience, disconnection - whatever wounding you behave within for the feeding of your shadow - - - of false narrative will be inevitably taken - for you are not respecting the 'becoming' in new soil - Greedy action will result in the taking from you 

If you do not respect your body, mind, soul, spirit, and all within Spirit, the all of the garden - it simply will not be offered again - your next incarnation is not a given - and what, how, why has our world become a visions of the underground manifesting - all must face their healing - - - who are you - taking another life is not ever going to 'give' you anything but debt - that is the circle of creational wheel ⓒ


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© THANK you for all the sweet and generous hearts that has been the ones of rainbow offering - they know who they are - they have allowed me to eat this year 

- THANK YOU for those that truly lifted and believed in me ~~~ you are my tribe Neuro-Science will be expanding within the quantum knowing of Source and our excitement of such This is so exciting - 

Ascension Wisdoms All botany offers a multi-dimensional story The shamans of ancient and in the tribes of land walkers Sky walkers, all know this God, Source is a song, harmony of unity and belonging The uniqueness and diversity of all botany is a divine portal to the divine and within you #ascensionWisdoms #5Dwisdoms #JoannasWisdoms Ancients of old, Shamans of old, 

Never abused energy or spirit for their gain, gluttony or demise of any - they honoured, respected, and exercised for alchemy - how have we strayed and why? Church and state - what creations in our reality are disconnective at its core - and why? We are within Creation and yet no where are you taught such at a spiritual divine level - this is ALL WE ARE Why there is the shift - Higher intelligence requires you shift your perspective What who how we truly are and what is within us there is quantum purity and surety of SOURCE All life connects with life The spiral of God is all moments and you are the breath of anew It is all within - you never have to spell, sacrifice or pretend you are the maker of another's life path or cloning to get, take, rape, harvest - there is a warping of wisdoms and it will be set anew for paths of those that choose to bring about higher octane of truth All is vibration of intentional direction and focus - but you will not force CREATION into your disturbed box and if you choose to continue your forcing, making, manipulating - you will simply quantumly face your demise - for creation is not this way and your equations of lack, and less than will not hiccup creational breath EVOLUTION is a UNIVERSAL BIRTHRIGHT - - a much higher core movement that 3D greedy gluttonous cults and warped selfish masons, witches and warlocks that have lost their way - understand CREATION The SOURCE force of PLANETS GALAXIES - LIFE WILL CONTINUE in its breath - darkness moves into self implosion - that is the equation - there is however always and cycles of renewal - you choose what end of the infinite your body mind timeline is That is the love of GOD #5DGOD #5DSource #Evolution ReWriting all humanity It is within We are divine and sacred - who said we were not - Sacredness is not sacrificing blood work, cloning, brain chips, and other separative destructive agendas - human testing, MKUltra - all will face must face their creations - that is evolving within your choice - you must face your choice - 

ASCENSION WISDOMS & INSPIRATIONS for the DAY For life #5D ARISE BREATHE There are always eternal waves of Creation the waves of all life in all moments you have to ignite the seed, the spark, the the surfer, the song IT IS ALL ONE this is the concepts of all inventiveness We are divine and eternal Eternal life Eternal youth is held in light you will never gain eternal life in darkness 

It is an equation Life is this way the creational wave is this way You get to surf there is always light There is always new inhale, exhale It is up to you whether you GROW evolve Darkness will not nourish you but to hate and demise, and extinction Evolution is constant In all breaths There is a new quantum cosmic song the Motherboard - the innate It is up to you - and harmonize or not 

Disconnection is the forgetfulness - it is darkness and it is a choice - to heal or not heal - to love or not love thyself Consciousness is everything - - - alignment = connection, relationship --> if your relationship is dark, hateful, separated, you will not be in eternal youth of God, eternal life - it is a choice The quantum laws of creation are simple in its foundation UNITY simply is You will not swap, steal, take, ravage what you have simply not earned consciously nor able to contain, maintain, sustain as you - in light of harmony with God, Oneness, Unity SOURCE is this ever-lasting promise God is sweet grace of all life Eternal life and youthfulness is the seed, the spark, the surfer and the song

Heal, join in - none will BE IT for you - it is YOU Creational Truth is
#ascension is #LOVE is Do you love yourself this breath? Practice self love in all breaths - see how your life alters - your cells and your health Love Blessings and light copyright © Hail and honour to all our ancestors - We are the bridge Respect spirit Respect Gaia Respect life It is that simple

Blessings and light Joanna copyright ©

Joanna May others inspire you - as you are the God within you - inspire yourself anew - The outer is only a reflection - choose from a deep space of self love and self excitement This is the inner - outer As above - is below - so be this © COPYRIGHT 

Book your ascension sessions, healing sessions, activations, and styling sessions #5D alignment and self loving practices - or a #5D Vocational Alignment Sessions ****** 90min $233USD ****** 4X 45min $533USD Love and light my work is my work and channelled wisdoms - none have any right to use, copy, and call their own Please seek legal authority and permission as all copyright laws are applicable on my channel, books, illustrations and content - © copyright

Source is Ascension is Blessings and light Joanna Thank you for sharing our channel

God has spoken - simply none believed a DF as leader and prophet * all communication must go through My business My Work My Ideas My energy None had an ounce to do what was done Abuse and dearth attacks -

Abuse and murder plots All know the depths of abuse - it will be the worse case ever brought forth
#youtubeCorruption #calgarycult #calgarypolice secret society abuse I will sue all involved - businesses and city Blessings and light Joanna Thank you to the few that have been the only ones helping me rebuild Legal human rights Abuse of power Human testing

And so it is
No more corruption, no further exploitation
All are being judged through their own soul - unity consciousness or continue in ignorance
That is your choice and your earth -

or private sessions, webinars, classes or consulting ~ Email me at

#ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #healingourchildren #healing #5Dnewearth #lightships, #UFOS #5Dleadership #alchemy #God #Source #crystalchildren #5Dcrystalchildren #music #musicindustry #5Dartandentertainment #entertainment #starseedmusic #RUSH #RUSHMUSIC #healinghumanitythroughmusic #Oneness #unity #5Dearth #XanaduRush #highercreationalearth #GeddyLee #AlexLifeson #NeilPeart #lightlanguage #5Dhuman #5Dhealing #healingmodalities #creativeearth #creativeleadership #5Dleadership

5D - #ascension #enlightenment









#God #discriminations

5D - #ascension #enlightenment

#soulmates #twinflame


#heavenly #healingrelationships















#Epstein #musk #brainchipprograms #eliteprograms #worldslavery


#hybridchildren  ©

All of my work is copyright to me of me from the Divine for the evolutionary blessings of humanity

Transcending lower vibrational patterns of disease and beliefs of accepting disease and spiritual malnutrition of your systems - it is all within your power - #ExploreAscensionHealing #ExpressAscensionHealing #ExperienceAscensionHealing Blessings humanity for new light and life Joanna #ascensionbooks #healinghumanity #GodMind #higherself
Abuse of the Divine feminine 
Abuse of the spirit of Source, God, cosmic wholeness - 
Discrimination is our human destiny to heal and transcend - 

None play god or speak, trade, bet, bid your life in any way - there has become delicate subtle abuses of trafficking humans and the elite soul harvesters have made sabotaging any they feel threatened by or competing with, and in their insecure no sense of self and nor standards of connection within - they make life hell and loss for all they target - they have the resources and touch point in all systems of their secret society hitmen, and warlocks or witches playing out their games of attacks - it occurs every hour and few survive while inheritance spiritual and monetary are signed over to those that simply did not earn the lineages and eons of devoted spiritual work and play with God, creation, Gaia, and what and who do not care about life itself - but to only clout chase, be seen, be known - but have no connection nor relationship with the essence of life - and our pillars are changing - it is vital and key and why these elite hit groups and thieves of the spirit will be brought down not by any one light worker - - but their own karma and back fire of decades of hate and torment to the innocent - the tables of light have shifted and all were given ample notice - however they only laughed in the heart of God and spit on any and all opportunities to heal and make higher evolved choices - and they chose not to - they chose to continue to attack and so to - the karma returns - all by individual choice. 

God is 
