llow every unfolding to be the quantum inertia to go within and be anew
No outer event will ever determine you No outer event will ever price or value you in any way Make every unfolding the event that was needed for you to grow wiser, think & align as your highest self, be unshakeable - - - All souls are tested multi-dimensionally to see how they respond to all evolutionary unfoldings ~ ego, wounding is 'reacting' ~ center, ground, breathe, and pivot to anew from the higher self perspective = responding in higher form You get to choose when, how, why to respond or not None enforce you to navigate in any other way that you choose that is letting go of 'industry, conformity, and attitude of the saboteurs a win when you engage' What key 'bullying tactic saboteurs use is to 'create chaos, to throw off your focus and direction, path, however, it is also a test to never give in the lower games that those that are only behaving from wounding, loss, to pull you into their pit - - thus - misery loves company ~~~ there was a global announcement yesterday of the 'battle being over' thus - - there will be the 'tantrums' that some will play - - do not give in to the matrix loosing its pull and power, sway, and game of playground mess -- - there is always higher resolve - - - detach, allow the legions that work with you to begin pulling all the 'unseen' proof, evidence, and spirit led teams that working in all places, spaces, and beyond what 3D is even comprehending
- - work with higher beings for resolve - surrender to be in alignment to higher reality outcome
Karma LAWS ARE ALWAYS AT PLAY - - - no matter the players - -
How you play matters and just know - - the light is always watching every move of every soul - all will be tested to behave in higher knowing and higher mastery ways - - -
so you can choose to break curses, hexes over lineages, and lower vibrational leader 'histories' of what they have showed - how poorly they led - and what messes we are not able to stay away from - - -
Detach from outcomes and win-loose
Higher intelligence is always a win - even if it takes longer - - play the long game
Darkness is never a long game - it is all ego win, and pushing to make a move -
The same karmic cycles of the same karmic bullies of control, power over others, money vampires that siphon, use, and take, when they loose an aspect of 'so called power' - - they will force a 'seemingly loose' Same ego tactics - it goes no where - there is no win in ignorance - it is purely simply ignorance and not evolving - step out and move beyond - -reach higher for resolve and let light teams help in 'karmic justice' Simply do not engage - you get to choose what ring you get into and oftentimes, the win is held within how you play not fight there is always a higher wiser way - - -thus creating more heightened potentials, for a heightened outcome -
Quantum is quantum - - saboteurs are not operating in light - - they behave in darkness - thus then - - choose another ring ...... that is mastery None will force any to engage with the devil that wants to play for your energy and time, money, and chaos of reacting from ego - or fear of loss - - make it a win no matter what - you choose - - that's Godly And so be it Celeste PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss copyright©, Joanna
The same karmic cycles of the same karmic bullies of control, power over others, money vampires that siphon, use, and take, when they loose an aspect of 'so called power' - - they will force a 'seemingly loose' Same ego tactics - it goes no where - there is no win in ignorance - it is purely simply ignorance and not evolving - step out and move beyond - -reach higher for resolve and let light teams help in 'karmic justice' Simply do not engage - you get to choose what ring you get into and oftentimes, the win is held within how you play not fight there is always a higher wiser way - - -thus creating more heightened potentials, for a heightened outcome -
Quantum is quantum - - saboteurs are not operating in light - - they behave in darkness - thus then - - choose another ring ...... that is mastery None will force any to engage with the devil that wants to play for your energy and time, money, and chaos of reacting from ego - or fear of loss - - make it a win no matter what - you choose - - that's Godly And so be it Celeste PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss copyright©, Joanna
Happy healing
For sessions, information, ascension activations -
Styling, creative consulting, ascension webinars, classes, channels, and more - - -
********* 90min $250 USD
********* 40min $125 USD
********* 4x45min $550 USD
unconditional love is this way - -
Happy healing
For sessions, information, ascension activations -
Styling, creative consulting, ascension webinars, classes, channels, and more - - -
********* 90min $250 USD
********* 40min $125 USD
********* 4x45min $550 USD
blessings and light Joanna PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss copyright no other is permitted to teach my illustrations, books, videos, or otherwise - - copyright - - when you do your own alchemy - then you can see, know, feel, what and how reality, how your soul, and how your health is all connected and intertwined - -
You either behave from a wounded space - neutral or healed - and accepting -- - all choose their reality - - your reality never has to be 'tower filled' daily nor disease ridden - - HEAL!
blessings and light Joanna PayPal.me/JoannaLRoss copyright no other is permitted to teach my illustrations, books, videos, or otherwise - - copyright - - when you do your own alchemy - then you can see, know, feel, what and how reality, how your soul, and how your health is all connected and intertwined - -
Decades of abuse - - every person business and city - all will be held accountable and what where how do you think decades of dark, black magic energy and intentions chanting, jar work, and voodoo dolls will go ???? the energy has to go somewhere - then what ?????
you bring natural disasters to your door - - -THEN WHAT ?????
5D OMNI GOD LIGHT will show every corrupt aspect and corner of our cities - -
ALL GO TO MY LAWYER - -- I will not waste a second of my life with any of the past -
All monies, papers, documents, government mess - -must go through my lawyer - - - - corrupt as F - - I will meet with none and I will not DEAL - - -all will go to trial
DISCRIMINATION of the most horrible will be heard and seen - - -
My name, my birth details, and my birth life and all the illegal testing, experimenting - playing with my life is my LEGAL SPRITIUAL and universal RIGHT -
I am a genius - - false claims of who I am and my work and its validity - and not 1 spoke with me nor talk with me - they send 20 minions of hate to my live stream and throw magic spells and hate - - it is corrupt systematic hate attacks to silence any that call out their elite soul harvesting for corrupt agendas - they have no legal right to do - -
they all know it -
try to destory evidence will only do what???? THEN WHAT ???? MORE KARMA
THE ONY WAY OUT AND THROUGH IS REDEMPTION OF your soul that is SOURCE, GOD and is TRUTH and making right - -
These are the basic laws of your souls evolution - why religions will never be your answer - they are limited, 5000 yrs old and will not provide alchemy, honouring, and basic higher evolved truths of our universe - -- - it was a starting point - not meant to be where we sit forever - - - time to grow up - - quantum light is quantum - it will touch all life -
#humanRights are a thing
None has given 1 drop
None has verified my signature
I have no joint bank account
I have been given nothing by the government and the corrupt deeds they have been doing since 1950 - - #projectstargate -- - I told you - - -you have no idea who I am - - and all I asked for was BASIC human treatment - - -
while I sat homeless - and with nothing not eating for weeks - - sit in your hell
She is not a business of sex trade
Grow up
All will be touched by 5D light and all not Aligned will be seen ~ Anubis is waiting
You will not ascend evolve without getting this and living unity consciousness - - your soul is all life, all aspects all SOURCE - - - there is only ONENESS
Not 1 human did 1 ounce to help me Except my couple of clients That have little to give They show up daily They align They give They sit in reverence of truth They will be lifted and protected and given equally Everyone is tested Done Done DONE I AM Joanna PayPal.me/JoannaLross MY LIFE MATTERS I CHOOSE THIS copyright Systematic abuse is not the order of the day - - alignment is needed healing is needed
****************************************** Sessions, links, and hashtags ***************************
Ascension Sessions, Channellings, Healings, Consultations, Webinars, Classes, Styling, Alignment Sessions -
********* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ************ all higher vibrational alignments - - - - ( )
******* 90min $250USD
******* 40min $125USD
******* 4x45min $550USD
It is quite amazing and truly divine and sacred
Thank you for your blessings and donations for the beautiful clients that do ( you know who you are )
My light and rainbow prayers and protection for you always - - - -
copyright copyright ©
- I am the prophecy and you intentionally raped my soul life and took money over doing right Gods directing your ship now Karma is Universal laws are - you are threaded with all - Love and light Divine blessings Joanna PayPal.me/JoannaLross copyright ©,
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ASCENSION, CREATIVE CONSULTING, Styling, Healing, Activations
Donations and ascension sessions -
****** 90min $250USD
******* 4x45min $550USD
******* 40min $125USD
#ascension #selflove #selfcare #healinghumanity #healingourplanet #SoulMates #twinFlames
* Classes, Webinars, Consulting only, Styling, Healing, Systems Leadership, Creative Genius Activations and Alignments ~ preparing, healing for 5D New Earth Star Timelines
******* 40min $125USD
******* 90min $250USD
******** 4x45min $550USD
And so be a few important ascension truths to take you beyond where you were a moment ago - - - - #ascension #consciousness
Blessings and light
You are dearly loved
copyright ©
Blessings and light
Sessions ********** 40min $125USD
Sessions *************** 90min $250USD